Friday morning feel good stories
Ben Hough in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, was waiting for Hurricane Matthew, but instead he encountered an intruder in his home. The house was empty and the power was off, so the burglar thought no one was home. Imagine his surprise when Ben popped off a couple of rounds in his direction. Ben missed, but he kept his stuff safe for another night.
An intruder in Jacksonville, Florida, forced his way into a home and tried to discharge his shotgun at the owners, but it misfired every time. The owners called the police and Officer Howard Smith arrived on the scene. When the criminal refused to put down the gun and instead pointed it at the officer, he fired and the thief was DRT (dead right there).
A thief in Olympia, Washington snatched a purse from a 62-year-old woman. Witnesses chased him down and when he tried to escape again, but one of the witnesses fired a warning shot which stopped him in his tracks. He was held at gun point until the police carted him off.
QM1 ends us a link to the story from Wilmington, North Carolina where a masked teen took a pellet gun to the local pool and caused the area to go into lockdown until a legally-armed maintenance worker was able to confront him and run him away from the area.
Category: Feel Good Stories
Point any firearm at a LEO and you have the right to be SHOT! “Stupidicidal”‘was what one of my former CO’s called doing shit like that.
Is administrative leave normal when something like this happens even if it is justified? I’m not familiar with LEO practices/procedures when it comes to this stuff. Hopefully no one is actually finding issue with the fact he eradicated this oxygen thief.
Yes, deckie. Mostly, because “Justified”, cannot be determined at the scene, and needs to be ruled after all evidence has been collected and reviewed. This can take as long as months, or as soon as hours after the event. It is a reasonable way for a jurisdiction to “cover their ass”, just in case it is not justified.
Plus, you have to give the grieving mother time to show up for the news cameras, crying and wailing what a good boy he was, and he had a future.
WTF? Causing metrosexuals to get their panties in a wad?
Hobbs was arrested and charged with going armed to the terror of the public.
Looks like they updated the story. Initial reports were that he wore a mask and threatened the public at the pool with a pellet gun that looked like a real handgun to many of them.
Unbeknownst to the teen, the pool maintenance man was a CCW. Teen then took off and ran before the cops caught him.
He’s lucky he didn’t catch a Darwin Award,
What a waste of ammunition. Firing a warning shot? Justified only if the shot was aimed center mass.
“Due to the sad state of the economy and high cost of ammunition, warning shots will no longer be provided.”