Sunday morning feel good stories
First up this morning is Clarksburg, West Virginia where two burglars forced their way into a home through the back door where the homeowner greeted them with gunfire. One of the two was found in the street by the responding police officers and taken to the hospital to rest up while the police prepare his long-term accommodations. A woman in the residence sustained a head laceration during the scuffle, but she was treated at the scene and didn’t require hospitalization.
In Floresville, Texas, a home-business owner encountered a burglar in his building. A scuffle ensued during which the business owner shot the thief. The criminal was DRT (dead right there) when the police arrived on the scene. The owner was shaken up but otherwise, uninjured.
A security guard in Albuquerque, New Mexico saw a car thief trying to steal an automobile at the motel where the guard worked. He tried to stop the thief and they got into an altercation and the thief pulled out a gun. The guard shot him and the thief was taken to the hospital where he is in stable condition.
Category: Feel Good Stories
You would think by now that thieves would wise up to the fact that Texas citizens do not roll over when threatened. Alas, it is intuitively obvious to even the most casual of observers that Texas thieves are slow learners.
I think you can remove the word “Texas” from your second sentence, Hack.
I would guess that between Texas and Florida, they probably make up 40% of these feel good stories. Some of the high crime states may want to look at those statistics to see if there is a cause and effect correlation there. Unfortunately, it probably will not sink in.
I found the comments in the Texas story to be the most peculiar stuff I’ve seen in a long time.
If those people are not disconnected from reality, what are they? The guy was a criminal and a drug addict, but it wasn’t his fault? Well, then whose fault was it? Bigfoot’s?
Why, Ex-PH2, I’m surprised at you. The answer is obvious.
It’s society’s fault. Society obviously somehow failed those
detestable low-life criminal bastards trying to steal from honest peoplefine young men!(Yeah, I’m being sarcastic as hell. But, sadly, there are many libidiots who will tell you exactly that.)
Nope Bushs
[…] This ain’t Hell… has your Sunday feel good stories […]
You know, that might be an interesting public service message in certain states. Narrator: “These people thought it was a good idea to rob, burglarize, or assault someone. It wasn’t.” As that words are spoken, pics of the crims (preferably a mug shot from a prior booking) flashes with a date of death and some indicator of what happened (e.g., Killed committing burglary or killed during an attempted robbery.) I’m not sure what the last word should be but it should pack a punch. The nice thing about this message is that it can satisfy two camps. At the same time that the message appears to care about the worthless pieces of shit, it also advertises self defense against them.
The examples should all be from states having permissive firearms ownership laws, 2/17 Air Cav – you know, like the Constitution mandates.
The final line should be something along the lines of, “Using a firearm may well have saved the lives of each of these criminal’s intended victims. If your state’s firearms laws don’t allow you to protect yourself as the US Constitution allows . . . ask your state legislators why.”