Zeitner on trial again

| July 21, 2016


Joe sends us a link to the story of Chalice Zeitner. Our partners and us busted her for stolen valor in 2013, she was arrested and found guilty of illegally obtaining a state-funded abortion in April, now she’s facing charges of identity theft and defrauding folks with a phony charity;

In 2012, Zeitner fraudulently obtained the personal information of the Veterans Hope founder and used his family’s personal information — Social Security numbers, names and dates of birth — to open a credit-card account under their names without consent, according to Quigley. Money was then deposited into Zeitner’s boyfriend’s account without his knowledge, Quigley said. Charges on the card that totaled about $25,000 were not paid off, according to the Attorney General’s Office.

It was also alleged that Zeitner contacted the Veteran Tickets Foundation to say that it was to be a preferred sponsorship organization for a veterans fundraising gala she was planning in Washington, D.C., according to the Attorney General’s Office. Veterans Ticket Foundation agreed to sponsor a placeholder on a race car that was to be debuted at the gala. The placeholder sponsorship cost $10,000. Zeitner provided wire instructions to the Veteran Tickets Foundation for transfer of the funds to a personal account. The Veteran Tickets Foundation also purchased several thousand dollars worth of tickets to the gala through Zeitner’s personal PayPal account.

None of the funds was returned to the foundation and the gala was not held.

Zeitner doesn’t even have the guts to face her victims; she’s watching the proceedings on video in another room during the trial.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Thomas Huxton



Lock the dizzy bitch up and LEAVE HER THERE!


Why should she be allowed to watch from another room? They should drag her ass into that room to face everyone.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ditto that! IMHO hiding from one’s accusers like that is a Bernathian/ Dutch Rudder Gang level of cowardice.


I just don’t get it either. She’ll probably get off relatively light, too. Serial scamming.

CB Senior

Stand and Be Accounted for before the MAST.

Chicken-shit hiding in the other room. Well soon enough there will be no other room to hide in. Just a loud clang into your little hole. Literally.

42A Combat Clerk

I can take 1 look at her face and tell there is nothing small about her hole.

Oh, cell you mean cell.


And IDC SARC would still hit it in a heartbeat.

42A Combat Clerk

I applaud Mr. SARC, a true American hero I say.

2/17 Air Cav

“Although Zeitner was heavily involved in the coordination of the gala, [Defense Attorney] Jones explained that it was up to the jury to determine how guilty she was in relation to the charges against her.” How guilty she was? That’s a scream, if true. I can hear the jury instructions now: “Jurors: You are charged with determining how guilty the defendant is. You may find, consistent with the evidence presented, that she is overwhelmingly guilty, very guilty, somewhat guilty, plain guilty, or not very guilty.”


Guilt is not a scale of degrees. It’s binary–either you are or you aren’t. Defense attorney is grasping at straws here, knowing his client is hosed.

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, that was my point. You is or you isn’t. It’s like being dead.

B Woodman

Or pregnant


Apparently she’s been hosed a lot.

42A Combat Clerk

I would venture a guess that she has once or twice been hosed through multiple entrances simultaneously.

possibly on camera.


Did perhaps they mean responsibility? That is, to what degree she was personally responsible?

Yes, it’s not the same as guilt, but anyone willing to defend her can’t be very bright.

Silentium Est Aureum

Or a public defender who hasn’t got a choice.

Bill M

“…can’t be very bright.”

Could it be…is it possible…Perhaps the “attorney” in question’s last name begins with ‘B’ and lives in Florida, and can’t read a fuel gauge. It could happen.


Watching from another room? I’m sure those she has defrauded would love to get their hands on her. I hope she gets whacked but good, and spends enough time on the slammer to miss out on the special prices on rejuvenating lotions and potions.

Wilted Willy

I’d still hit that.


The amount of PPE I’d have to wear to hit that wouldn’t make it worth it.


Never stick your dick in crazy

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Bitch has the corner on crazee… and NEVER stick your dick in someone crazier than you are.


Let’s spit roast her!

One more and she’s water tight! C’mon team integrity baybee!

42A Combat Clerk

younger, single me would have called dibs on the suck hole. Alas, I am a changed man, happily married to a non-scamming woman.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’d hope that you wore a 30 Grit sandpaper condom if you did.


If I were the judge, I’d definitely want to make her face those she has defrauded, not hide in a room somewhere…




Spineless bitch.

Silentium Est Aureum

Karma is a bitch, and she’s in heat.


I just saw this story on AP –


A New York man is accused of holding an 81-year-old Marine Corps veteran hostage in a motel for at least four years in order to steal his benefits checks.

Forty-three-year-old Perry Coniglio was arrested Tuesday in his room adjoining the victim’s at a motel in Highlands. The motel is next door to the Hudson Valley town’s police station.

Police say Coniglio used brute force and intimidation to get the elderly and diminished veteran to cooperate with him. Investigators say the victim received three checks every month. The amounts weren’t released.

The victim has been taken to a hospital for evaluation.

Coniglio is being held in jail on $15,000 bail. The Legal Aid Society attorney representing him wasn’t available for comment.

The charges against him include grand larceny and unlawful imprisonment.


Perry Coniglio needs to be ass-raped repeatedly, cocksucker.

B Woodman

With an extra large pineapple. Fronds first.

A Proud Infidel®™

That is one VERY cowardly TWUNT! I wonder what con games she’ll play after she gets out of prison?

Bill M

This whackadoodle again? Lock her up and throw away the key.


She appears to be a great running mate for Shillary, since both share the same integrity and ethics. Get out the posters:

Evil Bitch and Crazy Bitch for Prez. and V P!!!!!

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Bertha, Juanita, Shaniqua and “Strapon” Sally be having some fun with Chalice…


Sentencing on Sept. 8th.

That’s when we’ll find out just how long she’ll be Strap-On Sally’s wife.
