Weekend open thread

“A Magical Night”
Photograph by Satu Juvonen, National Geographic Your Shot
In Finland, a scattering of trees draped in heavy snow crosses the landscape, and the northern lights toss ribbons of color across the sky. This image was shared by Your Shot member Satu Javonen, who writes, “[It was] a magical night in Lapland.”
No one asked for it, but, I can hear folks’ heavy breathing.
Category: Open thread
Nice to see a fellow old pueblo joe take 1st place Lol
Second…. damn it.
Sliding in at second.
OK, third.
Have to share for those who have not seen it.
Army mom angry that her son doesn’t have a combat patch even though he has never deployed.
Yeah, it’s five parts of crazy.
oh, Gawd, that’s funny
That was a riot to read, but sad to know that anyone is that ignorant.
Oh my, that took me back. Back when I was a young lad of an A1C I told my parents I was not coming home for Christmas. I didn’t tell them I wanted to spend my Christmas with the future Mrs Dennis – not chevy; I didn’t tell them I wanted to save some leave time and money; I didn’t tell them I didn’t want to go. Honestly, my father and I could never be in the same room together for 5 minutes without an argument and being on that fighter base was peaceful compared being at home.
I figured since my father was a veteran, he’d understand. Wrong! My mother told me my father was writing a letter to his Representative in the Congress complaining about me not getting the leave for which I had no intention of applying.
I was on the next airplane home. There was no way I was going to allow my name anywhere near a Congressional inquiry.
It would have been so much easier to tell them the truth.
Great story! 🙂
Geez! You could not post a spew warning?
She kept him in diapers until he four????
My brother was putting electric parts on oil lamps when he was four. They still work. I have one.
I think that fellow joined the Army to get away from Mommy!
Yep, my son is helping me with woodworking and got to use the bandsaw last week. He just turned five.
He and his sister were both potty trained before they were three.
Oh, and here:
Too late on that.
I would love to know what he thinks of his mom after she pulled that shite.
Geez, ya ask for a spew warning so I give ya one and what do I get? Complaints.
No gratitude I tell ya.
Jeebus! I was already reading when I was 4..my first novel was age 5.. (mom didn’t have really any kids books around) it was “the stand” by Stephen King..now I won’t pretend I understood it all, but still..diapers at that age..it explains alot about the direction our army is heading..
Can’t….stop….laughing….First SGT going on mute!
Too fooking funny, thanks!
It’s ‘gucking’ don’t ya know.
Hey, it’s my phone’s fault!
My under-achieving career began in the Army National Guard, so I spent a summer at Ft. Rucker doing my 67N AIT. Just turned 18 and I was the shit. 4 weeks into school and so far no problems.
This was back in the day when talking on the CB was the big craze and my dear mother was one of the crazies and used to enjoy talking “skip”. You old radioheads will know what that is. One day I get called into the “Chief’s” office on the main schoolhouse’s hanger floor. He was a big CW4, rode a Hog, had a 1CAV combat patch and it basically was HIS schoolhouse. You didn’t piss off the Chief.
It seems that my dear mother had been talking on her CB in Missouri one night and managed to get in contact with the Chief (who unfortunately for me was into the CB craze also). It seems that her son hadn’t called home in a couple of weeks and she was none too happy. It didn’t matter that I had been living on my own for almost a year. Apparently, if dear old mom wasn’t happy, neither was Chief.
To say the least, that night I called my dear mother. Throughout the remainder of my career (NG and Active), the ass-chewings I got from various Platoon Sergeants, First Sergeants and others just didn’t seem to have the same effect as the one I got from the Chief.
BTW – don’t call him Chief – “he ain’t no fuckin Indian…”
I read this and I found every word halariously mil funny to the core!
Good stuff!
Think I hit the red button –\sorry
not \sorry
Honestly sorry
numb fingers suck
Geez, that can’t be for real. In diapers until he was four. Nine PM curfew after high school. No wonder he joined up. I’m surprised he didn’t run to the French Foreign Legion just to get further away.
Laughed my a** off. Thanks.
Yeah, and in pull-ups till he was 15.
Or fourth, whichever.
Firth of Forth?
Should we ever meet, remind me to tell you a great Fourth Bridge story…
We drank a fifth at the Firth of Forth.
