Robert Gingell VA employee defrauds taxpayers
According to Daily Caller, there was this guy, Robert Gingell, who was a GS-15 at the Veterans’ Affairs Department who didn’t bother to show up for work for six months while he started his dream-business. He pretended to be sick and unable to come to his office, and drew his paycheck, continuing to stockpile “sick days” that he eventually cashed in when he retired;
He submitted a doctor’s note to VA saying he couldn’t work, but, “although the heading on the note reflected a legitimate medical practice, the signature on the note was unrecognizable as either of the named practitioners,” according to the IG. After bosses became skeptical about how long-running the illness was, he said he eventually became well enough to work, but unable to commute and thus needed to work from home.
Well, until another VA employee started making inquiries which resulted in an Inspector General investigation.
[W]hen the IG subpoenaed his store’s business records, Gingell immediately “appeared at an HR Specialist’s office with retirement forms completed and signed, asking that his retirement be effective” immediately instead, the IG said.
At that point, the IG announced that “we are administratively closing this allegation, as Mr. Gingell retired from VA effective September 21, 2015,” with no further actions planned.
Well, miraculously, he’s recovered from his ailment now that he has a business which is nice.
Category: Veterans' Affairs Department
“Only 6 months?” GS 15,, how could they tell he wasn’t working?
Hasn’t Lester Black been gone for about six months now? Just sayin.
I’m just thankful that he didn’t find a way to scam $400K out of the VA budget on his way out-he’d still be working if he’d done that.
Wanna bet he got Sustained Superior Performance ratings during that period?
No way I’m taking that bet. The eval probably notes that he “doesn’t abuse the leave privilege” and shows initiative.
What’s this shit about cashing out sick leave, anyway?
Unlike annual leave which is “use or lose” sick days accumulate until used, or are paid back upon retirement. My question is how does one acquire sick days when essentially out, sick?
See my comment below for answer to your question regarding acquiring sick leave.
Regarding unused sick leave being “paid back” – well, not exactly. It’s converted into additional service credit, which in-turn raises the individual’s pension somewhat.
That was always the case under the “old”, more generous Federal retirement system (CSRS). It only recently became authorized under the current Federal retirement system.
Previously, unused sick leave was forfeit on retirement under FERS. This meant employees had little incentive to manage their sick leave – and I’m guessing also led to a ton of abuse during the last year or two of many employees’ careers. That changed a few years ago. Now, unused sick leave is converted to additional pension credit under both systems (there are a few “old timer” Federal civilian employees who are still under CSRS, but not many).
Good question. My guess is that “working” is understood to be showing up at the office late, taking a long lunch, as well as long breaks, and leaving early. In his case, he didn’t show up and that pissed one or more other non-workers off.
Fraud is a crime and what the article described was a criminal act. I see that the IG “administratively closed” the matter. What I don’t see is that it was referred to the the AG for investigation and criminal prosecution.
VAIG dropped the ball on this one… should have turned it over to someone for fraud.
Got to love his excuse – “I didn’t start a business. I didn’t work here either… Did I spend time here, yes. Did I work here, no… I don’t understand, what are you trying to accomplish, what it is that you want?”
Fucking cocksuker should be doing some time in a poundhimintheassjail with Bubba, Thor, Julio and Mr. “Tiny” as his new bunkies…
How much coffee did he consume while he was actually ‘working’?
What’s the point of having an IG?
So the VA can say they looked into it. Business as usnal , Now Move Along Nothing To See Here! Yes, I agree and this should be a Fraud case. Joe
Now working in HQ DVA. Get to see this crap all the time. Im afraid I went into a division of hell seeing fraud and embezzler all day.
On another note. Get to see that Thomas birch fella
Here you go, the IG’s report (see link below.) I do not see that the AG was copied on the report. Also, the fact that this guy retired should not end the matter inasmuch as the report’s conclusion is that “Mr. Gingell engaged in outside employment while on sick leave.” The alleged SL abuse occurred while he was employed. Get the damn money back. Also, there is no mention of the possible false signatory on the sick slips, only the odd IG statement that the signature does not match the names of the med office’s practitioners. What good is such an observation without followup and confirmation? The report’s final entry, a stock inclusion no doubt, reads: “To Report Suspected Wrongdoing in VA Programs and Operations: [Phone, email and hotline info follows]”
What that line should read is “To Report Suspected Wrongdoing in VA Programs and Operations” call or mail us. We don’t do anything about it but go ahead and call or email us anyway.
