Gun fight in Dallas

| July 8, 2016


A gunman in Dallas, Texas, shot and killed 5 police officers and wounded six others. He’s been identified to us as Micah Xavier Johnson, a veteran of the Army Reserve from Mesquite, Texas. He served in Afghanistan in 2013 – 2014. According to Dallas police who negotiated with him, he wanted to kill white police officers. He was killed when police sent a robot into a parking garage he was occupying to disarm his bomb and he “blowed up”. From Fox News;

Police and federal authorities were working to determine whether more people were involved in what was the nation’s deadliest day for police since 9/11.


The protest was one of several around the country, prompted by police shootings of black men in Louisiana and Minnesota.


“He said he was upset at white people,” Brown said. “He said he wanted to kill white people, especially white police officers.”

Initial reports said there was more than one sniper, but at the news conference, Brown indicated the dead suspect may have been the sole gunman. Although he told police he was “not affiliated” with anyone else, three others were being held.

The first officer identified as one of his victims was Brent Thompson, who was married just a few days ago. He was a Marine Corps veteran. From Fox News;

After serving in the Marines, Thompson later worked for a private Pentagon contractor that hired and trained Iraqi and Afghan police in the concepts of “democratic policing.” The instruction included training in how to avoid an ambush, according to his LinkedIn page.

“I was responsible for the day to day operations conducted by our American police officers who trained and mentored the Iraqi Police,” he wrote.

He also served as an instructor at the Dallas police academy.

Category: Crime

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There simply are no words adequate to express my outrage at our society for allowing this level of evil to exist.


Well if you want to be even more outraged, look at these thugs dancing around taunting the police after the shootings:

Of course, what those clowns don’t realize is that those cops are taking extensive mental notes that will very likely come back to bite the clowns in the ass at some point in their futures when the officers won’t be required to demonstrate such restraint.


I believe the taunting in the video happened before the shots were fired – don’t know for sure. But regardless, I thought the repetitive BS all the media proclaimed as “peaceful protests” was just that – BS. There’s nothing “peaceful” about a group that has as its core resolution “kill cops” (from its white leader, no less).



I agree with you on the “peaceful protest” part. IMO there was no intent for anything peaceful.

Theory: they get a permit (if required); their prior planning included this bozo; did they know of this guy’s intent, probably; create enough “peaceful protesting” to draw in even more cops; intent was for this guy to shoot as many cops as possible, then head out to the getaway vehicle.

I guess his buddies had an “aw shit” moment and decided to unass the area.


No, that taunting happened after the murders. I was watching it live, and I wonder if we’ll ever see it on a major news channel.


Has it shown up yet, on any of the nets? I have yet to see it reported anywhere.


I saw it on Fox. It was sickening. The police were shot for protecting people who were protesting the police.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Five officer dead…other officers and civilians wounded. A city in mourning… and asking why did this happen.

PDX PD arrested a protester that was waiving a gun around during the demonstration last night.

I’m old enough to remember the summer of 1968 and the chaos then… is this a repeat of ’68?

I’m scared… for my country, those that wear a uniform, those that want to bring it back from the edge or anarchy and chaos.

Please pray for those that were killed last night, and for those that are recovering. Also, pray for our country… that we get through this darkness and hate.

Am I the only one scared this morning?


1968? Oh, I hope not! I remember that, too. I was in WDC when the riots broke out, on the 2nd floor of the Navy Photo Center. When I looked out the windows, there was smoke rising over the dome of the Capitol Building. We were all told to take a different route home than usual. It took me 3+ hours to get home, and when I tried to use the phone, the lines were so overloaded I couldn’t get a dial tone.

It would be much harder to shut down cell networks, but it could be done even thought it’s just a relayed radio signal.

No, I don’t want that happening again. EVER. I don’t want to see another 2011 summer with London burning. There’s no need for it.


Yeah PH, I can see both conventions being a “free-fire” zone with all this kind of crap leading up to them.


The 50th anniversary of the West Side riots is next week.


Concur this looks like the burning 60’s. My dad was a National Guardsman patrolling the streets Detroit in field gear and carrying a loaded M1. Now this? AND the dead shooter is a former Army Reservist carpentry and masonry specialist with 9 months in Afghanistan.


I’m waiting to see if anyone channels Mayor Daley (Papa, not Jr.) with a ‘shoot to kill’ order. And if there are going to be disruptions at either of those conventions, or both of them (rumored), this will be the year it happens.

The RNC should reconsider its choice of venue. Pick a smaller city that could use the revenue from convention goers, reporters and their tagalongs, and curiosity seekers.

Maybe they picked Cleveland because nothing ever happens there? Why not Cincinnati? Nothing ever happens in Cincinnati.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Another sad day in our nation, instead of uniting us all the man who promised hope and change seems to have widened the divide.

Comments about tragic acts of violence that indicated his true position with respect to the police and authority have done very little to initiate any positive discussions about race and how we come together to resolve our differences.

Instead of finger pointing, what we require now is an honest discussion where we listen and accept how those who are different from us actually feel. That’s how we initiate change, not by being defensive, not be being accusatory. That only continues to widen the divide. There are uncomfortable realities for both the white and black communities as well as Law Enforcement, until we all accept that this type of conversation might be more than a little uncomfortable when discussing that reality nothing will change. We will continue to mistrust or hate those who are different without any real reason to do so.

