Weekend open thread

| August 26, 2016


This weekend open thread is brought to you by Roberto Duran whose biographical “Hands of Stone” opens in theaters this weekend. I used to watch him workout a few blocks from our apartment in Panama City before he was famous. My wife’s uncle, Fidel, trained him in the early years.

We bumped into him when we were down in Panama in 2009 and we slammed a few brews together, you know, until he said “no mas”.

Category: Who knows

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You inglorious basterd!

You win this round.




Missed it by THAT much!

Skippy (my dependa does not speak for me)

I didn’t even place in the top ten again
Having a three year old and a 10 month old baby makes for some crazy stuff around here at the house of Skippy





Well, that was close.


All right, you ALL get a ribbon and an ice cream cone.

Happy now?


wow, that was instant!

2/17 Air Cav

That’s a first for first. We had three within the same minute: 12:57. Of course, you all do know what Mick and AW1Ed are called.

A Proud Infidel®™


First fart! My tribute to the Dutch Rudder Gang who can go fuck a wall socket after doing winos behind bus stops for spare change.


The DRG takes turns wearing this



This just in: per the State Bar of California, Daniel A. Bernath is still listed as Not Eligible to Practice Law!

If anyone is interested, the reason why may be found here. Let’s just say that being “Not Eligible to Practice Law” doesn’t appear to have been a voluntary decision on Danni-boi’s part.

Moreover, reputedly that’s not the only court that has, shall we say, a less than stellar opinion of the individual.

It also appears that the ineligibility to practice law will very likely be a long-term if not permanent status for Daniel A. Bernath.

This is for you, Danni-boi (warning – image may be NSFW and is not a good idea around prudes, clergy, or small children):

comment image


The effective date of his disbarment is only two days away!

A Proud Infidel®™

I’d just give The Dutch Rudder Gang a hearty “FUCK YOU AND YOUR RETARDED. HOUND DOG, TOO!!”

Bernath's Retarded Hound Dog

Don’t associate me with these clowns, I would’ve left years ago but that shitstick duct taped my paws together.

A Proud Infidel®™

GOOD ONE, ROFLMAO!! I give it FIVE out of a possible FIVE COCONUTS rating! ??

CB Senior

Formerly know as “Never Was”, is going to be never again.

Good way to start off the weekend.

BurntNuts “0.0. Fat, dumb, and stupid is no way to go thru life.”

A Proud Infidel®™

How ’bout “Fat, ugly, stupid, and a vexatious litigant is no way to go through life”?

That or “The reason bad things happen to you is because you’re a dumbass” – Red Foreman


Check all the Dallassclown blogs. Now I’m a Yolanda van der Puyl a Paralegal?…I couldn’t live on what a Paralegal makes…

Hack Stone

Do paralegals jump out of aircraft with subpoenas?

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

“Check all the Dallassclown blogs.” Nah, haven’t yet, never will. I won’t contribute to their reader numbers. They post nothing that is true, and I am not a big fan of fiction. I am told that he likes to accuse others of doggie sex, to the extent that I wonder if that is not his chosen form of “release”.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO it’s more of what Psychiatric Professionals refer to as “Projection” described by Sigmund Freud as when one feels so afraid or intimidated by their own thought that they “project” them onto others by accusing them of being the same way, much like a convicted rapist or pedophile accusing his therapist of wanting to do the same as he did.

Silentium Est Aureum

Funny you mention that, given Bernath’s predilection to accuse others of sexual exploitation, particularly of children.

Hiding something, Danny-boi? Not doing a very good job of it, if I may say so. How’s the lawsuit biz going of late? Gotta watch which states have arrest warrants out on ya. Hell, you might even need a scorecard at this rate.

Rustle, rustle, bitch.


This is directed to Hondo, but others may respond. All opinions are welcome.

Hondo, based on your experience and knowledge of this matter, what is your assessment of the probability that Mr. Bernath’s eligibility to practice law will at some time be reinstated?

Hondo, do you feel, as do many, that the probability of Mr. Bernath being reinstated to practive law is very low?

Do you feel, Hondo, that Mr. Bernath should be actively in pursuit of another line of work, in that he will not be reinstated to practice law in any meaningful capacity that would result in financial stability for himself?

Do you believe, Hondo, that Mr. Bernath is in no measure a Sailor who should in any way be associated with being a Chief Petty Officer, United States Navy? And, Hondo, do you feel, as the evidence might suggest, that Mr. Bernath photoshopped his head onto that of an honorable Sailor and, in addition, childishly altered a PO1 rating insignia, possibly with a crayon, to give the appearance it was a Chief Petty Officer Rating Insignia, and did so to suggest he was in fact a Chief Petty Officer?

And, finally, has your research determined that Mr. Bernath was at any time chosen as an Honorary Chief Petty Officer by the individual within the Navy with authority to do so,the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy? Was Mr. Bernath honored in such a manner? Or, as some have suggested, did Mr. Bernath honor himself with the status of Honorary Chief Petty Officer?