Seems to me there should be some kind of mechanism in place to recoup the money he earned under false pretenses.
I’m convinced there is no practical use of an IG in any government agency. They’re fucking useless.
As an AF IG I would have to respectfully disagree.
One other thing, as if it matters. The IG report misidentifies the company as Renegade Cycles Northern Virginia and relates that the company was registered as such in Virginia in Dec 2014. The name of the company today and the name that was registered is not Renegade Cycles Northern Virginia but Renegade Classics Northern Virginia. The Daily Caller got it right. Why couldn’t the IG? Maybe the investigator was out on sick leave or something.
He also went significantly over the 12 weeks of FMLA leave authorized. The VA can investigate in any manner it sees fit regarding possible abuse of sick leave, yet they chose not to. This is sad. This guy should be charged with a crime.
Well, Hillary, private server, mishandling classified material, yada yada yada… If the FBI won’t recommend charges against Hillary Clinton, why should this guy be accountable?
“On 7AUG1782, General George Washington created the Order of the Purple Heart, a decoration to recognize merit in enlisted men and noncommissioned officers.”
Think about that when reading of this GS-15 pulling his stunt. Supposed to be serving the Veteran Community, many of whom are PH recipients, and … ?
Is he the guy who was responsible for buying ‘artwork’ for the VA, to the tune of $20M? If so, don’t replace him. The VA can get all the ‘artwork’ it needs at any local Goodwill store for a few bucks. I once had a CO who said if the command could spare someone for more than two weeks leave, they were not required by the command. He would have loved this guy.
Maybe he can get All Points Logistics to sponsor one of their charity rides. He seems to follow the Phil Monkress Business Model.
I have seen how easy it is for the VA to corrupt people who would normally never think about pulling this shit. I know of one guy who was a real hard charger who got hired on as a “Peer Counselor”.
The guy was a stand up guy. I met with him for a few sessions, then I saw how he was starting to see how easy it was to milk the system.
He started missing and rescheduling appts because he was “out for the day” or even an entire week taking care of “personal matters”
He hoped on the gravy train and I havent seen him since. To be truthful I really dont want to see his face.
I just took a look at the fed retirement benies, the SL credit rate and the application to one’s pension annuity of unused SL at retirement. I also looked at the annual leave accrual rates. I nearly forgot the paid holidays each year. I have one question for anyone who cares to answer: Dafuq?!
SL is accrued at 4 hours a pay period. Annual Leave is accrued in either 4, 6 or 8 hours per pay period based on length of time in Federal Service. Ten holidays per year which is fairly standard with the possible exception of Columbus Day. Maybe I’m reading your post incorrectly 2/17 AC but that looks pretty standard to me.
It’s standard for the Federal government, 3E9. However, it’s more generous regarding leave than many private-sector employers provide their employees. I believe 2/17 is basing his comparison and questions on the latter.
Ah I see. I know in my previous life as an local LEO we actually accumulated more holidays than I do now with the Feds. Our SL and AL policies were almost identical also.
At the risk of stating the obvious: LEOs typically aren’t private-sector employees. (smile)
It’s also my understanding that many states and localities often use the Federal civilian system as a pattern/model/starting point when developing their own local civil service policies and practices. So similarities don’t really surprise me all that much.
Give their (VA) General and Regional Counsel’s a call and tell them what you think.
What a bunch of shitbags.
House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs; House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies; House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs; Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies; Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
So, here’s the thing. See if your Rep/Sen is on one of these committees, go to the critter’s website and drop an email. Reference the IG’s report that critter’s committee or subcommittee should have rec’d as cc’ed in the IG report and attach the link (below) to it. Let critter know how you feel about what appears to be a whitewashing of fraud and abuse. That should do it!
