“Fat Leonard” may sink 30 Admirals

| May 31, 2016

Fat Leonard

A 350 pound, 51-year-old Malaysian businessman, Leonard Glenn Francis, nicknamed “Fat Leonard”, plied the US 7th Fleet leadership (and I use that term loosely) with cigars, booze and opulent hotel accommodations in order “so they would look the other way while he swindled the Navy to refuel and resupply its ships”, according to the Virginian-Pilot. Federal agents lured the generously-proportioned gentleman to California and arrested him. In his wake, nine Navy officers have pleaded guilty to charges related to the case. There are more to come;

On Friday, three more current and former Navy officers were charged in federal court with corruption-related offenses. Charges are pending against two former Navy contracting officials who were arrested last year. Many others remain under investigation.

Exactly how many is a mystery. When he pleaded guilty, Francis admitted to bribing “scores” of Navy officials with cash, sex and gifts worth millions of dollars – all so he could win more defense contracts and overcharge with impunity.


In December, Adm. John Richardson, the chief of naval operations, summoned about 200 admirals to a special gathering in Washington.

Without naming names, he revealed that about 30 of them were under criminal investigation by the Justice Department or ethical scrutiny by the Navy for their connections to Francis, according to two senior Navy officials with direct knowledge of the meeting.

Because Admirals and Navy officers in general couldn’t afford to pay for that stuff on their puny salaries. By the way, Leonard’s moles also kept him informed about ship locations and movements in the Asian seas, you know, classified information. It’s also alleged that that Leonard’s moles moved ships around to benefit his company’s contracts.

Thanks to Mick for the link.

Category: Navy

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Selling out your country and endangering the welfare of those in your command for hookers, booze and a few bucks?

Enjoy prison shitheads.


Scum of the Earth. If guilty, loss of retirement and all benefits and years in Leavenworth, in the general population.

It would appear the tip of the spear has ‘issues’ that will not be resolved by a slide show presentation.


To quote my favorite Operations Specialist 2nd Class…’Cocksuckers!’

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Nice….30 Admirals under investigation and about a third of them already admitted their guilt…

Here’s hoping that none of them get to retire and quietly fade away. Here’s hoping the whole world learns their names and they are universally dishonored, with jail and dismissal.

These shitbags lined their pockets while sharing classified information to benefit a patron, what the fuck is going on in the upper echelons of the officer corps these days?


Pretty sure the 9 who’ve already pleaded out weren’t Admirals, VOV. Those were the lower level guys who got burned first. My guess is because it was easier to prove their direct involvement.

The “big trees” haven’t gotten the axe yet. Hopefully they will – soon.


“Lost a star” and some “forced to retire”?

WTF is that? Is that what the Navy calls punishment for this type of egregious dereliction?


True, Bubblehead. But unlike the other 9 mentioned in the article, I’m fairly certain that none of those three Admirals/former Admirals have been charged with or pleaded guilty to any criminal wrongdoing.



All of this would not have happened if they only used their own e-mail severer.


I laughed so hard, Hitlary looked my way.


So I, not Navy but why so many issues with the Navy leadership lately?????





HMCS(FMF) ret.

Hopefully the Feds have bigger balls than the Navy and send each one of the cocksuckers to the federal poundthemintheass jail for a good long stretch – Bubba, Thor, Julio and Mr. “Tiny” would like to ‘welcome’ them aboard, in their own special way.


Are you having issues with your prostate, Senior Chief? I’m sure Dave Hardin can recommend one to you.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Nope – still peeing like a Russian racehorse at the Kentucky Derby!


“Pipe them aboard” in their own special way?


Here comes the mandatory All Hands “Don’t Take Bribes From Rich Foreign Nationals” training in 5, 4, 3…


E-9 and below mandatory O-1 and above optional.

Mark RM1 USN, ret

Roger that. Us enlisted get lectured for some bullshit PC crap and when the brass fuck up its not mentioned. Hang them all, the ? heads.


Naw. ADM Boorda took some special time to travel all the way from BUPERS in DC to Sigonella, Sicily to deliver an All Hands ass chewing about Tail Hook. O’s and E’s alike.

As if I was there and/or would treat people like that. Insulting.

Mark RM1USN ret

Then Boorda got busted for embellishing his record. He the offed himself. He sucked as CNO.


I disagree…Admiral Boorda was a fine Officer, and did a lot of really good things for the enlisted…including reviving the program that helped him obtain a commission.

He did the honorable thing in the end.

