Petraeus joins Mark Kelly against guns

| June 11, 2016

Petraeus and Broadwell

General David Petraeus lost me when he started thinking with his little head. Now, according to The Hill, he’s teamed up with Mr. Gabby Giffords, Mark Kelly, to establish a gun control group, the Veterans Coalition for Common Sense;

“As service members, each of us swore an oath to protect our Constitution and the homeland,” said Kelly…“Now we’re asking our leaders to do more to protect our rights and save lives,” Kelly added in the statement. “Gabby and I are grateful to all of these incredible veterans and leaders who are using their voice to call for commonsense change that makes our communities safer.”

In addition to Petraeus, the former CIA director, and Kelly, a number of other generals and admirals will join the group, including another former CIA director, Michael Hayden, and retired Adm. Thad Allen.

There is a list of the flag officers who have joined them at their website, which resides on the Americans for Responsible Solutions web presence. The list includes Stan McChrystal, who admitted that he voted for Obama before the President fired him, and Wesley Clark, the Hillary supporter.

I don’t suppose that any of their solutions would be to enforce the current law. Maybe they’d like to explain to me how a felon in possession of a concealed weapon in Michigan only rates two days of “time served” imprisonment. How does that relate to gun safety?

I know this list of gun-grabbers isn’t really considering anything that is actually “common sense”. They’re hiding their real intentions behind veterans’ suicides. Standing on the bodies of the dead, just like they always do.

Thanks to David for the link.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Getting real sick of the f’n former officers and NCO’s who don’t trust troops.
And, it’s a real surprise this oxygen thief is from NH.