Frank’s funny friend Fred frequently drank a fifth from a flask and fell flailing into the frigid, frothy Firth of Forth.
Ya cannah fit a fifth in a flask at the Firth of Forth, Frankie, no matter how frothy and frigid it be! Err, the Firth of Forth that is, not the flask.
Going Scottish on us aye?
And not even giving a shit what position, and NO, I do NOT want a fucking participation ribbon.
And if you do issue them, at least make them realistic, like, “Almost adulted,” “Zipped up fly,” or “Didn’t tell stupid people to fuck off” award ribbons.
It’s okay, though; one day closer to the permanent disbarrment of Lawn Dart Danny and his disappearance from the lives of the upstanding citizens who dwell here.
Rustle, rustle, bitch. Watch those coconuts!
I need one that says “didn’t tell stupid people to fuck off” I even have a smile of my face when the thought crosses my mind. ^_^
Aysel, are you trying to be better than me? I could never qualify for a ribbon for “Didn’t tell stupid people to fuck off”. I was telling them that before getting out of high school. WTF? Am I supposed to go online to “Phony Military Ribbon Supply dot com” and buy my own?
Buy popcorn.
I’m still waiting for the Advanced Reader Copy of the book you’re writing on this whole situation.
Do you run a popcorn concession? As a kid I ran one at a softball park and made almost $20 a week. It was awesome. At today’s prices you could retire on it, as we wait, and wait.
Thank you, Jonn, for posting that picture. It’s gorgeous, and I wish I was there. We didn’t get a lot of snow this winter here.
And the adoption went through, and I got my kitty from the Humane Society. 🙂
Adoption? In our fair village we get kittens and puppies from a cardboard box in front of the local (IE only) grocery store.
Our local shelter is very good, and they try very hard to place their animals, but right now they are still a ‘kill’ shelter — they do still euthanize animals they can’t place (to be fair to them, they are trying very hard to change that.) It’s the local custom, particularly for adult animals, to really support adoption. In my case, I adopted an adult (6yr old) cat.
If you need another, I can fix you up. Cheap. Very, very cheap.
Boy or girl?
Well, there is a variety right now. Also a variety of adorable color possibilities.
Not being a cat person, this mama plus her litter we rescued last summer is becoming a herd. Yes, we have a vet and know how to take them in to be fixed. Obviously, one didn’t get fixed soon enough. Make that two, apparently.
Maybe your vet will give you a mass discount if you get all the children neutered and spayed at the same time. The vets here are doing them at 12 weeks now.
I’m not sure but the Adopt-a-Pet site might help.
Rescue Me lets you post pets needing adoption.
And neither Lars or Bernath will over know my cousin Jack. However, Dullass lives with my friend Batshit
Ok, I can’t count. But I DO know enough to check my fuel status before I go on a trip.
Hey Holy,
How’s your cousin, Jack? I haven’t heard from him in awhile. HOpe he’s ok.
You know Jack, he is just hanging out and waiting to see if people know him.
I thought you only posted on Sundays…
When I was much younger, I thought I was Jack Shit’s daddy. I later found out I didn’t know him at all. More years passed and I found that in certain situations I knew him and in others I only pretended to know him. I now drop the pretense of knowing him when I do not and leave it to others to tell me if I ever know him at all.
Where is Jack Shit at ??
RIGHT HERE, y’all know me!! ??
This just in: per the CA State Bar Association, Daniel A. Bernath is still ”Not Eligible to Practice Law”!
Good grief he should be in a asylum for is own good and receive lots of coconut therapy
Just sayin
This just in, Bernath’s membership to Bi-Mart is still permanently and irrevocably cancelled because he is a giant penis.
Also, word on the street is that his Radio Shack battery of the month club card is not being honored, anywhere.
Lesson: Do not be a giant penis like Daniel A. Bernath.
His status is not permanent. He is in the process of being Dis-barred. It looks to be a slam-bang rubber stamp since he fled the hearing with his catheter tucked between his legs. By failing to show he basically consigned himself to whatever the judge decided without contesting the evidence presented.
Its a matter of his disbarment being signed off on.
