National Anthem and the troops
The Christian Science Monitor worries that there is some kind of insurrection afoot among the troops because two (that’s 2 – 1,2 – 2) members of the Navy posted their refusal to stand for the anthem on social media. There are currently about 2.1 million members of the active and Reserve forces in uniform, so yeah, 2 is a worrying number.
San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick and a growing number of athletes have been called “unpatriotic” for their refusal to stand during the national anthem. But now, the form of protest may be spreading in the military – an entity where respect to national symbols is expected and such an act holds much more controversy.
Since August, at least two cases have occurred where black members of the military posted public accounts of themselves refusing to stand or salute to the national anthem, an obligation for enlisted troops in the US military that can be enforced by disciplinary actions.
Members of the military are the products of their environment – it’s not like they’re grown and raised on special soldier farms away from cultural influences. Two mealy-mouthed, uneducated junior enlisted people do not a vast movement make. These two ladies would be happy to live under the restrictions of al-Shabab, but not the restrictive confines of the US Constitution. Al-Shabab “got my back as a black woman”, just ask ’em.
We should give them that opportunity. They are not, however, representative of the majority of members of the military. If I was their supervisor, I’d send them on the next thing smoking for Afghanistan so they can make the comparison of cultures for themselves. I’m sure they would prefer Afghanistan to Florida or Hawaii.
Category: Navy
So due to recent Navy events, I’m softening my opinion on Sailors sitting out the national anthem. It’s just tradition, after all.
Don’t give that pus-nuts Mabus any ideas.
Some of my Navy brethren have said that the Navy is in the process of crushing both of those Sailors.
The word is that the festivities will kick off with violations of UCMJ Article 92 ‘Failure to Obey Order or Regulation’.
Sounds like those two are going to find out up close and personal that acting like a clueless, disrespectful dumbshit has consequences.
Article 134, ‘Conduct Prejudicial to Good Order and Discipline’.
These two shouldn’t have to worry about the new Navy enlisted ratings change. Their rating should be changed to Ms just as soon as they complete their extra duty.
As I recall, Article 92 hits harder. And in this case, since the applicable NAVINS has been out for years it’s also easier to prove.
No reason why we can’t stack charges! They wanted attention, they have it. Hit them with the largest administrative hammer available.
Amen. BCD their asses.
You can totally stack ’em. 91, 92, and 134– Failure to Obey, Conduct Prejudicial, AND Insubordination.
You’d think that basic training would’ve taught them that actions have consequences. Plus, everybody knows that (barring nuclear war or solar flare) the Internet is forever.
You can’t fix stupid, can you?
Mummy and Daddy never taught them that, they taught them that they were special and deserving, that you get an award just for showing up, and they never told them no.
Reality just bit them both in the ass.
TOW: No, stupid can’t be fixed. But it can be crushed with bad paper. Set them free into the civilian world with bad paper and let them swim upstream for the rest of their life. I’m sure anyone considering them for employment will google them. Upon learning they are not a team player, the interview will be over. I understand the fast food industry will hire anyone, though. “Do you want fries with that” has a nice ring to it.
With any luck, they get to be the stars of the next Bootcamp presentation of why you shouldn’t act like a dumbass in public.
Soldier farms, mmmmm, feel the goodness.
Yeah-I was going to tell Jonn to speak for himself on that regard. My part of the world may not actively farm soldiers, but we sure do grow a lot of them.
Ditto for my neck of the world.
Just up the road from where Marcus Luttrell grew up is a mighty fine establishment called the H.E.A.R.T.S. Veteran’s Museum – Worth your time if you are ever in the AO.
Hang ’em from the yardarm!
Do the newest vessels even have them? U.S.S. Zumwalt does not appear to.
I would like some sailor to say that he will protest transgenders in the military, marriage among officers of the same gender, the naming of vessels after commies and Harvey Milk, and all that BLM professes to satnd for. All he has to do is SAY he is going to protest those things and he will be sliced, diced, and hung out to dry.
“it’s not like they’re grown and raised on special soldier farms away from cultural influences.”
Ok…then where the hell did this brand on my ass come from? FFS?!?!
Stop frequenting BDSM parties, SARC. Or at least make yourself scarce when the branding irons come out.
I really don’t want to check, but that brand might belong to Ex-PH2…
Dahm-mit, SFC D, you need a friggen SPEW Alert Class 1 when you post things like that.
Keelhaul. Period. No if’s, ands, or buttf@cks about it. Turn ’em into chum.
And that’s SERIOUS on an aircraft carrier.
Especially when it’s from BOW to STERN!
Worse when they drag your ass from fantail to bow while answering a flank bell.
Flogging around the Fleet. Nothing less will do.
Remember when someone pulled some stupid shit and they got the fucking hammer dropped on them?
“it’s not like they’re grown and raised on special soldier farms away from cultural influences”
They aren’t? Oh wait, the public isn’t supposed to know that…
Carry on
The IS2 had her access to SCI revoked. Her career is effectively gone.
No it isn’t. Shove a needle gun or a paint brush in her hand for a few years.
I would have given the junior sailor a Field Grade Article 15 and maxed her out, to include reduction. Junior enlisted are allowed a mistake.
The Petty Officer is a different matter entirely.
All her protest demonstrated to me is that she is a self-serving hypocrite:
She wants to wear the uniform of the nation and the insignia of a leader, all while accept a paycheck.- presumedly she also accepts military discounts and seats in first class, etc.
However, by her own declaration, her belief system is inconsistent with service to the nation.
I would have some respect for her if she reported to here commanding officer, announced her convictions, and handed in her crows (or whatever Navy guys call their rank insignia).
I found it ironic that she says the Navy took away the tools she needs to do her Navy job, when in reality she willingly gave up the most important tool of any service member- selfless service.
It burns my ass knowing she REENLISTED to than show hER ass.
Give her the option to max out her NJP with an OTH discharge, and if she refuses, shove her in front of a General CM and see if she’s willing to take her chances.
But they don’t do anything about the “power” salute from a bunch of grey yard kadets. Did I miss something here???
In the 60’s a D D meant being marched backward out the rear gate at Quantico as per what I was told the short time I spent there. In addition, you were issued and wore a canary yellow suit and given bus fare to your home of record. Oh for the good old days!
Makes sense to me to revive that and require all available personnel on base to watch the event. Being identified as a disgrace would straighten up at least a few.