Whoever was administering his pay and leave, sick or annual, should have caught the oversight and at least he wouldn’t have been paid for his sick leave. Overall, I find the whole fiasco a total incompetent personnel system.
Oh please they knew…no one said anything because the petson approving leave was doing the samething
Perhaps not. The guy apparently came up with t paperwork from his “doctor” (e.g., something on a legit physician’s letterhead) that seemed legit saying he was “ill”, then “unable to commute”. It wasn’t until the matter was later investigated that it was determined the signatures on the letter didn’t check out.
Bottom line is that the folks monitoring his time/attendance/leave had paperwork from him that appeared to be in order and which supported his requests for sick leave and/or authority to work from home. If he’d quit after 3 months, he might well have gotten away with it. The issue apparently was only discovered after someone got suspicious due to the extreme length of his “illness”.
Well like the old saying goes, fuck up and move up, just like douch bag Clinton getting away with the e-mails, and murder, just like her fuck assbag husband,
But I sent in paperwork and called the VA when I got divorced from my ex wife and the VA conveniently lost the paperwork aND said they never got it, the VA person that did get it, was let go for embezzling from the VA, now they want the $2200.00 back that they said I shouldn’t have gotten because of that asshat that stole from the VA and the Veterans.. it seams to me that the VA wants to recoup their money one way and it looks like it’s from me….
So….I was recently speaking with someone who has worked at the VA for 20 years. I told him about how the VA has screwed me around for ten years, losing this, changing that, mixing other veterans disabilities into my file and missing mine, lying on evaluations, reducing one benefit from 10% to 10% (no joke) which now somehow reduces me from 100% to 90% and stating that I can work if I can find a job that won’t make me work (not kidding, it actually says that) so that they wont have to pay me CRSC…etc…etc. after years of visits, evaluations, letters, blood and tears I still don’t get a single dollar more than I would have got had I never applied for VA benefits and I’m rated 100% (well, for another few months anyway). What a joke! So he tells me that the VA is like Great Benefit in the Kile Grisham book the Rainmaker. It’s their POLICY to deny all claims even for the most clear cut cases and hope you don’t get a lawyer so they dont have to pay out. Like all agencies, what they don’t lend they keep….and spend on art, conferences, pay hikes, OJT, facility upgrades, malingering scumbags who fake illnesses and work from home…etc. He said they are pulling all this crap because Ive been representing myself and they don’t have to fear a lobby going to bat for me. So…without a lawyer or service rep’s name on the form/coversheet/envelope….they will always ignore us. And even with help they still delay delay delay hoping we will die first of our injuries/wounds or by our own hand. The VA is designed by intent to screw us. They say they represent us and are here to help us but the first thing they say when you speak with one is that their reps represent the VA and are not allowed to assist us with our case which is contrary to the established mission statement of the entire damned organization. I’m a retired and disabled Major (04) and am having these problems. If it’s this bad… Read more »
I so sick of this Type of behavior…..He did not just start acting this way….This is the type of employee thats promoted….I am thinking of retiring early….
Why is this not “theft’ and referred for prosecution?
My father used to complain the top union guys got paid to do nothing. I’ll have to show him this article.
Government Employees make them look like workaholics!
As management, this guy is most likely not in a union. In general, this is just what we’ve seen from the VA.
Ah, but they fixed the glitch, right?
And to think, if I don’t show up for two days, it’s considered job abandonment and I’m cut loose, no questions asked. Thus shitbag goes six months and nobody bats an eye?
Where do I sign up?
At least we will have the satisfaction of knowing that this business that he started will end up losing money. Maybe he will finally face some charges when the building mysteriously burns down and he tries to collect the insurance money.
I truly think Hack Stone deserves the “Happy Thought for the Day” Award in triplicate for that!!!
There’s always a chance that he’ll create a female owned small business that sells software to the government.
Yeah, and he’s made enough money to afford a nice ride, not some old half-rusted out beat-up clunker Jaguar which leaves a smoke screen that would make James Bond jealous!
I hope REAL VETERANS hatefuck this cheating asswipe.
