Kevin Haggerty, the AWOL Marine

| November 9, 2016

Kevin Haggerty

A few days ago, someone sent us a tip that this fellow, Kevin Haggerty, who leaned heavily on his service as a Marine while campaigning for political office in Pennsylvania, had actually been a deserter during his brief period of service. I couldn’t verify any of it, because I couldn’t get a FOIA in the few days before the election. But if what they say in the Scranton Times-Tribune is true, yeah, it looks like he was a deserter;

The chronological record notes Mr. Haggerty’s status as a deserter as “970611 DROP/DCL DES.” The meaning of this abbreviation is in the Marine Corps Individual Records Administration Manual, which is available online. The numbers are the date, June 11, 1997, that Mr. Haggerty was declared a deserter.

The document also shows the phrase “UA(AWOL),” which means “unauthorized absence/absent without leave,” next to the numbers “970511 TO 970610,” meaning May 11 to June 10, 1997, the 30 days before Mr. Haggerty was declared a deserter.

On another line appears the phrase, “UA/AWOL,” next to the numbers “970611 TO 970720,” meaning June 11 to July 20, 1997.

The document shows he returned to active duty on July 21, 1997, as an assistant police sergeant, at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, moved to the Marine Reserves on Sept. 13, 1997, as a cannoneer at a unit in Reading, and was officially discharged entirely from the Marines on Sept. 15, 1998.

He had nine months (3 months of which he was AWOL/Deserter) on active duty from December 30, 1996, to September 12, 1997 and then he was in the reserves September 13, 1997 to September 15, 1998. That doesn’t sound like an ordinary tour of duty, not at all. He claims that he has an honorable discharge, though. This is his proof (you can skip the two minutes of video and go to the screenshot, because that’s all of his discharge that he shows);


The dates Mr. Haggerty was absent without leave — May 11, 1997 to July 20, 1997 — coincide with a notation on the DD-214 discharge form he showed the newspaper in 2014.

The discharge mentions “time lost” for exactly the same dates, though the form offers no further explanation.

People who won’t show all of their documentation are hiding something. It’s just that simple.

If it matters to you, Haggerty is a Democrat. It looks like he won last night.

Haggerty DD214

Haggerty Assignments

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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2/17 Air Cav

“You know when I get back to Harrisburg, I want to serve on committees like Human Services, Veterans Affairs.” Fuck you, deserter. Stay away from anything and everything military related.


Another lying Dem? Naw, couldn’t be. (Not that there aren’t plenty of lying pols of every persuasion, but it does seem to be more nearly universal among Dems. Or maybe I’m just bitter over my state senator being beat by a bunch of lies and extremely distasteful innuendo.)

This guy is so far beyond disgusting that words defy me.


Democrats put party first, ahead of country and integrity. Democrats nominated obama twice and H. Clinton, both have so many skeletons in their closets that the door won’t close.


Enough already with the phony Marine shit-baggery this week.

It’s getting to be an endless torrent of assclowns.

A Proud Infidel®™

Another DILDOHEAD politician that LIED about his service.




Liar… both his service and elected to screw the people that he represents.

Professional assclown


Internet famous he becomes….. shitbag deserter.

Just An Old Dog

For anybody reading into the “assistant police Sgt” tag and thinking is might be something prestigious, its not.
“Police” in Marine parlance is generally used to mean “clean up” and “make tidy”
The actual Police Sgt of a unit is usually an NCO or even a slightly senior Lance Corporal who is “building and grounds NCO”.
He takes care of the cleaning supplies and gets furnishings for the rooms and office spaces.
An asst Police sgt is his “go-for”. Its pretty common practice to throw a shit bag in the “police shed” just to have them available to sign legal papers and stop them from being a bad influence the the real Marines who are doing their job

Hack Stone

He can put a positive spin on this by saying he was in the Accelerated Enlistment Program (EAP). The EAP is set aside for individuals with unique talents, such as failing urine analysis tests, driving while intoxicated, spontaneous special leave participation, and advanced financial remuneration expenditures (bouncing checks).


Shit stain queef.

Dan Fraser

Once on that committee, local vets should very bombard the committee everytime it meets.




What I find interesting is that I ran into this same sort of issue with an active duty Marine just recently. He had been in his first unit for 6 or so months, his roommate caused trouble and he felt the command was taking it out on him and he took off. His record shows over 400 days lost. He eventually said he didn’t want it hanging over his head and turned himself in. Turns out that, for whatever reason, nothing was done to him after he returned (e.g. NJP or court martial). Now is a year down the road and he is getting out. Without negative paperwork, one gets an honorable discharge – albeit with “LOST TIME” forever to follow his record. Unfortunately not many know what that means. I had actually never seen that in a record. I am certain your average Dem doesn’t know shit – and what’s more – would probably consider a dishonorable or BCD only resume enhancement anyway.