Trump; getting here from there

| November 9, 2016

Those of us who are old enough to remember the 1980 election can’t help but compare it with last night. After losing the 1976 primary to Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan made himself the anti-Carter. Whatever Carter did, the media would find Reagan of the opposite opinion.

When the media wasn’t asking him, Reagan would use the only conservative media outlets to talk to Americans directly without the filter. Back then, there was only Commentary and the National Review magazines and William F. Buckley’s “Firing Line” TV show. Reagan or one of his supporters would appear at every opportunity in one of those mediums.

Reagan was also portrayed by Democrats to be a wild-eyed loose cannon who shouldn’t have his finger on the button – it had worked for them against Goldwater in 1964. Sound familiar?

Trump has been doing the media thing since 2012 by calling in to Fox & Friends every Monday morning at about 8 AM. That way, Trump got around the media to talk directly to a large group of conservative Americans and he became the anti-Obama so that folks who opposed the way Obama was running the country associated electing Trump as being the way to fix that – the same way they associated Reagan as the cure for Carter. Trump message didn’t have to run his message through a media filter on Fox News.

That worked for Reagan and again for Trump, so you can be sure that no other Republican will ever do it again.

The Trump campaign is now touting “secret” Trump voters for pushing him over the top last night. I can plead guilty to that label. I wasn’t sure how I was going to vote right up until yesterday morning when I watched a clip of Clinton screeching at her supporters and I decided that anything I did other than vote for Trump would subject me to that shrieking harpy’s voice for four years. So, I didn’t make up my mind until yesterday.

Category: Politics

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You choose wisely, ye ruler of blog. Welcome to the light.


Actually it’s the Dark Side, but we have cookies.


And fudge brownies, with lots of nuts.


The nuts are a given, GB. I mean, just look around!


Yep. And a mixed bag of nuts it is!


But I have no nuts. I only have chocolate. (kicks rock)


And possibly a sammich?


Is there any possibility bacon is involved in this thread?


No. Out of bacon right now. But I have errands to run so I might get bacon, lettuce and tomatoes while I’m at it. Already have chips.

A Proud Infidel®™

Oooh, BLT/ COUNT ME IN make mine with mustard, NO MAYO!! 😀


arrrrgh…mustard on a BLT? nauseating lol


Got some pretty good maters at Publix yesterday. BTW, this Friday, 11NOV, Publix is offering a 10% discount for ANY military member, past or present with valid ID. I’ll post this elsewhere tomorrow so more can see it.


Damn, Jonn, you mean all those anti-Hillary pieces of mine that you graciously posted here didn’t have you trembling with eagerness to push the button for Trump? Both my index fingers are probably several millimeters shorter than they were pre-election from all my bi-digital pounding on this keyboard and you still weren’t convinced until election day?

Damn, that hurts!

But seriously, thanks for providing me with a forum to express my political views. If all those pieces made only a single TAH reader reconsider voting for Hillary, it was damn well worth the time and effort put into them.

I’ll warn you now though, if Trump and a Republican Congress don’t begin to rebuild our armed forces, I’ll be pounding this keyboard again. I’ll probably start by suggesting that the first Obama appointee to be replaced should be that liberal twink, Ray Mabus, and the first appointment to be made is General James Mattis as Secretary of Defense. Mattis is only 66, intellectually and militarily brilliant and widely respected by his colleagues.

The Other Whitey

Mattis should be our President!


And get a replacement for that moron Ash Carter. Maybe MCPONYC Ret could take the job.


What Poetrooper said. Just telling people ‘go vote’ must have had some sort of subliminal mantra embedded in it that worked. It was the packed balloting room that impressed me.


I and my better half voted on Friday and what did it was listening to my sister in law cry about all the bad that’s do to the country and how evil they are… talk about brainwashed. That’s what set me over the line. And I was blinded by the light

JarHead Pat

TRUMP TRAIN 2116 BABY, fuck you and fuck you and fuck you, he kicked her fat hairy ass, hahahahahahhahahahhah I watched a few seconds of those cnn cunts that fag van jones was crying on air hahahahhahahahahaha, GOOD JOB POTUS TRUMP.

The Other Whitey

Wolf Blitzer was a whiny little bitch. No bias on CNN my Black Irish ass.

E-6 type, 1 ea

We were streaming CNN last night. The more states that turned red, the more the “reporters” would stutter. It was pretty damn funny!

Bill M

Caught a bit of ABC last night. I swear I saw steam coming out of Cokie Roberts ears. She was really pissed and looked like she was about to explode. I laughed.


Jonn, (Good on you)


In unrelated news, the Clinton Foundation has opened up several new bank accounts in Switzerland.

Also noticed is an unusual flurry of activity around the Clinton’s home and several moving trucks being franticly loaded throughout the early morning hours.


Probably with stuff not returned to the People’s House when they vacated and, uhh, ‘forgot’ that the stuff they stole wasn’t actually theirs. Oh, those pesky rules about being a crook.

Doc Savage

It would appear the “silent majority” didn’t remain silent.