I am truly sorry for the families of the officers killed and wounded last night, and I hope that we as a nation can become more unified against our external threats as we become more unified in our views of ourselves as Americans, equal on every level of the law.


Sir I agree with you on every point and thank you for saying this better than I.

My concern and I know it somewhat goes against the grain of your post is this. When some in the discussion are the likes of Congresswoman Corrine Brown, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and even our President, I do not think they will promote a positive discussion which considers all affected. If history continues as before, they and those like them of other races will only deepen this chasm. I once thought the “bridges to change” so often hoped for were possible. While I never rule anything out, any bridges built can’t be continually destroyed by those on any side of this problem or this will never change and indeed grow worse. Our nation tears at itself from within for lack of leadership.


VOV, it’s difficult to conduct a meaningful dialogue when the other side is constantly denying your right to even speak, much less render an opinion. The determination of the Left to paint every white as a racist has poisoned the well of reasoned discourse. The black race mongers and their white liberal enablers have created this environment because it is beneficial to their political goals.

You can have all the honest discussions you want with black community leaders who truly want to end this explosive situation but until those same leaders rid themselves of the race hustlers and the Democrat party, nothing, absolutely nothing, is going to change.

Planet Ord

Well said.





The Other Whitey

Of course CNN already pulled the same bullshit as in Atlanta after the Olympic Village bombing. They got a picture of some dude open-carrying his AR, found out that DPD considered him a person of interest, found some scared-of-his-own-shadow pussy to say how scary the guy was, and all but declared him a mass-murderer within five minutes. As of this morning, it turns out that not only was he not the shooter, he immediately checked in with DPD when he heard shots fired. We’ll see whether CNN lifts a finger to help him off the cross they already nailed him to.

There’s also some differences of opinion as to how peaceful the protest was before the shooting started. One protester insisted that they were saints, while some bystanders saw “FUCK TGE POLICE” signs in the crowd. A giant steaming mess, no matter what.

Anyway, thoughts and prayers for Dallas PD and DART, especially those who fell.


It amazes how pussified some people have become. CNN will no doubt be pushing the damaged vet narrative along with their gun control agenda.


You know, he can that that black power fist and shove it up his flabby ass.

Daisy Cutter

His “public figure” Facebook page. See it before it is pulled. He obviously planned this out.


that’s a phony, he see stilling according to the page so its someone taking public source info and reposting.

The Other Whitey

What a fucking turdburglar.


That page was created this morning. It’s a fake.

Club Manager

The Chump in Chief set the tone to justify these murders then used the opportunity to poke at police in general but not yelling for more gun laws. There are those unstable people on the fringe empowered by his left leaning anti society as we know it comments and this is but one more example.


(sigh) Dead shooter would have to be a vet who’d served in the recent conflict.

I hope Satan really works this bastard over in Hades. This racist bastard just royally blue-falconed every other vet in America, regardless of color or ethnic background.



The Other Whitey

Methinks he was a giant asshole before he signed up.

MSG Eric

Carpentry and Masonry Specialist in an Engineer Company.

So that obviously makes him a Special Forces equivalent level Soldier capable of doing all this alone….


Not out of the realm of possibility – though I rather doubt he did.

I’m guessing the ranges here were no longer than those in Dealey Plaza or the UT campus in Austin. And the amount of ammo used could easily have been carried by one man.

MSG Eric

Not to lose an opportunity to turn tragedy into politics….

This morning the Congressional Black Caucus stood together to jump right into “we need military style assault rifles banned!”

Of course King Barry didn’t waste the opportunity either and from Poland said the same thing, “More gun control is what we need!”

Yep, because that’ll keep them from killing people. Not education, or parents teaching their children respect for human life.


Yeah, someone should tell him to get his mouth sewn shut.

Oh, sorry – I’m annoyed by all of this.

The Other Whitey

Standard party line: blame the inanimate object. It can’t possibly be the fault of the hateful racist asshole who fed off of their race-war-horseshit. People are never responsible for their actions.

Fuck the Glorious Leader. Fuck Charlie Rangel. Fuck Harry Reid. Fuck Nancy Pelosi. Fuck Wolf Blitzer and the rest of the Communist News Network. And while we’re at it, fuck Hildabeast, fuck Comrade Sanders, and fuck Trump.

Mattis 2016

MSG Eric

Hey hey hey, get with the times. It’s the Clinton News Network buddy!


Oddly, on the mid-day news with some stuff from the floor of Congress, no one (so far) was blaming the GUN.


I had the privilege of working with Officer Brent Thompson in Mosul Iraq back in 2004/2005. He was a very good man.

Rest in peace Brent.


I am already seeing Facebook posts labeling the shooter as a “war veteran”. Ugh.


You’re right.
As veterans we don’t need that publicity.

I want to know what his MOS was.. I am certain I will not be impressed.

The Other Whitey

Sewage treatment specialist?


I’m not a veteran, but from what I read he was a PFC in a reserve unit, engineering battalion.

