Transgender ban may be lifted next month

| June 25, 2016

Basically, it’s just a rumor at this point, but anonymous sources have told the media that the Obama Administration plans to lift the ban on open transgender service in the military next Friday, July 1st, according to the Washington Times;

An unnamed Defense official said top personnel plan to meet on Monday to finalize the details of the plan, which comes after nearly a year of behind-the-scenes deliberations.

The official said Deputy Secretary of Defense Bob Work could sign off on it by Wednesday, with final approval coming from Defense Secretary Ash Carter by the end of the week.

LGBT-rights groups praised the impending announcement.

“At long last, thousands of brave transgender patriots will be able to serve our nation openly with the respect they deserve,” Human Rights Campaign president Chad Griffin said in a statement. “This historic announcement will not only extend long-overdue recognition to thousands of transgender service members, it will strengthen our military and our nation.”

Of course there are thousands of tiny details that need to be worked out beforehand, not to mention that someone needs to tell me how this helps us to kill more of our nation’s enemies. How, exactly, it “strengthens our military”. But, hey, the Army gets to roll up their sleeves – if they can work out the finer details of that huge issue.

Category: Big Pentagon

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We need Mattis to be the SecDef.
He can come in, start calling everybody “fucker” and knife hand the stupid out of the 5 sided clown college.
The place will smell like whiskey and bacon when he’s done.


Keep that pimp hand strong!

The Other Whitey

Whiskey, bacon, and victory!


Mattis is ineligible to serve as SECDEF until May 2020.


Bring him as a civilian “mentor”.

“I come in peace, I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you with tears in my eyes: If you don’t stop fucking up my Marine Corps, I’ll kill you all. And hang your rotting carcasses in the courtyard as an example to others.”
Okay I made up that last sentence but it gets the sentiment across.


Well, yeah, I always look at the standard transgendered, campus SJW and think, “there’s an American patriot who just wants to defend freedom like the rest of us!” Totally.

Just An Old Dog

Yes I think the list of physically, mentally amd morally qualifed transgender SJW who would qualify and would want to serve would be pretty short. Id compare it with the lists of:

Prominent Negroes of the KKK
Midget NBA Stars
Flower Species of The South Pole


Great, show the world that you can turn the greatest military in the world into the La Cage aux Folles.


A least I can now take the Army P.T. test and request to be graded under the female standards.


Good point


On the other hand, since trannies are clamoring to serve, we should see a surge in enlistments just like we did when DADT was repealed.
Everyone remembers the huge line of gays outside the recruiter’s offices right?


Yep. A Marine recruiter I knew made his yearly quota of bodies in just over 30 days because of all those clamoring to sign up.

Silentium Est Aureum

Memo to Mr. (Ms.?) Griffin:

STFU, you fucking imbecile.

Thank God my DD-214 protects me from this stupid shit.


What? Do they mean that now trannies serve, just not openly?

Well, isn’t that special.

Maybe it’s no longer true, but not too terribly long ago folks having medical issues that would cost the military big $$ to fix was disqualifying. Uhm. Wouldn’t the medication and whatever else needed to sustain a trannie cost more than stuff like insulin, BP meds, and a host of other things which preclude other Americans from enlistment?


Not to mention, it may make said service “member” non-deployable, if he/she is in a drug regimen.


I think this is part of the “fundamental change” that Obozo promised. They are sitting back laughing at what they are doing to the military.

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

SMH….another STUPID SJW project forced fed to the majority that disagree with it…
the end can’t be far off if this type of politically correct nonsense continues to persist.
Why is it always a non -veteran that tells the military and its veterans how beneficial it would be to include freaks with psychological issues into the military ranks for the purpose of social engineering ?
you can’t make up this kind of stupid, can you ????
America, obviously has a failed education system, seriously are they now teaching “stupid and no common sense” as a major these days ? If so that would explain a lot of things over the last 50 years…1 being, Dr Spock, who was a jerk, the generation, my generation, were raised on his pearls of wisdom and have been in the WH since Clinton and it has been terrible’ NOTHING but lie after lie from our elected leadership ever since , and no end insight for this type of corrupt & immoral leadership.