Yep. The Bar Court Judge’s decision was a recommendation to the CA Supreme Court. In CA, disbarment appears to require an order of the CA Supreme Court. Based on a brief review of a few other disbarment cases, the time lag between Bar Court recommendation and CA Supreme Court order to disbar appears to be 3-6 months.
When the CA Supreme Court orders disbarment, if I’m reading things correctly the status shown by the CA Bar for the individual will change to “Disbarred”. A notice will also be published in the state Bar Journal.
It has snowed off and on here in my kingdom all week. I made a big pot of chicken noodle soup with fat German egg noodles, cornbread and chocolate chip cookies. I will have the last batch of pancakes tomorrow with sausages and maple syrup, and hope for a green and pleasant summer.
Do you make your own noodles?
If so, may I have your recipe?
noodles are super easy
1 cup sifted flour
1 lg egg
pinch of salt
Pour 1 cup of sifted flour on needing surface, make an indent in the top, crack egg into indent, use a fork to mix the egg into the flour. When egg is incorporated into the flour to form a dough, roll out to approx. 1/8 inch thickness on a well floured surface. Fold rolled dough a couple of times and cut to 1/4 inch width. Straighten out noodles and let dry. (couple of hours depending on room temp)
It’s the one thing my grandmother could make and not screw up (Grandpa was the cook in the family, incidentally also an Army cook in Korea).
Super easy noodles with no preservatives.
Ay-yup. I have some basic noodle recipes. I have an Atlas roller machine (LOVE IT!).
I was just wondering if Ex-PH2’s German egg noodle recipe was any different.
No, that’s one thing I haven’t tried doing yet. But I will one of these days. I do know that the easiest way to dry them is to hang them on dowel rods. That’s how people used to do pasta. And then break them into shorter lengths to store them.
I’ll make egg noodles one of these days. I have to ream the junk out of my kitchen first.
I checked the ingredients on a bag of those noodles. They do come from Germany. The ingredients are egg and flour. Durum wheat semolina and egg. That’s it.
It’s so similar to Aysel’s recipe that I’d stick with hers. Simple is frequently better. When you cut them to dry and store them, try hanging some on thick dowel rods to dry. That’s how pasta has been dried in the past.
Still looking for a good cornbread recipe.
hint, hint.
Cooks.com has a LOT of recipes. Here’s an easy one for cornbread. I think it has too much sugar, but that’s just me.
1 c. all-purpose flour
1/4 c. sugar
4 tsp. baking powder
3/4 tsp. salt
1 c. yellow cornmeal
2 eggs
1 c. skim milk
1/4 c. soft shortening
Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and cornmeal in a bowl. Add eggs, milk, and shortening. Beat just until smooth, about 1 minute. Do not over beat. Pour into a greased 9x9x2 inch pan. Bake in 425 degree oven for 20 to 25 minutes.
I use the box mixes a lot and they say bake at 400F for 20 to 25 minutes. They also say let the batter sit for a few minutes before putting it in the baking pan.
Don’t much care for sweetened cornbread. However, I’ve found the following works fairly well if you don’t like sweet cornbread:
1 pkg Martha White “Cotten-Pickin” cornbread mix
1 egg
3/4 cup milk
1 cup cornmeal
Combine all of the above, plus amount of water specified by Martha White mix (either 3/4 cup or 1 cup – don’t have a package handy where I am at present). Mix thoroughly with spoon. If the mix is a touch stiff, add a bit more milk.
Grease baking pan. Bake at temp specified by Martha White mix for time indicated. Check with toothpick. When toothpick comes out clean, it’s done. Add additional time as required.
Cut into squares/slices and eat.
If you don’t have a toothpick, use a piece of long pasta like spaghetti.
You can also add some finely chopped jalapeños and small cubes of Velveeta cheese to that mix before you put it in the oven.
This really goes good with a large bowl of chili on a cold day.
No, I bought them but I’ll find a recipe online and add it here. They cost just under $2/bag. I bought four. Now I’m down to 1 1/2.
Here’s one recipe from http://www.cooks.com/rec/search/0,1-0,german_egg_noodles,FF.html
3 – 3 1/2 c. flour
12 yolks + 1 whole egg
2 tsp. salt
Approx. 4 qts. chicken, turkey or beef broth
Beat eggs and salt with fork to mix salt. Gradually add 1 cup flour until mixed. Add more flour a little at a time until too thick to stir. (Playdough consistency.) Hand knead with more flour until no longer sticky. Separate into 4 balls to make it easier to work with. Roll out on floured board or counter until almost thin enough to see through. Dry several hours turning over with spatula to loosen from surface, occasionally.
