Saturday morning feel good stories

| October 22, 2016

A homeowner in Newport News, Virginia awoke to the sounds of someone in his home – he confronted one of the suspects and initiated a gunfight in which the homeowner was wounded in the leg and the pair of thieves escaped.

A Dollar Store manager in Detroit, Michigan witnessed a thief accosting an employee. The manager, a concealed weapon permit holder confronted the thief which started a gunfight in which the manager was wounded and the thief escaped – perhaps the thief was wounded, too, since he left a shoe and trail of DNA behind.

Eric Mota, in Chicago, Illinois, broke into a couple of cars he found in a drive way and prepared to take off with the stuff, but first he visited the home. The homeowner had different ideas, though, he fired four times at Mota missing each time. Mota abandoned his booty and took off in his car. Police found him nearby repairing a flat tire.

In Garfield, New Jersey, 27-year-old Louis Pizzi walked into a store and announced that he was robbing the joint. The security guard, a retired NYPD officer attempted to restrain him, but when Pizzi pushed him to the floor, the guard shot him in the leg. He ran out of the store and local officers found him nursing his wound later when they caught up to him.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

Good grief people. 4 instances of people being set upon by armed thugs and, while the innocent civilians were armed, they were wounded or otherwise injured. All because they weren’t able to place accurate shots. Legally owning a firearm is not enough! Waving it to scare a thug is not enough! A firearm is a device to do damage with, so that you can protect yourself. I know of people who have owned a handgun for over 20 years and haven’t used up the first 20 round box of ammunition. I use hundreds of rounds of ammunition each month, just so that I can deliver 12 rounds to a 3 inch circle. And, I would hope that if I have to use my weapon in defense that the first the bad guy sees of it is as the barrel is smoking.

Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

As I said above, one must become proficient with their firearms. I am 76 years old, and while not “feeble and shaky”, I am not as steady as I was in my youth, yet by continuous, daily shooting, I have a pretty good grip on where to send each bullet. This link shows a few of my results:


It also helps to know your ammo.
I spent several hours this morning trying to dial in the scope on my new squirrel gun – wondering at how bad my shooting skills were.
I realized the brick of Federal Target .22s was the problem. I switched to Wolf Match target and my 5″ groups became 1/2″ groups.
Wasted a lot of time on that one.


.22s can have very definite preferences..I used to shoot matches with a guy in El Paso whose S&W shot those cheapie Federals into tiny groups. From mine they shot patterns. Just a recommendation – if you don’t know what any .22 prefers, start off with RN CCI MiniMags – may not be its #1 but I have yet to find a .22 in which those did not perform better than most.

Deplorable B Woodman

As Frankie Cee sez,
“Range time, people, range time!”

E-6 type, 1 ea

Is it just me or does anyone else notice that a lot of instances like the above stories tend to happen in blue states, and a good chunk of the DRTs and DOTs are in red states?