The good news is that there is now an open GS-25 position at the VA. The bad news is that it will probably go to someone already employed by the VA who doesn’t give two craps about veterans as opposed to a new hire who might just be a recently retired vet who understands the screwing everyone is getting from the VA.
Yup, pretty accurate.
And from what I’m seeing even if an outsider manages to get in, the toxic culture at VA results with good employees bailing.
What follows is NOT intended to defend this a-hole. It’s intended to clarify what happened here, and hopefully will clear up a few misconceptions along the way. A Federal civilian employee in any type of paid status continues to accrue leave at the normal rate for their longevity. Federal civilian employees accrue 4 hrs of sick leave every two weeks; the amount of annual leave varies depending on how much credible service the employee has as a Federal employee. Sick leave is paid leave, so the employee remains in paid status while on sick leave. They thus accrue leave while out sick – just like a member of the military continues to accrue annual leave while in the hospital or on convalescent leave. The bottom line is that a Federal employee who’s out sick 2 weeks uses a net 76 hrs of sick leave vice 80. They technically use 80 hrs, but they accrue 4 hrs at the same time – so the net is 76 hrs used. Federal civilian employees receive 104 hrs sick leave annually (as noted above, 4 hrs every 2 weeks times 26). It’s kept until used or the employee retires. If this “wonderful individual” had a 30 year career (normal retirement) and was relatively healthy until the onset of his “mysterious illness”, he’d likely have a sick leave balance of somewhere around 2500 hrs (average of 80 hrs unused each year x 30 = 2400 hrs). So being out on “sick leave” for 6 months – which would require around 900 hrs of sick leave after the amount earned while “out sick” and any holidays during the period is included – is eminently possible. I’m guessing the VA IG had to drop any criminal case due to jurisdictional issues. While some of the VA IG personnel may be credentialed LE officers, I’ll give long odds that not all of them are. Further, it’s unclear whether those who are credentialed LE have jurisdiction over former agency employees. If this tool retired prior to anyone preferring charges, they may have had little choice but to drop the… Read more »
13 sick days a year. Plus 11 holidays. Plus vacation time, which adds up pretty quickly (four weeks sound reasonable for long term employees?)
Nine weeks a year. And I get a combined total of 3 weeks vacation/personal days/sick days (after fifth year) and six paid holidays per year.
Like I said, not a bad deal if you can get it.
SEA: there are only 10 Federal holidays: New Year’s Day, MLK Birthday, Washington’s Birthday (usually called “President’s Day”, but legally the holiday is formally designated “Washington’s Birthday”), Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans’ Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
The creation of an eleventh Federal holiday was an argument made against creating the MLK Birthday Federal holiday. That was finessed by deleting Lincoln’s Birthday and the convenient fiction “cover story” that the February Federal holiday would be a combined holiday honoring both Lincoln and Washington, AKA “Presidents Day”. However, the formal legal title (5 USC 6103a) of the February holiday is “Washington’s Birthday”. The previous holiday named “Lincoln’s Birthday” was axed to create MLK Day.
The irony of Lincoln’s Birthday being dropped as a Federal holiday in order to honor MLK should be obvious to anyone with half a brain.
Suck a fat cock Robert Gingell.
I wonder if Secretary Bob wrote him a personal thank you note for his years of service?
I am pretty sure Bob McDonald licked his balls right before he gave him his retirement check.
[…] The Quinton Report: Why I Left The GOP And Won’t Vote For Trump This Ain’t Hell: VA Employee Robert Gingell Defrauds Taxpayers Weasel Zippers: Obama Whines About Being “Forced Out” Of Presidency Megan McArdle: […]
Ok, I have seen this article VERBATUM in exactly TWO libtard rags in Northern Virginia (NoVA) one is the “daily caller” and the other is the “free republic” I’ve been to this store, and talked to this man. Can any of you say the same? If he was screwing over bikers and vets, he’d be in deep shit and he knows it. This hasn’t even hit the local media, which if true, you can bet your sweet ass would be all over this. If I see it in a credible journal, I’ll be the first to disavow the place. But the only thing I’ve seen so far is paper for wrapping day old fish parts.