WaPO Fact Checker Says: Clintoon Lied

| August 1, 2016

Clintoon recently made a public statement with which the WaPO Fact Checker took issue.  Here’s the statement:

“Director Comey said my answers were truthful, and what I’ve said is consistent with what I have told the American people, that there were decisions discussed and made to classify retroactively certain of the emails.”

Well, the WaPO checked it out – and bluntly disagrees.  It rates the statement as meriting “Four Pinocchios”.  Their rating scale can be found here, but I’ll cut to the chase:  their definition of a statement rated “Four Pinocchios” is short, sweet, and to the point.  It defines such statements as, “Whoppers.”

In effect, the WaPO here has called Clintoon a bald-faced liar.  Their article on the matter analyzes the topic in substantial detail; it can be found here if you’re interested.

Yeah, most readers already knew that the Clintoons have significant “veracity issues” pretty much every time they open their mouths.  But I think it’s great to see this in print in the WaPO.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Dumbass Bullshit, Politics

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Bernie Haclett

Whaaaat? (visualize Joe Flynn as Captain Binghampton) The other organ of the Left actually said something derogatory about the heir apparent to the throne of Obama? Mendacity? Heresy!Oh, and mean spirited.
Heads will roll! The floggings will increase!
What the hell happened?


The cliche is “Bold Faced Liar” not bald faced liar LOL…..but maybe the dimwit is both? ha ha


“From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; and eight contained Confidential information, which is the lowest level of classification. Separate from those, about 2,000 additional e-mails were “up-classified” to make them Confidential; the information in those had not been classified at the time the e-mails were sent.”


Just wait until Wikileaks starts releasing some of the emails she thought she had managed to get erase beforehand…. there’s no telling how much classified data is in the hands of the Russians and Chinese.

However, there’s still that 30-40% of US voters that won’t even flinch at this. She could literally kill someone on camera, and there would be so many people that will still vote for here anyways.


However, there’s still that 30-40% of US voters that won’t even flinch at this. She could literally kill someone on camera, and there would be so many people that will still vote for here anyways.

Mr. Trump himself personally claimed he could do exactly that, saying, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters.”

I really do wonder what the line is, for ardent supporters of either candidate, beyond which they’d drop their support. In many cases, there doesn’t seem to be one and that’s just horrifying to me.

As an interesting side note, here’s a NY Times article from today showing how the two options were the choice of a whopping 9% of the possible electorate:

God, it’s still early on Monday and already I need a drink. It’s going to be a long few months followed by a long four years no matter what.

2/17 Air Cav

“My fellow Americans, I’m pleased to tell you today that I’ve signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.” R. Reagan

Hey, some folks have a different brand of humor. Trump’s statement was not a lie. Clinton’s was. That NYT piece is a beauty. Remove Cruz and the Old Commie and the numbers are tremendously different. Pence may be the difference.


It would depend on who either of them shot.


The Clintons have a trail of bodies behind them and it hasn’t made a lick of diff, yet.

The Other Whitey

As I’ve said before, Trump’s only real selling point is “I suck less than Hildabeast.”

And because our electoral process has been perverted into a quasi-parliamentary abomination in the eyes of God and our Founders, this is what we’re stuck with.


He has another selling point…

There is literally nobody on the planet that is rich enough to buy him.


The best argument in favor of Trump is Hillary Clinton.

The best argument in favor of Clinton is Donald Trump.

This year is an unbelievable fuckstory.


what about Pat Paulsen?

Old 1SG, US Army (retired)

What in the wide-wide world of sports is a going on here?

Hillary Lied, People Died!

But, as it has been pointed out, the low info voters don’t give a damn… it’s all about free stuff.

It’s a shame that a large part of our population doesn’t understand the gravity of exposing national secrets of the internet…

52 million chains… hmmmm, exponentially that could mean thousands maybe even millions of bad guys are looking at this stuff!


But… but I thought the Wappers liked shrillary!?! Are they saying their goddess – er, heroine – heroine has feet of clay?

(shakes head, giggles)


By the way, Ex-PH2, neither your usually sharp eye nor Jonn’s caught the fact that ol’ Poe had called Hillary on that very lie right here on TAH yesterday.

TAH scoops WAPO and no one notices.



Oh no! Even TAH’s resident fact-checker missed it? And it’s NOT news when I call her on it?

‘Tis an ignominious fate to which ol’ Poe has been relegated by his brothers and sisters in arms.



I did catch it and thought other people would say something, Poe. However, next time, I will dive right in and run my mouth about it. 🙂

love you, too.