If weather is damp, it will take longer. Stack all four sheets together, brushing any excess flour off and roll jelly roll fashion. Slice diagonally the width you want. To keep noodles from being too long, slice diagonally the other direction (like the point of a pencil). Continue slicing first one side, then the other, keeping the point, until all are cut. If noodles seem to be sticky when cutting, unroll and dry longer. If they crumble, they were dried too long. They will taste fine even though crumbled, but you could call them something else – maybe noodlettes!
After all are cut, spread out and dry about 30 minutes more, otherwise they tend to stick together when cooked. Bring broth to a RAPID boil. Add noodles and cook about 5 minutes. Broth will thicken slightly due tot he flour on the outside of the noodles. This goes wonderfully with a holiday turkey or beef roast. Dried noodles may be stored in refrigerator a few days or may be frozen.
CAUTION: This recipe may take trial and error method to get used to making, but once you get the hang of it, they are well worth the effort.
I would put waxed paper between the sheets, or just put them on waxed paper and use a rolling wheel cutter, like you use for pizza. I had some that were crinkle cut. They swell up a lot when they absorb liquid.
Ummmm. .. . I WILL have to give this recipe a try soon. I’ll let you know how it turns out. .. or not.
Thank you.
Twenty-third! (For all that it matters …)
Latest news at Lackland Air Force Base. Not good:
“According to initial internal Pentagon communications obtained by Air Force Times, the commanding officer of a training squadron at the base was shot by an airman. The initial communication may have listed an incorrect squadron.”
When I read the story, I thought of the Air Force Retirement/Flag Folding Ceremony incident at Travis AFB recently with all the comments about Air Force Leadership.
I sent that to Jonn.
Apparently it happened at the first floor of building 147, which is located on the Lacklack Medina Annex. Medina Annex is where the Security Forces, targeting specialists and foreign nationals train. They do K-9 training there and it used to be the OCS School I think until 1993 back in the day before it went to the SFS training in 1997.
Sad, just sad. Thoughts and prayers and all that.
Maybe someone got their panties in a wad and got their issued glocks and just went choo choo chugging around the bend.
As I always say, if you’re going to commit murder suicide, just save everyone the trouble and just skip Step One.
Agree. This is sad.
So far, what I have read, the question came up as to how the weapons were brought on base.
Guess the rest of the story will come soon.
It was graduation day for Basic Training too so I can only imagine some of the initial fears by relatives when they announced “active shooter” and locked down.
Sad times…
The picture looks like something from an outer space scifi scene. Very other worldly.
I’m going to assume this video is pretty well known to you military-types, but it was new to me. Just in case you haven’t seen it, watch till the end. And…is it real?
Please, by the names of all things holy, tell me that that was fake.
If it was, it was really well done.
Clue me in to Army protocol, but why are the candidates in Class A while the board members are in cammies? Every board that had went up for, everyone wore Alphas or Charlie’s. Why are they saluting indoors without covers/headgear? And why are they saluting SNCO’s?
Their are times that enlisted salute other enlisted. such as everybody favorite of receiving the report at first formation and promotion/soldier boards.
Also if run into MOA recipient.
For the information of all hands on Team TAH:
A new Cabela’s store has opened in Richmond, VA, and it is good to go. Particularly the weapons counter.
Hard to beat Greentop though.
Concur. Green Top is still the front-runner in my book.
Cabela’s will be good as a back-up. And it will allow us to avoid Bass Pro Shop altogether.
Ditto on Greentop. Great selection and a military discount. The last time that we went gun shopping down there we started at Cabela’s but bought at Greentop.
I liked the old store. Lots of “character” there. Zillion folks from all walks of life and 99% of them were packing. The employees had some serious open carry iron.
