Dionisio Garza
This past weekend, Dionisio Garza III had a break with reality and for reasons as yet unknown, he went on a shooting spree in Houston. He killed one person, Eugene Linscomb, 57, and injured several others, including two police officers. Garza was a veteran of the 173rd Airborne Brigade and he’d been to Afghanistan at least once, according to media reports.
His father blames PTSD for Garza’s break.
“We have not received confirmation, but I strongly suspect. I really believe this is a PTSD thing,” the man’s father said by phone, Monday.
Garza’s father said his son, although loving, had become increasingly troubled over the last few months and decided to travel to Houston to meet others who believed the United States was on the brink of collapse.
“On the internet he met some people or some people that believed like him.
It’s better to go to Texas. He was trying to get us all to go over there and you know go live in a compound. That kind of talk, you know? That wasn’t my son,” the man said.
Yeah, well, that’s not PTSD either. It’s confusion. People who claim they knew Garza blame PTSD, too;
“I would have never guessed Garza. Ever. I’ve seen him talk people down from PTSD moments I’m sure more than I could even count,” he said.
However, he told us PTSD was something Garza struggled with too.
“I never thought he had a serious problem with it, he chose to go on a second and a third deployment and not only go, but be a leader there,” he said.
Obviously, he was disappointed that country is headed in the wrong direction, but that doesn’t justify what he did.
Heavy.com notes that he was a Trump supporter – that doesn’t explain his actions, either, despite the fact that many would like it to.
Millions of veterans who are also Trump supporters didn’t take guns to the street this weekend.
Category: Veterans in the news
Phil says, “dangerous, gun-weilding lunatics” like it’s a bad thing.
IDC SARC…Yep, I’ve been on the “Lunatic Fringe” for years. Never had the notion of doing what this guy did though. Sounds like Phil, needs to get a pair.
I’m only dangerous if you give me a reason to be.
Your only a gun nut until the apocolypse
Then your a hero
Huh. most of the “mass murder” types never were in the military. But don’t let that interrupt your “crazy veteran PTSD” fantasies.
Everyone’s an expert on shit they’ve seen in the movies.
Is it the millennial generation that is having problems dealing with combat or did our former war-fighters also lash out like this? Or is it the prevalence of the modern media? Having no combat experience (just indirect fire), I would never be able to relate to what our front line troops are dealing with.
Me, I blame the media. They have no brains, report gossip and innuendo instead of facts, and get upset when you question their ability to write plain English.
Seems like they also jump the gun in order to “scoop” all the other “reporters”. No need to investigate an incident when you can blame the actions on issues not fully understood.
Ditto that Ex-PH2, IMHO the vast majority of today’s mess media DOES NOT care about sticking to fact, they’re into yellow journalism just wanting “that great scoop” to impress their editors.
I blame the movie “Rambo” for the crazy veteran meme.
Why didn’t someone get him a puppy? Was there no local circle jerk for him to piss and moan in? My feeling are hurt because he was still drawing air.
I will try to muster some give a shit, as if his life matters and all that.
Not that the whole 22 a day thing doesnt matter…just sayin one of two from that number need to go anyway.
Dave, your my fucking hero, well said.
Thank you for your service Dave Hardin. Lol!
Here is a special message just for you.
Semper Fi bro
lol, I’m saving that for later
I do not get it. All it had was a repeat of the famous Scottish martial arts form. Not offensive at all. In fact I use it as my “safety” word if I think someone might try to cause me harm, or give me shit.
Access Denied by NETWARCOM Policy
It must be a good one.
Its on my server, probably blocked because I make a daily habit of posting
Fuck Islam
from that IP. Or, it might be my Piss on Mohammad campaign.
There is always the Urine for Fonda non profit I sponsor. Its for veterans that might die before she does and still want to donate piss to the cause.
Not sure, maybe Jonn has it blocked because I make fun of his Manbun fetish.
Or, that Hobo guy…sneeky that one is.
Well, I was warned.
