Norks threaten nuclear strike on DC
Fox News reports that the Hermit Kingdom is *yawn* threatening to nuke DC because of training exercises in South Korea involving 300,000 South Korean troops and 17,000 American troops. From NDtBF;
“If we push the buttons to annihilate the enemies even right now, all bases of provocations will be reduced to seas in flames and ashes in a moment,” the North’s statement said.
North Korea’s bellicose rhetoric raises unease in Seoul and its U.S. ally, not least because of the huge number of troops and weaponry facing off along the world’s most heavily armed border, which is an hour’s drive from the South Korean capital of Seoul and its 10 million residents.
The rival Koreas’ usual animosity occasionally erupts in bloody skirmishes — 50 South Koreans were killed in attacks in 2010 that Seoul blames on the North — and there is always a worry about an escalation of violence.
Ho-hum. It’s like that steady stream of emails I get from the other terrorists in Florida. Nuking DC wouldn’t be a great loss anyway.
It’s not all fun and gaes for the troops in the exercise, either. Bobo sends us a link from the Watertown Daily Times to whom troops from Fort Drum complained that they’re getting charged for meals they can’t eat during the exercise;
In their letter, the deployed Fort Drum soldiers say that their ability to obtain meals at the dining facilities is unworkable, given the times that their aviation unit currently operates.
“Without going into great detail, our typical day to day operations require our personnel to work odd hours,” the soldiers’ letter said.
Sending soldiers to the dining facilities during their current operation hours “would disrupt operations to the point of mission failure.”
The soldiers noted that the dining facility is 40 minutes each way from their work site by shuttle, making it essentially impossible to budget time to eat there.
“It is safe to assume that a Soldier would be away from their place of duty for approximately two and a half hours, each meal, in a twelve hour work day,” the soldiers wrote.
More of the budget not being balanced on the back of the Defense Department, I guess. We probably shouldn’t expect that aviators can eat three MREs a day, either.
Category: North Korea
I love the picture.
He looks like he just stepped into a steaming pile of Phil Monkress and was getting a whiff.
As far as the Aviators, no caterers on site? I did not think they ate MRE’s. They should just fly to the chow hall.
I was thinking he looked more like he’d just knocked over a trash can and tossed a coconut on a lawn.
Looks like he’s had a real turtle head hanging in there for a week that just won’t move. More fiber Lil’ Kim.
That fat little ph-cker learned from his retarded old man to make all kinds of irrational noises and azzholes like Bubba the pervert clinton will run over with fists full of dollars for him….screw that, put a 500 pounder through his house, it shut up kadafy for 20 years…hell, might even get lucky and spread phat boy all over the neighborhood!!!
We probably shouldn’t expect that aviators can eat three MREs a day, either.
You want aviators eating 3 MREs a day?
You want aviators dropping bombs in Korea? Because if you feed aviators 3 MREs a day, this is how you get them dropping bombs on Korea.
/it may take a week or so, but inevitably…
😉 😀
You may be on to something …
That’s biological warfare.
Deploy your own field kitchen, use Mermites or MREs. This is “the field” ya know…
FWIW, I was Army Aviation before I was Chemical. They are authorized cooks.
BUT,,, if their DMD is filled according to directives from echelons above reality, they may not have been allowed to take their cooks on this employment. Yes employment. This term is being used for some “trips” instead of deployment.
Sounds like these guys need a roach coach rolling up on them. D’you think they like gravy?
AS TO Fatty Kim da T’ird, nothin’ but love for ya, man. You might want to make a note.
Re-reading the article caused me to realize that this is actually part of the Army’s answer to the drawdown in Korea – long term deployment vs. PCS moves to keep troop levels up. Had some friends in FT. Hood catch this big green weenie.
The Soldiers from Drum have a legitimate gripe about more than just chow…
AND HOW!!!!! This goes far beyond, “a bitchin’ troop is a happy troop”.
Yeah, these deployments are entirely to reduce costs by removing PCS moves and accompanied tours.
This will gut moral within 5 years. Think the domestic violence and suicide rate is high in the military right now?
Wait for this trend to continue.
