John J. Simon Jr. scams vets

| July 22, 2016

John Simon

Stephen sends us a link from Connecticut which tells the story of this John J. Simon Jr. fellow who took hundreds of thousands of dollars from veterans and social security applicants promising them that he would help them file their claims, but only helped himself to their money;

John J. Simon Jr., 69, of Stafford Springs, is accused of defrauding 15 victims of $510,000 under the guise that he paying a lawyer to help them obtain Social Security benefits and money from Veterans Affairs claims.

The victims told investigators that Simon never got them their money and investigators said they were not able to find the attorney Simon claimed to be working with.

Police said the alleged scam started in June 2011 and several victims gave Simon less than $2,000, so the statute of limitations for those misdemeanor charges expired, but others gave him more than $2,000, according to court paperwork.

Individuals paid Simon tens of thousands of dollars for his assistance and they received nothing in return. Yet, the victims continued to give him money.

Category: Crime

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Silentium Est Aureum

Social Security and vets “lawer”. Gee, someone else that sounds awfully familiar, and goes around claiming he charges $500/hour.

Oh, who could that be?


Coconut vs nut?


I think Ex-PH2 had the final word on that subject:


As well as the old adage:

Lawers are the only people on the face of the earth who would write a ten thousand word document and call it a brief.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Noah Gas, the nutless wonder!

A Proud Infidel®­™

Someone with screws in his head SO LOOSE they fall out in his driveway and he than sues others over it as well as calls the police when he sees a coconut?

2/17 Air Cav

“Simon went on to tell the victim that attorney could get him $1 million in back pay, according to court paperwork.
Between March and October 2012, the veteran gave Simon $19,700 in cash that was supposed to go to the attorney.”

For some reason, when I read that, I was reminded of Larson E. Whipsnade.


A good ball-bustin’ is overdue for this slimeball.

Green Thumb

Well put.

And I like the addition of slimeball.

Nice work.


I don’t get a four year statue of limitations for criminal fraud. And typically the clock starts running when the fraud is discovered not when it happened. Does Madoff know about this?

How about tax evasion? I am sure he never reported this “income”

2/17 Air Cav

2banana. First point is that the CT TV news “reporter” called the legal roadblock a “statue of limitations.” It’s statute. Second point is that this is a state prosecution and CT laws limit by class of crime how long after the commission of the crime a prosecution can be brought by the state. So, misdemeanors, such as petty theft, are out. Few CT felonies carry no limitation. This does not affect what the feds might do and there was reference to a federal investigation in the story. here’s hoping that Simple Simon gets nailed by the feds when the state is done with him.


. . . . here’s hoping that Simple Simon gets nailed by the feds when the state is done with him.

Eminently possible if a telephone, email or other Internet solicitation/communications, or the US Mail was used in conjunction with his scam – though telephone use might require proving an an out-of-state call was involved.


y’know, for folks like this, Mr. L. Slugger and his partners Smith & Wesson
don’t recognize statues of limitations.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Fucking cocksucker! Bubba, Julio, Thor and Mr. “Tiny” needs to make this dude a priority when he’s finally sent to the poundhimintheass jail.



Just An Old Dog

We really need to get word out to Vets trying to get their Pensions and SSDI.
No reputable lawyer will that a penny from then until they get their settlement, and its limited to a certain % of the initioal backpay.

Green Thumb

This dude is a disease.

I have some nice ideas for the “cure”.


Me too. All of which are illegal. And painful. Another turd taking advantage of the most trusting of Americans … the elderly. Mostly they grew up in a time when a man’s word and handshake was sacred. Not always, but mostly, I think. Today? Not so much. Screwing the elderly. Sadness…