Dave….WTF??? You off your meds again? Six Oxycontin per day probably sounds like a lot to the average Joe, but even combined with the morphine and Prozac, normally you do well. Until I hear different from you, our Texas vacation is out of the question if you still insist on going there to start a tribe. It’s ALWAYS so clear to watch out for you when you beat around the bush trying to play nice.
What? Did I do something? I take off for a few weeks and all the PC shit takes over here.
I will try to be more kind and understanding…like you bro, all soft and fuzzy.
If they went back to Field Marching Packs, hand garnishing nets, and starch in sateen uniforms they would notice a pussy like this guy earlier.
Some people never answer their FUCKING E-MAIL!!!!!!!!
Stop screaming at me, you will hurt my feeling. I got one around here somewhere.
Ok, ok, I am checking.
Holy mother of Mohammad the Molester. 322 unread emails.
Mostly hate mail…go figure.
Russian girls selling Viagra, some offer to improve my mental health, Ammo sales, friend requests…ya like they really what that, oh here you are.
Something about submission? Hmmm…naughty girl.
Let me guess…different senders, all from the same address. Received the same. Goes something like this:
“If you are having difficulty raising Mr. Johnson from a prolonged sleep, it may all be just in your mind. We can help with both, and provide you A P ammo to use when “friends” mean harm to you.
Do what the leather lady tells you and you’ll be smiling Jack. As shown on T V, only $19.95 plus shipping and handling. But wait, we’ll double your first order and have the UPS driver personally handle you on arrival. Her name is Lilith and she can put you in touch with your unknown needs. Order today OR we will have Lilith show up at your door unannounced..and you WON”T like that! Now be nice and get your ass on the phone to place an order.”
Last time I fell sucker to that sales pitch was three years ago. They still to this day gig me for nearly $40 per month, and tell me I can’t say no. As you said, too warm and fuzzy for my own good.
Thanks Dave, that made my day complete!
It’s okay Phil we don’t want to hang out with fucking pussy crybaby twats like you either….put your footy jammies on and head back to your bedroom while mommy makes your breakfast you silly fuckwad.
Sounds to me like this guy’s been looking at WAY too many prepper blogs and maybe even the chemtrails peeps’ blather.
No, it doesn’t excuse his taking a gun to the streets and shooting people. He does have a mental problem and it got to him. I’d like to know more about it and not pass judgment on him until I do.
Well Phil you can go and FUCK YOUR HIPSTER SELF !!!!!!
And as far as blaming PTS or a TBI
Get the facts first because as always the answer to a problem is always simpler then the crap the media types and people love to throw at it
Happens all the time.
Even to the ones who got the “PTSD” or “TBI” playing flag football.
There have been numerous incidents involving the combat veterans we train here where I work on Fort Bragg. It’s true that the deployments turn a large percentage of them into lunatics.If they aren’t killing innocent civilians they’re committing suicide.
Just kidding, we haven’t a single incident in more than a decade that I have worked here.
You suck.
I started reading your post and in the first paragraph thought I had it all upside down.
Yeah, I get that, a lot.
No winners here.
Yeah, he seems to have been a good soldier. Too bad he lost his marbles,and behaved in such a manner.
Maybe Phil can choke to death on a bag of dicks or light himself on fire.
And WTF does Paranoid Prepper Dude have to do with having served and PTSD? THey’re making that connection because…what, is it a new MOS or something?
The Paranoid Prepper Dude is the first step in a 10-step program of becoming a confirmed hoarder.
You’ll see the results later, on that reality TV show called ‘Hoarders’, where some old gasbag who started ‘prepping’ when Daddy died and had to be buried under the kitchen pump housing decided to just keep stacking stuff up and ran out of shelves.
Then the floor caved in, and finally all the hoarded animals like rats and frogs and roaches fled the scene and called the TV show producers.
1) Did you see what ol’ Phil did with his screen name? “Phil Esteen IV”= “Philistine”. Something tells me he did not look up the word prior to using it.
2)Since I was never in the military but I’ve seen my son in his ASU’s shouldn’t Garza not have SSI’s on his blues?
