Bella’s lemonade stand for veterans

| June 15, 2016


Green Thumb sends us a story from Phoenix, Arizona about six-year-old Bella Barton who started a lemonade stand business to help homeless veterans;

Dozens of neighbors came by to support her. By the time she was done, she had around $90 raised for veterans.

Bella dropped off the jar of cash to the Phoenix VA on Monday.

“On behalf of the resource center, we want to thank you for all your hard work and collecting all these great donations that we can use to help our veterans,” said Melissa Meierdierks, Community Resource and Referral Center Coordinator.

Bella rewarded for her good deed with a T-shirt and was named an “honorary veteran.”

“I was just amazed that someone in such a small package has such a huge heart,” Meierdierks said.

Bella says that she just wants to be a good citizen – she’s on the right path. Thanks, Bella.

Category: Support the troops

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THANK YOU !!!!!!!


And her parents too for raising her right.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

^^^WORD x 100^^^


WORD ???????


Damn Right ????


Amen on the parents! And Bella sweetheart, You make me very proud to be a veteran AND an Arizonan!!


Well she gave it to the Phoenix VA?
Next time Try Fisher House.
At least her heart is in the right place.
/some pencil dick at the VA probably just pocketed it for beer money and strippers.

A Proud Infidel®™

I second that.


I was thinking the same thing. I sure hope she got a receipt from somebody for that 90 dollars cash money. If not it would (and might still) end up in the pocket of somebody like Lester Tee Black or Michael Killam.

But you did well, little Bella. My thanks go out to you.

Silentium Est Aureum

Thanks to Bella, but VA should have turned around and given it where needed.

Any organization that spends several hundred grand for lobby artwork at ONE VA center is probably not going to put her money to good use.


A child leads the way.
God bless and keep her and her folks.


Then she go to college and they brainwash her into a Sanderist.

Good thing that by the time she is old enough most colleges are probably going to be online only. That curves down the brainwashing by 10 percent.


I don’t know Yef, by the time she gets to college, with her upbringing, I’ll bet she has the constitution to fight the propaganda.
Well done Bella!

Thomas Huxton

Then she go to college and they brainwash her into a Sanderist.

At her age she will be among the post-sanderist rebels. The sanderleastas.


Cute girl, great heart, probably great parents. Thank you young lady.


Obviously the young lady comes from good stock. Claw is absolutely right. If it was a non-profit, her parents could have received a bit of a write off. Her heart was in the right place and she deserves a big THANK YOU for doing what she did. If the place was on the up and up, they would have issued a receipt to the parents WITHOUT having to be asked. Otherwise we would have had NO reason to believe Killam and Gainey would not meet up at some gay bath house to give each other congratulatory massages.
Personally, I’d have rather seen the money go to some other vet organization that helps ONLY legitimate vets. Until ALL vet related organizations start enforcing the practice of VETTING, it’s going to be hard to feel as sympathetic as we could.
This day and age POLITICIANS have lowered the bar on accountability, integrity, ethics, and honesty. The general public follows their foot prints. And a HELL of A LOT of THEM walk forever on some unearned green ground while talking out of both sides of their mouth knowing wwwwwaaaayyyy too many voters are ready to buy a good b. s. story, hook line, and sinker. Why else would we continue to re-elect the same people and worse yet, even REMOTELY CONSIDER someone as evil as Mrs. B. J. Pantsuit?


I take back one bad thing I have said about the “youth of today” & their work ethics. Good job little girl & thanks to the parents!


This is one good child who will grow up to be a good adult. Good for her.


My faith in humanity has been restored, outstanding work, Bella!


Good on you, Little Bella. I am certain that your parents are very proud of you, as is the veteran community.

meanwhile, back at the Phoenix VAMC…
“Drinks are on me”


I bet that $90 went into someone’s pocket before she even left the office.


Man I hate that I’m so cynical especially when its a great story of a great kid but the first thing that came to mind after good for her was;

“Bella dropped off the jar of cash to the Phoenix VA on Monday, who promptly took the money and used as a cash award for the administrator in charge of falsifying veterans appointments.”


BZ! Go Bella!


You da bomb, Bella. God bless you and yours.