Hondo, as a follow up, do you feel Mr. Bernath’s troubles are directly of his own making and we would not be having these discussions if he simply had STFU from the getgo?

Thank you for your time and consideration.


A Real Navy Chief Petty Officer
Selected and Initiated by his Peers
(and rightly proud of this accomplishments)
Rightly Proud


I am not Hondo, but as an attorney who was continuously licensed to practice law in California for over 36 years, it is my opinion that Bernasty is unlikely to ever get his disbarment set aside. Although his disbarment was in part the result of his failure to appear for the last day of his discipline trial, I doubt he could ever show (1) that he had a reasonable excuse for said non-appearance and (2) that there was a likelihood he would win the proceeding if given a further hearing. Also, very few of those attorneys formally disbarred by the State Bar/CA Supreme Court ever get reinstated. I know of one local attorney disbarred for a felony conviction; after serving his sentence, he did everything humanly possible to show his newfound good character and rehabilitation from his drug fueled criminal conduct. The Court refused to reinstate his license, despite numerous letters and affidavits from influential people.

A Proud Infidel®™

So thus his/its chances of reinstatement are somewhat less than slim to none, fine by me! Fred Phelps (piss on him), founder of the Westboro Baptist Church, was also a disbarred Attorney in Kansas that files baseless and asinine excuses for lawsuits.

A Proud Infidel®™

*OOPS!*, “…FILED baseless and asinine excuses for lawsuits”, A Proud Infidel®™ needs to do a better job of proofreading before hitting the “Post” button.


You may consider hiring Hack Stone Publishing.


NEVER IN THIS LIFETIME and I’m 100% sure. You lose in California its for life. In Florida I heard to can reapply after five years…

Silentium Est Aureum

But he was never licensed in Florida. The fact Oregon turned him down flatter than day old beer would have been the proverbial writing on the wall had he actually attempted it in FL.


True that he doesn’t practice in Florida.. The reason a Judge barred him from filing without a attorney in good standing… And since the loser doesn’t know any, poof…by the way JOSEPH CRYER HAS BONDED WITH THE TWO DRG to find me. Goid luck POSUERS

HMCS(FMF) ret.

The only options for “active work” for Mr. Bernath are as follows:

1. Fluffer on a gay porn set
2. Portable suction pump for a penile catheter
3. Bitter old man that sits on his porch and yells at the neighbor hood kids to “get off his lawn”
4. Cellmate to Messrs Bubba, Thor, Julio and “Tiny” at the local poundhimintheass jail

He failed as a lawer, TSA screener, school bus driver, tour bus driver, school board candidate, photographer, father and husband (pretty much everything in his sad, pathetic little life).


An selected, and initiated by his peers, Chief Petty Officer that proudly served (without embellishing) in the Navy

Programming note – Danni and DuLlAsS will be “working” this weekend at the third dumpster behind Publix Supermarket. The loser special is “chocolate starfish tonging for $0.15” with all proceeds to go to paying associated legal fees for disbarment and DRG cocktails

A Proud Infidel®™

Come to think of it what HASN’T Daniel A. Bernath been an absolute failure at in this life other than being a bad example?

A Proud Infidel®™

Bernath MIGHT be able to get hired as a towel boy at Brucie’s Bath House (Entrance In Rear) next door to The Blue Oyster.


HMC Ret: didn’t see this last night. I’ll defer to Rgr769 on this – he’s probably in a much better position to give a definitive answer.

To add to what he says: most states do allow disbarred lawyers to apply for reinstatement after a period of time, but the process is expensive and the rate of success seems low. (This source indicates only about 10% are successful.) I do not think that California is among the relatively small group (approximately 13) of states that allow for permanent disbarment, but I could be wrong about that.

I have also read that since 2010 CA has required disbarred lawyers seeking reinstatement to re-take and pass the CA bar exam as a condition of reinstatement. Pretty sure anyone being reinstated would have to pay all assessed fees and fines associated with disbarment as well prior to reinstatement.

A Proud Infidel®™

I bet they’d also be required to settle any and all outstanding debts, but given what Daniel A. Bernath already owes to more than a few people along with his track record of paying up, I don’t see him being able to get reinstated. Moral Character is likely another consideration and that’s what got him an “OH, HELL NO!!!” reply from The Oregon Bar when he applied there, I wonder WTF took so long for the State of California to disbar him, I’ve seen Attorneys get disbarred in other States much faster for far less than what he did!


API: I poked around on the CA Bar website looking at disbarred POSs. From the small sample I saw, it seems several months to a year was pretty much average for the bar court to decide that a POS should be disbarred – and 6 mo seemed about typical for time between the bar court recommending that and the CA Supreme Court ordering same.


