Tuesdays with Claymore

| May 31, 2016

Kristol Kritter

Wheels vs. Deals

When you’re a Muslim apologist and a feminist…

Shoot me an email

This Memorial Day brought to you by the military think tank at DU


4-year old kid > dumb gorilla

“Mass shooting”

More dangerous than Baghdad

Turning Japanese

Memorial Day was stolen from the black man. Wut?

Hardest Working Woman Incarceration

As long as it doesn’t clash with their yoga appointment.

…because he’s stupid, get it? Yuk yuk yuk.

Berning up the charts

With a fox, on a box…

Liberals are patriots.

…mass hysteria!

Surrendering Saigon again.

Save your Confederate money, boys.

“There have been zero days since our last incident”

Maybe she’s a Mac Mama?

Smartest Grannie on the planet ain’t got no time for your stupid laws

…any day now.

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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I detect a disturbance in the Farce.

There is disagreement in the DU. An argument over an AR-15, whether or not it is a truly lethal weapon.

Turbulence. They may eat each other alive!

Did you get that story last winter about one black hole swallowing the other?

Can we apply that principle of physics to the DU?


Almost forgot: and they REALLY don’t like shrillary, but they now admit that the bernout doesn’t seem to have enough backing to win… and they want Liz Warren SO-O-O-O badly instead. (sniff… whimper…)

One of those clots even said the ‘anti-SJW rhetoric’ is becoming painfully higher and higher. And he’s scared of it. (sniffle, whine…)

BlueCord Dad

I usually do not read these regularly. They give me pains in my head..and about three feet lower down. But the hand wringing,weeping and the gnashing of teeth over Hillary sometimes make up for it.

2/17 Air Cav

The DU tale about Memorial Day’s beginnings stands in total contrast to the day’s actual beginnings. The knucklehead writes that the day, originally Decoration Day, was altogether political and argues that politics needs to be reinserted into Memorial Day. He could be more wrong, but only if he misspelled Memorial. There are a few competing, reasonable and credible explanations for how Decoration Day began but not one is political. That doesn’t matter to the DUers who claim, in so many words, to have learned something new from the knucklehead. Cripes.

So, for the benefit of anyone who might read this, the best explanation for Decoration Day’s birth traces to a cemetery in Columbus, Mississippi where some local women placed flowers upon the graves of Fallen soldiers in 1866. The women came upon some graves of union soldiers, too, and not only decorated them with flowers but wrote to the soldiers’ families to let them know where their loved ones lay. (Many of the war dead had Fallen at Shiloh and were transported to Mississippi for final burial.) That event—the decorating of graves–was reported in the New York Tribune and, a year later, in 1867, appeared as an introduction of sorts atop a poem entitled “The Blue and Gray” that was published in the Atlantic Monthly. The poem, by French Miles Finch, a Yale-educated Northerner who became a judge—remains the best known poem of Decoration/Memorial Day. It is apolitical and honors the Fallen of both sides. Its last two lines are these: “Love and tears for the Blue, Tears and love for the Gray.”


95% of the posts I just read seem to be less focused on publishing anything of substance and more determined to simply announce, loudly, “SEE??? I CARE!!”

I liked the guy in one of the gorilla threads who, amongst people talking about the global destiny of the ape species, said that any reasonable person would understand why the mother would focus on the child rather than the gorilla.



I just reminded a FB friend that it’s a good thing this gorilla wasn’t shot in a zoo in south Georgia…we’d have thrown it on the grill, slathered it on barbeque sauce and served it with a side of pork n’beans and macaroni salad. She didn’t seem to appreciate the humor. Savages.


Really loved the “draft dodgers” list. Do they not realize that most of that list was either too old to be drafted, too young to be drafted, not even born when the draft ended, or served in the Guard or Reserves. Don’t think that left a lot of people.


Don;’t try to mix facts with a DU post, it’s like oil and water. They even have Ann Coulter on the list…and I’m pretty sure she is physically draft-exempt.


Yeahhhhh there was also Brittany Spears, Laura Ingraham, and I’m pretty sure Toby Keith is a democrat

2/17 Air Cav

Re: The Real Reason We Bombed Japan (a/k/a/”This Memorial Day brought to you by the military think tank at DU”

Like many of today’s military leadership who are eager to disagree with their superiors only after they retire and have sold book rights, yesterday’s leadership engaged in the same thing. Thus, 15+ years after Japan surrendered, some geniuses opined that Japan was ready to surrender and that dropping the bomb wasn’t needed. These are the DU sources and I cannot dispute that the opinions cited are accurate. Still, I can’t help but wonder why Japan did not respond to the Potsdam Declaration, if it was ready to surrender. I can’t help but wonder why Japan ignored the millions of leaflets dropped on it for weeks before the first bomb was dropped. I can’t help but wonder why– after Hiroshima was bombed—a city only about 400 miles by air from Tokyo, Japan did not surrender and why its War Council could not bring itself to vote surrender after it had full knowledge of what the bomb did there. I can’t help but wonder why there was an attempted coup after it was decided by the Emperor, the man-god, that he would announce surrender himself. I haven’t even considered at what human cost to our military if those bombs had not been dropped; yet, it is said today that the bombs were unnecessary, that Japan was ready to surrender. My royal ass.


My Pa, LtCol D, (USAAF/USAF), veteran of WWII, Korea, and VietNam, told me at a young age that wars are won by “Killing the enemy until they lose the will or the ability to fight any longer”. It’s a simple lesson. And made the nukes necessary.

2/17 Air Cav

“Exacerbating this trend is something I call ‘negative intersectionality'” writes one DUer addressing who knows what. Negative intersectionality? I’m pretty sure he stole that from Professor Irwin Corey.


Negative intersectionality sounds like backing your car through a 4-way stop.