A Musical “Shout-Out” to Campaign 2016

| November 9, 2016

Had machine issues last night and continuing into this AM.  I have to say that it was very nice to wake up to a truly pleasant surprise.

Many media “talking heads” and other libidiot fools must be damn near apoplectic – or possibly even suicidial – this morning.  Good to see them get a well-deserved comeuppance from the American voters.

Anyway: as a result of those issues, my musical “coda” for the campaign season was delayed until now.  So here ya go: three from the late muse Warren Zevon.  They IMO sum things up fairly well, from three different perspectives.

In honor of the Trump campaign – which thankfully IMO turned out well in spite of itself.



For the American public, who indeed IMO found the “next best thing”.  IMO Trump certainly isn’t a perfect choice, but considering the alternatives, well . . . .



And, finally:  a suggestion for Clintoon, her close confidantes, and perhaps a number of those in the current DC Klown Krewe.  If there’s any justice, many of them will certainly need at least the first and third items starting on 21 January.



Well done, American public.  Damn well done.

Category: Politics

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Naw, anybody who has a whiff of scandal on him/her will get a pardon from BHO as a final “screw you!” to the Republicans.

USMC Steve

Not if they were never indicted or convicted. Remember that one is innocent until proven guilty, so a presumptive pardon is impossible. Also, the Supreme Court can overrule a pardon given reason.

E-6 type, 1 ea

YES! PFC Bowe Bergdahl is so, so fucked right now.

That makes my heart smile.

Peter the Bubblehead

If that were true, Nixon could not have been pardoned by Ford.


Raunchy “Maddcow” and Aimless Schumer both messed their pants and threw tantrums on tv….love it!!!

Club manager

One idiot CNN reporter explained Trump’s victory as “white backlash to a changing society” Damn Skippy it was backlash but more about all of the bullshit that has been piled on average working Americans of all races and federal regulations, loss of world prestige, etc. Look at the electoral map, heartland America elected the next president. We now need to rename the “First Lady” to “First Hottie”


The tears of all the celebrities who ‘told’ us how to think and vote taste delicious right now. So salty and bitter at the same time. One was in “tears”, another told us “we had ONE job”, and one said “you failed America”. Seeing Hollyweird implode is almost as good as seeing CNN and FoxNews lose their minds last night.


Shouldn’t there be a mass exodus going on right now? All those “I’m moving to xxx. if he wins” folks?

I’ll help pack.


They crashed the Canadian immigration Web site last night. For real.


Don’t hold your breathe, the lying slugs said that when Bush was elected too…like smart alec baldwin, sniveling whiny jerk, this time its that talking head “stepping in it” and his ignorant wife….wanna bet they don’t have the guts to get the hell out of the country?


Thanks Hondo, seeing as how I have to do crappy Admin tasks today (they used to call it paper work) instead of doing what they pay me for. Great musical selection for the election and my day.


Wikileaks has provided emails that prove Clinton’s campaign organized the violent protests at Trump rallies. The DNC talking points provided to the MSM accuse Trump supporters of the violence. The MSM, as always, on it’s knees, lips wrapped around the DNC propaganda spigot sucking down and swallowing whatever is pumped into them like good little punks, endlessly repeat that bullshit.

Even as they were awaiting the final calls, the MSM including FOX, did nothing but rehash every slimy smear, lie and distortion provided by their DNC thought-masters.

They’ve all earned the Full Mussolini.

To the leftists. All the leftists:

Not your president? Then not our citizens.