I was surprised they even addressed it. BZ

..and now back to my annual SHARP training..FFS


It’s….painful. Soo…much…..Hoooah


Oh, here, now. Just tell me you’d hit me, too and let the steam out, willya?


I’d sooo hit it…with a light coat of CLP in full light with the Marine Corps Band serenading the night away!


Thank you. If that doesn’t make you feel better, nothing will.


lol…definitely helped. Thank You


…and done for another year. Ahmma take a nap


Were you the example of what NOT to do? 😉


I serve where my talents take me.

B Woodman

WHAAAAAAAAT. . . .. The WaPo, dissing the DildoCratic Heir Apparent? Somebody didn’t get their (fill in the blank .. . payoff. . . ounce of dope. . .. blowjob. . . . bacha bazi. . .. ).
Well, that’s one in a row. But I still wouldn’t trust them as far as I could throw them over my left shoulder with my right arm.


Well per Wiki-leeks she had two staffers scrub e-mails taking off SAP and TS and then had them send the MSG on her private server. On top of it now there is a second leek showing she knew what she was doing was against the law. And did it anyways. And one of the suspects inside the DNC that may have opened the door to the hacking was found beaten and shot to death in his DC neighborhood the bad guys had no use for the 2,000 in cash or the Rolex or the gold jewelry he was wearing.
All in all it sounds like the Clintons are back in business again. It reminds me of the 90s
When anybody that may have been a threat had a accident or shot themselfs


The surprise here is not that she lied. I think that we all expected that. The surprise is that WaPo reported it. What in the hell is happening in that asylum on the Potomac? Can anyone see the Washington from their house? Is it still there? Is this aliens?


Okay, the bitch lied. So what’s new?

Geez, Louise, it’s not like it’s Nixon, is it?


Hondo, I do wish you’d occasionally post a spew alert when you say something!

I woke the cat out of a perfectly good nap.


Actually in the opinion of the esteemed Mr. Ruman, Nixon lied so much and so habitually that if her ever did catch himself telling the truth, he’d have to quickly follow up with a lie to make up for it. (Source – “Give ’em Hell, Harry”).

Don’t think even Tricky Dicky could hold a candle to the Clintons, though.


Ah, that missing T escaped again….dammit, I hate that! Truman, Truman, Truman, Truman….

A lot of people fail to realize that Vietnam started under Truman. I think we originally sent “observers” who quickly became advisors. Funny how when bullets start flying your direction, observing takes on a lower priority than surviving.


We had operatives there throughout WWII when we weren’t so concerned about supporting communist movements.

Roger in Republic

To paraphrase the Bard of Hannibal, MO. “There are Lies, Damn Lies, and Hillary Clinton!”

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

this election cycle is painful, where do we find 2 such remarkable douchebags to run for POTUS, has this nation fallen this low morally, its been one abomination after another since 1993 and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better
I was hoping Jim Webb would’ve gotten more traction but he was totally ignored from the get go by the unbiased media(sarc) and we find were stuck with these 2 azzhats SMH with a tear for what used to be our country…we will collapse like all empires that have gone down this same road in the past such as Rome, Babylon…or a city states like Sodom & Gomorrah
WE have lost our way and moved away from God and this is the results with the worst soon to come

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

you’re right Hondo, this country has grown too fat , lazy, naïve, narcissistic and materialistic for its own good and far to many people are unaware of what the rest of the world is like and think if we all sit around and sing Kumbaya all will be good…..WRONG

Brown Neck Gaitor

Honda provided the link, but for some reason this story didn’t make the print edition…

2/17 Air Cav

That’s because Fact Checker is not a section in the print edition of the WaPo. It’s a blog run by Glenn Kessler and is a fixture in the online edition. To get to the blog, one needs to click on “Sections” in the masthead, then “Politics” from the drop-down menu, and then “Fact Checker.”

Brown Neck Gaitor

You are correct. Kessler is in the Sunday edition (this lie would n’t have been in this week’s) and I thought it was a daily column.

Mea culpa.


The Washington Post is having conniptions. They know they are supposed to support the Democrat, they despise Donald Trump because he is running as a Republican, and yet they cannot help but see that Hillary would make a lousy President.

What to do, What to do?

Green Thumb

No surprise here.

Out side of the WaPo holding her accountable.


Did Clintoon have intent to lie or did it just happen?


She’s like a used car salesman. She has no intention of keeping any of her campaign promises.

So what do you think?

Perry Gaskill

Don’t expect a dramatic shift at the Washington Post. The reason is because, like most big metro dailies, the WaPo is not monolithic in how it’s organized. The way an editorial board approaches things, and the way news side or a fact checker like Glenn Kessler does are not always the same.