MSG Eric

Ex-PH2’s link up above discussed it.

He was a Carpentry and Masonry Specialist in an Engineer unit.

That means the media will turn him into a Special Forces Engineer with expert marksman capabilities and SFARTEC tactical experience.

“He’s the guy in Afghanistan who killed 50 Taliban with a paper clip and MRE spoon.”


They have already been calling him a Sniper. WTF???? Shows how much people really know.


Yep. This racist bastard blue-falconed every vet alive when he murdered a bunch of folks because of their race.


He particularly Blue-Falconed the other vets he killed.


No, madam. He did much worse than blue-falcon them – he murdered them. Deliberately, in cold blood, and with racist intent.

He merely blue-falconed the rest of us vets still alive. Thankfully he isn’t still among our number.

A Proud infidel®™

Here’s a link to ABC about it, according to them “Johnson, who died in the incident, served as an Army reservist until April 2015, defense officials said. He was trained and served in the Army Reserve as a carpentry and masonry specialist, they said.” – Any deployments? I’m sure they’ll also try to say he was an NRA member as well.


I’ve read that he had an Afghanistan deployment 2013-14. Not sure if that’s accurate or not.


Someone pull an FOIA on him and get his record. That should shut people up.

What I despise about this hysterical rush to lump an entire population group into the same trash heap with this antisocial jackass is that not one of those reporters is bothering to dig up any real facts.

Why? Because facts don’t get the same coverage and viewing time as hyperbolic rhetoric, innuendo and gossip.


As a retired Marine, I hope the media does not try to smear all veterans and especially those with service in Afghanistan or Iraq by trying to make this about PTSD.

As a retired police officer, I wish those on the left, right and center would stop holding all officers responsible when a bad officer does something illegal.


I totally agree with you. I support the police in general, however they really do need to start vetting their own forces. Sorry but the tar brush is wide unfortunately.

Silentium Est Aureum

I think a lot of the problem is there seems (at least to me) a certain unwillingness to “take out the trash”, so to speak.

I’m sure good cops get frustrated that inevitably, bad cops do stupid (or illegal) shit. But all too often we’re also exposed to the blue wall of silence whenever corrupt, bad, or just incompetent cops are kept around.

I do in fact have a great respect for the police. I just wish we were better at weeding out and keeping out the bad ones once exposed.


Exactly, I thought I might be banned for my last comment, thanks for clarifying it.


The reality is the media and Americans have developed a perception of there being widespread police abuses which do not actually exist. Yes, there are some bad cops, but they also tend to get arrested or fired although not always as fast as they should be.


SEA, I agree that the screening/hiring process could be improved but that weeding out process in an existing force is extremely difficult in that most of these incidents occur when the officers are “in extremis” in situations where instantaneous, reactive, human behaviors are almost impossible to predict.

In the brief time I was an MP, I learned, even from black MP NCO’s, to approach blacks with a higher degree of wariness and preparedness for violence; I quickly learned there was good reason for it and that was more than fifty years ago. I can imagine what that heightened expectation by police, black and white, for armed violence from black suspects and detainees must be.


SEA – You’re absolutely spot on (taking out the trash). I was a cop for 6 years after I retired from the service. I knew I had to quit. Either that or end up in prison for shooting cops the chief wouldn’t get rid of; or have a friggin’ heart attack.

I remember one instructor’s constant comment while I was in the LEO academy: we are the largest, legal organized gang in the country.

Later, that comment spoke volumes to me.


It is strange, because the majority of the members of the local PD are retired veterans, good people and loaded with common sense. On the other hand, this is a quiet community – and it had better stay that way! – and I am acquainted with several of the LEOs for a very good reason. 😉


Clearly this guy was brainwashed by propaganda from the left. Of course you won’t constantly hear the term “left wing radical” over and over when you turn on the news too. I blame this on the gunman first, black power ideology, then Barak Obama and the liberal media.

Now just wait for the media to start bashing veterans. They will start talking about PTSD from his Afghanistan tour.

A Proud infidel®™

For those who want to harp about Gun Control, here’s a link about European LE types saying what a failure their GC laws are:

The Other Whitey

My only response to that article is, “Go figure. Y’know, if only somebody woulda warned ’em about that–oh, wait, WE DID!”


I’m a Vet and retired LEO – I started watching the coverage of these murders at 0400 hrs. this morning.

The rage I feel, the emotion and the questions I have will likely go on for awhile as unanswered.

Like the rest of you here….these Dallas Police murders bother the hell out of me and to tell the truth…..I’m finding it hard to articulate how I feel.

My prayers for the deceased and their families.

2/17 Air Cav

Just for a day, I would like to see a national blue flu. Just one day. It would be announced in advance to ensure that all of the evildoers knew that they had a window to operate with impunity. Sure, it will never happen. The police are too decent to do that to the communities they serve. But, damn, I wish it were otherwise. Just for a day.

Pinto Nag

I understand your anger, and also understand what you meant by what you said, but I have to ask you this: do you think the criminals, given a free rein for a day, would target people capable of defending themselves? Or the people with armed bodyguards? Or do you think the resulting misery would land squarely on the weak, the helpless, and the vulnerable?