Not silent. And not a majority since he did not win the majority vote or even the plurality of the popular vote.


Clintoon also appears to have fallen short of a plurality majority of the popular vote. As did her husband, Billy “Cigarman” Clintoon – both times.

And in any event, while what you say about the popular vote may be true . . . it is also irrelevant.


She won the plurality. Not the majority.

She was a terrible candidate.

And she lost.

Polling had her as a favorite going in but I posted months ago that she was such a bad fit for the current political climate that Trump might win.

Unfortunately that turned out to be true.

Though we were screwed either way.


Correct – I inadvertently typed “plurality” when I meant “majority”. Corrected above.

FWIW: there is nothing any more “decisive” or which confers “more moral authority” about receiving a “plurality” in an election. One can always argue that a plurality “winner” really wasn’t the majority’s choice – and thus that “democracy wasn’t really served”.

We can fix that if you want to adopt a dual-election format in which the top 2 vote-getters in the first election square off in a second runoff election afterwards. Thanks, but I’ll pass. I think we spend far too much time listening to politicians bloviate (and watching them make backroom deals while grubbing for $$$) every 4 years as it is.

Some Guy

You wouldn’t have to with instant run-off voting. It works like this: you simply rank your candidates on the sheet in order of preference or leave their block blank if you don’t care about them. For example, let’s say you really wanted to feel the Johnson, but you didn’t want to Hillary to win either. So your ballot looks like this:
1. Johnson
2. Trump
3. Vermin Supreme
Johnson didn’t get a meaningful portion of the vote, so he is eliminated and the second vote on your ballot is examined. Trump has serious support, so your final vote goes to him. What’s the difference, you ask? People wouldn’t have to vote tactically for the least vile option and could instead vote how they really feel, which could lead to better candidates. It also reduces the spoiler effect (think Perot or Roosevelt), allowing fresh ideas to flow into the political mainstream. Essentially, it allows you to run many political races at once at minimal overhead. Think what this system could have done during the primaries!
Disadvantage: no way the republicans or democrats would allow anything that threatens their grip on power.


Win, place and show.
Ranked choice passed in Maine.

Some Guy

Awesome, I hope that catches on to other states as well!

Doc Savage

An unimportant distinction really.

The Other Whitey

Hey Lars, how old are you? I ask (again) in reference to your claim about the difference in our ages guaranteeing that you’ll outlive me. Man up and answer.



Not sure what “man up” is supposed to mean.

You are the one that has always hidden behind anonymity while attacking others.


The Other Whitey

Well, I’m 32, fucker.

And I’ve repeatedly risked life and limb for others. Would even do it for you if called upon.

And I’m called a coward by the guy who admits he ran away from adversity, because I choose not to post my name, address, and social security number. Bitch, please. I’m easy to find.


TOW – Lars doesn’t give two fucks about us “deplorables” – it’s all about him and the other members of the Free Shit Army that are looking for their next handout.

“anonymity is cowardly” – fuck YOU, Lars… fuck you and the broke dick mule you rode in on. You shit all over yourself the moment you came onboard here and you continue to do it to this day.


Oh, Jesus H. Christ. Come off it with the “anonymity is cowardly” bullsh!t, jackass. You identified yourself voluntarily by using your actual name as your screen name for several weeks if not months when you first posted here.

No one forced you to do that, and you didn’t bother to do enough homework – e.g., watch and observe the activity here for a period of time and/or do some background reading of past articles – to realize that anonymity was both an option and might be a good idea.

Bottom line: quit complaining about something you voluntarily did yourself. No one here knew or cared who you were when you first commented here. No one forced you to identify yourself; you identified yourself willingly. Others chose to value their privacy and declined to make that information public; that was their choice.

If you have regrets now, tough. You did that yourself, voluntarily; live with the consequences.


Poor Lars.
A head full of lard, perpetually it appears.

And of course he has no clue what “man up” means. He’s one of those liberal eunuchs who drank the Kool-Aid.


“Man up” is what he says when he assumes the kneeling position… 🙂

Dave Hardin

You still have sexy eyes…I try to find the good in everyone sweetheart.


Thanks, Dave, you’re a sweetie.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey Poodledick, how many of those “protests” were you part of? IMHO it’s likely most of us here at TAH are gonna outlive you JUNIOR, it’s likely that one day you’ll get the wrong person pissed off at you in the wrong way and end up going painfully or you’ll give yourself an aneurysm. tell ya what, go into a Hell’s Angels clubhouse and spout off your shit, calling everyone else stupid like you do here!!

2/17 Air Cav

Doc Savage is correct. Some number of the Silent Majority–likely a significant number–voted for Trump and contributed to his victory–and Clinton’s defeat. The Silent Majority does not refer to a majority of voters, Lars, you dumbass. Cripes.

Doc Savage

2/17 Air Cav…I think you might have confused Lars, and I didnt think he would understand my statement as you clearly did.

Wasnt worth the effort to correct him…regardless of how he chose to define my words….Trump is still the next POTUS.

