VA chiefs in 7 States falsified wait times records
Bobo sends us a link to the USAToday article which reports that while the Arizona VA folks were falsifying records of wait times for veterans’ healthcare treatment, it was going on in at least six other states as well;
Supervisors instructed employees to falsify patient wait times at Veterans Affairs’ medical facilities in at least seven states, according to a USA TODAY analysis of more than 70 investigation reports released in recent weeks.
Overall, those reports — released after multiple inquiries and a Freedom of Information Act request — reveal for the first time specifics of widespread scheduling manipulation.
Employees at 40 VA medical facilities in 19 states and Puerto Rico regularly “zeroed out” veteran wait times, the analysis shows. In some cases, investigators found manipulation had been going on for as long as a decade. In others, it had been just a few years.
USAToday has been quite tenaciously tracking this story, even though it’s fallen off much of the media’s radar in the last few years. They also published a by-state list of the OIG’s report findings.
The fact that VA leadership all arrived at the same level of manipulation of data in the relatively short time frame proves to me that there is a cultural and systemic problem at the VA that isn’t going to be fixed by few high-profile firings.
Category: Politics
Up here in Vermont or V.A scored highly.
But the T.V folks found the one angry dysfunctional veteran (That One)to interview in the parking lot.
I’m glade I’ve never had any of these issues but then again the wait sometimes has forced me to use the ole tri-care and go somewhere else a few times but other then that all good
I love me some Tricare For Life. A blessing for Mrs. HMC and myself. VA health care has been good for me, also, once past the administrative iron wall.
They’ll get promoted up the chain now.
Of course all the VA employees complied so they could keep their nice paying civil service puke jobs.
I’m not surprised to see Oregon on that list, but I’m pretty sure it’s not just the place they listed as having a problem.
Oh, the irony of our betters managing to find a way to punish some high ranking military folks for having fireworks aboard a naval ship, but can’t find a way to relieve these idiots from their positions which allow them to not only inconvenience and refuse service to, but in the process to actually cause the deaths of veterans.
Of course, there is no excuse for any of it, but seriously. Refusing to provide health care for those you are paid to provide health care to seems so much worse than gambling and fireworks. Maye it’s just me…
What if everyone at, say, the FBI could alter criminal records in a database? Would that be wise? Yesterday, in WOT, the issue of prison rape was raised and I pointed out the fact that prisons that enter true and complete data (none d0, in my view) make themselves look very bad. The result is comical and includes that only TWO rapes/forcible sodomy officially occurred between inmates in the state and federal prison systems in California for the entire year of 2011. My point? Develop a data-entry system that cannot be manipulated by the very people whose job performance is measured, in part, by those entries. Hey, it’s a start.
My question is slightly off-topic, but I’m asking anyways.
How in the HELL can someone read headlines like this and say, “you know what? I think the United States Government should be put in charge of ALL healthcare?”
Two ways that can happen, E-6 type, 1 ea:
a. The individual saying that is a blithering idiot.
b. They’re a committed Marxist/Socialist.
Of course, given how Marxism and (to a lesser extent) Socialism have turned out, b. may well be a subset of a.
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