And that was a rhetorical question, because you of all the folks on here know the answer.

2/17 Air Cav

Oh, it’s not just the criminals who would have the day. Dopers can dope on the street. Drunks can drive. Speeders can speed. Toll booths can be raced through. When someone needs help on the road,due to accident or otherwise, there would be none forthcoming, at least from police. Calls to 911 would be answered, “Fire or ambulance. The police are unavailable until tomorrow.” The blue flu would extend to all LEOs, in my fantasy, including Secret Service, Capitol Police, Supreme Court Police, as well as state and local police. No airline security, of course. The FBI can stay in operation. They aren’t cops and all they do is read FB anyway. In my little fantasy, you (collectively) are on your own.

Toasty Coastie

@2/17 Air Cav~
Thank you..I feel the same as you and that is my fantasy as well…”everyone” bitches and moans about the cops and how awful they are (“Wide Tar Brush” F*** you)… Funny how when “they” are in trouble, who the hell do they call?

Sorry, but to blame an entire Force for the actions of a few is the same as calling all Non White people thugs and criminals.

2/17 Air Cav

It’s not even the actions of a few. BlackLivesMatter# launches as soon as a video of black person being shot by police is aired. oBaMa does his thing, people get riled up, and blam! This started with Ferguson and the false reports that the big thief who was waltzing in traffic had been executed. Forensics proved otherwise. Still, it was “Burn this bitch down!” In Baltimore, riots erupted after a crim expired in the back of a paddy wagon (whoops! That’s a slur!) and, thus far, none of the police officers has been convicted of anything. If people are too freakin stupid to bother to consider facts before venting their rage and jumping to conclusions–well, that’s just another fantasy of mine.

Toasty Coastie

Agreed….Actually, I think it started with the Martin kid and grew from there. But you are right on your points….People are to quick to jump to conclusion without all the facts being in…well at least as much of the facts that can be believed as the truth.

2/17 Air Cav

“You know, when Trayvon Martin was first shot I said that this could have been my son.” B. Hussein Obama

That’s the perfect example of the oBaMa fuel. A jury acquitted Martin’s alleged murderer, Zimmerman. Afterwards, the DOJ went for Zimmerman but found none of the evidence it tried so hard to find and it slinked away. The photos of the Zimmerman injuries (back of head and face) were somehow overlooked by those who wanted so desperately for this to have been an innocent black kid brutally murdered. And when the president of the US jumps on the bandwagon and says what he did, what impact did that have on peoples’ perceptions? (That’s a rhetorical question.)


The media helped keep everything nice and calm by factually and objectively presenting what happened in the Martin case, didn’t it?

I mean, really – what’s the problem in a little highly selective editing of 911 transcripts to completely slant their content, followed by presenting the edited transcripts to the public as complete and factual?

2/17 Air Cav

Absolutely. They race to work whatever angle they can, damn the facts and corroboration, full speed ahead with the agenda. It is sinful. Dispassionate, objective, fact-based journalism is absent, replaced by sensationalism, if not flame fanning.


It gets the attention that the media attention whores want.
Don’t you all understand that people go into journalism to be on TV, not to report facts?

The Other Whitey

The order just came down thirty minutes ago to shroud our badges and half-mast our flags at every station.

It came a lot faster (like within two hours) when the gay bar got shot up. Priorities, I guess.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

TOW – “be careful out there”

The Other Whitey

They haven’t started shooting at fire engines…yet.


It will happen. It has in the past and will again.

(All right, all you racist hate-baiters out there – please prove me wrong.)

The Other Whitey

Nobody gets to shoot at me unless I get to shoot back!

It is said (and officially denied) that ever since the Rodney King riots and the violence that took place against firefighters, the captains at several LA City fire stations in the worse parts of town now keep pistols under their seats. Better to be judged by twelve, as they say. Personally, I’m grateful that I work in an area that’s less likely to present such a necessity.

Pinto Nag

Red flu works just as well as Blue flu. As do fire hoses!


I spent more than a few nights in the summer time, hunkered down behind a police car or fire engine as random shots were fired. Though some got to return fire, I never got the chance. Either the shooter was down the block, or he left the area intact while we tried to figure out where he was.


Remember this one? It was a deliberate attempt to lure firefighters to this house.


We all know the irony of this tragedy.

Police Officers protecting as well as sacricing their lives for those who protested against them.

Anyone hear anything from Jackson and Sharpton?

Rest in Peace, Officer Thompson. Salute. Condolences to his family.

Thoughts and prayers to the other Dallas Police Officers and their families.


? Two Reverends whom I have yet to hear express any condolences or prayers for the families of the fallen Police Officers as well as those wounded.

C. Long

Sharpton did this afternoon on MSNBC.


Jackson can go to hell. Piece of shit race baiting scumbag


Hmm. Connection appears pretty tenuous, but IMO is certainly worth further investigation.


Perhaps the FBI could invite family and friends in for a chat? Non-recorded, with no oaths administered? Sounds about right.


Fox News is also reporting that the shooter was associated with the Black Panthers.


That I find more likely. But both could be the case – I believe there’s some overlap between the two.


