Proof of life

| May 19, 2016

I keep hearing that a gaggle of boobs is saying they scared me away from TAH, or that I’ve been fired, or on a mission for MS13.   The last one makes perfect sense because I don’t speak Spanish, have 20/400 vision, can’t even speed without getting caught and only shot expert when I had an ACOG.  But I digress.

The truth is I am just busy as hell.  Main reason is the little creature who came into my house and keeps pooping and screaming.  As a result, I try to sleep about 10 hours a day.


Also, my travel schedule is beyond ridiculous.  Like, nearly constant.  In the past month I’ve been to Lake Havasu Arizona, Louisville Kentucky, Freedom Indiana (to interview the real Forrest Gump, MOH Sammy Davis) and Gainesville Texas.  Then this past weekend I went to Dallas.  Next week I am in Ely, Minnesota, 2 weeks later at SW Minnesota State, then a day off and Radford Virginia for a week.  Then Newnan, GA, DC for 10 days, then the Grand Canyon and Louisville again.  So literally I am on the road about 75% of the time.

So apologies on not many posts.  As I need not tell you (those of you rational anyway) I don’t get paid to blog here, and kids aren’t cheap.  (Did you know they shit about 9 times a day?  And did you know my wife somehow never smells it and accidentally hands me the baby immediately afterward?)

So here I am today with proof of life, and to drop some knowledge on you.

Musical tastes are different for everyone.  Obviously Irish Punk is the best, but there’s a few other songs out there that are highly underrated.  I’m telling you what the Top 10 are.  If you disagree with them, you clearly are wrong.  (I’m told I order you people around and you do whatever I say, so from now on, these are your favorite songs.)

#1)  Bad Touch, Bloodhound Gang

Classic song. It has monkeys, midgets, doggie style, and the redhead that would be my second wife if I were to ever live through the first one.

#2) Brimful of Asha, Coronership

Somehow I missed this song when it came out. I think I was in Bosnia. But whoever wants to argue that you don’t need a bosom for a pillow really needs to check their selves.

#3) Sail, AWOL Nation

I don’t know man, something about this song makes me want to just run through a brick wall. The Vikings trailer with it made me want to take to the seas and invade Angleland.

#4) Run Around, Blues Traveller

You could argue which song of Blues Traveller to use here, but you have to include them. John Popper had a heart attack in a hot tub during a threesome. That means you make every list forever.

#5) What’s up, 4 Non Blondes

I find this singer chick intriguing. I honestly can’t tell if I think she’s hot, or just a dirty hippie. But the song is straight $$$.

#6) Stubborn Love, Lumineers

This may be sneaky my favorite non-Irish song of all time. Probably my favorite band on regular radio right now too.

#7) Johnny I Hardly Knew Ya, Dropkick Murphys

You didn’t for a second think this would be Irish free did you? I cut it down to only 2 Irish songs, but this is another one that gets me fired up.

#8) The Impression That I Get, Mighty Mighty Boston’s

The pride of Beantown, it always amazed me these guys didn’t become bigger than they are. This song is straight fire.

#9) Steady as She Goes, The Raconteurs

This song isn’t much on lyrics, but the sound is just kick ass.

10) Within a Mile of Home, Flogging Molly

Every workout playlist should end with this one. If you don’t listen to it, you are probably a communist.

So anyway, those are the top 10 underrated songs of all time.

And if you disagree, you are probably a member of ISIS.

In truth, just wanted to check in, since some folks had emailed to make sure I was good. I am, all is great in my life. Jonn owns and runs the best military blog on the internet, so I try not to screw it up with my jackassery too often, but did want to check in with y’all.

Category: Politics

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That picture! Awwwwwwwww!
I hope when you’re here in MN you get to see the hockey hall of fame. It’s a treat.

Climb to Glory

This probably doesn’t need to be said, but the members of the DRG are a bunch of fucking brainless mutants. They couldn’t find their own ass if they had a map, compass, and 6 digit grid. That goes double for the drunken trail ASSassin who says he comeths.

Silentium Est Aureum

Oh, there’s some other folks that they think they’ve driven away, but who still remain… (wink)

Most of your list I agree with, except #5. Pure fucking annoying. I’ll vote to replace with RHCP, Snow (Hey Oh). And your Dropkick Murphys pick was good, but I like Flannigan’s Ball just a tiny bit more.

Ease up on the roadies, bro. Next thing you know, she’ll be heading for college, as my oldest is soon enough (God help me.)

Silentium Est Aureum

And oh yeah–GFY, Bernath.


OM gosh, what a beauty. Cuteness has been redefined.


‘Obviously Irish Punk is the best”



Yup. Post could’ve ended right there! Glad to see you’re still kicking, TSO!


Glad to hear that all is well with TSO, even if that may be an exaggeration – your play list doesn’t include anything or anyone I’ve heard of. So, just go ahead and call me names, point and laugh, and whatever else floats your boat. Makes no never mind to me.