Dad, that’s the old set of Greens.
You can just barely make out the edge of his 173rd patch on his right shoulder.
Thanks Claw. The eyes don’t work as good as they should anymore
Ahhh, so you are responsible for Claw. Maybe he will behave now that you are here.
Nah, probably not.
Semper Fi
That “Phil Esteem” douchebag must work really hard at being such a self-righteous cocksucker.
As for Garza, the lad evidently had some screws loose. I highly doubt the Army had anything to do with it. And PTS didn’t make him do anything. I’ve had that argument with numerous ignorant individuals who base their opinion on Hollyweird, and they are frequently shocked to discover that it does not turn you into a shirtless M60-wielding nutjob. They’re also shocked by the revelation that it’s common not only in combat veterans, but also in law enforcement officers, firefighters (myself included), and regular citizens who experience a traumatic event.
The state shrink told me eleven years ago that I have PTS. I also have lots of guns and a fair degree of proficiency in their use. I haven’t shot anybody yet. The “PTS made me do it” excuse is chickenshit, and I think it’s safe to say that everybody here is sick of hearing it.
Didn’t they used to call PTS ‘going postal’?
Nah, people can go postal without the prerequisite stressors that create PTSD
There are countless stories of people going off their nut, some with a trail of warning signs, some without a hint. Most are not Veterans, which sucks if you write copy for the media. I mean, think of it, from the writer’s perspective. You learn that Joe Blow just killed or wounded 18 people in Peoria without warning or provocation and he’s not a Veteran! Just that thought alone gives me PTS. On the flip side, how easy it is to pen these stories if the shooter is a Veteran. Hell, the stories write themselves. And if the shooter served in a combat theater, it’s all a done deal before you write a word.
And what if you’ve never served in combat? My god, think of the horrors that were never seen? The twisted wreckage of empty popcorn bags from watching ‘Sniper’ or ‘Platoon’ too many times, or even – dare I say it? – ‘Tank Girl’?
I need hug.
I thought you’d never ask…
AND WHAT ABOUT those traumatic events during HALO games on XBox where they saw their Buddies vaporized by a Plasma Grenade and had to wait until they came back on screen?
And if you can’t use the blame game becuase it’s a vet, then it’s GUNNZZZZ!
Okay everyone, get behind this guy’s safe space
I’m going to give Garza (the soldier, in case anyone’s forgotten his name) the benefit of the doubt, because he did have three tours overseas and did well, but may not have had what would be politely called ‘letdown time’, or a way to get the hyperalertness out of his system. I’m sure he saw a good deal of destruction in the Middle East.
Then he comes back here and gets online with a bunch of paranoid and delusional preppers who are sure as tomorrow’s sunrise that the world is going to hell in a handbasket and they need to hunker down behind locked gates.
And it just fed into what he’d already seen. His father says ‘that was not my son’. So obviously, something snapped in his mind and he went completely off his nut.
It does happen, you know.
And I’m going to give Phil Esteeen IV the benefit of the doubt. By that I mean he is using reverse psychology to troll for the Manning type. You know, the type that will drop their weapons as well as their britches. Yeh Phil, first thing they taught us in boot camp was that people like you afraid of “guns” are really meat eaters seeking a meal and companionship. Here Phil, I gotta big old juicy tube steak for you.
As I recall, the second thing they taught us in boot camp was to avoid fags named Phil who were seeking to get their mouth Phull.
Phil Esteen is just another Phildo, Jarhead.
I deployed with him, knew him, and would have called him a friend. The last few months were strange. He was the last person I thought would be a Trump supporter (not saying it’s a bad thing). I honestly thought he was trolling until I went back through his Facebook feed. he was not the person I knew anymore.
Time to ban veterans, the US military, guns, trump supporters, PTSD, and never be disappointed with the country unless you subscribe to left wing politics.
Am I the only one confused by the 1st AD patch sewn on the shoulder of the blues jacket?