I don’t know about other “debts,” but I checked the State Bar website. The Disbarred One will have to pay the fines and costs imposed for his disciplinary/disbarment cases, take and pass the CA attorneys’ bar exam, wait five years from his disbarment order, and pay a $1600 fee when he files his petition for reinstatement. Also, if it reached the point of a hearing on his petition, he would have to show “rehabilitation” and acknowledge his past wrongdoing. The latter requirement I find highly unlikely to be forthcoming from this person.
So based upon his current income generating activities, the chances of his reinstatement are closer to none than slim.


So, Bernath has been effectively neutered.

Which is why no longer here about him and his lunacy!

Silentium Est Aureum

Oh, he’s still around, thinking he’s relevant.

Baker Act, Danny-boi. Think about it.

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s only a matter of time…


He’s having his butt buddy outing innocent people as Criminals who harass Vietnam veterans..and the Iceland is going crazy…


Bernath is now giving legal advice for GIFT CARDS. His butt buddy Dallassclown dances like a ballerina for a drink….and he still can’t find me?

Silentium Est Aureum

If that is in fact the case, and you can prove it, let the Florida Bar know.

That shit is a FELONY in Florida.


SILENT..just kidding, but, I wouldn’t put it past the moron. Wittless posted crap on his Iceland page and pissed off a real van der Puyl they accuse me to be. Guess someone let the turd know a lawsuit would be filed in Federal court if the crap wasn’t deleted. As of this a.m. everything’s gone. I want to know who that person is. Some clout they have..

A Proud Infidel®™

SEA ain’t shitting around, practicing law sans a license in Florida is a Third Degree Felony,


/well everyone *ELSE* is doing it.


Kitchen cleaning this weekend, plus laundering all summer wear before putting it away for the season.


PH2: Is there any possibility those summer clothes might be, say, of a revealing nature when worn? Could it be they are the type of summer clothing that is scantily made with, oh, too little cloth? I’m asking for a friend.


No such luck, Chief. Sorry. Just comfortable capris, tees, etc., stuff you wear when the weather is as humid as Orlando in the winter, and the temps reach right around 85F to 90F.

I think your friend should spend some time at a Renaissance or Pirate Faire.
Here’s a link to a by-state directory.



We attended one locally this past March and have attended at other times as well. It’s actually fun. Next one around here is next Spring and we’re planning to return. Thanks for the link, it’s easy to use.


Crap I’m late


That’s what the turd said…


My woobie arrived today; got it in Desert Cammo. Think I feel a power nap coming on…


Where did you get it from? Looking for one at a good price.




Thanks! Came back to post the link but ya beat me to it.

just some feller

When did poncho liners get the name “woobie”? Had to click on the amazon link below to find out what you were talking about.

Have had one since my Dad brought his back from RVN in 1966. I still have two even after being retired over 20 years.

“Travel light, freeze at night.”

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

I am from “back in the day” when ponchos had no liner. I wouldn’t recognize a “Woobie” from an “Obi-wan”. In my army, we had “shelter halves”, sleeping bags, no “ground pads”, and we ran PT in OG-107s and Corcorans. Currahee!

Currahee John

We had poncho liners, but no-one called them “woobies” Mostly ’cause we were Manly Men Doing Manly Things, most of which seemed to involve spending 90% of your time running around the woods, and the other 10% drinking ourselves silly at the EM/NCO or All-Ranks Clubs. The field between which and our barracks resembled Gettysburg every Sunday morning, I might add, from everyone who just could not make that long crawl.

AND we also did PT in OG-107’s and boots. We had shelter halves, but the only thing I recall using them for after Basic was for gear inspections.

Durn kids today don’t know how great the Old Army really was, clubs gone along with platoon or company level mandatory bar calls, shined boots gone, starched uniforms gone, and so on.

“Travel light, freeze at night.” Amen to that, brother!


Actually used my shelter half (and all the rest of the pieces) at Tent City in NTC. Fun times.


shelter halves?…fukking Hollywood.


Present. Another fine day in beautiful downtown Naco.


Which Naco? (smile)


Naco Norte


Bueno. (smile)


Near Macho Grande?

Hack Stone

I’ll never get over Macho Grande.

A Proud Infidel®™

Has Bernath wrecked a plane there YET?


Not really. It’s a few hundred miles west of there.


Not exactly near anything!

Skippy (my dependa does not speak for me)

BFE !!!!!!
All the Way ! ! ! !


Naco is a bit “off the beaten path”, but I wouldn’t say it’s quite isolated enough to be in BFE’s league.

You want that, travel I-8 between Gila Bend and Yuma. THAT, sir, is IMO in BFE’s league! (smile)

And I-10 between Tonopah and Quartzsite ain’t far behind.

Hack Stone

Does anyone know if Phil will be working balls this weekend, and if so, behind which dumpster? I know of a recently disbarred attorney that could use some cheering up.

