Captain Bradley Grimm saving the world

According to CNN, Captain Bradley Grimm, while serving in the US Army in Iraq, uncovered actionable intelligence that prevented a school bombing half a world away in Denmark. He was awarded the Danish Defense Medal for Special Meritorious Effort by the Danish government when the information he provided them resulted in an arrest and recovery of homemade explosives.
“The information he provided helped to foil the plot and resulted in an arrest and the confiscation of explosives” in Denmark, [Colonel Steve Warren, a spokesman for the coalition fighting ISIS] said Wednesday. “Brad’s work likely saved the lives of Danish citizens.”
Grimm, who was based at al-Asad airbase in the western Iraqi province of Anbar, “did all of this voluntarily in addition to his duties,” Warren said.
The Danish parliament recently provided authorization for an expanded role of their military in the fight against ISIS to include ground combat operations. The planned attack was probably in response to that decision.
The National Guard says that Captain Grimm is a Texas Guardsman;
According to a Danish officer, not only is the award one of the highest awards in Denmark, but also the special meritorious duty citation makes this award very rare. The medal is awarded infrequently, even to Danes, and is roughly equivalent to something more than a Legion of Merit, but less than a Silver Star.
The medal was originally awarded for meritorious deployment outside of Denmark, but after 2010, the Danish government began awarding it to civilians or military personnel for meritorious service for the betterment of the Danish Defense.
“Capt. Grimm’s actions had a monumental impact on our allies in Denmark, and consequently on our coalition in the fight against international terrorism,” said Maj. Gen. John F. Nichols, the adjutant general of Texas. “He embodies what our force stands for – Duty, Honor, Texas.”
Thanks to Chief Tango for the links.
Category: Terror War
Wow. That would cause some discussion, if he were allowed to wear it on his uniform.
Good job, Cpt. A double strike against ISIS. Take down the jihadimals, save the children.
I would expect that he can wear the award. Precedents include foreign military awards during previous wars, though placement and order would need to be clarified. Your VN service ribbons were actually awarded or authorized by Vietnam.
NATO and foreign liason awards are common and too numerous to list here.
BRAVO ZULU, Captain Grimm!
So much for the anti American narrative that terrorists are only terrorists because they were invaded by the United States.
Well done Captain Grimm. Damned well done Sir.
Way to go Captain! Though what you are doing in Texas is beyond me.
Indubitably we are related – somewhere along the line. 47th cousin counts for rub-off fame doesn’t it? 🙂
Outstanding work. Well done.
Fuckin’ A. Well done Cpt. Grimm. Well deserved honor. Although, I suspect he didn’t want the medal. Good on the Danish government for recognizing our warfighters and their commitment to the safety of our way of life. Pity that a lot of civilians in western Europe don’t get it.
Well done indeed, CPT Grimm. Kudos – and thanks.
I worked with Brad when he was an analyst at my agency…good on him! Good dude too.
The future of the “Islamic State” looks Grimm indeed!