Warning order: Long post coming about our legal nonsense, coming at 1000 tomorrow
I think you’ll enjoy it. It’s super long, but you’ll get a better idea of all the bullshit that happens behind the scenes.
BTW- The DRC says I don’t post here anymore because they scared me off. Yeah, not even a little. Dude, I have a 15 month old and every spare second I have, I try to sleep or remember what quiet was like.
Also, the morons think there’s a huge wedge between my employer and me. To say that is laughable is being generous.
Category: Politics
Looking forward to it, TSO.
Roger on the 15-month-old and sleep deprivation. I think any parent of an infant can relate to the hallucinations common among Ranger candidates.
My “alarm clock” is 6 months old, and isn’t even close to being set right, especially now that we’re getting some teeth coming in.
Four weeks old today – it’s a darn good thing they’re so cute and do the oxytocin release to the brain or us humans woulda died out millennia ago. Li’l farmboy won’t sleep at night unless it’s with me so in the interests of keeping my husband employed, I’ve more or less moved into the guest room for overnights until baby’s at least old enough to sleep most of the way through the night. (Here’s hoping it’s sooner rather than later…)
TSO, sleep deprivation is all part of the experience. While it seems like it will never end it does, and it does rather quickly actually.
I’d like to tell you that you get a long time to savor every moment, but I’d be lying my ass off if I did say that. Before you know it they’re in college, married, and you have grandkids and you wonder who the fuck the old guy in the mirror looking back at you is.
These moments are all too brief, I sympathize with your current plight but take heart it’s but a moment when all is said and done.
Good news is, once you are that “old guy” grandpa, you get to use the grandkid to get revenge on your spawn.
When Mom and Dad aren’t looking, Grandpa fills grandkid(s) up with as much soda pop and chocolate as said grandkid(s) can hold, then returns grandkid(s) to Mom and Dad. Guaranteed to make a two-year old spin up to about 1,000,000 RPM within 15 minutes.
Revenge indeed!
You forgot NEVER saying no to the child. Spoil them and give them back! Joe
I like to overfill mine so they erupt on the way home. That will teach the DIL to squander all that money on leather seats in her SUV.
Or letting them have some Mountain Dew and letting them get picked up thirty minutes later running around at about Mach 3.5. I MIGHT have done that with my Nephews a few years ago before my turdball then-Brother in Law picked them up at my place, he NEVER AGAIN tried to interfere with my spending time with them!
“When Mom and Dad aren’t looking, Grandpa fills grandkid(s) up with as much soda pop and chocolate as said grandkid(s) can hold, then returns grandkid(s) to Mom and Dad. Guaranteed to make a two-year old spin up to about 1,000,000 RPM within 15 minutes.”
This Uncle has had that backfire on him. Parents called 30 minutes after I gave the kids cookies, chocolate and a redbull and said they would not ick up little Johnny for another three hours. Damn the luck, now we do not give it to the kids until the car pulls in the driveway!
And then you have a 16 month old granddaughter running around chasing the cat and discovering what’s under the news paper and depositing same on the floor. And the old guy in the mirror smiles, spoils the grandchild, and returns him to his mother. Mission Accomplished.
It does go by way too fast.
My experience with the grandchildren is a bit different – the kids and grandkids (so far) live right next to us and can walk down a dirt country road to visit Grandma at any time. We don’t spoil them (much) but man is it great to watch them growing up and turn into outstanding people too.
And that goes by way too fast as well. Savor every moment you can, and know it is worth every heartbreak and sleepless night. Somehow that hug and “I love you” just makes up for all the pain.
Having grandkids nearby and they can walk down a country road …
Damn, it doesn’t get much better than that. I miss old dirt country roads.
I look forward to this, I’ll be a fun read for our long drive tomorrow. The hubs and I are doing a charity thing on Saturday but we’ve got a long drive to get there.
I can’t wait! Haven’t heard much since MCPO went on lock-down for the book. I just hope I get an autographed copy from him when it comes out!
SQUEEEE! More stoopid! Because there’s just never enough!
15 months? Well, at least YOURS doesn’t jump up on your bed in the middle of the darkened night, get into a screaming fight with one of his/her/its siblings, and then right over your stomach in pursuit of said sibling, both of them yelling curses that would impress a Bosun’s Mate at each other.
Just make sure the locks on your doors are out of reach of any two-leggers (never mind 4-leggers) before yours starts exploring the cave.
Yeah!!! All the popcorn I had bought as directed was nearing expiration date.
Cool. Admittedly, much of the legalese is far above my pay grade, but I usually get the gist of it and revel in seeing TAH come out on top.
Enjoy your little one, TSO!
Looking forward to the update… sounds like your priorities are straight, enjoy each and every moment with your youngster!
Thanks for the heads up! Heading out to buy extra popcorn!