Mark RM1 USN ret

Agree with your first part, he did good reviving the Sailor to Admiral program. I do disagree with you on Boorda committing suicide. it left a lot of people most importantly his family wondering “why?” And the Navy in disbelief.


I was in an Attack squadron at Cecil Field. Since it was only bluejackets in the Chow Hall sitting through the shit; it was perceived as we were the only ones having to undergo it.

There was plenty of room for Skipper and his Wardroom to come and sit through it too. At least then it would have quelled the feeling that ‘they’ screwed up, and we had to pay the price.

Mark RM1 USN ret

Affirmative on your last. /\


It ain’t just a military tradition to operate that way. DHS/CBP force fed me 8 hours of powerpoint on this very subject, what is and is not acceptable when dealing with contractors. The problems I have with that is (1) I have no budget responsibility other than using the credit card assigned to my truck for gas. and (2) I AM the contractor.


Disagree AW1Ed. Just went through mandatory “Chart the Course” training so that I can identify and stop destructive behavior. You know, alcohol abuse, preventing couples from hooking up when they have been drinking, etc. This is the 3rd type of mandatory sexual assault-related training I have had in last 5 months. I am an O-6. I am also 45+ years with 3 kids. So, I am the last one who can benefit this training, But, hey, time is not worth anything when you work for the Government, right?


Admirals going to jail, Hah. The ole adage different spanks for different ranks will apply here.

I hope I am wrong and they throw the book at them. The Marine guards will have plenty of fun with them.

2/17 Air Cav

But, but, but…each of the officers was on board with the really important stuff. In fact. I understand that two were working on a draft of a transgender policy when they were informed that they might be under investigation for corruption. Priorities matter! BTW, why the hell were admirals being informed back in December that some 30 of them were being investigated?


Had similar first thoughts. Priorities have certainly skewed toward the dishonorable and nonsensical lately.

Leavenworth Mac

200 Admirals of which 30 are under investigation. 15% of our sea service flag officers are dirty? And we are just now finding out about it? Where are all the “investigative journalists”? Even harder question: doesn’t the Honor Code of Midshipmen stand after commissioning, or is that just optional? LOTS of CYA has been going on here. Plenty of room at Leavenworth unless POTUS fills it with Gitmo terrs.

OSC(SW) Retired (and very tired)

Hahahaha you said “sea service Admirals..” lol. I think there are actually over 600 or so between O7 and OMG or about 3 per ship, but to characterize more than about 4 at a time as “sea service” is comical and those would be the current deployed Carrier Strike Group 2 stars, who spend the vast majority of their deployment in Bahrain or Gaeta, and make periodic visits for dog and pony shows on the ships in the strike group.
Also lol at the Midn honor code. Most of them probably have forgotten that by the time they are Midn 1st anyway but they are bound by their commission by the POTUS to perform up to the standards of the special trust and confidence in their patriotism, valor, fidelity and abilities. Which they clearly are not.

Frankly, there about 300% more Admirals than there needs to be. The officer pyramid is more of an obelisk. I guess the Navy Officer staffing allocation model was modeled after the Washington Monument.


I thought the number of active duty flag officers was limited by law.
Air Force-198
Marines- 61

I know there are exceptions that would allow DOD to exceed those numbers.

I wonder if the fat Leonard case is isolated or if it involves other ports that Navy ships dock for services?

OSC(SW) Retired

You are right. I am a Tardagonian. Not sure where I got that number, but somewhere near my ass is probably a good guess. There are something like 3,300 O6 and up though, so my point stands =P even if it originally fell out of my balloon knot.

Perry Gaskill

So… basically what the Virginian-Pilot story is saying is that it ain’t over until the fat guy sings.


The Other Whitey

Okay, riding right past the rest of the bullshit, how the fuck does a Navy with less than 300 ships have more than 200 admirals?


Yeah, the “200 admirals” part was the shocker for me.

What are they admiral-ing? I thought admirals commanded fleets. How many fleets do we have?


The investigation will, most likely, limit itself to only those directly tainted.

It should also include everyone who should have known what was going on and either through incompetence or lack of give a shit just didn’t get it figured out.


30 out of 200 Admirals isn’t the real number. It’s the number that the Feds had enough evidence to pursue with the least amount of effort. The real number of dirt bags is probably much higher.

If they did this, than what else went on? What else is considered “normal” perks for the Rank? Particularly in their own minds.

At some point Flag Officers have decided they get to act like the Tribunes in Command of Roman Legions- and it has clearly poisoned the well.


