Protest at National Press Club tele-luncheon

| September 24, 2007

A small group of protesters gathered outside of the National Press Club on 14th and F Streets in Washington DC today, a few blocks from the White House, to protest members of the National Press Club lending a forum to Iranian cheif thug Ahmadinejad.

There were probably two dozen and they were able to attract some minor media attention (outside of the NPC, though, it seems they’d attract more) while members of the National Press Club were listening to the Iranian President’s 45-minute speech. It was supposed to be followed by 30-minutes of questions from the Press Club, but given Ahmadinejad’s responses the night before on 60-minutes, I suspect that each of his “answers” began with the question “Are you a Zionist?”

Regardless, here are the pictures.

They were the politest protesters I’ve ever seen in DC – but they still endured some insults from this guy and the guy whose back you see on the otherside of the door. The comments were something about “why don’t they protest Abbas” or some such goalpost movement. When I got my camera out to photo him, the guy who insulted the protesters turned tail and ran inside the Press Club.

The security guard had a very boring day.

Here’s a video of some of the press coverage of the protest. I suppose the members of the press club went in through the parking garage because I didn’t see anyone enter at this door or at the other door where I kept my vigil by the ashtray. It was a small protest by very well-behaved protesters – something the media habitually avoids.

Kesher Talk and Atlas Shrugs have pictures of the protest in New York at Ground Zero. Little Green Footballs discovers that DailyKos diarist thinks Ahmadinejad sounds “entirely too reasonable”. Michele Malkin has the whole “Mahmoudapalooza“. Hot Air on the “no gays in Iraq” comment. Ace of Spades has Republican candidates’ reactions to the Columbia farce.

A Columbo-Americana’s Perspective had the NYT Live blog if you missed the whole thing like I did. She also has more pictures of the signs – Kate’s my protest buddy – she keeps me in line and out of jail.

Category: Foreign Policy, Politics, Protests/Rallies, Society, Terror War

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[…] More reaction here Bookmark to: Tags: Politics,, Terror, War,, Foreign, Policy,, Society Neocon News » Tentative for a reason… linked with Neocon News » Tentative for a reason…Mad Mahmoud Makes Landfall : The Sundries Shack linked with Mad Mahmoud Makes Landfall : The Sundries Shack […]


Shame on the US government for allowing this nutjob into the States

Jonn wrote: Thanks got visiting, Winston, and I agree completely with you. It was completely useless to allow this crackpot a forum from which he could spew his venom.


[…] This Ain’t Hell attended the National Press Club protest in Washington, D.C. […]


I love how they’re all in business attire. We have high-class protesters!!

Jonn wrote: We all have jobs and have to attend protests on our lunch hour, too. Unlike the opposition.


[…] This is precisely why so many of us who follow the affairs of the world, not just our next door neighbor, are so adament about not allowing this facist into our country to ’speak freely’ so that they may be better understood. […]


Outstanding work! What a great capture of the day’s events.


Jonn wrote: Thanks, Skye – it got me an invitation to join the National Press Club.