2/17 Air Cav

He is perma-confused. The only thing he’s clear about is that he is so smart. Of course, he’s clear on that but he’s dead wrong.

A Proud Infidel®™

He has a concrete mind, all mixed up and permanently set!


Just deplorable.



Counting in the voter fraud, he did win the popular vote…


I saw this tweet on FoxNews this morning….it covers a lot of territory in a few words very effectively, I think, which defines the Clinton Organized Family.

“It’s so quiet at Clinton Campaign Headquarters that you can hear an email being deleted.”


I went to bed last night not too optimistic and got up at 0415 hrs with a “YUGE” smile on my face after turning on the TV.

God Bless America!


^^^Roger that


I was quite surprised that Clinton didn’t appear before her supporters last night at her HQ party. I was half expecting someone in the back of the assembly to start passing out “almond” flavored Kool Aid for a losing toast once it was called for Trump. Besides that, I’m pretty sure that Cenk Uygur will be committing Seppuku on the next episode of TYT.

In other news, all of the media outlets left the Trump HQ by the end of the night like a bunch of cowards unwilling to accept that the people didn’t listen to them. The ONLY media outlet that had producers in the media tents on the ground (and a full section of them, for that matter), was Brietbart.


I do know that WGN in Chicago was on air live through to the end of it. In fact, when I hit the sack at 2:30AM, they were still discussing the election and the results, because some of the counts weren’t finished.
There was a lot of discussion about Madigan’s chokehold on the state legislature and how he’s been gerrymandering districts to keep himself in his seat, as well as the national stuff.
So not everyone shut down and left. Well, I did, but it was a school night and I hadn’t finished my homework and there was supposed to be a pop quiz.


In addition to ‘shrieking harpy’, I would add ‘self-entitled, mendacious, vindictive, man-hating, self-absorbed, power-crazed, vicious shrew’.

I sincerely hope that now that HRC has had this virtual wooden stake (the lost presidential election) driven firmly and permanently through her shriveled, icy, wicked heart, that we never, ever hear one more thing either from, or about, the Clintons. Not Hillary, not Bill, and not Chelsea. Never; ever.

No more from or about the Clintons. Nothing.

No. More. Ever. Again.


Add “thoroughly financially and morally corrupt”, and your list of adjectives regarding Clintoon will be more complete.





I love you Mick. I mean that man! You took the words right outta my head.

2/17 Air Cav

Good thing they were in your head. That could have gotten a little strange.

Dave Hardin

Thanks Jonn, I can think of nobody that can express the reality of what you have done better than:


Rachel Maddow, despite the “let’s all get along and move forward” concession type words of Hildabeast just now, spoke what Hillary really thinks and wanted to say and all of her supporters as well. You see, to me, when Clinton and Obama ware elected not once but twice, I didn’t like it but I still prayed and hoped for the best for our nation. I didn’t consider myself to be “in hell” as Rachel put it but in a nation stronger than one man and even two terms. I do not think we could have survived a term of Hillary and be the America we are, much less gain ground we have lost. But for the liberals, they are in a hell of their own making. They will not wish Trump well or pray for the best for our nation but instead, as usual, hope and work to have America fail and spiral down to eventually mean nothing. So fuck you Rachel Maddow and all your ass munching ilk.

Deplorable B Woodman

May Rachael MadCow continue “her” continual slide into the oblivion and darkness “she” so richly deserves.

2/17 Air Cav


E-6 type, 1 ea

That Maddow guy sure seems pissed off.

2/17 Air Cav

Who is this Maddow, a pro ball player?


It sure does.


God bless and keep America.

I truly feared for this nation under the thumb of such a lying, self serving, anti American person as Clinton.

Trump better now hold up his end and stand by his word. He has a Senate and House to support the changes the nation needs. First being the restoration and strengthening of out military and then our position as a world leader.


I think God has given us a reprieve. How we use it may determine the duration of the reprieve.



Some Guy

I’d be surprised if he can keep half the promises he made. Sure, military spending will probably rise and obamacare will get a restructuring or completely rid of, and he may even put Hillary behind bars. But the banning muslims from entering the country and the mexican wall are complete no-starters, IMO. We’ll see though. I didn’t believe I’d have to watch for pig shit falling from the sky before I woke up this morning either.


And my Tarheels pulled though for me. Close one, but for them, it was a sea change.


It was 60% here in Arkansas with just a handful of counties voting for Clinton. Among those was Pulaski County, home of our capital city, Little Rock, so we’re much like the entire country: Our financial, educational and cultural leaders are out of tune with the rest of their state.

The good news is that significantly more of the Arkansas map is red this election. We are steadily squeezing out of power those old yellow dog Democrats who ruled this entire state a couple of decades ago. Even Fayetteville, site of the University of Arkansas, is red this time.

2/17 Air Cav

Take a bow Poetrooper. Elsewhere I called for you to do so, as Trump’s TAH point man. Were you surprised?


You didn’t see me doing my Elvis impersonation?


