Port of Olympia emails and military cargo.
It seems that the Port of Olympia might be used for the transpiration of military cargo via emails. This has apparently hit a nerve with a portion of the population in Olympia. Currently the city of Olympia is holding a public discussion on if the military cargo should be allowed to pass through the port. When I first heard this coming back from work I had to do a double take on why this is even up for discussion.
Denis Langhans of Olympia, who was one of the first to speak Monday, said he was surprised by the “lack of candor and transparency on an issue of real community sensitivity.”
Walt Jorgensen of Tumwater was one of two men who read The Olympian story to the commission. After he was done, he said the port’s credibility had plummeted to a new low.
“There’s no other way to say it: Somebody’s been lying to me and I resent it,” he said.
“Our faith and trust has been violated,” Chris Carson of Olympia added.
Mike Pelly of Olympia questioned the honesty of how the military shipments discussion has been handled.
“We want you to act like public servants and not do deals behind our backs,” he told the commission.
Except that there has to be operational security in these matters. Public knowledge of a convoy route, cargo and delivery time would expose people to unneeded risks. Given the recent attacks on a Marine 10K, it is not far off to say that a another attempt would be realistic. Another reason would be the outcome of the last time military cargo was transported in Port of Olympia in 2007. It is also the current residence of the The Veterans For Peace Rachel Corrie Chapter 109 as well as Coffee Strong, after leaving Lakewood Washington. So it is not surprising to see statements like this.
Mark Fleming of Olympia urged the commission not to accept military cargo.
“It’s a visceral issue with me,” he said. “I convinced myself to participate in the Vietnam War, and I urge you not to make the same mistake in 2016.”
There were supporters who voiced their opinion.
“I want the port to continue to support the use of our port by the military,” Jon Cushman of Olympia said. “It’s the right thing to do.”
“The port should be afforded an opportunity to exercise its role as an alternative port,” said Bill Adamson, program manager for the South Sound Military & Communities Partnership.
Greg Bucove of Olympia also commented on The Olympian story, saying the emails show that Executive Director Galligan is just doing his job.
But in the end it comes down to this simple fact. If the military needs to use a port to support the many different operations around the world then it is not for the local city to decide if it will happen or not.
Galligan also said the port is bound by the Shipping Act of 1984, which prevents it from “unreasonably discriminating in the provision of marine terminal services.”
“Our acceptance of military shipments in no way implies involvement in the making of foreign policy,” he said. “Rather, it demonstrates our commitment to operating a public marine terminal in compliance with all governing regulations.”
He added: “I understand and appreciate the diverse perspectives our community holds on geopolitical strategies and the use of military force. (But) these are actions and policy decisions well outside the port’s jurisdictional authority.”
Category: Foreign Policy, Politics
Oh Fukk the Hell off.
Sounds like Galligan has his head on straight, no matter his opinion of politics.
So, face it, Olympia Port, you’re just a little cog in a big machine, get over your own self-importance.
FUCK every one of those candyassed pisspants no-load stank-ass creampuffs to death sideways with rusty tangled barbed wire wrapped in diarrhea-soaked asbestos. GOD, Jesus, Joseph, Mary and Haile Selassie, is there anything these pus-heads AREN’T perpetually offended by?
Free weed.
Homeless hipppies.
Western Washington has the largest concentration of stank-ass hippies outside of San Francisco.
I’m guessing you’ve never been to either Bisbee or Flagstaff in Arizona, MrBill. (smile)
Or Taos, Santa Fe, Boulder, Jackson Hole, Park City, Portland…
Liberals are a virus.
“Liberals are a cancer.”
Fixed it for you.
Grew up near Jackson Hole. Great place until it was overrun by Hollywood liberal types. Nobody can afford to live there now.
Bisbee. It’s like Mayberry on acid.
Remember the Seattle hippies a few years back who wanted to take over the Boeing plant “in the name of peace” or some shit, even though that factory has produced nothing but commercial airliners since 1962? These are the kind of people they’re dealing with.
Yes, Boeing is in the process of finding a new home for its airplane factory. Wait and see. How many jobs will it cost? Oooh!
Doesn’t seem to make an impact on their thinking – just like Californicate.
All of them! If Boeing sneezes, Washington gets the Spanish Flu. We all remember the billboard along I-5 in the 70’s. “Would the last person leaving Seattle please turn off the lights”. It really was that bad.
God I hate those fucking hippies.
I sense another Shithouse Siege coming on. Only instead of a bunch of Military posers and wannab’s its going to be serious this time.
It should be fun to watch, the Port will be taken over by old hippies with wicker lawn chairs and cpap machines.
I got a fresh supply of Gummy Dicks just for an occasion like this.
Further evidence of why you need to HAVE YOUR LOCAL HIPPIES SPAYED OR NEUTERED.
Why would a bunch of tree-huggers be against transpiration, military or otherwise?
Because it has 4 syllables.
Dear Port of Olympia:
If you don’t like the military protecting you feel free to take your stupid selves to some place with no military protection. (That excludes Europe and Israel, btw, in case you need that clarification.)
Feel free to move to Zimbabwe, the ‘stan, Iraq, Iran, Uganda, Mozambique, or Venezuela.
Oh – and take your pet unicorns with you, ‘k?
I’d add Liberia, Somalia, Haiti (NOPE, scratch Haiti, too close to American soil) North Korea and Venezuela as well, offer the damn things some variety and diversity!
Also excludes “We abolished our military” Costa Rica.
“Our faith and trust [not to mention my ass] has been violated.” All fixed.