200 admirals get together and find out it’s an ‘Oh, shit!’ meeting.

I love it when a plan comes together.

30 of them? Why so many?

Those with better morals were shitcanned by the current administration, or turned Fatboy down cold.


It would have been epic if he would have called them together for a dinner to announce this, the meal could have had some servings of chicken-big ones-doled out to certain officers.


I would believe this if the naval Civilian leadership had any credibility.

Used to be Stillserving

They should fire all 200 of the admirals…..


“Here’s hoping that none of them get to retire and quietly fade away. Here’s hoping the whole world learns their names and they are universally dishonored, with jail and dismissal.”

Ditto. I’m not a big proponent of different spanks for different ranks, although it happens and I have witnessed it happening. Those who are proven guilty, who have been trusted to maintain the security of this nation, should be the first to be shown the door. The door to the prison cell. Anything less than dismissal, loss of all pay and benefits and prison time, where indicated, should not be able to retire with a simple loss of a pay grade.

Someone asked if those involved were willing to sell their honor for a roll in the hay and a Cuban cigar, what else did they sell? I’m thinking more was revealed than ship movement, at least by some of them.

I don’t get it. I really don’t get it. Wonder if the Navy/government will make this disappear with as little publicity as possible? I’m hoping not, if only to send a message to other potential scumbags.



From what I’ve observed and read, the Navy as an institution is extremely embarrassed about this whole unfolding “Fat Leonard” scandal, which is getting to be much, much more extensive than senior Navy leadership ever imagined that it could. And some very senior Navy flag officers must be under investigation here, when one considers the fact that we currently have back-to-back submariners as CNO, which is highly unusual. (Apparently most of the flag officers involved with Fat Leonard are carrier aviators, surface line officers, and Supply Corps officers. The submariners don’t appear to be involved).

From my perspective, it won’t be a surprise to see some very senior Naval officers go General Courts Martial over this. If the “Fat Leonard” transgressions are in fact as egregious as is being reported, the Navy won’t have a choice in the matter.

Just my two cents.


Mick, I believe you’re correct. The Navy has been backed into a corner, so to speak. Heads will have to roll I do believe. I mentioned in my post that the Navy might hammer the offenders just to make an example of them and to send a message to others. How sad is it that crooked officers must be hammered to relay a message to other potentially crooked officers? Seems to me honesty and integrity should come with the position but maybe that’s asking too much. Someone mentioned it appears the Navy is the service most often mentioned in stories such as this. I noticed that, also. I can’t explain that. Maybe others would care to take a shot at an explanation.


Supplying and maintaining ships in foreign ports is a yuuuuuuge contract and therefore has more opportunities for graft, bribes, corruption, etc. than the other services may have to deal with


Honesty & integrity – you mean, they should focus on doing the job they were hired to do instead of the boomboom girls provided by a vendor, right?

If you’ll recall, several old salts have told us that when the Navy still had bases in the PI and made port at Yokosuka and Sasebo before the drawdown, the hullscrapers (usually women) were right out there in the harbor to meet the incoming ships. That was the 1950s and 1960s, probably up to or through the Carter admin. The only thing that appears to have changed is who meets the ships and how the incoming info is provided.
Before ‘Fat’ Leonard, it was most likely someone in the crew like the mess cooks who had family in those ports, who’d say something simple like ‘see you on the 14th’ in a letter to home.
But it’s the Navy. They’re sailors. I don’t care if they’re wearing crows or a gold stripe and a star above it. They’re sailors. They think with their gonads and stomachs after 90 days out to sea. It was like that in 1960s, when I was in. Some of the stories about port liberty were unbelievable. I don’t think much has changed.


And how, exactly, are these shitbirds any different from the thieves of valor?


These shitbirds actually violated multiple federal laws in addition to committing multiple acts of felonious douchebaggery


I doubt all 200 were in on it. I think they called everyone into a room and dropped the anonymous 30 number to see who might crack and want to deal




If they get convicted that is exactly what they will be.


Even so, still cocksuckers.

OSC(SW) Retired (and very tired)

Since nobody has addressed this part, I will.

While classified, ships’ movements are typically available to husbanding agents in the are to foster competitive bids. The prices of food, fuel, etc. vary throughout the year so to make a sensible bid on the cost, the husbanding agents need to know roughly when the service will be provided.