At the risk of wandering into the tall grass, a classic example of how this stuff works is in the story of Watergate. Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein both worked the crime beat on WaPo’s local desk. Of the two, Woodward was a conservative who got ragged about it by Bernstein who was not.

As the Watergate story evolved from a goofy burglary, there came a point when the paper’s White House correspondents on the national desk wanted to take it over. The idea was shot down by WaPo publisher Kate Graham and editor Ben Bradlee. What they apparently did not want was for the WaPo’s White House crew to start tossing Nixon a bunch of softballs.

One of the things that’s changed since then is that it’s now almost a matter of routine for public officials to deny comment on stories unless they’re granted the ability to approve what’s published. It’s a really bad trend. If you want to connect some additional dots, such control is likely a reason why Hillary had a personal email server to begin with. Keep the public’s business out of public view, and it gives leverage to shape the Clinton narrative.

2/17 Air Cav

Lying is a thread in the fabric of government. To advance US interests, lying is done by diplomats regularly. Police sometimes lie to suspects in order to get to the truth and solve crimes. Occasionally, for reasons of national security, lies–usually of omission–are heaped upon the American people. And when it comes to politicians, the term lying politician is to many of us a redundancy. I suppose the line is drawn at what the purpose and nature of the lie is. If it’s to keep the truth from the American people in order to save one’s own hide, that’s a no-no. Benghazi.

MSG Eric

The bigger problem here is that she lied, she got caught, there is factual evidence she lied, she knows she lied and was caught lying. But, she still won’t just admit to it and move on.

I’ve said for months, if she and the administration had said on 12 September, “The consulate in Benghazi was attacked, there were security issues that we will address to fix so this doesn’t happen again to any diplomatic mission.” We wouldn’t know about her email, about the amount of evidence there was to that effect, her private servers, etc etc.

The fact that she’s so dumb to not forward think about issues like this is one of the best reasons she shouldn’t be president. Let alone that she wants to be president for herself, not for anyone else or for anything else.

And The FBI needs to get moving on both the perjury to Congress case and the clinton foundation shenanigans where CGI money was used and received to get DoS favors and the like.

Perry Gaskill

Hillary had a liability for Benghazi on at least two levels. The first was that the lack of security for the diplomatic mission in Libya didn’t come as a complete surprise. She had already been warned about the risk prior to what happened at the consulate, and chose to ignore it.

The second liability was in how things were handled once the attack on the consulate started to unfold. Based on the timeline, there is likely nothing that could have saved Christopher Stevens. He was an early casualty. Where the White House and State Department bungled things, at least it seems to me, was in what happened in the hours that followed. Rather than spool up an initial reaction force as a means of payback, those at the CIA Annex were pretty much hung out to dry.

At this point, neither the FBI nor the DOJ is likely to pursue matters on their own hook. The only real recourse is the appointment of a special prosecutor, which is something that might have been considered long before now.

Another interesting question is how can you have a President who doesn’t qualify for a security clearance because of past abuse?


I went to the websites of MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS and the closest article I seen on a fact check was;

“After fact-checks, can Trump recover?”

Is anybody surprised that none of them mention it?


Not in the least, Twist. It’s what they do. Or, actually, what they don’t do.

Bill M

Headline: WaPo Factchecker found in Ft Marcy Park. Shot three times in the back. FBI says it appears to be the worst case of suicide on record.

MSG Eric

Must be one of those super auto assault rifle gun weapons cut down to be a pistol with a 50 round clip magazine that fires three rounds every time someone commits suicide.

MSG Eric

The story was put on factcheck today, but immediately followed with a Trump wrong on debate story. Funny how that happened.



But no left minded thinker cares. They only care about the W(in) for the party. She is guilty has hell, admitted it, but did not get charged and therefore in the mind of a liberal, she is ready for sainthood even though sky pixies are not real. Yep. Stupid is as stupid does.


They only care about the ‘stuff’ they think she’s going to throw their way.

Unfortunately, people with real jobs will be paying for that ‘stuff’ and wondering how that cow ever got elected… and yet, they’ll be among those who voted for her.


You guys are going to love this story from Breitbart about Reuters, and how they screwed around with their polling results to put the bitch at the top.


This is probably going to be the most corrupt election since gerrymandering and Boss Tweed ran Tammany Hall.

The democraps must be truly desperate to manipulate things the way they do, but it does not surprise me. They are desperate this time.

Ian Moresi

And although Comey did say many emails were retroactively classified, he also said that there were some emails that were already classified that should not have been sent on an unclassified, private server. That’s the uncomfortable truth that Clinton has trouble admitting.