Tuesdays with Claymore
Sorry folks, but we miss another week of our installment of glances into the insanity at Democratic Underground – its been taking them longer to fix the forum than one might expect. Their explanation is at the link above.
Others have more reasonable opinions of the hack;
Category: Tuesdays with Claymore
The first two sentences of that delusional paranoia were all that I can take, Claymore.
These people must be hiding in their bedroom closets with the door held shut tight by a bungee cord, or something like that.
Seriously, whoever comes up with that kind of response to an open, fair process is blatantly paranoid. You can’t even reason with them. I know that their disappointment runs deep and dark, but’GOP terrorists’???? I don’t believe any kind of therapy or medication would do anything to change their reaction.
My favorite theme is that of the vast right wing media conspiracy against Hillary. Who knew that MSNBC, CNN, et al were rabidly anti-Clinton?
Right in back of it is how Comey was an evenhanded patriot… then asshole..then an impartial good guy… then the one who cost Cankles the election – can’t tell the Comeys apart without a timeline and a scorecard.
I’m mostly putting this at the feet of people who think contests, such as sports, should not be allowed to exist. That, and panic-attack hysterical rhetoric that feeds the fears they already have, is what is driving this.
They lost. We won. End of story. They’ll shut up some day.
And I thought InfoWars was full of conspiracy theory horseshit….
These dumb bastards are living along side us, but clearly experiencing a different reality than I am each day. I am amazed when I read these pieces, I understand we have racist assholes and misogynist assholes and homophobic assholes all over the country. However those groups aren’t getting bigger, they are in fact getting smaller which is to be expected.
I’m unaware of any “Trump Brigades” that are being conscripted to round up people and take away their civil liberties.
When I look at Trump and his history I’m amazed that anyone can think the man is any kind of a conservative. In interview after interview over his lifetime there is nothing to suggest that he’s a right wing conservative. That so many people think he is one either speaks to their own lack of ability to read simple words, or Trump’s handlers selling an image….
He’s already backed away from several things in recent interviews that were talking points during the campaign. With Giuliani stating it makes no sense to go after Hillary I think another message is being sent….I have a feeling the people who voted against him will be as surprised as the people who voted for him when it comes to what kind of president they are getting. Trump is not and never was an ideologue, he’s a pragmatist. Pragmatists don’t start holy wars or large scale social movements…pragmatists are deal makers…and we need someone to make some better deals.
It is. But DU is just as full, or perhaps even more so.
To paraphrase a famous TV ad campaign: “I’m lovin’ it!”
Yeah, it’s the gift that keeps on giving. After eight years of suffering the commie/marxist/progressive bastards, the knucklehead in the White House with the “phone and pen,” that SOB Reid and his little sister, Pelosi, it’s pure joy to watch these Tards lose it altogether.
Ya gotta have some faith here brother.
I had a good gut feeling about Trump when he announced. The crap you read about him changing his mind about things is just speculation at this point. They are now saying that the administration is in over its head and disorganized and falling apart too.
Well, didn’t they say that about him a few thousand times over the past few months.
We have a good cadre of real conservative politicians in the House and Senate that will work with him to implement the vision of Making America Great Again.
I firm;y believe that he will do a good job, if you listened to his speeches, he sounded remarkably like Reagan in his vision of America way back when.
I’m not trying to pick a fight with you here VOV, its just that, Good lord, its only been a week for crying out loud…
Wow… the little SJW have the vapors over at DU, don’t they? Looks like all the Pamprin and Mydol in the world won’t take away all of the hurt that they have. Sucks to be them… WAAAAA-FUCKING-WAAAAA!
I would hope that the Free Shit Army and the rest of the DUers and other SJW’s realize that they are no longer the “special snowflakes” that they think they are, wash their asses and grow the fuck up.
The end of SS? Oh no, you mean I’ll have extra money to put in my own private 401k? Oh god the horror.
Privatize the VA? Because the govt has been so effective in meeting our needs.
Haha, that VA comment, at least to me, is what I’d consider best-case scenario.
Wow, the sad thing is, with the reference, this could easily be one of my siblings, or at the very least a friend of theirs.I’m not on facebook, but i hear the delusional liberal rants they’ve been posting have been epic. it’s truly amazing that people this stupid remember to breath…ahh well, for now, as some smarter than me on here would say, i think i’ll stock up on popcorn and beer, and watch the show!
“reference to Colorado” wow i need more coffee
Hmmmm. Interesting thought buried in that mess: protesters as terrorists. I’ll have to give that some thought. Certainly, on the state level, that is a cognizable possibility.
Before I delve into it, let me say that the notion of prosecuting those who protest illegally and pitch a bottle, a rock, or toss a tear-gas grenade back at police as terrorists is, to me idiotic. But I didn’t write or approve the domestic terrorism laws and they have been abused over the past few years to prosecute jerks who committed crimes but were not, by any application of common sense, terrorists.
I was so disappointed their site went down on the eve of the election. The comments on their that night would have been EPIC!
They all retreated back to their safe spaces and got the therapy puppies out to soothe their hurt feelings !!!
Regarding Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, this Forbes article, while brief, takes a hard look at reforms in all of those systems. You have to get past the quote from Bishop Sheen, but that’s also worth a look.
Ryan’s proposal was/is to raise the Social Security age to 67. No one, anywhere, has said ‘eliminate SocSec’.
