Kevin Webb; phony cop at Disney World

| August 10, 2016


Bobo sends us a link to the story of Kevin Webb who was terminated as a cop from Sherwood, Arkansas about three years ago, but tried to get a gun through security at Disney World in Florida with an old ID card;

According to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office report, Kevin Webb, 42, was randomly selected to go through a metal detector before entering the park. He is said to have told a security officer that he was an officer out of Sherwood, Arkansas and that he had a firearm in his pocket.

There is something seriously wrong in this country.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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What an ass hat.


I can see why he was terminated…even Arkansas can spot a loser….they sent another loser they had to Wash DC!


Arkansas….so West Virginia can feel good about itself…


Curious what his termination was for?


He would say “some Mickey Mouse offense.”


“some Goofy shit”


You’s guys are Daffy.


It wasn’t for anything important. It was just a Minnie problem.


“Sherwood police told the deputy Webb had been fired for ‘dishonesty or untruthfulness,’ according to the report.”

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Fired for “‘dishonesty or untruthfulness'”

Imagine that.

Silentium Est Aureum

Color me fucking shocked.

Bill M

And apparently he hasn’t changed all that much.


They made Dumbo Ears out of fairy wings.

/I suck at this


so bad I replied to the wrong comment…

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

It’s Florida, where disbarred, um, strike that, uh fired types still pretend to have the same job/position/calling. I wonder if he flew his own airplane there from Arkansas.


Nah, he didn’t have enough fuel in the tank.

Joan Ellis

yep, that is why we often call it Flor-duhhhh


Gun free zone?


In his case a ‘brain free’ zone as well.


Whoa. Good catch (no sarcasm; I’m serious).

‘Gun Free Zone’ hadn’t occurred to me…

mr. sharkman

Heh. I don’t buy ‘randomly selected’ for one second.

Disney runs a very tight ship when it comes to high threat security and armed personnel, and they employ high-quality, experienced personnel.

If you’ve got the relevant training and experience, the next time you find yourself at Disneyland or Disneyworld, play some target recon games in your head and look around more than you would normally in such a setting. I’m betting you’ll find yourself pleasantly surprised.

Let’s not forget that Disney ‘security’ pegged the Orlando terrorist, his wife, and their kid in a stroller as conducting a pre-strike recon while they were in an open-air shopping village filled with families and little kids.


Can they be hired to train the TSA?

Presupposing that the TSA folks are trainable. That could be a false supposition.


I don’t buy the “randomly selected” story either. Somehow a 42 year old unaccompanied male who looks like he does just doesn’t look like the typical Disney fan. I would have “randomly” selected him too.

Anonymous Coward

He was actually there with his entire family, who did not have the fun vacation they planned on

mr. sharkman

I’ll add there was probably some behavior analysis as well.

For Disneyworld, there’s usually local LE in/around the approached. I seem to recall them being Sheriff’s Deputies.

The first time I was there as an adult, I was with a large group and was carrying concealed. I just went up to one of the deputies and asked him what I should do based on the specifics re: my carry status. I was prepared to go secure my weapon back at our current lodgings, etc.

My gut tells me that when a supposed LE officer didn’t make any effort to inquire about carrying beforehand, and then was IDd as carrying…mental alarm bells were going off.

Bubblehead Ray

We have been making an annual pilgrimage to the Church of the Large Rodent for the past 20+ years. The metal detectors at the gate are a recent addition to park security. I used to carry in the parks, (mostly because the most secure place to store my firearm while staying in a hotel, is in my holster on my hip.) but have found a new way to secure my weapon safely, so now go “unfanged”. (The most difficult thing to remember is to also take my knife out of my pocket.)

Prior to the addition of the metal detectors, the security was really kind of a joke. When we go to the parks I usually wear a 511 vest (my kids call it Dad’s vest of many pockets) so I can carry water, ponchos, sunglasses for the kids…etc. When entering the parks, I was able to avoid the bag check, even though I was carrying more stuff in my vest than my wife was carrying in her butt pack. In all those visits, I was only asked what was in and under my vest twice. Twice…out of, literally, hundreds of visits. Not real impressive. Especially if you remember that a 511 vest is also known as the “Man with a Gun Vest” to most LEOs and military veterans.

I’m glad to see Disney is finally stepping up their game.

A Proud Infidel®™

Shopping Mall Rent-a-Fuzz Complex, maybe? What a farthead!

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Hopes he enjoying the “all he can eat cockmeat sammich” buffet in the poundhimintheass jail (catered by Thor, Julio, Bubba and Mr.”Tiny”).

Stupid fuck…

USMCMSgt (Ret)

I’m not up to speed on FL firearm laws, but if he gets hooked up with a felony conviction, he may have a difficult time purchasing a new one.

(Yes, I know the possibility exists that he could still get a firearm… convicted felon or not.)


maybe it was the subtle Mall Cop Segway he was riding that caught the attention of the keen eyed Disney security operatives….

Green Thumb

This turd is obviously on Phildo’s personal security detail.

And I damn sure would not let him around kids.


At least he is sporting a very impressive APL required taint-tickler. Just sayin…

Gun + Fake/False LEO Id + Kids = Turd.

Security seems to be pretty tight there. Nice. Very nice.

And fukhym.