The Nation of Islam is not Muslim per se- it is an American construct that more to do with African American politics than religion. There are a few marriages of convince between terrorist groups and NOI, but a group like ISIS will view them as taker (apostate). NOI believes their founder is the Mahdi (the lost Imam/messiah figure), practices dianetics (the L R Hubbard/Scientology B.S.), and a few other minor things that would separate them from Islam as practiced in most of the world.

2/17 Air Cav

“What if this happened to someone in your family? How would you feel?” B. Hussein Obama

“This” refers to the recent shootings by police of two men, one in Minnesota, the other in Louisiana. Did he ask the same question about the police officers who were gunned down this year? Did he ask, “How would you feel if one of these officers was someone in your family?” No, of course not. Police lives don’t matter. And the shooter in Dallas? I wonder if shooter knew that his point would be lost by his murderous acts, that his inexcusable deed likely would rally more people to stand with the police, not against them, and just might prompt decent citizens to be more, not less, tolerant and understanding of police-involved shootings? The law of unintended consequences is never denied.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Obama doesn’t give a shit about us… never has, never will. He sees what happened in Dallas as another “opportunity” for the “community organizer” to get the folks all riled up and scream that they are being kept down by DA MAN, and that “whitey” is the devil.

The third week in January 2017 can’t get here soon enough…

Country Singer

He shows up as a PFC in the IRR, served with the 284th Engineer Company.

Here’s a blurb about the deployment he was on:


Obama will be in Dallas later today to apologize on behalf of the police department.


Just need to add him to my “Piss on The Grave”-tour map. Right up there with Adam Lanza, the 2 Columbine jerk-offs, and other mass shooters.

C. Long

Another Vet goes off the deep end. Something like this was bound to happen.


I can’t wait to hear more. Please continue.


He’s just brainstorming don’t ya know.

Pinto Nag

A killer saw his chance. It doesn’t matter what he did or what color he was — scum is still scum, nothing more and nothing less.

Pinto Nag

By ‘what he did’ I meant the fact he was a veteran. I was not referring to the killing of the police officers.


C. Long:

Please expand upon your initial comment.


Don’t recommend holding your breath waiting. I doubt he’ll do so.


Roger that.


When he shows up here, you know a village is missing its idiot.

Combat Historian

This shootout bears an uncanny resemblance to the “Second Battle of New Orleans” that occurred in Jan 1973, when Mark Essex, a disgruntled black USN sailor who had developed a pathological hatred of whites and cops, invaded the New Orleans Howard Johnson Hotel with an AR-15 to kill as many whites and cops as he could. Final body count was 3 dead cops and 7 civilians killed. Thousands of rounds were exchanged between NOPD and the shooter, and it finally took a Marine CH-46 filled with NOPD sharpshooters to kill the perp on the rooftop. Big difference between then and now was that nobody used the rampage as a political cudgel against the other side, and there was basically no hysterical talk of banning guns; shows you how low this country has descended between then and now…


I watched this as it unfolded last night. This fucker was nothing short of a racist terrorist. Whatever point he was trying to make got flushed down the crapper by his murderous actions. My heart goes out to the families of the slain police officers. Like every organization and institution in our great country you will find bad apples. We can’t allow those bad apples to tarnish the entire organization.

Dave Hardin

The KWAT is directly responsible for this. They incited violence. What did KWAT members do while officers were bleeding?

KWAT looted the 7-11.




Not sure either – except I’m relatively sure he’s not talking about the radio station in SD.

Dave Hardin

KWAT – Klan With A Tan


Instead of burning a cross, KWAT burns a store?


When I entered the Corps in 1965, it took me a while to digest why many with anywhere from 12 to 14 years A D were tossing in the towel, saying, “I’ve had enough; can’t discipline these idiots without them screaming racist and us being charged, busted and sometimes discharged”. Did not take long to understand what was happening. These days too many people are afraid to face and speak the truth. Some for fear of backlash, some for fear of violence in return. I DO NOT happen to fall into that fear. Tell it like it is. Have an honest discussion. Primitive behavior is born and bred into some folks. If that hurts your butt, fuck off and don’t bother me. Let me give you a glimpse of what I mean. ANYTHING that happens the black community does not like, without exception ALWAYS is pointed out their foe was Whitey. Yesterday’s Friday Morning Feel Good Stories had an article on a gone wrong robbery, three young stupid white girls took part in. Check this out Notice anything? Do you see where the two thugs who attempted to rob the guy were black? Oh hell no! Don’t want to label them as thugs. Do your own research to find this out. Sure there are some bad cops, BOTH white and black. But I get so sick and tired of hearing only one side. Time to arm yourselves folks. Don’t be a gullible order-following fool who dies because you could not read the writing on the wall. All the bastards are doing is trying to provoke another reason to repeat the the Watts riots in L. A. of late 60’s so they can burn down whatever they like. Think primitive and act primitive, they are entitled to it. They still have their Top Dog running the show and he will allow anything they wish during his final months in office. People who even thought martial law could and might be enacted were once thought of as foolish. Same for the liberal dumbass who said on this site, “People who are… Read more »


Note to JARHEAD, stormfront called and your subscription is due.

Oh yeah FUCK YOU!!