Jon The Mechanic

If it is the weekend, he will be working balls.

The location of the dumpster varies. Check local truckstops for availability.

Hack Stone

Performances are 8:00 PM and 10:30 PM. You must be at least 8″ for the 10:30 performance, Phil works a little “blew”.

Bill M

Well, h^ll, missed it again.

Commissioner Wretched

Twelfth! (Personal best!)


Negative eleventeen!!!

(Brian Regan)

The Stranger

Awesome pic, Jonn. I remember when I was a little kid and would watch his fights on ABC Wide World of Sports. Of course, no one seems to remember that the “No Mas” fight was a rematch from when Duran mopped the floor with Sugar Ray. Oh and “twentysomething!”


FYI for Tony180:

My Army son says he was in the Headquarters Battalion of the 5th SFG.(90-91)

He says he can’t remember the names of any Motor Officers right off the top of his head, but he knows for sure his Motor Sergeant was SFC McGee.

And that’s the all the info I have. About the only time he talks about his service is when he’s asked direct questions about it.


Oops, hit the post button too fast. That would be Tony 180A, not 180.


Very cool, Jonn! Very, very cool.

Seems like he’s a good guy.


Recipe time!!!!

Plain Old Bean Soup

Portions of ingredients depend on the volume of soup you want to make.

16-bean mix of dry beans; soak overnight covered with water, minimum of 8 hours. I usually do 10 hours, starting at 9PM.
Check to see that all beans are rehydrated.

Pour out the water next morning.

Add the following ingredients:

2 parts chicken broth to 1 part beef broth
Low sodium broth is fine.

1 whole onion, coarsely chopped

Several sliced stalks of celery, plus the leaves if they’re good

Shredded or sliced carrots, or baby carrots
(frozen sliced carrots are okay)about 1 lb.

1 to 2 cups of ham, diced.
(A ham hock is also good to include.)

Minced garlic (1 to 2 tablespoons)

Ground cumin, chili powder and/or Mrs Dash Garlic/Herb, dried parsley and thyme.

You can add a can of diced tomatoes, but I never do.

Let it simmer for several hours, stirring occasionally.

Fix some cornbread, make up hot favorite beverage, or chill same, serve with side dish of sliced fresh veggies.

And for afters: seasonal fruit like peaches or nectarines, diced, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Or serve pumpkin pie with whipped cream.


One can “cheat” the overnight soak. Rinse the beans, cover with an inch or two of water in the pot, cover, and bring to a boil. Remove from the heat and let rest, still covered, for an hour. Done! Now drain and build your soup as usual. Quite the time saver.


Yes, but soaking less than 8 hours doesn’t remove the phytates (the stuff that causes gas). There are other reasons to get rid of the phytates, as well.


Beans with no gas? Where’s the fun in that?


Yum! Can’t wait for cool weather to set in so that I can start making soups, stews, and chili again.


Yes! If Aldi has those packs of German fat, thick egg noodles again, I will stock enough to last two winters!


Stock them? Just make them yourself! Very easy, and WAY better!


Yes, I know: buy a clothes horse for a drying rack, maybe even a pasta cutter, make the bundles and store them in Ziploc bags. I know. But there some things I’d rather just buy.

Besides, if I buy them the store will bring them back in the fall and I’ll have a multitude of choices for materials.


Must agree that those noodles are the absolute best EVER. So good that attempting to make some of equal quality is useless. (At least in this household. Other noodles? Not so much.)


I have become an Aldi aficionado. I love them. The other day I bought a jar of pineapple/jalapeño spread. Those crazy German bastards…PFG!


I am eagerly waiting to see if they restock Transylvanian cheese for Hallowe’en this year. And bring back the quart jars of mandarin oranges.


I use ham bones. Throw everything into a pot, bring to boil, turn down and simmer an hour or so. I use pinto beans, navy beans, split pea, etc. Doesn’t matter. End result is some fine eating.


With pinto beans, use beer, bacon, jalapenos and cilantro to make South Texas Borracho (drunk) Beans. best damned beans you’ll ever taste.


Damn…the one hour out of the Federal government year I actually had to work.

Silentium Est Aureum

Just like some places I’ve been.

First week at a new job several years ago and my mentor told me, “Nobody in this place ever died from overwork. Boredom, yes from the hours you spend here, but not work.”

Damned if he wasn’t right.


yes, but I was joking…thought I’m sure some federal employees scam, I do more than enough to earn my pay as do the other folks I work with. Of course that opens me to further outrage, because it inevitably brings my productivity bonuses into the discussion.Damned scamming federal employees.


What? The non-bonus-getters don’t like the fact that you do get the productivity bonuses and they don’t? Has anyone had the mere audacity to suggest to them that they actually do what’s required to get those bonuses?


“Because NO Federal employee deserves a bonus paid by money confiscated by the government from it’s citizens. Period.”

