Is Hagel writing Khamenei’s stuff now?

| November 28, 2006

Iran’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei told Iran’s Prime Minister Talibani that American forces must be withdrawn from Iraq today.

Americans will absolutely not succeed in Iraq and the continuation of Iraq’s occupation is not a mouthful that Americans can swallow.

Sounds just like Chuck Hagel’s piece in Sunday’s WaPo, huh?

I wonder why a nation that has repeatedly denied that they have anything to do with the incursion into Iraq would worry about the number of Americans being killed in Iraq. Of course we know that Iran is a double-dealing mealy-mouthed bunch of thugs. They’ve, since the Iran-Iraq War, had designs on the Iraqi oilfields and control of the Gulf.

Khamenei went on to say that Iraq’s security forces could deal with the insurgents, although that has been proven to not be the case. For months, recently, the only casualties in Iraq were Iraqi citizens who had the temerity to venture out of their houses, volunteer to be policemen or go shopping.

Iran has been supplying and instigating the violence there since the US invasion of Hussein’s Iraq and these talks with Iran will come to nothing, just give the Democrats something else to quote in their sound bites. If the evil Repblicans would only withdraw troops from iraq, the children can go back to flying kites in Iraq.


Category: Politics

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