Thaddeus Dionne Alexander
This Air Force veteran has a message for the protesters who oppose the Trump presidency;
His video is closing in on 20 million views and he was on Fox & Friends this morning.
Added from Fox News;
He said there are violent protesters out there who also want to do away with the Second Amendment as a way to end violence.
“You’re causing all this destruction just because your candidate lost! See, that’s the problem with this country. You can’t always get your way. … Quit being crybabies!” he said.
Alexander said many protesters are behaving like “two-year-olds,” setting fires and blocking roads, making people late for work, because they didn’t like the election’s outcome.
“I’m glad I don’t live in New York City or Washington or Oregon because I would run one of your asses over!” he said, adding that this mentality is why Trump is going to be president.
“Because we’re tired of you crybabies. You didn’t earn anything. None of you put on a uniform, but you’re equipped to disrespect the flag, to not say the Pledge of Allegiance, not recognize the Bible. You didn’t fight for anything, but you want it. It doesn’t work like that!”
Alexander said this morning that he wants all Americans to realize the great country that they have and to start having some pride in it.
“We need to preserve this country. We need to stop burning flags. We need to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and we need to be proud of what we have here,” he said.
Category: Veterans in the news
He was interviewed on Fox & Friends this morning. Seems like he’s a smart, articulate, decent guy.
Very personable and his opinions are right on the money!
Is that you, Joe Biden?
(Just joking. Couldn’t resist.)
I knew I was up for some ribbing for “articulate.”
Well, when one listens enough times to Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, most NBA/NCAA basketball player interviews, and one has any experience dealing with inner-city denizens, it’s easy to think that folks such as Alexander are the exception.
Well, slap my ass and call me Charlie! I just had USAgasm!
Someone is scolding the Disgruntleds on Monday morning and I haven’t even had breakfast yet!
Go get ’em, Dionne!
You win the internet!!!
That’s our Ex-PH2 !!!!
One and only Ex-PH2.
Good airtime, articulate, on-the-money.
Is this really Monday?
Where is the transcription of what he said?
Sorry, no time to watch that and I can read about 10 times faster than people can talk.
See Spot run…
Well, good for you. I didn’t know we had someone from the ‘special troops battalion’ here.
If you think that a mere transcription can convey the full meaning of what is spoken, then I think we’ve identified one of your intellectual failures.
That was a fun watch…
Now his life matters! Why can’t the rest of his brothers get the idea? You can’t sit on the corner and sell crack all day and never get a job, then bitch when the cops come and bust your worthless ass and put you in jail. Then some liberal bedwetting judge puts you back out on the street before the ink is dry on the arrest report for you to do it all over again. This while fathering countless children that you will never support and let the system raise them on their free cheese! You could all learn something from this great man! If you don’t like our president, then follow his advice and leave! Nobody is holding a gun to your head to make you stay here? See how much free cheese you will get in Mexico???
yea because all black dudes sell crack and are jobless…
you’re a smart one.
That was awesome! I’m going to send it to my liberal siblings who have been having a hissy-fit on facebook, and see what kind of creative names they call me / him for it!
Can I get an AMEN!? 🙂
For the most part, I like and agree with Mr. Alexander. This part, however, is troubling to me: You didn’t earn anything. None of you put on a uniform, but you’re equipped to disrespect the flag, to not say the Pledge of Allegiance, not recognize the Bible. You didn’t fight for anything, but you want it. It doesn’t work like that!” Wearing a uniform is not a per-requisite for speaking out. Not wearing a uniform is no more permission to destroy things in the name of a cause than having served is permission to destroy other people’s property as a protest. Some of the Founding fathers (Adams, Hancock, etc) never served in even a militia unit but we don’t discount their views. My mother worked at a bank and also at a defense plant during WWII. Her brother was not fit for service, but he was a foreman making Higgins boats. Did my mom and uncle lose their voice to “seek redress,” to protest, or speak out simply because they did not serve in the military? “Disrespect” is, in some ways, dependent upon the item or object being challenged. By that I mean, while some of us would say stomping and spitting on a Bible is disrespectful, stomping and spitting on a Koran may not be. The “respect” is how we feel about the idea or object. If one can respect it, then it can be disrespected. Using “you didn’t serve” to stifle dissent is as disingenuous to me as “you’re a racist” when in response to criticism of Obama or “you don’t like her because she is a woman” when discussing Hillary. It doesn’t address the issues. The idea that one can burn or cause damage is wrong independent of whether one served. The idea that protesters of any type can try to take or disrupt my rights is wrong independent of military service. It just seems odd to me that men and women who serve in the military and rightfully say “we served to protect your rights and freedoms” would then turn around and say “your use of… Read more »
You are correct, but I think what he really is trying to say is that most of these whinny, snotnose shitheads are cowards and would not dream of putting on a uniform OR doing ANYTHING patriotic like all the people you mentioned, yet they want their way. But how would these same dickheads act if we did what they are doing if the Hildabeast had won?
He’s not the only one, I’d hang out and drink some beer with this guy any day:
I’m with Dionne. Yeah, what he said.
Great stuff Dionne. Get a youtube page if you haven’t yet. only place i found your stuff was WOW VIDEOS.
Keep telling the truth!
Aman brother love what you been saying. Keep up the good work. Thanks for your service to our country