That’s how one person put it a few days ago. Of course he overlooked that when he was a Marine, that’s how he got pays and bonuses etc. I told him his tin foil hat was too tight.lol


Duran was, undoubtedly one of the best to ever step into the square ring.Always loved watching him box.

Some years back I was in the Whistling Oyster tavern on the Hood Canal, Wa. throwing back suds. A guy comes in with his lady and sat down at the bar, and I just felt I knew him from somewhere. After about three or four beers it hit me-Greg “Mutt” Haugen. He said only friends call him “Mutt’. so we became friends. Visited him in Vegas a few times. He was sporting bumps and bruises from his last fight vs Vinny Paz. Hella good man.


I remember my father parking me in the lobby of DAV, VFW, etc. on Friday night. I would watch the NBC Friday Night Fights, sponsored by Gillette. (How are you fixed for blades?) That was when big name fighters were showcased. Ali, Frazier, Liston and others slugging it out in prime time for free. Not today. Big bucks PPV today.


Yessir! I remember Friday Night Fights with my dad, as well. He and I glued to the 19 “(diagonal) b&w..Well, he was watching more than me. I had to get up and adjust the rabbit ears.


Here’s a half hour of steam trains for API.

Enjoy it!



Train joke!!! Woooohooooo!!!

There once was five year old boy who enjoyed playing with his train set. One afternoon, his mother happened to be standing by the door listening to the boy play. She was shocked when she heard him saying,

“All right, all of you son of a bitches who want to get on the train, get on train. And all of you son of a bitches who want to get off the train, get off the train. And all of you son of a bitches who want to change seats, change seats now ’cause the train’s getting ready to leave. Whoo whooooo.”

The mother was just devastated, so she scolded her son and said to him,

“Now son, I want to go upstairs and take your nap, and when you get up, you can’t play with your train set for two hours.”

So the boy took his nap and didn’t even mention his train set for two hours. After the two hours were up, the boy asked his mom if he could play with his train set again. She said yes, and asked him if he understood why he was punished. He nodded his head yes, and off he went. The mother stood by door to listen to what her son would say. The boy sat down to his train set and calmly said,

“Whoo whoooooo. All of you ladies and gentlemen who want to get on the train, get on the train. All of you ladies and gentlemen who want to get off the train, get off the train. And all you son of a bitches who are pissed ’cause the train is two hours late, go talk to the bitch in the kitchen.

Skippy (my dependa does not speak for me)


Dennis - not chevy

Back when I was a kid, my Grandmother sold the family farm to a developer. One day I was getting on her last nerve so she sent me out to watch the crews build houses on what used to be the farm. Her thinking was I might learn something.
When I returned she asked me if I had learned anything. I told I had. I told her you had to count each board because the jackasses at the lumber yard will cheat you, you had to keep moving because the foreman is a drunken idiot who thinks no one works hard enough except him, and the low life general contractor doesn’t pay anyone what their owed except for the hooker he bangs everyday at lunch.
My Grandmother was shocked, she said, “Young man, we do not talk like that in this house, now go fetch me a switch!”
I said screw-you old lady, do I look like an electrician?


Funny you posted that pic. That is my Tundra on the right


Are you sure that’s yours, and not a look alike?

A Proud Infidel®™

A NICE FIND, Ex-PH2! I liked the footage of the “Eureka”, a reproduction wood-burning narrow gauge 4-4-0, I hope I get to ride behind her one day. Some nice narrow gauge as well from the D&S and the Cumbres & Toltec topped off with some good footage of an SP Mikado (2-8-2) and ATSF 3751, a triple-digit-capable 4-8-4! Here’s another one of my favorites, Norfolk & Western 611, the only operable streamlined steam loco in the USA, she was rebuilt yet again last year and is now part of Norfolk Southern’s Steam Program.


Okay, what is the engine with No. 315 in the other video. That looks quite antiquey to me, almost early 19th century.