63% in Kentucky, add to that the Republicans to over the state house for the first time in a hundred years. The Dems here are crying the blues…


Hillary must be getting ready to speak. A room full of long liberal faces, black lives matter folks, the requisite Mexicans and of course…the children…it’s the children.

CB Senior

Anti-Establishment was codified in the primary. The Dems chose to ignore it. They were more concerned with making history with the first Female President that they ignored her fatal flaws and put forth(tried to force) a damaged and un-electable candidate on the people. The people were having non of it.
It is still a surprise to them, and the blame game is going to be fun. For it could never be HER fault.


Watching her acceptance of defeat speech now. But, but, but…she is in no way accepting defeat.

Now go away. Far, far away. Take those crossed, lying eyes elsewhere. Oh, yeah – take Bill with ya, OK?


She needs to take Chelsea with her, too.

2/17 Air Cav

Thanks for the update, OWB. I cannot look at her. I will, however, be glued to my TV if she ever grants an in-prison interview.


And that piss poor excuse for a hedge fund manager husband of her’s…

A Proud Infidel®™

You mean George Soros’s nephew?

Perry Gaskill

Some thoughtful commentary from the news media this morning comes from Margaret Sullivan at the Washington Post. She writes that the reason the news media got it wrong, and deserves to eat a large helping of crow, is because it was hearing what it wanted to hear and not what actually was. A perceptive observation, derived partly from Peter Thiel of all people, is that the press was taking Trump literally, but not seriously. Voters, on the other hand, took him seriously but not literally.

The news media needs to get its house in order. The country deserves better. And the place to start, at least it seems to me, is for the news media to turn to a fresh page and see how Trump gets on with it instead of acting like a bunch of petulant children who didn’t get their way.

The Other Whitey

They want to be the Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda, as run by Herr Goebbels. Truth, honesty, and integrity went out the window decades ago. That lying bastard Cronkite saw to that.

Perry Gaskill

Personally, I’m not convinced the bad apples have spoiled the entire barrel yet, TOW. Part of the problem, it has to do with current news media business models, is that truth, honesty, and integrity are not rewarded except in the longer term. There’s also an apparent inability to censure lack of those things. YMMV.


Perry, that’s a mental disorder called ‘denial of reality’. It’s common in people who live their lives based on fairy tales and nonsense. And the hardcore newsies won’t give up their stance until they’re dead.


Cognitive dissonance?


Essentially the same thing, yes.

2/17 Air Cav

That’s what happens when journalists become news makers and opinion shapers.


They revert to being 5 or 6 years old, about to throw a temper tantrum, with their little eyes squinched up, the tears ready to flow, and in that whining little voice, they start: ‘That’s not the way I wanted it to be! I don’t like this! It was supposed to be the way I wanted it! I don’t like this!’

Right? They either start hyperventilating, or the snorting and sniffling and the tears start, or they throw a screaming fit and pound their little fists and feet on the floor.

Yeah, that sounds about right for these people. Like I said, if they ever grow up, someone please let me know.

A message by carrier pigeon will do. My cats like to hunt for their food.


I may be cautiously optimistic but I think the Clintons are done as a political dynasty.

There seems to be an unwritten rule within American presidential politics that you get two bites at the apple – usually one in the primary fight and another in the general (a la Mitt Romney) and if you can’t ‘seal the deal’ with the voters, you’re basically dead to the party.

Losing in the general election – especially in an election that almost every “smart” pundit predicted you’d win – also appears to be the kiss of death to a career in elected office.

Obviously McCain is the exception to that – he stayed in the Senate and just won re-election (6th term I think?) but if you look at the likes of Mondale, Dukakis, Dole, Gore, Kerry and Romney, after losing their white house fight, didn’t they mostly pursue other, non-elected careers?


They are done.

No political power and no political future whatsoever.

I expect political operatives that tied their ambition and futures to the Clintons will start leaking information and turning on them as they scurry off the sinking ship and flounder for a political future.

I also expect Debbie Wasserman Schultz to become the most hated person in liberal politics.

2/17 Air Cav

“I also expect Debbie Wasserman Schultz to become the most hated person in liberal politics.” Well, you read it here first, folks. This means Commissar will not be running for office.


They will continue to leverage their behind-the-scenes Soros-like connections. Alas, until the Lord decides they’ve had enough chances to repent and takes them home or until they truly come to Jesus I’m afraid the Clinton cancer is still active and Stage IV.


I wonder, though, how many of their “connections” will vaporize once they can no longer manipulate the levers of power in order to do “favors” for people?

Politics seems to be the land of “what have you done for me lately?” Losing what was supposed to be a slam-dunk election puts the stink of failure on the Clinton name. Combine that with the backstabbing and the dirty tricks they had to do to get to the general election (which would all have been forgiven if Hillary had WON because there’s no salve better than victory for soothing hurt feelers and fresh wounds) and what do the Clintons have left?

Bill’s waning “charisma?” (The guy looks like an extra on “The Walking Dead” now, how much longer will he be around?)

