Phillip M. Henderson sentenced

| October 22, 2016

We talked about Phillip M. Henderson about 18 months ago when he was arrested for defrauding the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. According to the Herald Dispatch, he was sentenced last week to two years in prison and he has to pay $789,472 in full restitution. He was a veteran from service in the early 80s.

Henderson served in the U.S. Army from 1983 to 1986. After he was discharged, Henderson filed multiple claims for benefits with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. In 1995, he was diagnosed by the VA with retinitis pigmentosa, an inherited and degenerative eye disease, which can lead to total blindness.

Henderson continued VA eye examinations through 2013, during which time VA medical staff tested to determine the extent of his vision loss. The tests relied significantly on Henderson’s accurate reporting of his vision levels.

Witnesses for the government, including four medical doctors, testified that Henderson falsely responded to the testing and misrepresented his vision loss significantly.

He maxed out his benefits, getting money for a car so someone could drive him around and swimming pool in which he could exercise.

Category: Crime

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2/17 Air Cav

“The tests relied significantly on Henderson’s accurate reporting of his vision levels.” Here’s the test that ought to be used. At various distances, have someone hold up different denominations of US currency, telling them that they get to keep what they correctly identify.

A Proud Infidel®™

ANOTHER faker gets added to Bubba & Thor’s harem. I hope they make him *SQUEEEAAAAL* like the greedy piggy he is!!


Julio and Mr. “Tiny” gonna get some!!!!!

Deplorable B Woodman

Good luck on the VA recovering the $800K. Phillip’s going to be bobbing for dick behind the truck stop for a looooooong time. Does he have any other useful skills and/or assets?


Yeh no shyt! 800,000, where would he get that? and besides only 2 years? How many clowns out there would gladly give up 2 years for $800,000.00 dollars?



Ex-Garbage Gun Shooter

You’re ability to articulate a clear, succinct and intelligent evaluation of a person’s worth, or lack there of, to society with one single two syllable word never ceases to amaze me.

A hat tip to you, ex-0S2.


The grubbymint will put him on a $25-a-month repayment plan, with the option to miss up to six payments per year due to unforeseen circumstances. I hope when he misses, the unforeseen circumstance is his inability to work b/c of a boot up his worthless ass.

Speaking of asses, the VA couldn’t find theirs with both hands and a map. This ‘honor system’ reporting thingy isn’t working as well as it could/should.

James Randall

You have to stop and wonder, was it actually the veteran service member who actually you actually committed the fraud against the government or, or was it somebody else using his information to the government hopefully there’s actually an investigation and Veteran isn’t in prison for nothing but don’t worry God knows everything. And every judge will be judged according to the way they passed judgement on others.