A Proud Infidel®™

The #315 you mention is a Narrow Gauge 2-8-0 Consolidation type that looks like like she was built anywhere from the late 1880s to the 1910s by either ALCO (American Locomotive Company in Schenectady, NY) or The Baldwin Locomotive Works in Eddystone, PA. I recognized the background scenery which places that locomotive in Durango, CO on the Durango and Silverton (D&S NG). “Gauge” refers to the track width, Standard Gauge in the US and Western Europe is 4′ 8 1/2″ between the rails, any narrower than that makes it Narrow Gauge, which the D&S NG as well as the Cumbres & Toltec are (36″ gauge) or the 2′ Narrow Gauge railroads in Maine, Any wider would make it Wide Gauge. American Railroad Gauges were standardized after the Civil War because of the logistics headaches that multiple gauge railroads caused. Whenever freight changed hands from one railroad to another, time was lost due to the need for trans-loading from car to car as well as damage from rough handling. The 2-8-0 refers to the wheel arrangement of that locomotive, when counting, one looks at the number of axles in front of the driving wheels and multiplies that by two, then doing the same for driving wheel axles, then the same for that behind the drivers, thus the 315 is a 2-8-0. That Southern Pacific Locomotive in the video you posted is a 2-8-2, a “Mikado”, look behind the driving wheels and you’ll notice an additional trailing axle under the cab, look at ATSF #3751 and you’ll notice she is a 4-8-4, same with N&W #611, they were heavy haulers. There were also some with multiple sets of driving axles, search for UP (Union Pacific) #3985 which is a 4-6-6-4 and UP #4014, which is a 4-8-8-4 “Big Boy”, one of which has been reacquired by the UP and is currently being restored to operation. Here are some examples of wheel arrangements, picture the lower case “o” as a pilot or trailing axle and the capital “O” as a driving axle: oo OO 4-4-0, “American” o OOOO 2-8-0, “Consolidation” o OOOO o… Read more »


not to mention that helped win WWII – Russian tracks were a different gauge than European and the Germans hit significant delays trying to keep logistics sorted out, having to transfer loads, etc. Anything that screws with the other guys’ logistics is good.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yep, it’s been said that the Russkie trains could ride on Western Gauge, but not vice versa. The U.S. Military once has the MRS 1 model diesel locomotive manufactured for them and they are variable gauge with have smaller cabs than domestic models to deal with tunnel dimensions overseas.


Oh dear BUDDHA..you got PROUD taking about his train and he loves the damn thing….

A Proud Infidel®™

I’ve been a diehard “Railnerd” ever since I was a kid.


Gee wiz PROUD..I’ve been on yours three times and always look forward to the next time?so when are we going for another ride?

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m looking forward to riding another excursion behind N&W 611 next spring and I might get lucky enough to get a ticket or two to ride behind Union Pacific #4014 when she returns to the rails under her own steam, that’ll be a sight and sound to behold, a live 4-8-8-4, the largest steam engine in existence!


A general announcement to the room:

It’s been a bad week, but it could have been much worse. Thanks for the prayers. They helped and were answered, but can now be altered. We’ve done the burial, goofy family antics, strange interactions between disparate social groups, and had the support of some of the finest individuals on the planet. Moving on now, not that being single again at this age holds any special fascination.


OWB, condolences. I missed the announcement earlier and am still just guessing at your SITREP.

If I guessed right, I was where you are almost 4 years ago and thought I was checking out of the net. Joy came into my life quite unexpected and I’m back on top of the world at 75. Jonn has my email if you want to talk and punch your card. Prayers.


My sympathies, OWB, and hope that moving on will be fulfilling.

A Proud Infidel®™

My Condolences, OWB.

Toasty Coastie

Prayers up for you OWB <3

Combat Historian

My condolences as well…


I too was there 9 years ago OWB. I will say the first couple of years are kind of hazy to me now, but life does go on.
If you want to talk, Jonn has my addy.


Me and my family’s prayers too you OWB


Your starting a new adventure alone, but the strangest things happen to great people like you. May BUDDHA bring blessings to you….

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

My condolences to you OWB. “Being single again”, suits some of us, while others seek a new, fitting companion. Just follow your heart, at your best pace.

2/17 Air Cav

“Just follow your heart.” That may be the best general advice there can be for all of us.



Commissioner Wretched

Condolences and prayers, OWB. My wish for the best for you.


our condolences to you…we’ve been through the parents and that sucked enough to keep us both going out of sheer spite.Best of luck and hang in there.

Silentium Est Aureum

Prayers up.


Thank the Lord its 98 and humid out again. I was worried we were in for a frost

Toasty Coastie

Hey All~~

I found Sparky Pony Daniel Bernath, Blob Fish Dennis CheveLiar, Glittery Gargoyle Gonads Dallas Wittgenfeld and the rest o the DRG’s home…. It’s a hoot lololol 👿


Skippy (my dependa does not speak for me)


A Proud Infidel®™

Toasty, I don’t think they’d even fit in there, one look at them from the locals and they’d get told to catch a ride on the next flying fuck outta town!!


Looks like Saturday in Bisbee


Berkeley on the border…

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder what DuLlAsS WhIpAnDfLoPiT would do if someone informed him that the last time someone drew a penis on his face when he passed out drunk, it wasn’t merely drawn, IT WAS TRACED!!!

Silentium Est Aureum

Too bad it wasn’t tattooed.


What a great idea. The fella they outed on the Icelandic blog works at a tattoo shop..he was pissed..ya think? A free trip to Florida and money to get Dallassclown drunk..who’s gonna supply the dick? PROUD?

A Proud Infidel®™

I heard someone traced Phildo’s dick on his face, that’s why it was so small!