The Clinton Foundation $$? Even if the foundation itself survives this election (which it may not – Obama can pardon people but he can’t legitimize an organization that is tainted with scandal) who would contribute to the Foundation now that Hillary can’t do back-room deals with them?

Rich folks don’t throw their $$ around for nothing, there’s a quid-pro-quo and if Hillary can’t Quo then there ain’t gonna be much Quid. 😉


we can hope

The Other Whitey

They’ve been cockroaches so far…


I think you’re right, Martinjmpr, but it’s more than just the primary and general elections.
If you go back further and look at the Kennedys, JFK was assassinated in office after winning over Nixon, and his brother Bobby was shot while campaigning. Teddy was permanently bumped out of that and stayed in the Senate, and none of the rest of them have gone anywhere, no matter how enthusiastically the media mavens try to fabricate the fairytale all over again.
There seems to be a desperate need in the media to promote dynasty, and I don’t know why.


They want some form of a dictatorship. A dynasty provides them that.


Well, then, let’s pack them all up and send them off to Norkiland! World’s nastiest dictatorship, not counting ISIS/Daesh. Give them what they want.


Think the offspring, Chelsea, will pop up some day. Start small, county commissioner, etc.


I don’t think she can escape the shadow of her name. It’s both her blessing and her curse.

2/17 Air Cav

You know what H. Clinton was yesterday? A private citizen, just like you and me. Today? Same thing. January? Same thing. By February she may be under indictment and maybe she do something in prison that she never did before: wash dirty laundry and clean up the kitchen.


I think that if Chelsea wanted to go into politics tomorrow (well the 2018 election) the Donks would make room for her in a very safe Congressional district-at the very least. The Clintons are (thank heavens) greatly diminished, but we are not rid of them quite yet.

Some Guy

I hate to say it, but I would have preferred Chapter 3 of the Bush dynasty over what we got or could have gotten this morning. Maybe I just feel bad for Jeb and how quickly he became irrelevant so in the race. Poor guy, never even saw it coming. 😉


Have dynasties EVER been a good thing?

Certainly not in a Constitutional Republic.

Some Guy

100% agreement! IMO our nation was founded on the notion that Kings and royalty have no place in governing a free society. And yet…
I would have taken Jeb over the other two in a heartbeat. He’s not my first choice by a very long shot, but compared to these two? It’s like George Washington himself was resurrected.


How long do you think it will be before Hillary discovers she is “seriously” ill, far too ill to stand trial?

2/17 Air Cav




Herbert J Messkit

Not being very optimistic yesterday I originally planned to start drinking about noon, glad I held off.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I wonder if this result will have a negative impact on Nate Silver and 538….and several other “high profile” pollsters that conventional wisdom identified as the whiz kids of the trade?

The thing with conventional wisdom is that, at times, it’s neither of those things.


Their methodologies were sound, they were just based on inaccurate polling. While they might take the hit, the reality is it should be the polling industry which comes into question first, not the prediction-based-on-polling industry.


i don’t know if you can bet on the outcome of a presidential election, but if you can i bet the bookies cleaned up.


Well not this guy….
Punter = Guy Betting

He initially backed the controversial business mogul to the tune of £15,000 at odds of 7/4, the Nottingham Post reports.

Not happy with that huge lump sum, he decided to return to the shop to bet another £22,000 at the same odds.

Should Trump win the election, the punter stands to pocket £64,750.

A spokesman for William Hill said: “He came into the branch last evening, bet £15,000, then returned a little later to bet another £22,000.

“Both bets were at 7/4, for a possible profit of £64,750.”

The guy won $ 80,642 U.S.


Will he invest it in a Trump-owned business?
He is either very insightful or very lucky. I’d guess he knows more about the USA and average American than the BCC or the LSM (Lame-Stream Media).

Herbert J Messkit

It’s very refreshing to confirm that we are STILL a revolutionary people


I as well didn’t decide until the last minute to vote for Trump. I wasn’t voting for Clinton, but…
What bothers me most though is the level of divisiveness being displayed. Protest being planned… I remember the protest after McCain lost, and Romney too.( sarcasm)
The BS about uneducated white males, white privilege, etc…
I see no positive end in sight.


I believe it was Dennis Prager who has observed that conservatives believe liberals are wrong, while liberals believe conservatives are evil.

That difference in perspective explains a lot of the attempted interactions between the two groups. If your opponent is evil then, ipso facto, he needs to repent or be destroyed. If your opponent is wrong, he needs to be corrected or be pitied.

Some Guy

Really? You have been here for the past months and read what has been written about “the bitch of benghazi” or “oBoZo”, right?
Kettle, is that you? 😉

2/17 Air Cav

Hey. Quote what was written. It’s the “Bitch of Benghazi.” CapsLivesMatter#


Hey Some Guy, to leave our warriors there to die was “wrong”; to do it for the purpose of enhancing Obama’s re-election prospects was “evil”. For Hillary to lie to those grieving families at that return ceremony was PURE UNADULTERATED EVIL.

Do you understand the distinction?


