Ever Wondered What This Administration Would Do If US Forces Were Attacked?

| July 22, 2016

Well, we now have an answer.  Apparently Russian aircraft bombed one of our facilities in the Middle East last month.


So, what did we do?  Apparently, we sent Vladimir Putin et al another “strongly worded protest” concerning Russia’s behavior.


After this, I’m thinking that the current administration’s self-assessment of “Most xxxxxxxxxxxxx Administration in history” may well be close to correct.  But in my view, for it to be truly accurate you need to replace xxxxxxxxxxxxx with a different word than they used in describing themselves.

After all:  “transparent” isn’t a synonym for either “incompetent” or “cowardly”.

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Foreign Policy, Government Incompetence

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Frankie Cee "In the clear"

When a country has a weak leader, you can bomb their assets and make demands of them. And when that leader is very weak, and not driven to protect the sovereignity of his country, he will make compromises that he has been advised by his intelligence not to make:


Sovereignty, I do not think the word means what you think it means….0bama


When a people elect for a leader a man who’s entire history points to him being a dedicated adherent to an ideology that demands the destruction of those same people and all they’ve ever stood for, it is rather idiotic for those people to whine about getting fucked bloody at every turn of events during that known enemy’s presidency.


Use the words CHICKENSHYT instead of transparent….appropriate!!


Bernath is capable wording a better protest than current klown crew.

B Woodman

Now THAT’S low.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

There’s a yellow stripe down the back of these people that’s as wide as Chevy Cheesedick’s ass…and that’s an awful wide load…

The Commie Bastard Russkies would not have pulled that shit in 1982….not twice anyway.

Strongly worded letters don’t do much other than make strong men laugh…words will never hurt me, but those sticks and stones…


I have never once wondered what bodaprez would do if US forces were attacked, because I already knew that he would do nothing.

I was right. I won that bet. He’s an incompetent asshole. I can hardly wait until he’s gone.


I have to add here that I’ve been looking at the newest and hottest cars, loaded to the gills with electronic junk. This is all supposed to be a selling point. It’s hip. It’s cool. It’s da bomb. Right?

Yeah, well, like bodaprez, it’s all show and no go. You buy the package and after about 6 months trying to make it work, you want to yank it out and replace it with the innards from the 2001 model of the same car, because those work.

That’s exactly what bodaprez offered, the Big Show, and that’s what people bought and look where it got us: stranded, abandoned and no help in sight because the WiFi signal can’t get out: no receivers or transmitters.

When people vote for a fool, they get what they asked for.


“When people vote for a fool, they get what they asked for.”

Who then is the bigger fool?


Had hoped and prayed to be proven wrong about them, but unfortunately that was not to be. It was never a question of “If” but only of “When.”

Sad for all of us. Especially since they set us up to have a very long, hot summer as their parting gift for us.

At some point, given the consistent decisions NOT in the best interests of the country, one must consider the possibility that it was all by design. Not that, at this point, it matters anyway. They simply must be replaced with folks capable of dismantling what they have wrought. Quickly.

101 Nephew

Unfortunately, while it is true that Barry is not nearly as bright as his supporters believe, he is not merely stupid or incompetent. The problem is that we actually have the Manchurian Candidate in the Oval Office. And God help the Republic if Clinton wins because then we may never be able to undo the damage.


Operation Complete Clusterfuck is continuing on as predicted. No strategy, no plan, just wing it…


still got that patch on my patrol pack….


I believe ex-OS2 has rights on the appropriate word to describe this administration.


It would be my pleasure SFC D.



We are hosed.

2/17 Air Cav

At first I thought you wrote “We are closed.” And that’s a thought. How about the administration just put up signs at US military posts and bases worldwide, reading, “We are closed for social engineering, renovation, and transgender accommodation training until January 20, 2017. In case of emergency, please call +7 495 697-03-49 and ask for Vlad.”

The Other Whitey

I’m disgusted, but not surprised. The Glorious Leader is Comrade Vlad’s bitch, pure and simple.

Are there details available concerning what, where, and casualties? Did our guys shoot back? Did they even have anything to shoot back with?

HMCS(FMF) ret.

JEF has never had the balls to confront anyone face to face. He’d just roll over and make up some bogus claim about how he “got over on them” using “smart power” or “smart diplomacy” while things keep sliding down the shitter.