I need to head over to Costco to purchase an industrial sized quantity of popcorn for this event. I did an online search for the disbarred Attorney that self-identifies as an Honorary Chief Petty Officer, and that pilot blog holds him as much regard as we treat him. A laugh riot.
“1000 Hrs tomorrow”, Eastern or Central time. I have much to do, but can adjust if I know the time zone.
I want to read it while it is fresh, I have plenty of popcorn, 2 new 6 packs of O’doul’s Amber, and a bag of stuffed Jalapenos to put on the grill.
1000 Roger duty status here at Casa Skippy is in hold mode
I’m next for the bug our 3yold is currently getting her butt kicked with it
And I’m the last one ???
Popcorn ?
Is on standby and hold mode
Popcorn? Check.
Fat Tire Beer? Check.
Scotch? Check.
You forget the Disbarred Attorney Repellant.
Daniel Bernath wanted to appeal his disbarment, but the courts ruled that he had no appeal.
Q: Why did the disbarred attorney cross the road?
A: Because Diane Shipley was about to beat his ass.
Did he have his helmet and reflective vest on when he crossed the road? SAFETY FIRST, I bet he’s still koo-koo over coconuts! I wonder if those screws in his driveway weren’t the ones in his head that were so loose they simply fell out?
Me too.
I don’t post here anymore.
I have been fired.
I live in a cardboard box under the Brooklyn Bridge.
Nah, only kidding.
I knew you were omly kidding; half of the veterans that never were are living in a cardboard box under the Brooklyn Bridge.
Must be a pretty big box.
It might even have a door as well. Anyone seen Elaine Ricci lately?
Enjoy it!
It’ll be over in the blink of an eye brother!
Oh, screw the DRC three ways to Sunday. Who gives a shit about that bunch of useless marones?
Top of the 7th, Cubs 3 – Dodgers 1
That’s what really matters!
Update: Bottom of the 8th
Cubs 5 – Dodgers 1
Here’s a quote from someone’s twitterpating:
When you get on base with Lester and ‘dance around’ and not steal, u are saying to #Cubs ” your’e better than us” = loser mentality #Dodgers
Sounds like they’re giving up or something, eh?
Oops! Thought it was the bottom of the 8th. My bad – still the TOP of the 8th.
8-1 Cubs top 8th. Jon Lester having an A+ game. Pitch count is 108…looks like he’s done for the night.
Now bottom 8th.
Still the top of the 8th:
3 men on base = Baez at bat = 3 more HR
Cubs 8 Dodgers 1
Go Cubbies!!!!!!
C’mon Ex, you know this game is ultimately R-I-G-G-E-D against the baby bears. They are cursed. A Leon Durham error or Steve Bartman fiasco is just around the corner.
Okay, now it’s the bottom of the 8th.
Strop put one low right over the plate and Toles didn’t even try! Now he’s down two strikes, one to go.
Bottom of the 9th – Chapman’s pitching
Waiting, waiting, waiting…. Four balls, Gonzalez walks.
Finale score: Cubs 8 – Dodgers 4
Chapman pitched the last inning.
Cubs win! Cubs win!!! CUBS WINNNN!!!!
And me? In still running from place to place to avoid detection – NOT!! Those inbred booger-munchers STILL haven’t found me!!
OH, and I see the Dutch Rudder Gang’s links to their drivel up there on the Farcebook comments. Never gone there, never will. I don’t have any urge to wander through the their IQ-depleting crap.
Their website literally has gay porn it hahahahaha oh what in the fuck, to be honest their comment section isn’t as good
I’m sure it’s a sample for the rest of the world to see how they conduct their weekly DRG meetings. Plus, a certain disbarred lawer needs to earn some $$$ to pay off the State of California Bar for the “lengthy proceedings” concerning his “conduct”, so it’s a quick $0.25 to $0.50 per event with a hard up hobo or trucker behind the local Sack-o-Suds.
Yeah, I was wondering how much ‘ol fungus-face now owes the California State Bar after his hearings and disbarment, I’m sure he still owes on the Yelp judgement against him as well!
Remember what I said previously about Psychological “Projection”? It was described by Sigmund Freud as when one feels so threatened and/or intimidated by their own thoughts that they “project” them onto others like a convicted rapist accusing his therapist of wanting to do the same. The Dutch Rudder Gang, one member in particular, has been accusing others of homosexual and pedophilc practices and here we have a well known loser and inductee of The Order of the Blue Falcon with a website linked to gay porn!
Thisainthell.is … reminds of stophaus.org before principal Andrew Jacob Stevens allowed his registration of that domain to lapse. These SV types remind me of spammers.
Blink and she’ll be a teenager, TSO.
It goes by so freaking fast.
And yeah, there’s a few others the DRG has claimed to have scared off.
Rustle, rustle, bitch.