Well, SG, first I must point out that Prager (or whomever made the observation) was speaking of a historical general trend that distinguishes the attitudes of the two groups. One can easily find examples from the era of Regan where they considered him (and later, the Bushs’) evil, yet Regan considered them wrong or mistaken. He exemplified the attitude of most conservatives.

Second, calling Hillary “the bitch of Benghazi” is giving her a title she earned. It is only a comment on her behavior over the years to call her evil. It is an earned adjective.
Similarly, calling Obama “oBoZo” is, again, an assessment of his cognitive abilities given his actions and words. He has, at the very least, been blinkered by his refusal to consider that he could be wrong.

Third, apart from these two individuals, there is a general trend which has become evident this elections cycle. If one treats ones’ opponents as evil and despicable long enough, forbearance on the part of ones’ opponents ends, and a reaction begins. When it becomes evident – as it has – that the liberals consider conservatives, Christians and Jews, middle-class workers as evil people to be silenced and destroyed, then one ought to expect a reaction that recognizes that the liberals are not just wrong, but are themselves evil and intolerant bigots who need to be removed from all power and authority.

Therefore, I would argue, SG, that the liberals have created for themselves the backlash they are experiencing by themselves being an immoral mob of dictocrats.

Treat me like an enemy long enough, ignore my attempts at peacemaking long enough, and I will respond appropriately – with a counterattack that will, hopefully, neutralize the threat. There can be no claim to moral superiority or even moral equivalency from those who have attacked the foundations of America repeatedly for so long.

Take your black pot and shove it. My kettle is clean.


Or, as the old gentleman put it:

“Well, the Good Book does say to turn the other cheek. But if you do turn the other cheek and get hit a second time, you’re free to kick some butt.”


So far, I haven’t seen the whining and moaning and gnashing of teeth that you all are reporting. Might be owing to my spending the morning at the shop getting the exhaust replaced because it blew out to the manifold on Thursday.

But those who think they are now cast into the outer darkness will be wailing and weeping for some time to come and nothing – repeat, NOTHING – will make them happy. They will cook up hogwash about the Trump administration, stuff about being ‘left out of the group’ and ‘ignored’ (I’m using mild words on purpose) because the truth about them is that they are a bunch of little kids in adult bodies.

If they ever grow up, someone please let me know. I’ll make a note of it.


I have seen college professors canceling classes and people talking about ‘trauma’. But, at the same time, I’ve also seen plenty of people graciously accepting this and trying to end the severe divisiveness. Ultimately, we’ve got to let the dust settle and move forward, but time will tell how well we do that.

And I’m not sure anyone will need to ‘cook up’ things on a Trump administration. I’m hopeful he’ll do well, but the man doesn’t exactly avoid controversy and he’s thrust into a world which has many facets that are completely new to him. There will almost certainly be real things for liberals to complain about.


I did get to watch a little of Ryan’s speech this morning while I was waiting for my (now silent) car to sneak up on me. He made it clear that it is time we come together and get the country back to work.

And here’s something from Duterte.

In the sidebar on that page, Vlad Putin is also throwing out the ‘let’s mend fences’ banner.

Let’s hope this is the start of something good.


I was looking at the “World Leaders” reactions on either the Der Spiegel International or the BBC News page.

An awful lot of “conciliatory” noises and a few “wait and see” say nothings while speaking (Iran, Mexico), along with some very positive responses (England, Israel).

Perhaps some certain world leaders understand the game change.


Trump is an unknown quality to them, but he is not the social moron that his predecessor is.


Hey Ex, exactly how old is your car? With all the stainless they’ve been putting in cars for years now, I haven’t hear of anyone having to replace an exhaust system.

And oh yeah – phuk Ryan and the horse he rode in on.


It’s a 2001. The exhaust and a hanger that held it were subjected to the rigors of road salt corrosion over the years of use. And it’s the flex pipe from the manifold to the muffler that blew out.


Here’s what I’m waiting for now. All the Hollywood idiots and others who promised to leave America if Trump were elected. Should be long waits at the airport. But then again, they always say that and it’s always for face time in the media to further their career. They care no more for America than Hillary does and their wealth affords them a life above the “odors”. Anyway, for any of them true to their word, don’t left the door knob hit you in the two hole.


His earlier run gave him enough info to realize the fourth estate was the CG.
They keep their chosen Republican primary pick on their back feet after pushing them over the finish line. He decided to antagonize them to the point where they HAD to cover him continuously to find the chink in the armor and start him on the apology chapter.
Free, unfiltered publicity.
“Its morning in America again”.


I, too, didn’t decide on my vote until last week. While I can’t say I’m elated by the outcome of the election (not just Trump), I’m feeling relieved and cautiously optimistic. I pray that I don’t come to regret holding my nose in the voting booth.

2/17 Air Cav

Can we get a “Well…bye” for the Clinton Clan?


Well . . . here. (smile)

2/17 Air Cav

Thanks, Hondo. Grinning broadly here.

