Operation Resolute Cluster****

| July 8, 2016

Ashton Carter

The other day, the President announced his plan to reduce the number of troops in Afghanistan, yet again. A rational person might think that the new number was based on detailed planning and the result of months of study. Well, not according to the Secretary of Defense when he was talking to reporters on a flight to Poland yesterday, as told by the Washington Post;

Carter…said he did not know how many of the 8,400 troops that President Obama announced Wednesday will remain in the country next year will be focused on advising Afghan forces versus striking al-Qaeda and other terrorists.

“We haven’t decided,” the Pentagon chief said, adding that some will come from each category.


There are currently about 9,800 U.S. troops in Afghanistan, with some 6,950 focused on the advising mission, known as Resolute Support, and more than 2,000 involved in raids and other counterterrorism missions in an operation known as Freedom’s Sentinel.


A senior defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity in order to discuss Carter’s comments, said that Army Gen. John W. Nicholson Jr., the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, is still determining “the specific number devoted to each mission. But the majority of U.S. troops in Afghanistan will remain focused on the advising mission, the official said.

So basically, the Secretary is admitting that the administration just pulled the 8400 number out of their collective ass. If there was a plan, they would know what each soldier in Afghanistan would be doing on a given day – that’s how you arrive at a number as low as 8400.

But, there is no plan, no rhyme nor reason, just a number that is smaller than the number of troops who are in Afghanistan this year. The overarching plan of the Obama Administration for Afghanistan is withdrawal, no more no less.

Category: Terror War

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Anyone surprised?

Guard Bum

Not in the least.


You know what coitus interruptus is, right? It also involves withdrawal!


Which occurs when one of my kids opens the bedroom door at an inopportune moment..


Reckless endangerment of real men and women by a consortium of crooks.

This admin makes meth-head cheap whores look intelligent and moral.


You haven’t seen anything, yet. Hitllary makes it into office, she’s already got Benghazi under her belt. It will be time to f@ck over larger groups of troops.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

How many of those left in Afghanistan will be transgendered troopers? I don’t think it’s fair leaving Afghanistan unprotected by transgendered troopers who only want to make the world a better place by serving their nation in theaters of combat.

I’m sure the Afghans would welcome a transgendered squad (that’s probably all there is in the entire military) and be happy to provide proper bathroom facilities for them while they protect their Afghani allies from all manner of threat using their superior transgendered bodies to combat ISIS and a resurgent Taliban…they can serve right alongside the all female combat infantry company….


Queers want to kill to ya know. I guess that’s the story they’re putting out anyway. Or could it be just for the benefits once they’re in and found medically unworthy of duty and with the current lack of Administration, counting on a lifetime of VA care. I’m thinking the latter, but that’s just me, never having served with cross dressers, at least to my knowledge, because in my time, one found out, was not long for service or health.

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

Here we go again…this administration must use the dart board method to plan strategy for foreign policy…1st they blindfold the lucky cabinet member or even Obama, spin them around a few times, point them in the general direction of the dart board where sits three folds of paper with 3 different plans and which ever the dart lands on or is nearest too by measurement is the one they go with….easy decision making 101, especially if you’re not the one’s with any skin in the line of fire


Personally, I think they generally use the “react after the shock of what just happens wears off” method of developing foreign policy. But you could be right.


I guess I wouldn’t even mind the dart board method if, at least one of the plans involved actually killing anything remotely radical Muslim and their little dog too!

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

Looking at this Carter fellow and reading about his policy choices over the weeks,I’ve come to a conclusion….. that asinine social engineering is a higher priority than equipping, training, maintaining and how that force is to be applied in the most efficient manner possible, as well as recruiting & retaining the best talent available for the missions and looking out for welfare of those serving
And that name Carter rings a bell with me…oh no that was Jimmy, wonder if their related, proves, the nuts don’t fall far away or this Carter drinks to much so-duh


SecDef tries so hard to look like a kicked puppy, doesn’t he? The sooner he’s gone and that clowndog with him, the better.


Emperor Zero is on his 4th SECDEF & 7th A-stan commander. Really hard to develop any cohesive strateegery. BO’s farewell address: We are on the right track & making good progress…oh, and I inherited this dumpster fire from my predecessor. Out.

A proud Infidel®™

*Sung to the refrain of “Frosty the Snowman*

Flippity flop-flop, flippity flop-flop, that’s how the shitheads go…

Green Thumb

Ash Carter is a fucking clown.