Manning wants Obama to cut 35 year sentence

| November 14, 2016

manning tears

The New York Times reports that Bradley Manning has petitioned the President to reduce his 35-year sentence for being a traitor to “time served” because he didn’t intentionally intend to hurt any of his fellow soldiers or to damage the national security of the United States. That was his gender dysphoria talking.

“I am not asking for a pardon of my conviction,” she wrote. “I understand that the various collateral consequences of the court-martial conviction will stay on my record forever. The sole relief I am asking for is to be released from military prison after serving six years of confinement as a person who did not intend to harm the interests of the United States or harm any service members.”

Ms. Manning’s petition was accompanied by letters of support from Daniel Ellsberg, who is famous for leaking a classified history of the Vietnam War known as the Pentagon Papers; Morris Davis, a former military commissions chief prosecutor; and Glenn Greenwald, a legal commentator and journalist who has been an outspoken supporter.

Yeah, that’s who I want in my corner, Daniel Ellsberg and Glenn Greenwald. Manning probably doesn’t have much hope for an appeal to the next President.

I expect that next he’ll try to convince someone that it was his male identity that committed the crime and now that he’s female, that isn’t the person that committed the crime, so they have the wrong person in prison.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Do the crime, do the time. Enjoy Leavenworth for the next couple of decades, Bradley.


The little fruitcake a.h. has been listening to Comey, saying the hilldabitch “didn’t intend” to expose classified material, it was only a matter of time until some a.h. used that line as a defense…one good thing though , if they put the queer little bastard out, we wouldn’t be stuck paying for his danglers removal!! Someone on the street with a sharp knife could do that for him/heem/her!


If you hate it so much, Bradley, finish the job you’ve started two times already, but didn’t complete.


Caitlyn Jenner should kick Manning in nuts for trying to play the T card.


Anyone want to bet that Manning’s name will be one of hundreds to get a pardon or commutation on Obama’s way out of office? I also predict that the list will be full of the key players in the Clinton e-mail and Clinton Foundation scandals, and the IRS scandals.


I’ll take that bet. What are the stakes?


Obama can pardon for federal crimes done in the past but I don’t think for crimes not yet prosecuted or civil violations. Therefore, since Hillary has yet to be charged there is nothing to pardon and the Clinton Foundation would be civil unless it were found to have taken donations from foreign enemies. But, hey, I’m not a lawyer, just listening to people smarter than me about these things.


Ford pardoned Nixon pre-prosecution, didn’t he?


Oh, goody! Another Monday morning attention-whoring whine from little Bradley, and I do mean ‘little’ in every possible way.

No dice, stoopid. You made your bed. Now you get to lie in it. In them there Olden Times, they used to shoot traitors.

2/17 Air Cav

Wait one second. I thought it wanted to do away with itself. It can’t have it both ways, dead and sentence commuted. Pick one, It.


Well, there’s the problem. Wait till he offs himself, then commute the sentence. Problem solved, right?

2/17 Air Cav

Well, that would be true if it were a pardon but it’s not possible to commute a sentence for a used-to-be. On the other hand, Its sentence could be commuted and then It offs itself, but I don’t like that option: It could change its mind once out.

MSG Eric

no no no. He doesn’t want to die. He only attempts to remain relevant.

Silentium Est Aureum

Suck it up, bitch.


“reduce his 35-year sentence for being a traitor to “time served” because he didn’t intentionally intend to hurt any of his fellow soldiers or to damage the national security of the United States”

Isn’t that like asking a judge to toss out some one’s case because during an armed bank robbery they committed they never “intentionally” intended to kill someone during the commission of it?

And speaking of pardons, could Obama legally pardon Bergdahl? Seems like it would make quite a stain on his legacy if Bergdahl was found guilty.

A blurb on ABC news this morning stated that prosecutors filed a motion in October asking to delay the trial by several months until May 2017.


Regrettably, yes he can.

While it’s my understanding the POTUS cannot issue a prospective pardon (e.g., a pardon for future crimes), he can indeed issue a preemptive pardon (a pardon for crimes committed in the past but for which no indictment has been obtained or which have not yet been prosecuted). Ford did precisely that when he pardoned Nixon.



If the Article 32 hearing has been completed, aren’t charges preferred at that time? Wouldn’t that then be an “indictment” from the UCMJ stand point? If so, can POTUS still pardon him if no conviction has been obtained?



My understanding is yes. As I understand it, neither indictment nor prosecution nor conviction is required before the POTUS can issue a pardon. All that’s required is that the criminal act be (1) a Federal crime, (2) not involve a case of impeachment, and (3) have occurred in the past.

