Sunday morning feel good stories
Weak sauce this morning, I know;
In West Bloomfield, Michigan, a couple called police when they heard someone walking on their roof and attempting to force his way into the home. Police arrested a fellow when they caught him on the homeowner’s lawn. He tried to convince police that he was only playing Pokemon Go, but under pressure finally admitted that he was indeed trying to burglarize the home.
Four years ago, in Bend, Oregon, Kevin Perry came home to find Shane Munoz sleeping on his couch. When Perry confronted him, Munoz attacked Perry. Perry was able to grab a gun and he shot Munoz dead. Last year, the Deschutes County District Attorney determined that it was a good shoot. Now, Munoz’ family has filed a half-million dollar wrongful death law suit against Mr Perry. The other day, Mr Perry asked the judge to toss the suit out. We wait.
Category: Feel Good Stories
A lot of information on this story when it first happened back in 2012.
Oh yeah, FIRST!! 😉
Being First only counts on the Weekend Open Thread.
That’s where the real cut throat action to being First occurs.
As in, 87,239 men* enter, one man* leaves kind of action.
* Lionesses included.
What a one-sided BS article. Erin Marlowe needs to attend journalism school (and maybe she has in 4 years since article was written). Lots of details in the story – and lots left out. Hopefully the Munoz civil suit gets tossed.
There is slanted, there is one sided, and then there is this story.
Holy sweet Jesus mother of God. For a moment I thought I was reading an MSNBC hit piece on a Republican.
The Munoz family lawsuit needs to be thrown out like anything filed by Daniel A. Bernath.
Proud Infidel, I wonder if Daniel Bernath snuck back into Oregon and is representing the Munoz family?
Nah, he wouldn’t be that stupid……would he? 😉
He would.
The news is that Pokemon Go reached its peak last week. Now it’s old stuff. Maybe Angry Birds Flocking is next?
Google maps has most of the data and pics they need, time to let this fad die.
I would be willing to believe the suggestion someone was dumb enough to wander around someone else’s roof playing Pokemon Go. Not in this case, but…
There’s a teenage girl in Pennsylvania who blames the game when she literally walked into traffic while playing.
“But, but, but, Shane wuz a goood boy, he wuz turnin’ hiz life aroun’. He wuz a honor stoodent, an’ needed sume money fo’ new clothes. He didndu nuffin wrong. It’s de man who wuz holdin’ him back an’ who shot an’ kill him. An’ besides, wif Shane dead, who’s gonna gets us de nice li’ll extras we’s gotten use to?”
“Now, Munoz’ family has filed a half-million dollar wrongful death law suit against Mr Perry. The other day, Mr Perry asked the judge to toss the suit out. We wait.”
Wonder what the statute of limitations is for this incident. For motor vehicle accidents in Oregon, it’s two years. Would it be different in a wrongful death suit? Curious. Perhaps the clock didn’t start to run until the DA determined it was a good shoot. Hopefully the judge who gets the case throws it out. I’m not sure how a jury trial would come out. Bend used to be a pretty rural area but it’s really grown in the past 20 years or so with a lot of citified Portland-like folks moving in.
Just read through the article on this shooting. There are deep pockets involved on the shooters side, which undoubtedly had something to do with the suit. From the description, this was a clean shoot and was complicated by the shooter getting an attorney right away. Since he comes from a wealthy family, I think I can understand why he did so. It’ll be interesting to see how this one comes out and how long it will take for it to be resolved.