Monday morning feel good stories
A homeowner in Jackson, Michigan shot and injured a person he caught breaking into his home – two others got away. The criminal is hospitalized and expected to recover. “And people want to ban guns, huh?” Joseph Snyder (son of the robbery victim) said. “My father would be dead right now.”
In Chickopee, Massachusetts, a homeowner is under arrest for shooting a 15-year-old through his glass door while the teen was attempting to force his way into the house. It’s Massachusetts, the criminal has to kill you before you can defend yourself. In an update to the story, the 15-year-old has died. The homeowner didn’t shoot until the teen actually broke the glass door to enter the home.
Pokemon Go players have been shot at when they go on other people’s property in Palm Coast, Florida and Lake Villa, Illinois. No one has been injured, but it’s only a matter of time.
Category: Feel Good Stories
Yeah, it’s Mass-hole-chusetts. Or Tax-achusetts. Either one. I hope the homeowner gets off, and then is fortunate enough to be able to leave the state — and his ingrained Libtard attitudes — behind him.
Speaking of Masshole, today is the 47th anniversary of the Chappaquiddick Island “accident”. Murderin’ Ted was very lucky the moon landing & The Manson family murders almost completely overshadowed Chappaquiddick in national headlines.
I’m waiting for the first Pokemon person who is shot or otherwise injured trespassing on private property to sue Nintendo – and win. Bound to happen – deep pockets you know. And any jury in today’s America will find fault with the owner of the Pokemon concept, not the developer of the app and certainly not the idjit who is too blind to the outside world to know where they are going.
Easier to sue Google (Earth). They’re the ones who contracted for this game, so they could get other people to do their work, mapping (spying) where they can’t/wouldn’t go.
And the 15 year old thug who was shot?
Obama will use his death in the stats on how guns are killing our innocent children and must be banned.
No, we should outlaw booze, why can’t we think about the children.sarcoff
What thug? He was 15 & drunk, and stupid. Ok, so that’s redundant, but still…
Since when does being young, drunk and stupid merit getting shot to death? At 1 in the afternoon? It’s not like it was the middle of the night and the guy was scared out of bed.
Right now, with moronic crap like Pokemon-go and idiotic states like Massholechewsets, never mind the stuff going on overseas, I am not really sure that this planet is the one where I was born.
My dad always calls it Massivetwoshits; now I know why.
In defense of Nintendo, it’s not the game’s fault. Oh, I forgot, common sense is now a superpower…
On the other hand, a couple of (polite) kids rang my Dad’s doorbell and asked permission to go in his back yard to catch some kind of digital creature. A strange world, this is…
P.S. He let them back there, they played with his dog, and had a good time. 🙂
Minutes ago, in Baltimore, the highest ranking Baltimore City Police Department officer charged in the Freddie Gray case was acquitted of all charges.
What is that now, 0-4, 2 to go?
Yes. Three full acquittals when tried before a judge and one deadlock when tried before a jury. There are two to go. Word is the city state’s atty may cut and run now inasmuch as the ones most likely to result in a conviction for anything ended with acquittals.
Folks from Durham, NC circa 2006 or so should feel some Deja vu with this story.
Had the guy been in NH, VT, or ME, about the only thing the cops would have said to the homeowner is, “Need a reference to fix that door?”
or “you reload those yourself? what powder did you use?”
When my daughter totaled my truck in VT a state cop helped her pick up the 45acp scattered about without a second thought. Of course she was female, 28yrs old and active duty.
I used to have a non resident concealed carry permit from Massachusetts. Renewed it every month for $30. Then it was $100. Then it went up to “not gonna happen”. Now it is so rare that I just might donate it to the Smithsonian.