Tony..thanks for the reminder.



You’re welcome. For you a “FUCK YOU” is only a breath away.

DE Oppresso Liber


Why not get to the point? You aren’t dealing with another Lars here who argues just for the sake of always being right. Remember, opinions are like hobby horses with wooden assholes. Everybody has one.


I never compared you to Lars or anyone else for that matter. You expressed your opinion I expressed mine.


What can I say, except thanks for your comment? Just goes to show men can be gentlemen after all. Even if both are strong-willed. You have my respect for being one.


Absolutely and you have mine as well.


Jarhead, I see some of the same things that you do, but it is intentional agitation by people whose livelihoods depend on it.

I live in a mixed neighborhood – VERY mixed. It is peaceful and quiet and you can be dumb enough to leave your car doors unlocked, but NOBODY will touch anything. NOBODY. We all get along with each other.

If we can do that, why is it that in other areas people stir up conflict constantly? It is because they have nothing better to do and they are egged on to it by those same professional agitators whose motive is to keep the pot boiling.

I see nothing wrong with peaceful protests against over-aggressive law enforcement, but I also understand the difficulty that lies in detecting ahead of time which LEOs will over-reacting and something very bad will happen.

Those protests in Dallas and Minneapolis were both peaceful. ALl it takes is one person like the Dallas jackass with a hair up his butt to demolish the peace. If you remember the summer of 2011, the riots in London started because a couple of people picked a fight with someone over nothing.

We who don’t want THAT to happen have to work to prevent it, not turn our heads away from it.

I blame about half of the agitation on the media, too. They need to be educated in what is and is not appropriate reporting. The speculation and inaccuracy reporting this was disgusting, reeking of the same vulture-like reportage following the Boston Marathon bombing. They feed on it like drug addicts.

This has to stop. And they won’t stop until they are forced to do so by the truth.


Two of the officers were VETS. One Marine and the other was a MA2 reservist.Here is the link to Navy Times. Just thought I would pass that on…


I’ll be sitting in front of the TV tonight with a bag of popcorn watching the news broadcasts of the white protesters burning and looting downtown Dallas.

Whose with me?


Read the Fakebook of Micah X. Johnson (see Daisy Cutter’s comment) and was surprised to learn about the guy who was shot in Baton Rouge background. Court documents seem legit.Looks as if he had 20 prior convictions to include domestic abuse and was a registered sex offender. Never heard any media coverage on that.

C. Long

Maybe because it’s irrelevant? None of those past deeds are capital crimes nor is the cop sitting on him a judge\executioner. I usually come down on the side of the police in these things but the LA shooting was extremely bad judgment and should bring criminal repercussions. This Dallas shooting was bound to happen; the only real surprise was that it didn’t happen sooner.


Irrelevant? Hardly. He was not allowed to possess a gun, or ammunition. That’s a start to what he did wrong. He flourished a firearm he couldn’t legally possess. He failed to submit to arrest, another fail. The gun was in his right pants pocket. I can empty a mag from my Glock while it resides in my pants pocket.
Not being there, or knowing what the cops knew, like, perhaps they knew him personally, and knew his record, and when they saw him, realized that the man was the subject of the man with a gun call they were on, and he refused to pull his hand away from his gun, I won’t venture an opinion on the whole thing, until more of what transpired is made public.


“… should bring criminal repercussions…”

Funny how over the past few months I forgot how truly stupid you are. Thanks for the refresher.

Toasty Coastie

And now we have this A**H****…..

“Members of the Black Lives Matter movement should not get “discouraged by those who would use your lawful actions as a cover for their heinous violence,” Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Friday”.

MSG Eric

Its all her fault because she didn’t schedule her hugs with the shooter quickly enough. Hugs is all you need, not law, after all.


This is funny. The “decorated” veteran spent six years making it to E3, and he was awarded the Army Achievement Medal!

In other news, the New York Daily News knows zilch about military service.


The article does say he has an AAM. If that’s true, it’s technically correct – the AAM is a personal decoration. Not exactly something I’d brag about if it were my highest decoration after serving 6 years total, including a combat tour, but hey – to each his own.

Besides, it’s a NYC paper. Do you really expect most NYC writers to know squat about the military?


OK, fair. They are technically correct. All I know is that if you got a mere AAM during my unit’s deployment, you were a shitbag. So yeah, it’s a “decoration”, but no one in the know is going to agree with that.

And no, especially post-Gersch, I wouldn’t expect a NYDN writer to know anything about manly shit, period.


The New York Daily News hired the white black guy, Shaun King. That tells me all I need to know about that “news” organization.
They also hired Gash Kuntzman.


Just watched some TV news footage of the beginning of the atrocity in Dallas last night.

Did any of the other members of Team TAH notice the outright hypocrisy of all of those chanting, glowering, anti-police BLM protesters when they all collectively hauled ass to get behind the protection of the Dallas police as soon as the initial sniper fire erupted?

I sure did.


Watched it Live last night on Fox…

Yes, the Hypocrisy. That is why I made the comment of the irony that the Dallas Police sacrificed their lives to protect those who protested against them.


BLM is not anti-police.

You can be anti-killing citizens, anti-racism, and pro-police.