“What does it matter” seems to be the motto of the bodaprez’ administration for the last 7+ years.


Vladimir Putin is having a nice belly laugh.


Wow…the Reds attack again 90 mins after a call was made telling them they were bombing our forces…sounds like Vlad’s middle finger was another cluster bomb

Silentium Est Aureum

Feckless would be a good word choice, if the sheer incompetence of this administration wasn’t getting so many good people killed.


C’mon you guys. This is old news. Nothing to see here. Let’s move on.

Now, can we please get back to arguing on the international stage about REALLY important things, such as which bathroom to use?

42A Combat Clerk

I wonder if the coordinates for this base were stored on the personal server of a certain former Sec. of State. Hmmmmmmmmm.

A Proud Infidel®­™

Maybe next we’ll hear John “Lurch” Kerry saying it was because of a video someone posted and then blames Bush? IMHO he IS that incompetent!

42A Combat Clerk

oh rest assured Bush will be blamed, it’s like an uncontrollable compulsion lefties have.


The Ruskkies are just unsophisticated, and never intended to bomb an American facility…er, twice.


The question is who gave the “stand down” orders this time? We do have stinger missiles that could have been given to the SF Troops. I wouldn’t be surprised if they have them and were told to stand down while getting bombed.


Probably schedule an around-the-world apology tour. Also take muscle relaxers so he could repeatedly genuflect. He might defer all action if golfing at the time of the attack. There are priorities, you know. Protocol must be observed.


I’m just thankful he didn’t call on James Taylor to go sing again.


I enjoy some of James Taylor’s music, but his political position, not so much. Went to a concern of his and he took time to bash the president (a Republican at the time) and the military. Same with Gordon Lightfoot, whose music I much enjoy. He did the same, also during a Republican administration. I can sometimes separate the music from the political agenda. I can’t do that with all artists, though. The Dimwit Chicks come to mind. Also Whoopi and some others.


I’m ‘concerned’ I used the incorrect word above. It should be concert, not concern. I’m blaming the snafu on too little coffee and too fat fingers. Oh, also that I didn’t proof my post.

Club Manager

Y’all need to quit bitchin and give Obama some credit. At least he didn’t apologize to Putin for his aircraft having to bomb our position twice.


Semper Idem


Semper Idem

Wanna’ know what America would be today if Bodaprez was our Commander in Chief back in the early 1940s?

If you’re a West Coaster, you’d be speaking Japanese.

If you’re an East Coaster, you’d be speaking German.


Probably should not be saying this, but most know by now I don’t give a rat’s ass what big bro. thinks of me. Late yesterday I received a phone call. The caller explained a close friend had a call from another old friend who was currently working for the XXI. Yes this is third hand info, but from a source one would consider VERY reliable, and not prone to spread B. S. just to stir things up. The agent explained that the B____ P_____s had formulated REAL plans to bring hell to the rural deep South. Plans including burning rural homes, churches, etc.
My concern is this…Could this be the beginning of what will inevitably lead to a race war, followed by Martial Law? Don’t think it’s impossible. This is NOT Chicken Little with stories to scare folks. If this starts happening between now and the election, you can guess the future.
My hope this is not true; but my gut tells me this is one call I’d best take to heart and in the very least be prepared. This would be a BIG mistake for them to consider. Southerners are much like former Marines when it comes to standing up for one another. Veterans, EVERYWHERE, would be the LAST target any idiotic group would ever consider.
Time shall tell.


If the unnamed group above tries to come make trouble in the rural south they may find out why you better stay away from Copperhead road and why strangers ain’t come down from Rocky Top (reckon they never will).


If the grubbermint plans on starting stuff in America, I’m not sure their first choice should be the South. Maybe they should look for greener pastures with at least a half decent chance for success.


Someone commented “they will bite off more than they can chew – whitey’s got all the guns”. No, there’s a boatload of ’em in the ghettos too(albeit maybe held sideways) and it would be ugly. Don’t care who you are, if family is involved, most folks side with family. Never take it for granted…remember, both sides in the last Civil war thought it would be over in a few weeks.


Ich verstehe ein bisschen Deutsch.

Or I think I do?


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Mark Lauer

Piss themselves and cry for mommy?