Duffel Blog has a funny one on Bergdahl — http://www.duffelblog.com/2016/04/bergdahl-star-wars-a-runaway-hit/
A reminder, the Defense put up his whole interview with General Dahl and the “sanitized” transcript of his Article 32 hearing here — https://bergdahldocket.wordpress.com/
If you can stomach to read it, he actually comes across worse in these documents than in other stories…since he really is as arrogant as in the Duffel Blog parody, likes to paint himself as a super-elite warrior who should’ve been in the Special Forces Q course, and is very condescending about the Soldiers and leaders who served out the tour when he deserted.
Of course he is now claiming that his desertion was a “higher form of patriotism” and invokes the Constitution and the Statute of Liberty. His real mindset comes out in the e-mail he wrote at the time, and “patriotism” wasn’t any part of it: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/americas-last-prisoner-of-war-20120607
Any chance he’ll get eaten alive at Ft. Leavenworth?
No, not really. We’ll be lucky if he even gets a sentence long enough to send him there (more than 5 years since he is enlisted). He deserves more and he should get more, but I do not expect him to actually get anywhere near that much.
But if he does, military prisons are in general very well ordered and he will be kept safe for his full term. Furthermore, if anyone does hurt him in there, he can use that for clemency to try to get his sentence reduced.
(A great deal of what is said about even civilian U.S. prisons, and especially the amount of sex assault that goes on there, is mythology. The feds have been maintaining statistics on that since the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 – http://www.bjs.gov/index.cfm?ty=tp&tid=20 – and they just don’t back up the wacky numbers you get from activists.)
Alberich. I wouldn’t give a plug nickel for the integrity of the data collection on prison rape and sexual assault. The summaries are a laugh riot and wholly incredible. I popped open the 2011 pdf from the site and guess what? As of 31 December 2011, there were 146,881 prisoners in California, 141,353 in Texas, and 55,196 in New York. That’s a total of 343,430 prisoners in those three states alone. There were 15 substantiated nonconsensual sexual acts and 13 substantiated abusive sexual contacts for all three states the entire year. It is important to know, too, that the non-consensual sexual acts are the serious ones—actually rape/forced sodomy. So, that’s 15 out of 343,430 and only two of the 15 occurred in California Federal and state prisons and jails in 2011. Believe that? I certainly don’t. There are many factors that skew the numbers but the most telling to me is the tiny number of sexual assaults that are reported. In other words, either prison rape is a myth or there is something else at play. I believe that it’s the latter. First, to complain is to snitch and even if it’s your ass that is sore, it’s better than being dead, I guess. Second, if a prison system has a great many reported and substantiated sexual assaults, it makes the correctional line staff, managers, and administrators look very, very bad. And no one who has control over whether they look very, very bad is going to serve it up.
I wouldn’t give a plug nickel for the integrity of the data collection on prison rape and sexual assault. The summaries are a laugh riot and wholly incredible…That’s a total of 343,430 prisoners in those three states alone. There were 15 substantiated nonconsensual sexual acts [actual rape/forced sodomy]…So, that’s 15 out of 343,430 and only two of the 15 occurred in California Federal and state prisons and jails in 2011. Believe that? I certainly don’t. Based on what? Hollywood? Old jokes? Your argument is basically an argument from incredulity that the numbers could be so low — but what independent source says the contrary? (Activists who want to claim “25% are being brutally raped on a daily basis!” also point to BJS statistics…they just abuse them.) You don’t know, any more than I do, how many men out of a thousand would be interested in forcibly buggering another man even if they knew could get away with it. That said, consider the following: #1, A forcible male-on-male rape…like the accusations you were looking at…is very easy to prove because there are going to be marks of violence on the person’s body, plus blood and semen which can be DNA-typed. Dubious claims might look a lot like consensual sex, but if he was really forced…it’s obvious even if he doesn’t say a word. #2, prison is a very controlled environment. If the prison officials are doing their jobs right, they really can keep the incidence “slim to none.” And the figures are incredibly low across the country. Is the “conspiracy of silence” nationwide…or is the prison rape epidemic, like the campus rape epidemic and the military rape epidemic, mostly fiction? (Prison gang cases, unlike individual crimes of lust, really do involve a group that conspires to enforce silence. Yet they do get detected and prosecuted.) #3, in the military system, which I know the most about, the clemency procedure is very robust. The CG who pronounces on your sentence can reduce that sentence or eliminate it entirely. And he can do it speedily by issuing an order…no need for a tedious… Read more »
And another interesting story:
“Navy SEAL vet who says he killed bin Laden charged with DUI”
I’m first in the eighth dimension….
