New Jersey politics and valor thieves

| September 28, 2016

William Devereaux

An article has been circulating on social media about Democrat Frederick John Lavergne who is running for a seat in New Jersey’s 3rd Congressional District. Lavergne and his brother think that if he wins the seat in Congress it will relieve some of his debts, I suppose. But the stolen valor aspect cropped up when someone looked into the background of his veteran healthcare advisor, William Devereaux, who was appointed director of veterans programs for the New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs by Gov. Jim McGreevey several years ago.

It was discovered that Devereaux falsified his military records and used those records to get himself some VA benefits, according to back in 2011, he avoided prison because he told the judge that his wartime experiences in Vietnam made him falsify his military records and get seven years of tax breaks as a phony 100% disabled veteran, saving himself $54,132 in taxes;

At his sentencing, the Vietnam War veteran acknowledged it was a “horrible mistake” to embellish his service record, but insisted that his war experiences left him 100 percent disabled.


Although Devereaux claimed he was 100 percent disabled, the military said he was only temporarily disabled.

Authorities said Devereaux also lied about being in combat and receiving combat medals, including a Purple Heart, the Soldiers Medal, and the Bronze Star with “V” device.

Devereaux claimed he was a paratrooper and artilleryman, exchanged fire with enemy combatants, was involved in a friendly fire incident, and was injured multiple times, authorities said.

Investigators found that Devereaux was never a paratrooper or artilleryman. He served as a finance clerk in South Vietnam for four months and 11 days in 1968. Authorities said they found no record of combat medals or combat injuries.

Yeah, he didn’t need to be a wounded veteran for his job helping veterans, but he couldn’t resist. So that makes it only natural that he’d be a good veteran advisor for a congressman.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Stolen Valor and politics… such a wonderful pair. Bet the “embattled” congresscritter needed a “vet” to be in his foxhole as he figures out what to do.


Hey, it’s Jersey. ‘Nuff said.


No Purple Heart for carpel tunnel syndrome?

wilted willy

Another cocksucker!


Nu Jersay … wat Exit?


Severe paper cut? Those things can hurt like heck.


One time he was hit with an IED. Someone left bubble wrap on his chair.


so only 4 months in Vietnam? did he get there just in time for the withdraw? Or was he TDY there?




He got a Soldier’s Medal in combat??? I don’t think that medal means, what he thinks it means.

Green Thumb

I wonder if The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress donated money to this turd’s campaign.

A Proud Infidel®™

Nooh Joizey, eh? OH, four whole months as a clerk in a Combat Zone, OH THE HORROR!!! Lyin’ assed booger-munching fuckbucket of a shit-for-brained buck toothed Swamp Donkey!!


The dude even manages to look like the biggest, smuggest fuck whose face you’d just live to cave in with a shovel….where’s Jimmy Hoffas killer(s)…do us a favor


Replace live with love…sorry for not having my readers on earlier


And civilians around the military wonder why those in a combat MOS refer to these clowns as clerks & jerks.

Slick Goodlin

Favorite saying of my old Sergeant Major in the 82nd Airborne:

“He couldn’t be a pimple on a Paratrooper’s ass!”

Silentium Est Aureum

But he’s a Democrat in a blue state, so he’ll not only not be charged, but like Blumenthal, et al, get elected, time and time again.

Spodofora, Sharkey, Gunny Driveway, etc., etc., etc. So much for that “tough” NJ Stolen Valor law.

Pinto Nag

He might want to do something with that raw sore on his face, or ‘disabled’ ain’t even gonna begin to cover his condition. Guy went by me in Walmart a couple of months back — nearly half his face was involved. He looked scalded, and the cancerous area was draining.

Something for him to look forward to, if he doesn’t pay attention now.


That’s probably from too much time on the wrong side of the glory hole.


Just another dirtbag. He’s lucky he’s not in prison for fraud. Pretending to be a front line combat troop when he was in finance is sickening.


That’s MY district, NJTP exit 4, 5 and 6. Burlington & Ocean counties.
Dirtying up NJ’s already muddy politics. IF he wins, no more armory for locals citizens.


There’s no such MOS as paratrooper,lol. I’ve heard a lot of POGS say this…then press them for the actual MOS and they are always somerhing POGish.