Dave Hardin

I hope all you ultra right wing, gun totting loons are proud of what you did to our younger generation last night. The pain you have caused may never heal. Just look at what you did…


There’s supposed to be a protest just in time for the evening news tonight at Trump Towers in Chicago.

She could join them.

2/17 Air Cav

You know who loves protests? Right. Commissar. I do, too. I enjoy the aroma of teargas wafting through the evening air and the sounds of Monadnocks striking limbs. In some places, horses are used. What a treat that is!


IDC SARC is surely already enroute to offer support…

The Other Whitey

This bitch is painfully dumb.

She reminds me of a high school teacher I had back in 2000, who said that “Republicans start wars.”

So, being the history nerd and disruptive-kid-in-the-back-of-the-class that I’ve always been, I offered a brief analysis of the major conflicts of the 20th Century:

Vietnam: started by LBJ (democrat), finished by Nixon (republican).
Korea: started with Truman (democrat), ended with Ike (republican).
WWII: started with FDR (democrat), finished by Truman (democrat) nuking the japs.
WWI: Woodrow “KKK” Wilson (democrat), right after he won reelection on the promise that he would keep us out of the war.

He didn’t like that very much, especially when he had no rebuttal.


She has a hard time seeing the camera because she’s higher than a Georgia pine on the Colorado weed.

Keepin' It Real

If you run into anyone that is having a meltdown due to the election, please use this script.

“Think about what you are doing. You don’t want to leave the country. There’s room for you in Trump’s vision of America. You just need to stop biting off all of your buttons and think through this…

… aw, hell. What am I saying? Just go ahead and leave.”


6 minutes and 47 seconds of mental diarrhea? That’s nearly seven minutes of my life I can never get back.

2/17 Air Cav

She looks much older that nine but, since I listened to her, I know with certainty she is no older than that. Greatest line: “I, myself, am not gay.” Whew. I was 50-50.


Well for about 6 seconds last night I was worried Trump might not pull it off. I’m so embarrassed.

It’s good to be right. I’m more smitten than a kitten in a mitten right now.

This Trump train will be arriving on time at its destinion come January 2017. First stop will be to reverse Obummer’s executive actions. Obama’s legacy is now a footnote in history.

I hope Lars is on suicide watch. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to our real deplorable.

2/17 Air Cav

If I’m not mistaken FatCircles0311, you were one of the few who voted FOR Trump without a clothespin on your nose. Is that correct?



I was a Cruz guy initially, but Cruz’s actions and poor attitude turned me off.


For the Democrats, it’s Mourning in America. 😀


SPEW alert!

2/17 Air Cav

I watched not a minute of coverage last night and when I arose at 0500, I made coffee and had a cup. A little while later, I said to the wifey, “Well, I guess I’ll turn on the news.” BAH-ZING!


Wow Cav, that’s true self control. If you woke up with an erection, would you first get a cup of coffee and a little while later say to your wife, “Well, I guess maybe we should use this thing.”?


Stop it! 😀

You made Coca cola come out of my nose, it burns.

Dave Hardin

The children…think of all the poor children you people have injured.

The Other Whitey

Once again, if you disagree with Obama, you’re automatically racist. And they wonder why they lost.


Correction: If you’re a Republican, or in any way opposed to the democratic agenda, you’re a racist. That goes for those “Bernie bros” too.

When you only have one card to play, you play the hell out of that card.


They’re afraid of breakfast!!!! Really!!!! Somebody’s got some weird ass shit going on at breakfast time. Here’s a tip, feed them a decent breakfast and turn off the CNN.


I managed to sit through just under a minute of that drivel, until he said ‘afraid of breakfast’ and I sincerely wondered what the hell he serves at breakfast.

There are levels of irrationality going on everywhere. I hope that at some point, they fade into permanent obscurity.

A Proud Infidel®™

January 20, 2017 will be THE END OF AN ERROR!!!

Here’s an article about high school snowflakes walking out of classes in a “protest” and joined by wait, UC Berserkely stoodints!

2/17 Air Cav

“The district prefers that its students are in class and participating,” Burress said. “However, we do understand their concern and we take it very seriously when they feel passionate about political issues. We’re doing everything we can to support them.”

“The district prefers….” Yeah, and if the political issues were say, a protest against abortion or the illegal alien invasion or such, “the district” would be just as supportive and understanding, right? Sure.


API – I guess they’ve not been taught about what happens in a Democracy, huh?


Some thoughts re PE Trump’s administration:

Trump Campaign Manager Kellyanne  Conway (Chief of Staff)
Trey Gowdy … My Man
Bolton  (UN Ambassador) (A genius)
General Mattis  (VA/Homeland Security)
Condi Rice
The ‘reverend’ al (office of continuation of racism/racial hatred policies)
Whoopi/Any Black Rapper (Department for the Printing of ‘The Race Card’)
Sheriff David Clark (Department for Disarmament of Hollywood Elites/Liberals Security Guards)
Sheriff Joe
Ben Carson
Rudolph Juliani
RNC Chairman  Reince Priebus (Genius)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (The Department of Fucking Batshit Crazy)

OK, OK, some sarc here, but some of those folks belong in PE Trump’s administration.  Thoughts?