Lol…they seem to be nothing but perpophiliacs basing their entire reason for being in the vast majority of cases on a false narrative. I have never seen them admit a shooting was justified or make remarks that indicated anything pro police. Instead contrary to the facts they continue to chant “hand up, don’t shoot” though time and time again that never happened. Another of their consistent claims is that there is a systematic effort in place in the U.S. to kill young black men.

That is absurd if for no other reason that if that were true there should by sheer numbers be a lot more dead black men.



“BLM is not anti-police”, eh?

Well, OK, if you say so.

But if what you say is true, then I guess that this event never happened on 30 August 2015, and those marchers are not representing BLM:

Take a look at the report at that link (and no, this cannot be dismissed as a mere anecdotal example). The BLM protesters are clearly calling for the killing of police officers. That equates to BLM being anti-police.

It doesn’t mean anything else, regardless of how much you may want it to.

2/17 Air Cav

In Baltimore, a/k/a Mob Town, yet another trial of yet another police officer began yesterday. The outlandish statements and conduct of the prosecution from day one of ‘Justice for Freddie Gray’ have earned the disdain of many people inside the legal profession and outside of it. So far, the state is batting .000 in its efforts against the officers. In the current fiasco, the prosecution dumped 4,000 pages of training-related documents on the defense mere days ago. That brought a resounding rebuke from the judge (who is black, BTW) and swift penalty. Idiocy saturates the nation at all levels.

A Proud Infidel®™

Let’s not forget that the Prosecutor already has at least one substantial Disbarment Complaint filed against her, I wonder how many more are to come, how soon she’ll throw the Race Card, and if MD Disbars Attorneys faster than CA does?

Silentium Est Aureum

If Bernath is any indication, EVERYONE disbars attorneys faster than CA.

Sacramento does NOTHING quickly except suck up money and rights.

2/17 Air Cav

There are about 22 million Veterans in the United States. I suspect that if one took the criminal history measure of 22 million random adult citizens and compared the results to the criminal histories of the 22 million Veterans, by corresponding gender, race, and age, the results would be startling. My guess is that folks would come away saying, “We would have a much more decent and law abiding civil society with more Veterans than with fewer.” If anyone knows of a study that looked at just that sort of comparison, please let me know.


I don’t remember the author or the date of the article, but it cited a study done in the 1980’s of Vietnam veterans. It found that we were better adjusted than the general populace. We had much higher percentages of full time employment, marriage, college degrees, and no criminal history than our never served fellow citizens. This flew in the face of the media’s post war narrative that we are all a bunch of drug addicted, homeless psychos, because our combat service made us that way, so the study received little play in the media.

C. Long

One in 10 prisoners have some military experience. Down from near a quarter at one point but that’s still a large number

2/17 Air Cav

“One in 10 prisoners have some military experience. Down from near a quarter at one point but that’s still a large number” Give your source, Clong. Provide a cite. That’s utter bullshit.


2/17 – Now you know that will never happen.

C. Long

It’s around 8 to 10 percent down from nearly a quarter.

Veterans are also more likely to be sentenced for violent crimes. By around 15% margin. Close to half of those veterans have had 4 or more arrests.
Over half self report having mental health issues.


OH, I see. So because a small percentage of the TOTAL population of military veterans have become criminals in various ways, you get to paint ALL veterans with the same brush.

Yeah, that makes sense. Twist statistics to suit yourself. I’m sure that we can find LOTS of fault with your population demographic, too, CLONG.


“The percentage of veterans among State and Federal prisoners has steadily declined over the past three decades,according to national surveys of prison inmates conducted
by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS).”


“Veterans in State and Federal prison in 2004 were almost
exclusively male (99%). When compared to other men in the U.S. resident population, male veterans have had lower incarceration rates. Among adult males, the incarceration
rate of veterans (630 prisoners per 100,000) was less than half that of non-veterans (1,390 prisoners per 100,000).” (BJS)

…kinda dated, but these were the most up to date I found so far


lol…according to the BJS, the veteran status was done by survey…no indication that the veteran status was actually verified….WTFO

That is just all too typical when trying to research “veteran’s” stats

2/17 Air Cav

Clong. Go peddle your bullshit elsewhere. You wrote that one in 10 prisoners have some military experience and that that is down from a quarter. I threw the BS flag and asked for your source and you come back with additional bullshit. Here’s a stat you are familiar with: 100% of the TAH commenters with the screen name C. Long are royal assholes.


Pretty sure that Burkett and Whitley’s book Stolen Valor has citation to that research, rgr769. Don’t have a copy handy, so I can’t confirm.


Am checking out Chapter 7, “The Creation of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.” Have not yet found a specific study, but it’s probably in there somewhere. Lot’s of evidence, though, contrary to the conventional wisdom aka the lefty wet dream that they perpetuated about damaged veterans.