Last I heard Korea was an unaccompanied tour… did that change?
There are accompanied tours if you are married, but you have to request it. Those that still PCS there v. deploy there have standard unaccompanied orders originally.
Unless things have changed dramatically, pretty sure there aren’t a whole lot of “accompanied tours” in the combat units in Korea.
Otherwise, I agree. This is going to hit morale bigtime.
Give them three days of just ham and motherfuckers with John Wayne biscuits. A four pack of Kool when they smoke Marlboro. Then after they fumble with a P-38 key long enough to cut their finger instead of the can date pudding and use all the ass wipe to wrap the cut, they’ll damn well and happily break protocol and fly to the mess hall.
Here you go, Sparks. This should bring back some memories.
Ah, yes, not only memories, but actual visual proof that a mythical creature does exist.
If you scroll forward in the video to the 25:44 mark, you can catch a fleeting glimpse of an individual that was only a rumor, a figment of our imagination that is on the same plane as a skittle shitting unicorn, the tooth fairy, a night baker, Bigfoot or a Warrant Officer standing in a morning PT formation.
Yes, I’m talking about an Army Spec7 in long sleeved khakis.
So Thanks for the video, Ex-PH2, you made my day.
There are some Soldiers who have Ink Art on their arms!
Some of them, to include those who are handling food, are smoking a cigarette!
Some Soldiers are not wearing SunBlock!
Others are not wearing gloves while preparing food!
They are not wearing seatbelts!
They are not wearing protective gear when unloading!
They are eating beef, hamburgers…and durn did I not see those Salt Shakers on the table!
Last: They are consuming BACON!! Oh,my!
All sarcasm on my part. Isn’t it amazing before the Government told us what we could do or could not do, we somehow managed to survive…before the days of the SJWs or PC Gurus…
Thanks for sharing, Ex-PH2. That was fun to watch.
Delusional little twit.
A spoiled kid with a lighter and an army he views as toy soldiers.
He is far more dangerous to the stability of the peninsula than his father ever was.
He won’t last. It is only a matter of time. I am surprised things have not spun out of control by now.
You should go visit North Korea Lards, like all of your liberal friends do.
I am certain that your goodwill and a few rousing rounds of Kum by yah would work to get him to change his mind.
Oh, don’t forget the cupcakes and cookies, with raisins in them too.
So am I. What most people do not know is “Dear Leader” is not the President. His dead grandfather is still Eternal President of the Republic.
There are shrines everywhere in his name. It is little more than a theocracy with the leading family being worshiped.
Of course since the actual President has been ruling from the grave for 22 years I often refer to north of the boarder as a Necrocracy. (I miss Hitch)
In ’82 they charged us per diem for c-rations. The roach coach from the Hialeah Compound had a lot of customers once the powers that were decided we should pay (what was it?) about $10 for c-rations that got to Korea with McArthur.
I ate some of them c-rats in ’71-’72.
I ate a ton of them in Alaska in 1974-76…
And every friggin’ cow liver in the US with onions too…
I don’t care how much ketchup, salt, pepper, A-1, Worcestershire sauce on it, it still tastes like liver and onions…
My New Resolution since I left Alaska is to not eat liver and onions for the next year…
Never broke that resolution…
So, NDtBF has his own SMoD (Sweet Meteor o’ Death)? PLEASE, launch it. Launch it. NOW! There’s very little inside Mordor-on-the-Potomac that I would miss.
The Smithsonian
The originals of the DoI and the Constitution.
The Library of Congress.
NOTE: No Gooberment buildings.
It would be a pity to lose the Smithsonian, but aren’t the Constitution and the DoI lowered into a vault at night and in the threat of a nuke attack?
I’d be upset over the Air and Space, and Holocaust museums.
Maybe Obama needs to prepare an apology to China and Japan… for the potential heavy fallout due to hit them about one flight time past whenever the norks attack.
When I was at Sayed Abad (Lockheed PTDS ISR platform), we always went and got a mermite for breakfast and supper, and we were quick to help out supply and/or DFAC with forklift support. So when a new unit came in, our dumbass site lead attended a meeting where he understood that no more mermites were authorized.
