Wednesday morning feel good stories

| August 3, 2016

In Baytown, Texas, a homeowner shot an intruder outside his home the other day. I don’t have any details because I don’t need a subscription to the Baytown Sun, sorry.

In Memphis, Tennessee two men tried to carjack a truckload of folks. Unfortunately for them the intended victims were Shelby County deputies on a stakeout. They shot one of the thieves who showed up at the hospital later.

The other day, we talked briefly about a clerk with a concealed weapon license in Cheviot, Ohio who shot a criminal in his brain housing group. It took a few days, but the criminal, Anton Kirby, finally gave up the ghost yesterday and turned into a DOT (dead over there).

Category: Feel Good Stories

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NR Pax

Here is some information on the Baytown shooting.


Just incase anyone wants to help with Anton’s funeral expenses.


Yeah, how about a $3 bill. Bet he was a really good kid full of promise. Those pesky nasty clerks w/ black assault weapons defending themselves is an outrage…how are ghetto roaches supposed to reach their full thug potential?

Hack Stone

This is perplexing. Do I place the commemorative balloons, flowers and candles for Anton at the store where he was shot, or the hospital where he died?

Hack Stone

I would have donated, but all of my Go Fund Me money this week went to sponsor a ruck sack march.

B Woodman

Damn! I left my IDGAS (I Don’t Give A Shit) change in my other pants pocket.


OK, I’m uncertain which is the case:

Anton was evolved from a ‘possum, so that his brain was about the size of a walnut
Anton had fried most of his brain on drugs and a head-shot took longer to make him DOT

[Did you ever try to take out a possum with a head shot? We’ve had them get up and walk away after a confirmed hollow-point .22 to the head. A 12ga with No9 shot works pretty well, though.]


Depends on the size of the possum, doesn’t it?

I’ve seen them rummaging in dumpsters in the alley when I lived in Chicago, so very long ago. As big as they were, you couldn’t kill them with a simple brain-housing group shot. You’d need at least two. Same thing with the raccoons at Rosedale Cemetery. They weigh up to 65 pounds, almost as big as a standard Shepherd, and people go feed these fat masked bandits in the winter.

Joseph Williams

I like 7&1/2 shot . It’s a good all around shotgun round. The round will not go thru the house walls. It will takeout the two-legged critters also. Joe


Anton Kirby, sometimes the wheels of justice turn slowly, sometimes it moves at highway speed.


Just as Anton was turning his life around, teaching the homeless illiterate how to read every night after church choir practice and holding diaper fund raisers for the baby mommas. Maybe the transient sperminator AKA dad will pay the planting and memorial 40 ounces of Schlitz Malt Liquor.

B Woodman

Wadda ya wanna bet Anton’s family ends up weaseling out of paying the hospital bill?

Pinto Nag

The hospital will probably waive the bill to prevent a lawsuit.


For anyone who is interested, it’s winter in New Zealand and heavy snows are predicted for South Island.

Hack Stone

So, I’m guessing a closed casket for Anton?


It isn’t Friday, so WOT yet, but this should catch your eye.

So, no, Gavin (still a girl) does not get to use the boys’ bathroom at school.