Oh, one more:
PH2  (Department of Friday Sammiches)  (I’m serious about this one.  No sarcasm)


Hondo for Chair of the Fed.
ID SARC for Dept. of Ed.


Sex ed?


Trump Campaign Manager Kellyanne  Conway (Chief of Staff)
Trey Gowdy … My Man
Bolton  (UN Ambassador) (A genius)
General Mattis  (VA/Homeland Security)
Condi Rice
Secretary of Education
The ‘reverend’ al (office of continuation of racism/racial hatred policies)
Whoopi/Any Black Rapper (Department for the Printing of ‘The Race Card’)
Joint ambassadorship to Papua New Guinea
Sheriff David Clark (Department for Disarmament of Hollywood Elites/Liberals Security Guards)
Let him run as Walker’s successor for the Wisconsin Governorship
Sheriff Joe
Ben Carson
Surgeon General
Rudolph Juliani
Legal Counsel to the Executive
RNC Chairman  Reince Priebus (Genius)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (The Department of Fucking Batshit Crazy)
Placekeeper in the unemployment line


Mattis, by law, must wait seven years post-retirement to be appointed as SECDEF.

A Proud Infidel®™

How ’bout Allen West (LTC, USA, Ret.) instead?


I like LTC West and I think he would be great as SECDEF, but I really want him raising hell at the VA.

2/17 Air Cav

The Administrator of the FAA is appointed by the President. I wonder if…


Oh, heck no! Don’t go there!



2/17 Air Cav

De-federalize education. Stop threatening states with no funds for choosing to go another way. Kill oBaMacare. Stop the flood of illegal aliens. Support the Border Patrol and, if need be, add more ALJs to process the illegals caught. No Dream Act through executive order. No late-term abortions. No bail-outs of bankrupt states. Fukeem. Stop the preference for refugees from Syria. Authorize the Navy to blow the next Iranian water taxi out of the water. Stop the trannies from entering mil service. I’m getting tired. Clean out the Pentagon of the guys with the bumps on their head from the underside of oBaMa’s desk. No lowering of 11B standards to accomodate women. No phat phuks just because their MOSes don’t require them to be killers. That’s not even Part I.



2/17 Air Cav

The VA is Part II all on its own.


Get the unions out of the VA. Then dismiss the execs and put some mean supervisors in there.


My paper for my master’s was on overhauling the VA… All “The Donald” has to do is give me a call and I’d kick some butt and take a shitload of names.

Common Sense CO

Can’t stand either of them, but better the maybe sexual harasser you don’t know than the mob boss criminal you do.

Plus, as I told my eldest son, a win for Trump will make ALL of the establishment politicians on BOTH sides heads explode.

All the lefties needing safe spaces and therapy are just a bonus.

Common Sense CO

I should add that the bad news here in CO is that we are no longer a purple state. Thanks to all the migrants from both left coasts, we are now true blue.

The morons voted for Clinton, Bennett, increasing minimum wage (in the state Constitution no less) and open primaries. I guess that just makes it easier for me to be unaffiliated and mess with the Democrat primaries, eh?

Wyoming or bust!


I’ve visited CO several times. Sorry to see it going down the tubes like it is.

Still want to bag a few more 14-ers though. Up in the mountains you don’t have to deal with the idiots as often.


I dunno, now that CA has legalized recreational weed hopefully we can ship some dope smoking freeloaders back to the West Coast where they belong.

Here’s to wishing for a cold, harsh, snowy winter.


And power outages. That always gets them. Power outages, subzero temps, a couple of blizzards that would stop a train in its tracks, no snowplows for weeks, and some impressive avalanches – all that might work to scare them enough to migrate back where they came from.


Didn’t the Lefties migrate to CO because they wanted to save the mountains, or something? They always want to ‘save’ something. They’d do more good if they just stayed out of it.


Almost forgot: #rememberDonnerparty!!!


It’s legal weed now but that’s about to change now that seven more have made it legal


Right or left state all passed higher minimum wage laws last night every one passed


To paraphrase John Wayne, I didn’t vote for him, but he’s my president, and I hope he does a good job. This is actually the first election where I’m not upset at all that the candidate for whom I voted did not win. I thought Trump sounded presidential during his acceptance speech, and I’m anxious to see his cabinet picks (Rudy for AG, anyone?). As another liberal (at least socially) who posts on here, I hope that, like Trump said, we can “bind the wounds of division.”

I don’t think Republicans or conservatives hate the country or are fascists anymore than I think Democrats or liberals hate the country and are Marxists/Socialists/Communists. However, I still think we have a long way to go to remove that sentiment. Hail to the Chief, and it’s a great day to be an American on this history-making day after.

2/17 Air Cav

A rational and decent sentiment D. Congrats on that. I wish I could say I would have been as gracious if Clinton was not stopped, but I know there is no way I would have been.