Pentagon; no mustard gas attack on US troops
Last week, we talked about a supposed chemical attack on US troops at Qayyara air base in Iraq. USAToday reports that the Pentagon has backed off of that claim now;
A rocket fired last week at an Iraqi base where American troops are present did not contain a chemical agent despite earlier suspicions, the U.S. military reported Tuesday.
Extensive laboratory tests concluded that the munition did not contain mustard agent, Air Force Col. John Dorrian, a U.S. military spokesman, said.
Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Congress last week the military assessed the munition contained sulfur mustard agent. His assessment was based on the information available at that time, the Pentagon said.
Well, that’s good news. But the bad news;
Islamic State militants will likely try to use chemical weapons as Iraqi forces launch an offensive to retake Mosul, Navy Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman, said.
“They’re dead set on it. They would love to be able to use chemical weapons against us, against the Iraqis, as they move forward,” he said.
Category: Terror War
“They would love to be able to use chemical weapons against us…”
Their keen grasp of the obvious is inspiring.
And when the Soldiers there start having mustard gas related health problems in 10-20 years and are trying to get help with it from the VA, the bureaucrats will just say, “But there wasn’t any mustard gas in the rocket, so this must be something else you did.”
Shades of “Baghdad Bob”?
It wasn’t “mustard gas” it was a somewhat caustic poorly-mixed batch of precursors, that didnt quite become “mustard gas”, and that doesnt count.
Except it was funny when he did it.
Only a fool would believe anything said by print or broadcast news media and only the stupid would believe anything said by our government or any of its agencies.
It’s a sad world we live in.
That is thoughtcrime and crimespeak! Naughty, naughty!!
I believe Grimmy is on to something there.
Gulf War Syndrome “There are no chemical weapons here” II Toxic NBC Boogaloo
Yeah, I’m calling bullshit on this.
Even if it were MG, shit would get squelched under the guise of an “investigation” until Obama was well out of office. Some internet video would probably get blamed or hey there it’s Bush’s fault. Of course why we’re still in Iraq is a mystery, I mean I thought he brought the troops home in 2011, and spiked the football during a Fort Bliss campaign stump.
Agent Orange, part II.
Well technically it was not gas and the blister agent was of such poor quality to be confused with motor oil. Right up there with I never sent any emails with headers or footers marked classified so I can run for president Opps….
Reminds me of New Dawn. The Pentagon and media kept reporting on how great the Iraqi Army was doing. While we were doing their jobs for them and they were getting the credit. Even if they weren’t there. Even saw my BC give an Iraqi platoon a bunch of medals for an operation MY platoon conducted, alone with no Iraqis in sight.
This smells the same as that did.
No, this doesn’t smell like shit at all.
Of course it wasn’t mustard gas. That would go against the leftist narrative that there were no WMDs in Iraq, cause BushwarcruminalCheneyRumafeldomgwtfbbq!!!!