Husbanding agents are also in the business of making money, not providing the cheapest service, so the U.S. Navy got used to being gouged for services that they can’t do without. That includes complying with U.S. EPA regulations or host nation regulations (rarely do host nations have stricter regs than EPA), whichever is more restrictive. This leads to costs such as a ship paying $10,000.00 daily to have a barge pump out the ships sewage and oily waste, which they then usually pump right into the same water that the U.S. Navy ship is floating in. Or regardless of the rate that they purchased DFM at, the husbanding agent or even the MSC charging the Navy the higher of the price they paid or the current market price by saying that they are selling the most expensive fuel they purchased first, allowing them to sell down their excess purchased at lows to wait out high price periods. Clearly a good business plan, but not particularly ethical (completely eliminates any risk of doing business on their part) nor “un”-abusive of the MSC’s expectation to be good stewards of the tax dollar. Looks good on their books, but just passes the cost on to the tax payer through the Navy budget.
I don’t say any of this to justify what the Naval Officer in question did, only to provide a little perspective on how this particular system of graft has come to exist and be accepted over the years.


BDOC guys in Afghanistan told me they watched (via camera) the shitter trucks drive off the FOB into the desert and pump it out.

No E-6s made any dough on those contracts, but I’d bet there were some O-6s who made out okay.


“Francis admitted to bribing “scores” of Navy officials with cash, sex and gifts worth millions of dollars”

How is sex with this clown worth anything? And since when did even Navy tastes sink that low?



Pave Pusher: according to the linked article, Leonard hired “pros” to perform those particular services on his behalf.

The screwing Leonard did apparently was financial, not physical.


It was a joke, dang it…..


(B.E.G. means ‘Big Evil Grin)


Hey, DADT went out the window some years back. You never know. (smile)

Seriously: wasn’t familiar with “B.E.G.”, so I missed the joke.


The opbviously ignored the poster:

“Loose Hips Sink Ships”


Maybe it was more like they adopted the AC/DC version from the song with the subtle and clever title of “Let’s Get It Up”:

Loose Lips
Sink ships
So climb aboard for a pleasure trip
It’s high tide
So let’s ride
The moon is rising and so am I

Let’s get it up!

Green Thumb

I wonder if Fat Boy here has a limited partnership with the False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics)?

This behavior has APL written all over it.


In the context of Army and Marine Col’s and Generals who got busted for diddling subordinates or making side money on contracts, I’ve previously made the comment that a flag officer or senior O-6 deployed to a combat zone has a level of supreme authority and non-accountability that rivals that of a medieval prince.

Think about it – a general who is in command of a large unit in Dirtbagistan is in command – with virtual life and death authority – over every person who could conceivably be aware of his malfeasance.

Sure, sure, there’s an open door policy and “whistle blower protection” in theory, but all of that help is a long, long way away. There’s an ancient adage that “if you strike at the king, you must kill him” and that applies to these high ranking officers that are far, far away from any nosy civilians who might question their antics.

I would imagine that admirals in distant ports are similarly situated, i.e. the only people who are aware of their crimes are either co-opted into it, or are subordinates too afraid for their careers (or perhaps their lives – since “accidents” can happen on ships and naval bases) to raise a stink.

I guess what I’m saying is that I’m not surprised that this happens, I’m actually impressed it doesn’t happen more.

Burma Bob

DoD has been floating on seas of money since 9/11. They have just lost track of the value of a dollar when they get as many as they want, whenever they want.

In the small SE Asian country I work, a number of NCO’s are here TDY at the embassy doing God-knows-what. We have no mil-to-mil work, and the terrorism threat is negligible. Yet these guys are here on back-to-back 6-month TDY’s. Per diem rate here is $347/day. Of course then there are the rental vehicles.

Another friend is at the DAO in a neighboring country famous for its tourist attractions and friendly pneumatic females. He says 95% of his work day is spent scheduling protocol visits for GO’s and civilian SES’s, coming to visit on one flimsy pretext or another. He started putting tags on his reply emails reminding would-be visitors that the embassy has a fully-equipped suite for secure video teleconferencing, -that as far as he knows has never been used in the year he’s been at post.

In the 70’s-90’s TDY money was very tightly controlled. A commander usually knew from day-to-day just how much was in what account. Frivolous TDY was unheard of.

All of these Navy guys have spent the last 15 years in an environment where, -if you weren’t getting rich as a contractor, you certainly could be the minute you retired or left the service. In the last decade and a half they have never been in a unit where supply economy was in effect.

No wonder they developed such expensive tastes, and that Fat Leonard found it so easy to manipulate them.