Brits in burkas smoke ISIS
AW1Ed sends us a link from the UK’s Express which tells the story of a group of British Special Air Services troops who donned burkas to take out some pretty bad dudes in downtown Raqqa, the headquarters and capital of ISIS. They pretended to be the wives of ISIS chiefs to infiltrate the stronghold;
The elite troopers even managed to hide assault weapons, grenades and ammo beneath their roomy ankle-length gowns in case they encountered armed resistance from Islamist militants.
After making their way through the town they located the house of a senior terrorist chief and used a transmitted to relay its location and coordinates to a US Air Force AWAC mission control aircraft circling thousands of feet above.
The American spy plane then passed the information onto a US Reaper drone, which seconds later fired a Hellfire missile into the building, vaporising the ISIS commander and several of his henchmen.
When jihadi militants heard the explosion they rushed onto the streets and discovered the burka-clad troopers, who took down several jihadis during a fierce gun battle as they fought their way to safety.
I guess it happened ten months ago at about the time it was announced that British citizen Jihadi Johnny got smoked.
Category: Terror War
Great Jerb Brits.
Fuck You DAESH-Bags.
Reminds me of the Monty Python “Life of Bryan” stoning scene
High pitched voices: “she did it, she did it!”
Deeper voices: “he, cough, he did it!”
The action-comedy script that writes itself?
Operation Pantyraid? Burkastrike? Sandy Va-jay-jay? (Oh please say they all came up with obscene drag names for each other)
The real question is, did they have to stuff before they donned the burka?
Oh, that is SWEET!
That is one hell of a sea story!
Well done, Brits!
And their story begins with “And this is a no shitter!!”
A great job by some outstanding warriors.
How long before CAIR etal whine about this?
I like hearing about the spec ops exploits, but I’m wondering if it’s a good idea to have made this public? Or is this the kind of thing they’d only do once?
Probably only do it one time. The ISidiots know what they did and how they did it, by now.
It’s one of the oldest tricks in the book. Everyone — soldiers, terrorists, LE, spies, journalists, criminals — uses it. It’s basically a ghillie. Not much you can do short of banning the burqa and the niqab.
Even if it didn’t happen it’s a great psyops story because it fucks with their mind… and I like that.
Now that’s what I call teamwork.
I met some Brit and Aussie SAS dudes at COB Adder in ’08(or at least they said they were), friggin awesome guys.
hey I was at COB Adder in ’08. only scenery to look at was the Ziggaraut
That’s cultural appropriation.
Talk about getting a job done right Lol….
EXCELLENT! The SAS taking care of business!
That is so fucking awesome. Love me some irony.
So, you see, there really is a place in all of this for those TG people, after all.
I hope this was not a one-off.
‘Who Dares, Wins’
Now that this is out (though not “new” news), the hadji’s will probably do the same thing.
Heaven knows there are a lot of Western cities in both Europe and here in the U.S. who allow burka-clad people to walk around.
yeah, and i watch the fuck out of them too
With the SAS it’s all about creativity. Case in point, hostage rescue from “The Final Option”..
Aloha snackbar, bitches!
I hope the “girls” rubbed themselves down with goat shit and dead fish so they would fit right in with the locals?
The muzzie hajjis disguise themselves in burkas when they want to run away from a firefight. They hide behind their women.
So turnabout is fair play. Good on the SAS!
Does anyone besides me think this would be a PERFECT way for people like Ms. Haring (Ret.) to show us how well she’d fit into a combat zone?
She needs to step up and volunteer.
Is that crossdressing or costumes?
Further proof that the diversity of the LBGT community is an asset to this nation’s defense.
Task Force Klinger scores a win.
You forgot the spew alert.
Just assume that you need a spew alert for any of my comments.
So to all the nay sayers in jolly ole’ England who berated ‘lil Simon and Nigle for playing dress up when they were young … How do you like them now …
The only thing(s) that could have made this story more better …
“SAS operators dressed as clowns …”
“ISIS members, at the sight of clowns, committed suicide …”
“Local children shower clowns with intel and beer …”.
BLODDY marvelous job well done, FUCK daesh!!
Sweet my British Friends! It does show what can be hidden under those bee keeper suits they keep trying to wear every place they go.
Nice work!
Rock on our Hereford boys but the report is exaggerated. There was only one.
Some women will wear a veil because she thinks it’s pretty. There are non-Hindu women who’ll wear a sari because they think the sari is pretty. There are Christian & Jewess women who’ll wear a burqa or Hijab because they think it makes them look pretty just as many women think that wearing a miniskirt makes them look pretty. Most women who wear veils will be Moslems, but there are enough non-Moslem women who think veils, burkas & hijabs are pretty & prefer them to miniskirts.
There are 4 billion women & you’ll find individual non-Moslem women who will wear a veil, hijab or burka because they think it’s fashionable & like to. Those # would be in the exception but there are exceptions. rance isn’t giving much thought to are anecdotal non-Muslim women who’ll wear a veil, burka or hijab because this is what they find beautiful. It’s best to avoid absolutes like nobody, never, etc. because exceptions can be found & some women who aren’t Muslim will find burkas pretty.
If a woman is forced to wear a burka, hijab or any clothing, then I’d be for punishing, just as I’d be for punishment if a woman is forced to wear shorts or a minskirt. However, if a woman wants to wear a burka or veil on her own free will, then we have no right to tell her that she can’t just as we don’t have a right to tell a woman she can’t wear a mini-skirt.
I don’t want women forced to wear a burka or minskirt, but I also don’t want the govt. telling a woman she can’t wear a burka, veil or miniskirt if she wants to just because some people are offended by it.
If a woman wants to wear a veil, burka or Hijab, then it should be her right to if she is doing it voluntarily. Of course if you get a driver’s license or other ID, then you have to show face, but in most cases woman should have the right to wear a veil or Burka. & just because a woman wears a veil or burka, that doesn’t mean that she is forced to do so, nor does it mean that she is dumb-go to a university & you’ll see Muslim students who wear the veils & burkas studying science, business, accounting, etc. But most Muslim women don’t wear veils & the veil is going out of fashion. Yet, France is trying to make this a crime, when it’s again, not worn by most Moslem women & most aren’t interested in wearing it. There are serious problems in the world, yet France is trying to make it a crime to wear what’s going out of fashion ! If women don’t want to wear it & it goes out of fashion, then that’s fine with me. However, I don’t believe the govt. should tell a woman that she can’t wear a veil, burka or miniskirt if this is what she wants to do on her own free will. If a woman is forced to wear a burka & if there’s domestic violence such as by husband to make her wear it, then the husband should go to jail for assault&battery. But if a woman wants to wear a burka because this is what she likes (non-Muslim women can wear veils too), then I have no right to tell her she can’t wear it as she is doing it on her own free will. It’s again, the same way with miniskirts-if a woman wears it on her free will, then fine. A woman voluntarily wearing a burka, veil or hijab is victimless. Again if it disappears voluntarily because no women want to wear it anymore, then that’s fine, but we must respect the right of a woman to wear a veil if… Read more »