Captain Anthony Simmons; another Navy commander canned

| August 25, 2016

Anthony Simmons

BNG sends us the news that the Navy has fired another flag officer. This time it is Captain Anthony Simmons who was the commander of the Norfolk-based Destroyer Squadron 2. According to the Navy Times;

Carrier Strike Group 12 head Rear Adm. Roy Kelley [fired Simmons] on Wednesday after an investigation prompted a “loss of confidence in his ability to command,” according to an official release.

“Capt. Anthony L. Simmons was relieved of his duties by Kelley due to loss of confidence in his ability to command as a result of failure to demonstrate the exemplary conduct expected of those in command,” the Naval Surface Force Atlantic release said.

It looks like he made a pass at an enlisted sailor and then lied to his superiors when he was confronted. The Times says that Simmons is the 15th commander canned by the Navy this year.

Category: Navy

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The Penis mighter…..


LOL-suck it Trebek.

(Which perhaps is also what the Captain here actually said).

A Proud Infidel®™

The Penis is mightier than the brain with him…


Geezis deepfried potatoes! When are these asswipes with gold stripes going to grow up?!?

Let me know, willya?


No endless SHARP and EEO power point briefings for O-6 and up so they never receiver the training so that they would know better. I can guarantee that all lower enlisted and NCOs will be “retrained” AGAIN as a result of another “Eagle or Star” getting caught with his pants down.

Funny thing is that it’s the same ranks that keep getting caught and it’s the same ranks that “they” keep trying to “fix” every time.

EX, did you ever have a/any problems with leaders keeping their hands and/or comments to themselves?


Receiver????? I was supposed to be receive.


No, it was always sailors. The Marines never did that.

You did say leaders, right? 🙂

Prior Service

Hate to break the stereotype but O6s have to take SHARP training, too. I will be in a room with several hundred O5/O6 next week for that very purpose and it will last for three hours. And after it is done, some will go out and do something stupid at about the same rate as in the past, anyway just like all other ranks/grades. But this crowd will not realize the hypocrisy of it.


That may be your experience but it’s not mine. I have been in the classes/ briefings with O6s and O5s too, and have watched them walk in, sign the roster and leave because they had “important stuff to do”. YMMV.

Prior Service

That sucks. Not saying it doesn’t happen but it’s not alway intentional. In my last job, my boss invariably dropped stuff right on top of my training. If and when I had to miss stuff, I made sure my guys knew where I was. If you are the right kind of leader, people know you. I hate to be caught up in generalizations about my peer group. I’m not like them and probably because of my five enlisted years.


How do you know the asswipe in the white house is not just getting rid of all Navy Brass? so his vermin infected scumsucking muslim buddies can move right in here? That’s more like it imho!


Catastrophic zipper failure again


Technically, he’s not a flag officer. The term Commodore merely means he is in charge of the squadron; he’s still in 06.

Nonetheless, he’s a DB when the only remark he can make is that the Navy lost “an elite officer”. Think highly of yourself, do you?

Commissioner Wretched

Ah, but there was a time when Commodore was a grade one could earn! It still should be, I think … it isn’t our fault that some other nations don’t consider one-star naval officers to be flag officers. Maybe it’s the purist in me, but I much prefer the title Commodore to the silly Rear Admiral, Lower Half.


I was looking at his decorations and while I know I shouldn’t judge anyone by their medals, he appears to be pretty average, to consider himself “elite”.

Forest Green

Doesn’t he get a pennant to fly from his “flag Ship” as a Commodore? I’m sure he was going to frame it until this happened.

Former NCWon (ret)

Though not a Flag in rank, yes Desron 12 does rate a pennant when he is embarked on that vessel.


That’s the first time I’ve seen a Captain referred to as a flag officer. Guess it’s because he’s a DESRON commander.

Open Channel D

It’s ok, when I was a LCDR, I would occasionally refer to myself as “Commander, Lower Half” to my joint service workmates at Tripler AMC.


It can be confusing. Don’t Bird Colonels get a cute little flag too?

MSG Eric

I’d bet most Naval officers consider themselves flag officers. Especially ship drivers and “Naval Aviators”.

Forest Green

Hey; I resemble that remark! “Naval” officers include Navy, Marine, Coast Guard and Merchant Marine Officers. The term “Naval” means your profession is characterized by service on the sea.


