Daniel Torres; US citizen
On Thursday, Daniel Torres became a US citizen. Torres served in the war in Iraq as a US Marine in 2007, but he had falsified his identification documents because he had immigrated to the US illegally as a teen. So when that was discovered, he voluntarily deported himself to Mexico after being honorably discharged from the Marines;
Under special provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act, people who served in the military during a period of hostility may become US citizens without typical requirements such as permanent residence in the US.
After his swearing in, Torres told reporters he’d chosen to become a Marine nearly a decade earlier to fulfill a life goal.
“When I enlisted in the Marines I knew the risks. It was something that could come up, it was something that could come back and hurt me,” he said. “I was just hoping that I wasn’t going to pay for that mistake for the rest of my life. And now I’m able to finally go home and live the life I feel like I need to.”
“We don’t choose where we are born. I didn’t even choose to come to this country, but we can choose who we are loyal to and I’m loyal to the United States,” Torres told reporters.
Category: Illegal Immigrants, Veterans Issues
Are you kidding me with this shit. All that paper work and they didn’t realize he was illegal until after he got out?
FFS, government.
It did not matter is long as he was overseas; but back home, he ran the risk of being traffic-stopped for driving while Mexican. He also risked everything at the border crossings where more efficient identity scrutiny may be in place.
I completely agree with this guy getting his citizenship for his service in the Marines. I helped my Marines who weren’t US citizens get their citizenship when we got home. I don’t however agree that the police are to blame for his deception by enforcing driver’s license and financial responsibility laws if he would’ve been stopped while illegally driving in this country. An illegal immigrant isn’t going to get deported for driving without a driver’s license or insurance without any other criminal activity. Usually that criminal activity has to be felonious in nature and even then it depends on the crime.
Not true. They get deported for no license around here. Immigration screens them during book in and places holds on them. We gave to fight to keep the felonious ones because they need to b e in prison nor Mexico. Once deported they come back quickly
I’m sure it depends a lot on the agency and state. Where I worked it was catch and release. When I first started working the road we’d instanter No DL/No Ins and they’d sit their time out and go on their way. Eventually we started writing them a handful of tickets and towing their cars. Then we just wrote them tickets and have a ton of outstanding warrants. Then the judges started turning the outstanding tickets to collection agencies and that seemed to work a little better. There was no chance of getting an immigration detainer on just traffic charges.
The Feds started that for us. Well, along with the Sheriff’s help and blessing. It gets problematic when they try to deport your child molestation or homicide suspect before indictment. We actually want them to stay. I had to laugh a few months ago during a sentencing on a guy we had to fight the Feds to keep. The judge sentenced him to three consecutive life sentences plus 45 years. Then the judge said when he was done with all that he had to clear an immigration hold.
Of course they fought it. His civil rights were certainly violated somewhere in the process of him violating someone else’s civil rights so he should have a chance to be deported, enter the country illegally again, and do it all over again just like Rafael Resendez-Ramirez
The truth right here that we should expect from everyone who wants to come here and stay.
“We don’t choose where we are born. I didn’t even choose to come to this country, but we can choose who we are loyal to and I’m loyal to the United States,”
Not to mention the assholes born here who aren’t loyal
Dang straight!
Yes, or the draft dodgers serving in congress who are now flag waving patriots. The same asswipes who would throw this guy out of the country
Amen to that! I’ll take one Daniel Torres in trade for 500 Rachel Maddows.
Or Jane Fondas.
When people talk about a path to citizenship for illegals, this is the kind of thing I like. He put his ass on the line for this country and then stepped back and followed the rules to make it official. We can’t even get native born to step up like that half the time.
I completely agree. All for fast tracking anybody that is willing to serve in the military (especially those willing to serve overseas in a combat zone) towards a citizenship status.
He has done a lot more for the country than MANY people I know. He made an error but corrected it through selfless service. Maybe senior leadership should take notice.
He And he has an HD.
Good for him.
There are bigger issues at hand here; why does he have a marksmanship badge on his right, with medals? 😉
Good question. Dress Blue Alpha includes full medals on one side and either all ribbons that do not have a corresponding medal or just the senior ribbon alone on the other side.
Marksmanship badges are not worn.
Doesn’t this (further) show how bitched up the immigration/citizenship “system” is? If Torres served as the article says, he earned citizenship in my view. BUT what’s with the Sharpshooter badge placement?
Mr. Torres: I would have been honored to serve with a man of your fine character. SF
aGrimm – Ditto!!
I can be pissed at too many others then this fine US Marine.
Semper Fi, Mr. Torres!
wow, this website is about posers, and you all want to give this illegal a pass… this shitbird lied about his citizenship, and committed multiply felonies under US law, and lied to the USMC committing multiple violations of the UCMJ… that’s bigger then lying about service… let his nasty ass rot in his home country of mexico.
You just put yourself below Lars and the DRG on my scale of assholes.
You and the horse you rode in on.
I meant higher, not lower, on the asshole list. My alibi is that I was pissed that redneck, knuckle dragging, drivel like your post was on TAH and thus disparaging the good things here. FOAD asshole. I’ll think of a strong message later.
I think “lower” is appropriate sj.
I guess it how you look at it. I’m saying that ole redneck Shane is lower than whale shit. But then so is the DRG and Lars IMHO. It’s all relative without a distinction. They all deserve each other.
I like to refer folks to TAH. They recognize that the DRG are loons and that Lars is a lib loser but harmless. But when they see the shit that ole Shane just posted, it looks bad on all of us if tolerated.
I agree with your premise except I don’t see Lars as harmless. Some of us here ain’t exactly right. Lars has used that fact to his own end. If he was just a SAH from Berkley I wouldn’t even blink. The fact that he’s a veteran and used a fellow veteran to advance his SJW agenda is almost unforgivable.
classic.. when you can not win an argument with logic and facts, go for personal attacks and illiterate babbling and cursing… integrity is critical, he had none… lied from the day he enlisted… if you all want to be buddies with a person with no personal integrity, go for it… I have higher standards.
Many folks I know dramatically revised upwards their “ethical” process after enlisting.
Seems like this Marine did so, and wanted to do right, but not necessarily by throwing himself under a bus. I beleive he has squared accounts, and is a welcome addition to the team.
Did you go turn yourself in to the cops for all the stupid illegal shit you did previously? No? Hmmm.
Just out of idle curiosity, are you a veteran, sir?
This *Shane* could be one of many Shanes already exposed.
Shane Ladner
Shane Sperow
LeeShane Ramos
Shane Marks
Note: Above list is presented in “Douchiness/Scumbaggery” precedence.
ISP check in 3…2…1…
Well, except for the fact that he isn’t an illegal, he is a citizen. A citizen that paid his dues, met his obligations, and fought for his new country, unlike the posers Jonn exposes. He admitted his mistake like a man and like a Marine and fixed it by himself. If the USMC wanted to prosecute him they had their chance, and so did the DOJ. I’m willing to bet nobody can prosecute him now.
I find it hard to believe that something didn’t come up during his service. He had to have undergone at least some sort of background checks and such as you know at some time he probably had at least a confidential clearance.
I say kudos to him, welcome to your new home and if folks don’t like it I reckon it just a crying Shane…
You didn’t read the post obviously. His country, and me for that matter, feel that his service earned him the right to be a citizen. You’re right it is about posers. If every veteran who got in trouble was turned on there wouldn’t be many left standing.