Hey Dickless Danni-boi Bernastypants and QuEeFeRs! How are you two fucknuggets doin’? Getting ready for another weekend of futility, DRG COCKtails and buttsekks? Still waiting on that special letter from the CA state bar, Danni? It’s a matter of time before it shows up, hand delivered by your mailman and you having to sign for it.
As for QuEeFeRs, aka: CoCkSlUuUrRrP41, next time both of you get together to commiserate your pathetic little penises and lives, explain to Danni what the letter “E” stands for on a fuel gauge, OK?
Buy popcorn
Standing by…
If any of you fine folks still use PayPal, here’s ANOTHER reason to shitcan ’em.
And Bruce Springsteen is canceling his concert in NC because of this.
Hey, it’s Springsteen and PayPal loss, financial and popularity that is. Let them go ahead and do their whining. Don’t think they realize the power of the South.
Thanks for sharing!
What slays me about these stories is that you just know that those who run these PC companies would never, ever allow their own child to enter one of these bathrooms. It’s sick stuff. I prefer to think that ladies who go to powder their noses are doing exactly that and only that, thanks.
Who cares! I stopped listening to all his crap after “Born in the USA”.
His 70’s music was good.
Plus he lives in Hollywerid and has one of those mini-beards below his lower lip!
Springsteen’s music is no longer the stuff of sales. It is the stuff of nostalgia, to conjure memories for those of us who listened to him and the E Street Band long ago. Just to give you an idea of how far he has fallen from the charts, the album Born in the USA sold 15,825,000 copies in the US alone. Fast forward to his last album which hit the shelves in 2014. You probably never heard of it. It was called High Hopes and, to date, it has sold 135,000 copies.
PayPal still supports country’s were or muslim friends hang the same folks that N.C laws a-fend. They just don’t want to offend anybody that will VBED their headquarters.
If PayPal chooses to use its business power in opposition to a common sense law in North Carolina, I guess its choices not to do the same elsewhere means PayPal supports things such as female genital mutilation, imprisonment for practicing homosexuals, egregious human rights violations, and theocracies. I can draw no other conclusion.
Springsteen is canceling concerts too. I guess it socks to be Christian…
I still cringe when I recall that nobody clued Reagan in on the fact that the song Born in the USA was not a patriotic tune.
PayPal still does a good job of handling money transactions for me, eliminating the need for me to share my personal information with additional sources, and facilitating transfers of money between private people and myself. I don’t think much of their stance, but to boycott them for that, would mean to boycott China for their screwed up human rights stance.
PayPal is a good way to handle money transfers; beyond that I don’t follow their convictions.
I forget who said it, but liberals are all hot and bothered to fly down to Havana these days, just as long as their connectung flight isn’t in Charlotte.
In view of that stunning night sky shot from NatGeo, I’m adding this link from Sky & Telescope, which goes to an article about the Navy’s return to training people in celestial navigation.
Apparently, all the high tech stuff is now considered to be so vulnerable to all kinds of things, from jamming to solar flares, that this previously phased-out form of navigation may have to be used again… so that no more patrol ships will run aground on reefs in the Phillipine Sea. (snarc)
What’s old is new again, eh? A common sense idea, too.
Makes sense to me.
Number 60!!!
On a political note. You no doubt have heard that the Rs in the Senate will not entertain a Sup Ct nomination from that Lame _uck in the White House. (D or F works for me.) There is an exception, courtesy of Miss South Carolina, Lindsay Graham. Yeah, he would have made a great president, just not in this country.
The first female 11B candidate raised her right hand this week.
Acting Army Secretary Patrick Murphy said in a statement. “We are opening up every occupation to women. I think that’s pretty historic.”
“This is a historic moment,” [Lt. Col. Jerry Pionk] an Army spokesman. said. “We finally have full equality in the Department of Defense, and there’s not a single opportunity in the Department of Defense that women can’t do.”
I really love the way the word historic is abused. It is a backward-looking term. In normal parlance, something is or is not historic if it is part of history. Whether historical events are or are not important is a determination for future generations, not contemporaries, to make. In this case, as with other so-called historic events of recent occurrence, the event may indeed prove to be historic for its ill or disastrous effect.