Ford issued Nixon a blanket pardon for all Federal crimes committed while Nixon served as POTUS. Nixon was never indicted or tried for any of those acts.


Thank you.

I won’t speculate further about the decline in discipline if a pardon is issued. I will just continue to instill discipline and honor into my Airmen.


Keep the faith Manning, Brother Bergdahl hopefully will be joining you sometime after Jan 20,1917.


opps 2017

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Technically both are correct dates, one much more current than the other, but it’s all good we knew what you meant…after all Bergdahl will be joining after 1-20-1917, just long after that date…


Well, gee, if it’s 1917, then wasn’t the death penalty for treason still in force?

We could put those two in the Wayback Machine and get a hearing/court martial for each of them, and just take care of things right there, right? Hey, I’ll volunteer for that trip.


Because they get to play at idealized versions of the times. They’re not stuck with the reality.

Renaissance fairs and SCA are fun, as long as you don’t have to deal with the filth & disease present at that time. Women were especially subject to being treated as property.

Even the Civil War era is horrible in comparison to modern times. I cite dentistry in evidence. 🙂 That’s not to mention anti-biotics, which were originally known as “miracle drugs” back in the day.

MSG Eric

I’ve heard a bunch of whiny liberals talking about how much of the country is stuck in the past pre-1950, because they voted for Trump. So, sure. why not.


If the ‘past’ is so awful, then why do people buy renovated antique gas stoves? Or dress up as Roman soldiers or knights in armor and ladies of the court? Why would anyone bother with an old car that’s been sitting in a garage since 1968?

Why? Because the past ain’t quite so awful, after all.


Good point… as I sit here enjoying some Nilsson and Morrison classics.


Ooops. My reply should have been here, not above. My bad. 🙂

2/17 Air Cav

The issue of pardons has been raised several times here in recent weeks. If oBaMa wants to pardon, he can do so today. If he wants to commute his sentence, he has to wait until there is a conviction and a sentence. The request for the trial delay until May has to do with the prosecution’s request to acquire certain classified info from the DoD. Personally, I don’t know why. They could probably find what they need on Weiner’s laptop or on Clinton’s personal server.

MSG Eric

They could even call Julian Assange as a witness to provide expert wikileaks testimony.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well every president issues a lot of pardons…here’s some Bush gave:

And Obama’s:

The Other Whitey

“Didn’t intentionally hurt anyone…”

How about the (actual) female Soldier that the Wannabe-Eunuch Bradley Manning physically assaulted? She kicked his ass and made him cry like the little bitch he is, but it started when he violently attacked her. More like “Intended to hurt someone, but failed miserably at that and had it bit me hard in the ass, just like with everything else.”

Even if we accepted his dishonest assertion, well, then there’s still that whole thing about actions having consequences. He either knew what he was doing and deserves to be stood against a wall and shot for treason, or he’s really that stupid and deserves to be shot in the interests of properly culling the gene pool.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

With respect to the gene pool it looks like his genes won’t contaminate any pool once he takes his outie and turns it into the innie that his inner woman so desires….

MSG Eric

Definitely a plus, same as Bergdahl. Neither will spawn any further.


Yeah Bradley, maybe you didn’t mean to intentionally hurt anyone….

…you just didn’t care if you did.

You wanted to be a hero right? Well, one thing that all heroes have in common…..sacrifice. If you truly think what you did was right, take your licks with dignity and shut up.


I’d guess the government has already cut enough off of BradleyGirl Manning.

MSG Eric

I don’t see Obama touching either Manning or Bergdahl with a ten meter cattle prod.

Giving them pardons would destroy his popularity. While the LGBT(how many ever letters they’re up to now) crowd might love Manning being out, the rest of America would be pissed off.

Same with Hillary. The only reason I see him giving her a pardon is if she tells him she’ll throw him under the bus for her server that he knew about. Which, she would in a hot second, which may or may not sway her supporters to comprehending how evil she truly is. Though all the black voters who didn’t vote for her will feel vindicated.

At the end of the day, Manning getting a pardon is a death sentence for him. Same as Bergdahl. Too many people have severe hate for them enough to track them down and end them. Not that I, or anyone I know would of course. I’ll just be sitting here eating popcorn and celebrating if it happens.

2/17 Air Cav

There are up to five, I think. Believe it or not, they have added a Q, for queer. Don’t ask me. I thought they were all queer.