Hahaha glad I’m not a bag-toting recruiter anymore. Gonna get reeeeal hard to make mission and the career-ending pressure will not let up to roll them contracts.

Mike Kozlowski

…Preach it, especially as you KNOW there will be quotas.



Especially with the officer/musican side.

“I need a black or Asian tranny skin flute player”

B Woodman

“At long last, thousands of brave transgender patriots will be able to serve our nation openly. . .. ”

Thousands, eh? Name two! Forgot that, name ONE “brave transgender patriot”.

I’d say something to the effect of “fucking faggots (mumble mumble etc etc)”, but at this point, faggots are looking like an improvement over trannys.

A Proud Infidel®™

“Forgot that, name ONE “brave transgender patriot”.

Was it a Joe-to-Jane or a Jane-to-Joe?

FUCK B. Hussein 0bama & Company and all they’ve done.


Corporal Maxwell Q. Klinger! Fuck you!


Yeah, but Maxwell never became Maxine. ?


Does Kristin Beck count?

Just An Old Dog

Beck did not serve as a Transgender. Beck served as a Male.
The transformation took place after discharge on Beck’s own dime.


Bradley Manning.

Oh… Wait…


So…I think I’ll sue the insurance company who would not supply my with much needed meds for low hormones of the man kind so I could function and have eyebrows—because I AM female and these people get to have all kinds of shit on my damn dime. We are an elite force and I am not accepting another new way to define man or woman. No fucking way. Soldier. Period. NOT GAY, NOT QUEER, NOT TRANSanyfucking thing. SOLDIERS ******ALL******TREATED THE SAME.
Otherwise, go back from whence you came. Seriously. Because my Army is getting FUBAR.


I am as serious as cancer when I say I don’t care how they self-identify. If they come into my bathroom when I’m in the shower, I will beat them to a pulp with the nearest broomstick.

Just An Old Dog

I hope Dave Hardin don’t see this, he just might take you up on rthe offer.
He’s a fan of yours and i suspecr he just might be into that sort of thing.


They should make them flags from the get go.

Most of the current flag crop have no balls anyway.

2/17 Air Cav

About those enlistment age limits now. Is anyone going to say that individuals over a certain age shouldn’t soldier? It’s a tough argument given the ages and shape of some military now. Hell, why not? And don’t say as long as the get through BCT–unless the 58-year old E9 can too.


Wasn’t there some reference a while back to requiring a minimum of 8 years on the first enlistment contract? Seems to me I read that some place. I can’t imagine anyone agreeing to that with the crap that is being pulled now.


Ex, it was a while back. A good while back./smile.

1 June 1984 was the effective date changing the Military Service Obligation (MSO) from six years to eight years.

2/17 Air Cav

You probably served eight years, too, and didn’t know it. The mil service obligations is usually eight (varies by MOS and O/EM/ROTC/Academy, blah, blah) and includes inactive reserve. So, a four-year standard hitch is 4 AD and 4 IR.


Cav…you are correct as my enlistment was done this way…I could be active reserve after 4 years regular Army with my one weekend a month or I could go inactive and do two weeks a year.


if memory serves me right, there was once a seal who became a woman after he got out

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah. That’s true. Christopher Beck was a SEAL. He got out after 20 and put on a skirt. He’s 50 or better now and calls himself Kristen Beck. He ran for a Maryland seat in Congress last year but lost. He also published his memoirs, as if someone gives a shit.


The question is: What more can this limp wristed, son of a whore, pussy of a president do to undermine and destroy our military before he leaves office?

What a traitorous bastard.

2/17 Air Cav

Who was re-elected! I don’t care who was running against him. Returning oBaMa to office was insane–actually suicidal. So, I blame every jerk who voted for him and every jerk who thought it wise not to vote for his opponent. And history may repeat itself in the last regard very soon.


How many will demand reassignment surgery while on AD?

How many present to VA after RAD and demand the surgery? I think maybe that is happening now.

I see this costing a huge amount of money.

I’ sure the mission of the military will be greatly enhanced by allowing openly transgendered troops to enlist or obtain sex reassignment surgery while on AD.

Does anyone believe Carter, senior officers and other buttwipe officials actually support this policy? They are little more than PC whores who go along to get along. Jumping on the PC bandwagon.