A Proud Infidel®™

Each and every member of The Dutch Rudder Gang continues to make maximum effort to live down to his reputation. All of their brains put together would fit inside a thimble like a single mustard seed in a five gallon bucket! Daniel A. Bernath the Fred Phelps clone, qUeEfErS-*SLUUUURRP!*41 and the rest of those fercoct shmendricks can “GEY STRASHE DI GENS” while they “GAY EN DRED”!

That little girl, as my Mom would say, is “cuter than a bug’s ear”!


So, do the wife and the dog recognize you any more when you knock on the door?

Just askin’.


Awwww, she is a cutey! Lucky Man. Remember, in 14 years walk through the room she is in with her boyfriend and say you will be cleaning guns and sharpening knifes in the basement. Works wonders. Enjoyed your music selection. Love Boston Music!

Joseph Williams

I always cleaned my firearms or put a edge on my knives as I laid the dating rules down. Joe

2/17 Air Cav

Six kids x nine daily poops x 365 days x (2.5 x 6) = one helluva load of shit. Thanks, Mom

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Cute baby… better beware, when she gets older, you’re gonna have to greet her dates at the door with a 12 gauge and have a “long talk” with them about your little girl.

Silentium Est Aureum

Unfortunately, momma don’t let me do that with mine.

But God help the boy that pisses her off or breaks her baby’s heart.


I have told the little boys, I am in witness protection, have a shovel and a huge backyard, nobody will miss you, while brandishing my Browning 12 gauge.


Think I woulda put Devil’s Dance Floor on and higher on the list, but hey…that’s why there are 31 flavors. And maybe Tessie instead…


Good to see you post and to hear that things are well… impending lack of sleep notwithstanding. She’s an adorable kid and no doubt you’ll have your hands full for years to come. Here’s to hoping that you find time in the midst of all that lovable chaos to ‘drop more knowledge’ on us in the near future.


Damn, been a while, TSO. F’k yea, Dropkicks’ been my favorite Irish punk band from Boston for years. Gotta protect that little sweetie. Mine just turned 26 yesterday. That pic made me snivvle a bit. Need to hug my daughter soon and dig up some old pictures. F’k the time. God it was yesterday, I swear…
So, it’s open early weekend ‘Give your kids a hug Weekend’. So proclaimed by me. FWIW.
Also, Up the Irons!


Is that the platoon leaders pic?
Looks like a West Pointer.


Your list includes nothing by Warren Zevon; therefore, as a list of “most underrated songs” it is obviously woefully incomplete. But I might be a touch biased on that score. (smile)

Seriously, Mark: good to see you commenting here again, even if only occasionally. Regarding kids: cheer up, it gets better – then puberty arrives. (smile)

And for the record, I fully concur with SEA above re: Danni-boi and the rest of the DRG.


Zevon could have been a hell of a blues singer if he’d decided to stick with it –


Zevon was a helluva singer – period. He just preferred his own rather “unique” version of rock-n-roll and/or ballads (with a twist, of course) to blues.


Oh, and I forgot to add:



Beautiful picture of your little one!
Enjoy every second of your time with her.


With that little bundle of cuteness, I’ll forgive your list.
And I be you’re already wrapped around her little finger. Congratulations and may God bless and guide you as you help her grow.

E-6 type, 1 ea

First time I heard #2 was in Bosnia in 2000. The radio station there played it about every third song the entire time we were deployed, haha.


Just gonna leave this here. He-Man kicks the 4Brunette Feminazi’s all to hell.

That is all.


Very cute kid, congrats. Blues Traveler, by far, should be at the top of the list.

Lurker Curt

Okay, the chick singer for 4 Non Blondes is a hot dirty hippie…just an opinion. And I gotta agree with Hondo, leaving Zevon out is so wrong!


Welcome back. I just got my American Legion magazine, and it appears you contributed an article about Senior Chief Edward Byers, Jr. (MoH).

Good job. (as usual)

Hack Stone

“Main reason is the little creature who came into my house and keeps pooping and screaming”. So, you and Bernath have made up?

john scanlon

Look at that “Cutie”!


Totes adorbs! Enjoy every moment–they grow up WAAAYYYY too fast!


ELY, MINNESOTA! How fortunate you were to be there. MINNESOTA NICE!


A top ten song list void of Gordon Lightfoot, Dan Fogelberg and Jim Croce is woefully inadequate. Just saying …


Anyone want to hear the ‘Murphys Marine Corps style?


No new hot dog suit pictures? After all, Bernasty bought it for you along with the nice ride so you should post pictures now and then.

BTW: I think our ole school did the right thing re the raghead uniform saga.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well TSO while they crap 9 times a day right now I can assure you that this time, and I agree it’s insane while it lasts, ends far too quickly and before you know it your kids are in their thirties and you have you grandchildren…which is also hectic and crazy and fun…

We do what we must to make life great for our families, glad to see your words here even if you’re so wrong about your musical tastes I worry for your sanity….(I’m kidding of course, sort of).

Fuck what the clowns think, we all understand how life actually works and wish you and your family nothing but the best.


Great videos! Big fan of the Dropkick Murphys. I live in the Peoples Republic of Bloomington, Indiana. Let me know next time you are in the AO and I’ll introduce you to some good brews.


Very cool. Great place to be.