The Other Whitey

I thought they said queer was one of those “bad words” you’re not supposed to say. Now they’re using it. What the fuck?


Try this one LGBTQQIAPP

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Allies, Polyamorous and Pansexual.

I shit you not…I was forced to read about and write papers on this shit last semester in a doctoral level Cultural Sensitivity course.

To be fair, the college and instructor were not pushing an agenda. I wrote truthfully and often pointed out errors in the linear thinking of the textbook author and failure to provide convincing data to support his assertions, but caught no flack for doing so.


What in the world are you doing doctoral studies in that would require that? That would irk me as a waste of time and tuition for sure.

Glad the instructor was a good one.


Health Education…the other courses have been nothing like that cultural sensitivity class, but it is required or I would have taken a pass on it.


Did you go see someone for electroshock therapy or a swift kick in the junk after that class? “Cultural sensitivity” – YHGTBFKM?


Working with the troops and other vets on Fort Bragg keeps me sane and centered. Dunno what I would do if I had to work in a place full of rainbow riding sparkle ponies.


Why can’t it be more simple? Sexual Identity Dysfunction is all-encompassing, isn’t it? Or if Dysfunction is UNSAT, then Questioning. SID or SIQ covers a lot of ground, doesn’t it?

We can call you ‘Doc’ for real now, right?


lol….actually it’s my second doctoral degree….so maybe just call me Double D? lol


Doc Squared?


call me anything…just call


What they sometimes refer to as “kinesiology”, teaching folks how to exercise and maintain physical fitness?

Closest I’ve come is ARC Instructor. Teaching folks how to do CPR on those who’ve eaten too much fried chicken…

Bill M

Well at least they didn’t appropriate LSMFT. That would be a shame.

2/17 Air Cav





The only good side of a Manning pardon is that he will be discharged and the DOD will no longer be on the hook for his chopmydickoffme.

Bill M

I wouldn’t put it past Obama to either pardon Manning or to commute its sentence. Also possibly pardon Bergdahl. He’d see it as one final FU to the troops. I’d hate to see it, but it just wouldn’t surprise me at all. The man has no real respect for the military.


Screw him. The little twit didn’t care about our nation so why should we care about him.



Wilted Willy

I say just cut off his weiner and be done with it! I wouldn’t give him an innie or anything else, I hope he has to piss thru a straw for the rest of his miserable life! I sure hope he is successful on his next attempt, maybe they should give him some classes or get him an appointment with Doctor Death??


He’s crying now, because he and his lawer know that Trump won’t give him one after January 20th. Or, he’s all menstrual about having to wait for his wangerectomy.

Enjoy Leavenworth, Bradley… you still have 29 years to go, bytch.

Semper Idem

OK; I’m game with Manning copping a plea and getting out with time served…with the understanding that the traitorous gender-bender be declared legally incompetent and have a guardian over his affairs for the rest of his life.

I wonder what the rest of you think about that?

2/17 Air Cav

Manning was convicted of violating the Espionage Act. That conviction resulted in a 35-year sentence. No plea copping is possible. I think you have meshed Manning and Bergdahl. I hope so, anyway.

A Proud Infidel®™

Bradley Manning can go sit and spin on a pile of rusty tangles barbed wire wrapped in diarrhea-soaked asbestos for all I care.


Get him in touch with the Hemlock Society. It’s a win-win. Traitor


It’s my considered opinion that Bradley Manning is the equivalent of an empty tuna can. And we all need a good laugh, right?

Here you go.


Fukkabunch of what Bradley wants.


The hell with cutting his 35 year sentence. The only thing that should be cut is his dick. Oh, wait, that’s what he wants. F… him for another 29 years. Trash traitor.


We could relocate him to Bikini Atoll..tropical, beautiful, leukemia inducing.

It is, how you say? Win/win!

A Proud Infidel®™

OR the Trinity Site in NM!


LOL…that site is not “ready” for him to occupy it with the level of comfort he may desire….

Kudos to those who get the reference…


I think it has been long enough to show a little compassion and cut it some slack considering the new President and all. I vote we reduce it’s sentence 1 month for every year served. So, let’s see, that leaves….28.5 yrs left.


Pardon me, but I don’t give a flying flipping fig newton what he wants. Actually, there is no need to ever hear his name uttered by anyone.

And, in case you wonder, I could do without ever seeing a pic of him again. He’s a traitor.

Done deal. No further consideration is needed.



Mark Lauer

Ah, they’re attempting the “If-Hillary-did-it-so-can-I” defense.