Shit I just posted below a link but here it is again
She gonna go UA like the first Engineer did?
Hope not.
Good number!
Oh, and Banks can KMRIA!
I have some breaking news on Greggie Boyee and ‘lil Alex.
They left a trail of dispair that needed sum addressin’.
Buy popcorn.
I got a hugh bag of pop corn
Here is something to rap your brain around funny
To ??????
She said it was easy
She’s 25 and a former police officer? Really? If she was a police officer, I wonder how long that career lasted. She says she was going to be an MP but then learned she could be first at something. And she will. She will be the first 11B female failure. I say that because I think she’s full of shit. She just wanted to be first, historic and all of that. Actually, I had thought the program called for leadership first and recruits later.
Most states the age to join a police department is 21. So, she does her academy, which out here is six months. Then does a year on probation so she was a full police officer for about two and a half years if she got off right from the start.
My question is why leave a department to join and become an MP? She would be making more as a police officer. Per the Shreveport website the pay for them is $20 an hour, which is more than she’ll get in the military.
I always knew OPA was a awesome man. I heard his stories all my life and started writing them down in journals and I am so glad I did. I remember every story but not everyone’s names, but the journals never forgot.
Although I’m going to receive them for him, posthumously, I wish it would of been him being honored 70 years ago.
OPA was a quite man who didn’t brag about his past, but next year the world will know exactly what that little man did during his teenage years.
I can’t wait to share so Jonn can write a little story about OPA. HAPPY BIRTHDAY VADER……
And I bet the dog can read a fuel gauge.
Can probably fly better than Dan with one paw tied behind its back.
Good to see you didn’t advocate using duct tape on the dog’s paws.
Bernath would have trouble with the water level in the dogs bowl.
In other news, the US is sending long-range B52 bombers to Qatar
Just thought you guys would like to know. It’s like it is never going to end, isn’t it?
Remember what boadprez said…they are the “JV” team.
From the viewpoint of the Cold War, I see this as a buildup to something else, with the ending left to whoever gets the next term in the White House. Whoever is stuck with it will be to blame for it if it gets out of hand, and I think it will do so before too long.
The only way the ayatollahs can be stopped from dropping a big one on Israel is if Tehran goes up in a flash and a bang. And despite the dorky business in Norkiland, when Reuters reports (Friday) that they’re building a new and better engine for their long range missile platform, I would stop filling the salt shaker.
Like Han Solo said, I’ve got a bad feeling about this. Or was it Hudson, just before the drop into the bug zone on LB247? I’ve lost track.
Cant we send the F35 it has a more than adequate bomb bay. And the B52 is older than the A10.
(extra sarc activate)
Winston Moseley (the loser who murdered Kitty Genovese in 1964) is taking a dirt nap at age 81. Passed March 28…what took so long?
Meechaiel Criner needs to get the needle ASAP…what a POS. Dumbfuck picked the wrong State to murder.
Whoever was comin’ over for red beans & rice, with Andouille better hurry on over here – it’s going fast.
We are declaring this experimental run a success.
9 April 1971. 0900 hours. Newly promoted PV2 (real proud of that skeeter wing) Claw passes in review for Basic Training Graduation as a member of 1st Platoon, B-9-2, at Fort Campbell, KY.
By 1400 had already cleared all my stuff out of the barracks and was getting on a bus bound for beautiful Fort Rucker, Lower Alabama and an additional 11 weeks, 3 days of training before I entered the mainstream of being an everyday soldier in the greatest Army the world has ever seen.
45 years. It seems like only yesterday sometimes. If asked, I would do it all over again.
Happy Anniversary Claw! If I had something cold in a bottle, I’d raise it and drink to you and the greatest Army the world has ever seen.
Best regards – GDC
Amen to that.
And more commendable is your statement that you would do it all over again.
Joining GD in a glass, raising it in the air for a toast and a salute to you for serving our country during that time period.
Cheers and Happy 45th!
Congrats Claw !!!!!
Happy Anniversary
Wish I could give you a Beer…. 🙂
Thanks for the accolades, Gents.
I raise my glass in honor to each of you.
While a bit late, if you can, take a moment to remember the 129 men on USS THRESHER (SSN-593) lost on this date in 1963.