Joe the Plumber vs. the Fourth Estate
Michelle Malkin writes about Joe the Plumber turned Joe the Journalist and the media’s sniffin’ at the thought that anyone of us commoners can do what they do. Joe the Plumber is going to southern Israel for ten days for Pajama Media TV.
Michelle uses this video to illustrate that it’s not that hard to be a journalist, actually, especially when they think things like this pass as real news. Notice the fake CPR treatment;
When you look at the way we’ve had to circumvent the media in the last eight years to get the real news, it only makes sense that regular people make the trip to news events to get us the story. Michelle brings up the most glaring example of citizen journalists Michael Yon who brought us the news that the surge was working simply by being on the scene and not having a editor to convince.
But there are other examples that are lesser known. Blackfive has been sending it’s bloggers to the war zone for quite some time. Last year, Blackfive, in conjuction with Vets For Freedom, sent former members of the military back to Iraq and Afghanistan for their on-the-scene, expert reporting.That’s how we knew the surge had worked months before the Democrats told the media they could admit it.
If you hadn’t seen my report of the Muslim attacking a Jew on a street corner in Washington DC, you wouldn’t have known it happened at all. If Charles Johnson hadn’t made the “throbbing letter” thing in 2004, Dan Rather would have gotten away with his “false but accurate” reporting.
The American media has become a political organ and they’ve lost any credibility they’ve ever had – it’s time for a revolution. A revolution that has been going on for eight years and the media never noticed.
Category: Politics
The media isn’t afraid of Joe The Plumber.
The media is afraid of the truth Joe The Plumber will report is going to embarass them.
Strange, it was a CNN info-babe who sniffed that Joe couldn’t possible report from Israel, because he “isn’t even a journalist”. Then they run the phony CPR vid. Which real jounalist got that one to you, CNN? I hope that CNN loses their last 12 viewers, and shuts up shop, or just shuts up.