Denise Williams

Many years ago, I read a pretty good book whose protagonists were carnies who went to a town in Florida to hide from the antagonists…I think evil government/scientist types. This town was the winter home for carnies, and the permanent home for retired carnies. They, the carnies, were portrayed as a tight knit group, honorable, decent and very protective of one another. I’d always wondered if it was a real place. I hoped it was. Thanks Toasty, now if I could remember the name of the story or even the author. I want to guess Dean Koontz, but I don’t think that’s right, but the story was of the sort he would tell. If anyone read it or know it, please post the title. I’d love to re-read the story.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

3 weeks and a couple of days since getting a new lease on life, I wonder why I didn’t get this Pacemaker device a few years ago. It is amazing the things a body can do when it has adequate blood moving through it. I expected the increase in energy, and the better stability. I didn’t expect that the old, slow, heart rate was the cause of my not being able to get a good sight picture with my daily shooting. Shooting my Henry .22 Carbine from 75 yards, I have reduced the group from 3 1/4 inches to 2 1/4 inches, and can put each group in the bull, consistently. Not bad for a old fart, shooting a short barreled rifle, with a $20.00 Bushnell 2X scope.
A couple more weeks of babying my left arm and shoulder to allow the healing, and I will be better than “Good to Go”.


With all that blood flowing dont do a General Haight on us ?. Seriously, great news


Babying is right, and you’d better ‘baby’ it, too!

Good to hear that you’re nearly back in form, Frankie.

A Proud Infidel®™

Glad to hear the good news, Frankie!


Good deal..glad your still with us..

A Proud Infidel®™

CHECK THIS OUT! Hitlery Rotten Cankles has gone yet again accusing Donald Trump of being a racist while she herself has been endorsed by the Grand Wizard of the KKK which has also donates 20K to her campaign:



Falls down laughing and pointing!

The hypocrisy is so blatant. It just warms the cockles of my heart!


Comment of the day went to Julian Assange, who when asked why Wikileaks wasn’t attacking Trump, said more or less “Have you heard what comes out of his mouth? We can’t hurt him more than that.”

Funny and sadly true.


“Julian Assange”

Anybody else thing Assange made his announcement rather than just releasing the information did so to get a payday from canckles and this release because of it will amount to nothing?


think…not thing, ffs

Just An Old Dog

Remember watching Duran in the 1970s when he was a lightweight champ , had been for many years and was knocking fools out left and right.
He starched this one guy, Ray Lampkin and stick remember how hard he hit the canvas.
He only lost two fights in his prime one to Sugar Ray and one to Estaban DeJesus ( whom he knocked out in two rematches)
Still remember the beatings he gave Davey Moore and Pipino Cuevas, among others.
Duran, Hagler and Hearns were my favorites of the time. Duran lost to Tommy and Marvin but he went in to win.
Roberto ended up fighting way too long. Warriors heart.

The Stranger

As I recall, Duran also paid De Jesus’s medical bills when the latter was dying. The man was and is a class act.

Just An Old Dog

De Jesus died of aids, I dont think Duran paid any of the bills as there really wasn’t any treatment at the time.
De Jesus was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison in 1980. He also had been an intravenopus user of cocaine. One of his friends who he shared needled with was tested HIV Positive and after 1985 De Jesus was discovered to be positive as well, As his condition worsened and it became apparent he was dying he was pardoned by the Governor of Puerto Rico. Duran was one of many celebreties to visit him and in what was a rare gesture he also embracraced and kissed DeJesus and told his daughter to do the same. This was a rare gesture in a time there was so little known about AIDS.

2/17 Air Cav

My favorite day of the year–except for that, that, and that. Right. There’s that, that , and that too. Anyway, it’s a good day b/c it’s HS Football kickoff night! Later.


College football coming up next!


I wish the MCPO would drink in Irish bars that have Wi-Fi.


^^^ that was my subtle attempt at a health and welfare check, dickweeds. I miss him.

Hack Stone

Any of you assholes seen my mailbox door?

Hack Stone

It’s not missing, I just like for people to envy my mailbox door. I have heard of people in Bethesda with houses assessed at $800K that couldn’t afford a mailbox door.


Speaking of mailboxes … Moved here in 84. It was my last duty station. Had a metal mailbox which rusted often. As in every six months. So … I would take it off the post, sand it and prime it and Rustoleum it. Did this, oh, at least half a dozen times. Then one day, when on my sixth attempt to salvage the thing, Mrs. HMC asked, rather casually, why I just didn’t buy a plastic one. We make eye contact and, I swear, it was a monumental moment in my life. So, for 30 years or so, we have had the same brown, plastic mailbox. Problem solved. Mrs. HMC is da brains of the outfit.

Self deprecation … it’s good for the soul.