What I should have written is: “Our faith and trust has been violated when want we really want is our asses to be violated.”
I noticed the big “P E A C E” in the background.
Be sure and tell that to ISIS when they show up at your door.
I’d say “Let me know how that works for you” but when your head is laying in a pool of your own blood on the floor, it’s gonna be a bit hard for you to talk. Not that you’ll be using your brain any less…
Don’t anyone tell them where the silos are. Sssshhhhh….
Or the “black helicopters”. (smile)
Simple. Move the Port of Olympia, which includes the Port Authority law enforcement part, away from Olympia to another oceanside spot that would be glad to have the jobs.
Then they won’t have to worry about military stuff, right?
Build a wall around the motherfucker and let them live in peace and tranquility.
Either the herd gets culled or the entire herd’s gonna die of this idiot disease.
Some big f’in port. So far in 2016, they had a total of 21 ships, three in a good month, usually two or one per month. So they have all this money invested in a large crane and shore facility with no volume. Olympia is at the end of Puget Sound and these dumb f’s profit from the prosperity of nearby Fort Lewis and McChord AFB and to a lesser extent from the Navy sub-base and shipyard. A sane person would welcome any economic opportunity.
Twenty-one ships? Morehead City, NC must have done more (then again, sandbars out the ying-yang.)
21 ships so far in 2016?
Dang – I think Port of Houston does that in a day.
But then, these hippies are not good at thinking – their synapses are all fried by the unicorn chips they’re smoking.
8000 ships and 200,000 barges in a year – basically 22 ships and 548 barges a DAY. Pretty good estimate!
I was just going off what I’ve seen growing up around PoH and Galveston Bay. Not bad for a shot-in-the-dark guess.
Now the PoH taxes on the residents of the county… that one got me somewhat upset when I learned of it. With that much traffic, why do they need county residents to pay a tax?
Because despite what any of them try to claim, there has never been a politician born who disliked a tax if they thought they could get away with it. Nothing better than playing Monopoly with other folks’ money.
I’m pretty sure San Diego sees more commercial traffic in a week, and it barely has any non-military cargo capacity!
Way more. I worked in the Shipyard and National City was a big offloading place for Asian Car makers. You would see the Car Carriers pulling in during the morning and they’d be out, empty by mid afternoon.
I’ve got a better idea. Let them lay on the road, tracks, etc., just like that stank ass hippie did outside the Concord Weapons Station back in the 80’s.
Problem solved, problem staying solved.
Nobody tell them their taxes are used, in part, to fund military operations.
I’m sure someone in that group pays taxes, at least 2 or 3.
You mean the government doesn’t just print the money and give it to them?
Reminds me of the time back in the 1980’s that Boulder, CO declared itself to be a “nuclear free zone” … at the same time that plutonium “triggers” for thermonuclear weapons were being produced about 5 miles away at Rocky Flats. 😉
Fire for effect. Out.
Start here
Sigh. Olympia is suffering from the same infestation as Seattle, Tacoma and Portland: blue dots surrounded by people who know better than to pull this kind of shit. Olympia just suffers from a particularly loud case of this due various factors (including in particular TESC – The Evergreen State College; it is possible to get a sound education there but you have to constantly dodge the pretty extreme, dare I even say radical, brainwashing).
It’s a shame. It’s a beautiful area. But the tiny minds are so tightly screwed shut, they feel the need to screw everything around them, too.
So, in your analysis, they’re all screwed up?
Absolutely. I’d go so far as to say it’s an inherent trait now: they’re not just screwed up, they are themselves screw-ups!
It’s the water, and a lot more.
I DEROS’d to SEATAC. That was some good beer back then.
Sure beat the Bud that sat in the sun on pallets until the label was unreadable.
These are the same people, along with Governor Lackwit Gasbag from CA, who think that a weather cycle is climate and who probably believe that when the East Africa Rift Zone really does split off from Africa, they’ll be able to prevent it from happening.
They really do believe their own hyperbole. It is so ingrained in them that anyone who disputes their opinions is viewed as a criminal of some kind. These are people who were protesting in the 1960s – you name it, there was a protest – and now they’re mostly a bunch of old gasbags with a few not so old gasbags who still don’t make the connection between cash and industry.
Idealism is a mental disorder. One of several.
Dave Hardin may have a nearly complete list of them.
Never fear, the Port Police will stand by while the Coasties gear up and persuade those stank ass hippies they’d better stay away while the ships are berthed.
Why aren’t they out there protesting whenever the US ARMY Corps of Engineers is running a dredging operation to keep their port open or to improve it?
Perhaps the US government should respect these people’s wishes by first ceasing all CoE operations there and let the local governments take on the cost of maintaining the port.
I’m ashamed to admit that I live in Washington – even though I’m on the other side of the state when I see crap like this. People wonder why there’s been a constant rift in the state with the East side wanting to be separate from the West side – here’s a classic example of why!
Someone needs to remind the area residents that no matter how strongly the show allegiance against the US military, it’s damn near guaranteed that the port and the city are the beneficiaries of 15 or so Russian red pills (4-7, targeted dispersion for maximum area damage and overwhelming of emergency services, x2-3 strikes) per targeting orders already in existence. Probably safe to add 5 from the chicomms as well.
A strong USN presence in the Pacific (worst name for an Ocean, ever) and a robust strategic defense are more in their best interests than for the majority of Americans living in the USA.
I remember older shipmates talking about back in 2007 when the USNS Pomeroy was due to load vehicles there and those stank ass hippies were yelling, “get out of our waters!” through bullhorns.