It’s a bad pic, he’s wearing green Class A’s
I’m telling you it is Schlitz beer. It is all the Nam USMC guys got and they all got PTS. Every single one. Did you GWOT guys only get Schlitz beer? I’ll bet Garza’s backpack had two or three cans in it, why else would the LEO blow it up?
No, it wasn’t the Schlitz. Schlitz was the champagne of beers compared to the Carling Black Label and Blatz that was over there.
If you wanted to catch some real PTS, do shooters with Black Label and Fresca./smile
IMHO Blatz alone can give someone PTSD.
You obviously did not grow up with Blatz Beer ads on TV, didja?
I’m from Milwaukee and I ought to know:
It’s draft brewed Blatz beer, wherever you go.
Smoother and fresher, less filling that’s clear,
Blatz is Milwaukee’s finest beer.
And it was ‘Hey, Mabel! More Black Label!’
Hamm’s – From the Land of Sky Blue Waters.
You guys had such deprived childhoods. No train rides, no hiding out in the corn crib to get out of doing chores, no chopping the ice out of the watering trough in the winter, no stumbling across those fields of hard red winter wheat in January, no party line telephone service.
So deprived.
Au Contraire Ex-PH2, I loved the Hamm’s commercials when I was a kid!
Like this:
Or this:
Oh, that does take me back!
Found this by accident:
BLACK Label? Racist! You must have been Army.
1st Recon – Swift, silent and deadly. Pretty much describes the Schlitz farts and runs to the latrine suffering post traumatic shits disorder. I do fondly remember the safe space of the half-barrel, diesel filled latrine.
My first Team Sgt was a huge fan of Black Label. He would take a swig and say, “Ahh Canadian Black Label…. just brewed yesterday”!
In whose bathtub?
How about Balentine? Man I loved beer commercials when I was a kid.
And in an important update, millions of people who have legitimate PTS actually diagnosed by medical personnel instead of Mommy and Daddy did not shoot or otherwise harm anyone today. Film at 11.
One man was killed and others injured by this guy.
No excuses.
Many veterans have legitimate PTSD issues and never committed a crime harming others.
OK, you guys just back off. This kid went off the deep end about something and cracked his own nuts in the process.
It used to be called falling in with the wrong crowd back in the Days of Yore. I’m sure a few of you have been to Yore.
So somehow, Garza got stupid and talked himself into believing that someone was out to get him or someone. He found a bunch of nutcases and they fed his fears and it went sour from there. Now he’s locked up.
End of this chapter.
Ex…careful how you word that last sentence. Next thing you know, you’ll be saying he fell in with the T A H crowd. We save the fears to feed the POSERS.
BTW, there’s a few of us who have been to Yore. The Lone Ranger was the King, and Lois Lane was the Queen. Today’s contrast is with the King who died August 16, 1977 and the queen being none other than RuPaul. What a revoltin’ development! Bawaaaaahh…I want to see Sky King again!
By your command….
Man, what a treat! Especially at the .57 mark when Ron Jeremy made his movie debut.
Never guessed I’d get Sky King porno this late in life. Musta been the beginning of the “Mile High” club.
Well, you can have Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, the Lone Ranger, Hopalong Cassidy, or maybe even Rawhide… but ONLY if you’ve done your homework, finished your chores, and cleaned the tub after you were done.
He wasn’t by chance the rigger on that heavy drop the 173rd had that burned in 3 hummers was he?
He may have had PTSD but I would still blame alex jones and whatever medication he may have been taking. Psychiatric medication is often behind the reason people go nuts.
“Psychiatric medication is often behind the reason people go nuts.”
Somewhat true, but not taking them or taking them improperly is more often the reason.
“What he did was very brave, but officers are trained in these active shooter situations, and obviously he wasn’t able to engage.” That was the Houston’s acting police chief, Martha Montalvo, gently telling the world that the citizen (John Wilson) who in fact engaged the shooter should have kept out of it. I would like to point out to the acting police chief Martha that one of her highly trained officers was shot in the chest. The officer was wearing a highly trained vest and was not seriously injured. Another forgot his bulletproof gloves and deflected a round with his hand.