Panama requests extradition of Martinelli

| September 28, 2016

Ricardo Martinelli

Reuters reports that Panama has requested to the US State Department the extradition of their former president, Ricardo Martinelli, who is living in Miami. Authorities in Panama suspect him of corruption in regards to a software sale to the Panamanian government.

Martinelli presided over an unprecedented updating of the country’s infrastructure as well as major upgrades to the Panama Canal which benefit world commerce.

Might I suggest to Panama that if the State Department doesn’t respond to their request, they stage a military operation to secure their former President. If they need a name for the operation, I suggest “Causa Justa” and they should bring stereo equipment.

Category: Politics

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Causa Justa!!! Thank you! Cleaning off my monitor and getting strange looks from my co-workers (they all think I am nuts anyway!)


We might as well tell the Panamanians that he has moved to Chicago before they launch their invasion. Maybe they could clean up the place in the process (doesn’t look like anybody else id going to).


This is starting to sound like the intro to a new book by Tom Kratman.

Countdown: Causa Justa.


Yep. We do owe them fellas a freebee in the Invade for Political Body Snatch type op.


Bring stereo equipment? What about food? What about beverages? No pulled pork or jerk chicken? If they hold the party in the 6900 block of North Clark, they could get lots of stuff from Panaderia Ayutla! Come on! Patronize the locals!


🙂 !!


Got to spend some time at the Rodman, post Operation Just Because. Local’s noses were still out of joint, so we didn’t get out much. Just as well, most likely. But there is this!

2/17 AirCav

I’m guessing he took care of oBaMa so he should be good. If not, he had better hold on until November and see what happens with the election. If Wide Load wins, Martinelli’s donation to the Clinton Foundation will be a whopper.


Haha, wasn’t something like this the plot of Die Hard iI?


Enjoy the snark, but didn’t Noriega declare war on the US, then assault US servicemen before Bush ’41 sent in troops?