Friday morning feel good stories

| May 20, 2016

A homeowner in Tupelo, Mississippi heard a disturbance in his yard, looked out his window and saw two fellows fooling with his vehicle. He confronted them and that turned into an altercation. The homeowner shot one of the thieves DRT (dead right there).

AW1Ed sends us link to an incident in Kokomo, Indiana, where a woman was confronted by a man who was waiting at the entrance of her home. He demanded money from the woman after showing her his gun. She reciprocated by showing him her gun and he fled the scene at a high rate of speed.

Four men in Lawrenceville, Georgia, forced their way into a home and threatened the woman and her children at gun point who lived there. They fired the guns while inside the home which alerted a neighbor who went to investigate with his own gun. When the criminals exited the home, they fired their guns at the neighbor, who was struck twice, but he wounded one of the thieves. As they fled, another neighbor got their license plate number. The criminals dropped off their wounded friend at the hospital where he was arrested by police – the other three were picked up during a traffic stop.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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My gun’s bigger than your gun
My gun’s bigger than yours
My gun’s bigger and I shoot straight
My gun’s bigger than yours!

So there! That’s for the lady in Indiana.

I hope that fellow in Georgia is OK, too.

And the car thieves? They used to hang horse thieves, y’know.

B Woodman

I wish they still did. Would you get to hang the thieves as many times as there are horses (power)?


I don’t know. There’s also the public stocks.


Surprisingly, it is still legal to hang a horse thief on the spot…here in California.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Was the homeowner in Tupelo a man with the last name of Presley?

CC Senor

Elvis has left the room.