The hysterics these people get into prevail over facts, which they don’t want. They KNOW better because they got their info from some whack-job site that promotes and encourages their paranoid delusions.
Including ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ in that crap comment means that the moron who wrote that didn’t read the book. I did. That eroding, dysfunctional system was the result of extreme ‘liberalism’ taking over, becoming a dictatorship. Women were running everything behind the scenes, so that’s pure bullshit. But you can’t tell them that, because their minds are made up. I don’t know how on earth they can actually call themselves ‘liberal’, when they aren’t one bit liberal.
I don’t know how they get up and go to work in the morning. Do any of them actually have jobs? Their free shit didn’t happen. That alone makes me happy.
You are more than welcome to try talking sense to my sister; I’m not getting anywhere with her. I can’t believe the stuff coming out of her mouth — Nazi Germany, death squads, internment camps, nukes…it’s like something has possessed her!
There’s one in every family. Actually, if you’re lucky, there’s only one.
You have my sympathy, PN. I haven’t talked to my own sister about any of this, but I detest cat fights so that may take a while.
Let your sister simmer and ask her in a few weeks if a death squad has shown up on her doorstep yet. Send her a box of cookies or something.
From my sisters Linkedin page:
Digital Media Director
United States Online Media
Current Director of Digital Services, Broadcast at Calkins Media Inc.
Past Director of Digital Content at CBS 5 News, Vice President of Audience Development at Evening Post Industries, Director of Digital | Real…
Education Georgia Institute of Technology, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Georgia Institute of Technology
Summary • 15 years of experience in news media with 10 in digital • Web site design, usability, site architecture; Javascript,…
She makes Liberals sound weak. At least she is consistent, she has always suffered from the disability of being a Libtard.
You are not alone…we all have that part of the family that we are ashamed of.
Yep, I have two sisters, and the husband of one of them ( I refuse to acknowledge that he’s in anyway related to me, even by law) that are complete full on kool-aid drinking moonbats, and have been going ” full retard” on facebook since the election…
Global warming? Not so much.
Coal-fired power plants? You bet.
Buy the world a Coke? F ’em. Let ’em get their own.
Secret deal w/ Iran? No need to repudiate it. The Iranians violated at least twice already by exceeding the hard-water limitation. Just enforce the terms of the deal.
Ransom for hostages? How about drones for hostages, instead.
Big dream: Overhaul federal court system.
Immigration? No problem. We are a welcoming nation. Illegal aliens? Load up the cargo planes. Well….Bye.
I do have concerns about what a Trump administration will do. Pushing non-science mythology into a biology classroom is one of them. I am also concerned about SCOTUS appointments. I am always concerned when government mandates what choice I must pick on issues. I have no problem with people who are pro-life as a choice. I have no problem with people who are not…as a choice. I am anti-Islam because Islam is anti-Me. As much as I despise Islam and all it stands for, I defend the right for people to have that choice. I use my rights to convince people that their choices may be wrong on many issues. I also cherish the right to hear from others that my opinions may often be wrong or inaccurate. I do not like Donald J. Trump as a choice for president. I believe we could have done much better. I also think most Americans agree with that. Not all people who voted for Trump are racists. The fact is almost none of the people who voted for him are. Sadly however, I would say that of the small tiny fraction of racists in this country who voted, they all voted for Trump. There are not 60 million Libtards in this country. Those who voted Clinton in large part, are just as concerned about this nation as the rest of us. If Trump fills his administration with far right appointments he will have squandered this rare opportunity to bring balance to government. Not right or left and not do nothing middle of the road. He has an opportunity to fix things that have been deadlocked for decades. He is not as far right as many people assume he is. He was a Democrat until just a few years ago. I believe that almost nobody has figured out why Trump won. I think he won because people are tired of being called racist if they want our borders protected. They are tired of being called bigots for wanting to determine if extremists are coming to our shores. They are tired of having religious… Read more »
You know…they have a Facebook page…I’ll just put this here for safe keeping…
One of those responders said ‘no way a forum would be down this long’. I wondered about that myself, and since I don’t know what internet server they used, it’s possible they weren’t hacked as much as just shut down by the service provider.
But what do I know? My computer is 13 years old, practically an antique.
Most IPs would have had at least rudimentary back-ups in place to restore content to some degree. Not sure who’s hosting their crap, but if they didn’t have a recovery plan of some flavor, they’re the crappiest provider on the planet. Were they hosted by some fly-by-night budget service to keep costs down? Possibly. Should they have been restored to at least baseline functionality by now? In my world they would have been, especially if they were a paying client. At the very least this looks suspicious, but as Hanlon once said, “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”
We experienced DDos attacks almost daily a few years back and we were usually back up before anyone noticed. But then I pay serious cash for our hosting.
They are probably so cheap, they still use AOL dial-up and a 16.6 modem to go online…
Maybe it had to go down to be bleach-bit cleaned for Hillary emails? You know – the server in the bathroom trick and someone drunk-spewed all over it instead of into the toilet.
I’d be willing to bet that this isn’t a denial of service, but rather they were cut off for not paying the bill for the site.
Well, Skinner’s Wife was a Hillary Staffer which explained the sites purge of Bernie supporters, and many of the Du’h crowd believe the site was taken down to stop an expected flow of rage at Skinner for supporting Hillary
DU is back online for [Red] Star Members only. Keeps the undesirables out. That would be you and me. Say, I wonder how many paying [Red] Star Members DU has. I wonder if they found the six-year old who brought down the site yet.