Herbert J Messkit

I’ll bet the robot that killed him had video. I would like to see his ugly mug when he realizes that gadget entering his hideout has a bomb


RoboCam Mark 1

Smile! Wait for flash…

2/17 Air Cav

“Nobody should be shot and killed in Minnesota for a tail light being out of function.” So stated the stupid SOB Mark Dayton (D), governor of Minnesota. Is that what happened? Was someone shot because he was driving a car with a tail light out? The Minnesota case is intriguing. The girlfriend of the guy who was shot live-streamed part of the event. Her word is gospel. We are told that the entire shooting was captured by her. But it wasn’t. She said that the officer shot her boyfriend 3 times. Later, it was 4. Then it was 5. She said the policer was Asian. She said a lot of things that were screwed up and that’s understandable, under the circumstances. Yet, when she flatly stated that the police officer shot her boyfriend for no apparent reason, well, that’s gospel and she could not be mistaken. I can think of a number of things that may have prompted the officer to fire. Why should I speculate? Why should anyone speculate? Speculate? That’s not what the governor did. That stupid SOB as much as declared the shooting a murder and provided the motive: a tail light was out. In—freakin—sane.


“Three, four or five times…at this point what difference does it make?” H R C


“Would this have happened if the driver, and passengers were white? No, it wouldn’t have”. Congrats on poisoning the jury pool, you retarded left wing asshole, Dayton.

2/17 Air Cav

And last night, while Dayton was visiting in his mansion with the family of the guy who was shot for reasons we do not yet know (well, the gov does–tail light out!) dozens of police officers were injured when an illegal protest (i.e., one staged w/o a permit) surprisingly turned violent. And in LA, the New Black Panthers have openly teamed with the BlackLivesMatter dirtballs. Thus, it’s a twofer. If, like Wide Load, you support the one, you get the other. Congrats all around. Benghazi.


Good…..don’t piss me the fukk off.


Didn’t take long, did it?

Do you think it will make the fakers shut off their stream of lies and crapweasel lawsuits?

2/17 Air Cav

I wonder whether the Black Power salute and all images of it, as displayed by this killer in photos, will now be regarded as the Confederate battle flag was when that asshole killed those black folks last year in a SC church. If not, why not?

A Proud Infidel®™

Likely because ONLY White People can be raaayycist as well as responsible for all of this world’s ills in the eyes of the SHEEPLE of the left.

Old 1SG, US Army (retired)

Don’t want to add fuel to the fire…

But WTF is up with this Rev Jeff Hood and his 15 minutes of fame? Right in the middle of the peaceful Dallas protest spewing his bile.

He claims to have studied at every theological institution/program south of the Mason-Dixon…

Would someone please run a background check on this loser?

A Proud Infidel®™

My bet is that he’s trying to race-bait and ass-kiss his way up to being one of Jackson or Sharpton’s deputies, shits like him really make me want to puke.


I’m seriously tired of all of this division of race in the media. I was in the army for a little over a decade, now I’m a police officer, state trooper specifically. At the end of the day everyone bleeds red. Black lives, blue lives, etc, no need for division. If a cop has a bad shoot and overacts, treat them accordingly, prosecute to the fullest extent of the law with true bill from a grand jury, if a non LEO does the same treat them accordingly, fullest extent of the law, equal protection. Some of my battles are with me today, no race or ethic division, some do this job some are LEO some non LEO, still my brothers regardless of race.
I found the wrong calling in life as a LEO, too much bullshit and every call is a potential lawsuit, complaint, or death because most complaintants that call for service are not reasonable people. People that can’t operate In normal life as a normal person and be reasonable. They should not rely on the government as their first response to all issues in life. I’ve been sued too many times for bringing people back to life when I beat EMS on scene. I personally cannot allow people to die sans EMS on scene, but the shit gets old. I shouldn’t have dropped out and enlisted after 9/11 prior to becoming a future wizard.
My point is most cops aren’t assholes, and many are very reasonable, most are humans that have the same experiences in life like the naysayers that hate them.
John you are free to PM me for my foia or 214, I’m not a turd bag with a DD. Just my opinion and my libertarian beliefs.


I’ll go out on a limb and say most here agree with you. The beef here isn’t with most cops, or most peaceful protestors. It’s with that handful who want to take advantage of an incident for political or material gain, or use same as an excuse to riot – and with the media, which has become decidedly one-sided and obviously slanted in its coverage of the issue.


And of course the media is making up stuff. From LA Times: “Police detonated a bomb robot to kill Johnson after they cornered him in a garage early Friday morning – an unprecedented technique for American law enforcement, but one that troops have used in Iraq to attack targets with mines.” LOLwut? I’m sorry but this is 100% factually wrong. At no point in the Iraq or Afghanistan War did the military strap a bomb or grenade to a robot meant to find/dismantle IEDs to go kill insurgents. The ROEs were much to restrictive for that. Just another case of journalists making analytic leaps on bits and pieces of what they know.

A Proud Infidel®™


Hitlery Rotten Cankles has issued a statement calling for White people and LE to change:


well damn….exercising my white privilege to oppress helpless minorities for my own gain was on the top of my to do list for today.

Guess I’ll just go cut some grass.

Old Nam Doc

Fox is reporting today that the shooter was sent stateside from Afghanistan due to a sexual harassment charge and scheduled for a less than honorable discharge, but through some error, given an honorable discharge.

2/17 Air Cav

The H. Wide Load Clinton apology tour is in full swing. She’s sorry she’s white.