Do they have to pick out their own belly button lint or do they have aides that take care of that? And how come you guys have your own jelly…


I’m a merchant marine officer and have never referred to myself as a naval officer, nor have I ever heard it used by colleagues. Maybe those who are reservists with commissions out of the various Maritime Academies do in certain situations, but I steer clear of using that label personally, out of respect.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

You mentioned “Naval aviators”…

Q: How do you know when there’s a fighter pilot in the room?

A: They’ll tell you.




At some point back in the 19th Century they called squadron commanders “Flag Captains”.

They do fly a burgee pennant. Blue bordered for a squadron, red bordered for a division.

This one must be a Clinton man. Emulating ol’ Seaman Staynz.


Cue the extra briefings for everyone courtesy of the dick ultimately responsible for enforcing them.


The NAVY can’t seem to keep their skippers around.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well this is going to leave a powerpoint mark felt by many who have zero need of such courses….

Maybe it’s time to have these powerpoint presentations for officers instead of enlisted. You wouldn’t think it necessary to point out the simple concept that fucking your subordinates is conduct unbecoming, but apparently these idiot motherfuckers missed the memos.


The rank can get the vajayjay, but the vajayjay will also get the rank.


Whatta skank.

MSG Eric

I was told by a CSM a long long time ago something very important.

“There’s no pussy in the world worth 30 years.”

He’d been in for 30 years and someone hinted at him about his gorgeous interpreter from Bosnia. That was his response. As an instructor, I’d been in for 10 and knew I’d get 20 for hitting it. So, I continued to say the same thing. Though, we had a few Drill Sergeants who didn’t comprehend the statement and are now the pussy in Leavenworth.


Unfortunately, at a future O-6 line board, The board president will mandate a black captain to fill the “vacancy” after this dipshit retires

Skippy (my dependa does not speak for me)

They need to start teaching a new class titled
Keeping ones pen
Out of
Company ink

Just for senior officers



Don’t get your honey where you get your money.


He should sue his genes and biology for such a grave mistake.


This asshole just annoys me to end…He thinks he’s elite, but certainly the Navy does not view SWOs as elite and he was a mediocrity even for a black shoe…bet he had it coming a long time and this pussy encounter was the final straw



And that “elite” comment of his was simply his opening move in trying to play it that he was really just the victim in all of this.

My bet is that he’s already “lawered” up and getting ready to sue the Navy.


He can try, but sex (both meanings) mostly trumps race…


You are spot on


“It looks like he made a pass at an enlisted sailor”…Question, male or female? 😀


“…and then was dishonest with his superiors when confronted about it.”

It’s been my experience that, when those senior to me in the Navy (and police … but that’s another story) asked a question, they knew the answer. So this guy is probably dead in the water based on his lying.


DIW…ironic metaphor in a SWOs case

Tommy Stones

This guy is an arrogant piece of shit. He is a liar and corrupt. He has destroyed numerous sailors lives with his mistreatment, neglet for instructions and incompetence. When he was in command of a Navy destroyer here in Japan he ran it into a Japanese fishing vessel. Good riddens. But he’ll probably just get to retire with all benifits and come back as a GS.


JAMES E. WILLIAMS investigation, anyone?

Lw Michelle Author

I read on and honestly, I’m not quite sure now where it was, but it was on Monday and it appears since Monday Navytimes story has changed since I read it. Honestly, I don’t remember if or where it was that I read it.

Making my point, they ‘both’ were wrong! She was wrong to continue talking to him willing knowing his rank. And ABSOLUTELY HE WAS WRONG! Just my opinion-as we all know and putting a lid on that opinion, their like assholes, we all have one.

Facts that do bother me with it all- he drove drinking, he didnt honor his damn wedding vows. And the enlisted involved alleged whatever she alleged therefore; bothered by the whole damn situation MAKING THEM BOTH WRONG WRONG WRONG! PERIOD!

It takes two-it always does! ALWAYS!

And that statement should be remembered. Respect yourself at work and off duty because you never know who you’re going to run into. ‘Life’s a stage’ remember that’ and the military branches are and will continue to change roll with it, or quit your bitching and get out. Simple as that!

Have a fine Navy Day 🙂

Just the Chief’s Wife