You were just following Navy tradition: scrape off the old paint, remove any rust, and repaint semiannually – whether needed or not. (smile)


Needle gun, sand and a nice coat of non-skid always did the trick for me. 🙂

Silentium Est Aureum

I feel bad for the new guys in Deck Div. How do you paint over or replace the tiling that falls off?

A Proud Infidel®™

Hack, I ass-u-me that you at least have a car that actually runs instead of some beat up rusted out old Jaguar that leaves more of a trail of oil, smoke, rust and parts than an old 1970s Fiat or Chevy Vega! Me, I got a new mailbox last year, complete with a door!

Hack Stone

Did you get the rust proof undercoating for that mail box?

A Proud Infidel®™

Nope, it’s the bat-wielding-punk-resistant rotomolded plastic type with TWO DOORS!


I got mine fixed. If yours shows up, I’ll send it home. Does it answer to dog whistles?


It’s the magical coconuts !!!!!!

A Proud Infidel®™

COO-COO over Coconuts, at least a certain never-has-been-and-never-will-be CPO is!!

Silentium Est Aureum

Don’t forget the drywall screws and watered down gas.

A Proud Infidel®™

What about the rustling bushes? ???


James Walls aka “The Cocksucker” is still giving night night kisses over at the UH-1 Huey Helicopter Facebook page.

Go fuck yourself Jimmy.

Clark Schreiber still sucks cock behind the Hardee’s in Chico, California.

How did the 250 mile hump to Turlock go Clark? The Children of Fallen Soldiers Relief Fund is still waiting for the $880 donation you promised. Step up and be a man of your word Clark.

Go fuck yourself Clark.

Almost forgot….

Go fuck yourself Daniel Bernath.

Happy Friday to everyone!

HMCS(FMF) ret.

“Left Ball Low, Jimmy… Left Ball Low!”

A Proud Infidel®™

One question anyone could ask snail booger-headed nut jam-faced skid mark-sniffing buck-toothed Swamp Donkeys like James Walls, Daniel A. Bernath, Carmine Annunziata and *SLUUURRRP!* QuEeFeRs41 aka Dallas Wittgenfeld is “Did it hurt the day you came out of someone’s ass and landed hard on the cold porcelain?”.




Happy sorry! Excited about relocating to Florida…

Silentium Est Aureum

Almost done with visit to the left coast. Family is just as crazy as I am, thankfully.

And as much as I love them, ain’t no way in hell I’m moving back to this state. Hell, half (or more) of my weapons are illegal here, and getting a CCW permit? Fugghedaboutit!

My only boxer encounter happened when I was a recruiter way back in the day. I was with the ex, taking her to lunch in Santa Monica. A gent invited me to his table where he and his nephew were eating. Nephew was a Navy DEPper. Answered a lot of questions about the Navy he hadn’t asked, and a lot the uncle had.

The uncle? Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini.

Just An Old Dog

I always thought Boom Boom Mancini was a well known cook. I heard he made the best Korean Vegetables.

fsckity fsck

John Giduck – the turd with a face!



Great fighter, the big money people always said that if he had learned to speak English, he would have made millions more in endorsements.


Surely this is deserving of its own separate subject on this website:


krappernick the “hero”

A Proud Infidel®™

FA’ KHEEM! It’s the Flag and National Anthem of our Nation, he can either LOVE IT OR LEAVE!!!

Silentium Est Aureum

Faqheem. I hate the Seachickens after what they did to the Broncos, but I’ll root for them every time they play the Niners until Kapernick is selling oranges on an 880 offramp.


Poor kid only making $14M a year for sitting his ass on a bench, ’cause he won’t be starting and no one else in the National Felon League wants shit to do with him. Cry me a river.


Yes, and he’ll probably blow that wad in less than three years. And then he wont’ be able to find work of any kind. Tebow turned out to be a saggy balloon, too, y’know.

Silentium Est Aureum

Yeah, but 1–he hasn’t blown his cash yet, 2–he’s a good character.


I believe Merle Haggard said it best:

“If you don’t love it, leave it.”


EF him!


So, since he’s benched he decides to become a social justice warrior.

Funny how I haven’t heard any of his comments on how he thinks black baby daddies should step up and be responsible. As he was borne from an unwed teenager whose black baby daddy poofed once she got pregnant. She put Colin up for adoption and he was adopted and raised by two white parents.
He should stand up for things he actually knows about instead of sitting for things he doesn’t. ..

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

I woke this morning, August 28th to the sound of a dull, but heavy, thud. Was that the sound of the California Bar Gavel pounding out its latest disbarment, or was that the sound of the Disbaree hitting the floor with no law claims to support him?
It must really suck to be a failure at everything you try in life.

A Proud Infidel®™

Bernath does an excellent job of being an example of what NOT to do and how NOT to act toward people in this life, other than that…


PROUD! IT IS OFFICIAL.. I am relocating to Florida to run our team! Yabba Danna do..in Wittless, Bernath territory…