So I was the guy that used to voluntarily help out all the soldiers with their internet connections on the COP. As a result, I knew everybody and was generally on very good terms with all the soldiers. So I was putting in a CAT5 drop for the CSM and I didn’t even mention the mermites.
He says, “GDC, are you guys still getting your mermites twice a day?”
I say, “No sir. Our understanding was that they were not authorized.”
GDC says, “Well gaddammit. That’s not what I intended to happen. You make sure you get a chow mermite tonight and in the morning too.”
GDC says, “Yes sir.”
So in the morning, dumbass site lead sees a mermite in the breakroom and steam starts coming out his ears. Somehow, I developed a reputation as a troublemaker.
Volunteering to help the guys with their internet connections (and being damned good at it) was one of the most brilliant things I have ever done. I would say it kept me out of trouble too… but.
* Edit
CSM says, “Well gaddammit. That’s not what I intended to happen. You make sure you get a chow mermite tonight and in the morning too.”
About old Fatty McFatFat’s nuclear threat, all I can say is BUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!1 Bring it, fatass! G’wan; press the button. We both know what’s gonna happen. Hint: Yakety Sax!
Oh no. Not Washington DC where people can’t walk down the street without serious injury and where all the anti American scum go to impose their will on the country at the expense of Americans.
Oh no…….
Right now I doubt this guy could nuke a latrine with a turd. That will change over the years, I think. He flaps his gums thinking that doing so will help cement his ‘leadership.’ At the rate he’s whacking his officer corps, he may have to push the launch button himself. He has to know that NK will cease to exist if he launches a nuclear attack on the US or SK. I wonder what scenario would develop if he sent troops across the border?
Given how much Swiss Emmentaler-boi here reputedly regularly consumes, you could be right about that – 29 days out of 30.
But I’d recommend being elsewhere on day 30. (smile)
NORK threats are like robo-calls: the Do Not Call list doesn’t work for them either…
Chubby little Kim likes to be as obnoxious as a platoon ofJehovah’s Witnesses.
Where did NTtBF acquire a working ICBM, much less a functional warhead that will fit on it? Heck, I say let him launch. 90/10 the thing lands on his own turf.
I think the plan is to launch it straight up really high, deploy parachutes and let the earth rotate until it’s over the target…
That sounds like a Wiley Coyote ACME rocket sort of a plan.
Watch out Objective AF. Here comes NDtBF’s latest plot to put your fresh water condenser out of business.
Sorry Fat Boy, Bams ain’t changing his mind about stayin’ put in DC after he leaves office.
1). We have trained North Korea to do this over the past several years- every time they need something, they test launch a missile or sink a ROK patrol boat or shell a border town and the west makes concessions.
2). The army no longer has a BCT or CAB permanently stationed in Korea, and there aren’t any 1 year hardship tours like there used to be (there are a few, but it’s not like it used to be). All combat units are rotated through. I think it’s a BCT from the 1st CAV right now. All of the 2ID BCTs are at Ft Lewis.
3). The 10th MTN Soldiers are wrong. TheArmy now pays all Soldiers BAS- it used to just be an officer thing- this is your monthly ‘food money’. If you are eating in the chow hall OR in the field/on deployment, Uncle Sugar pays it to you then takes it back to pay for your delicious and nutritious government meals. It’s kind of like Seperate Rats used to be for NCOs. Company Commanders were always supposed to stop it in the field, but few ever did and it was rarely inspected. That’s the way it is. Logical? Maybe. Fair? Who told you the Army was fair?
I should add that the Army’s argument will be that these guys could eat MREs or chow hall food if they wanted to, but they are choosing to eat on the economy…
They should complain to their leadership on the ground, who has a responsibility to get them to the chow hall or feed them field rations.
1SG and/or CSM business…
Big fat FAIL on the SRNCO’s in that unit. Beans and bullets 1SG, get back to basics. I have heard from friends in aviation units that the SRNCO corps in aviation units are…..less then stellar… Better believe an old Cavalry Troop 1SG would have had hot chow and coffee for breakfast and dinner. I’ve said it for years that aviation units need combat arms 1SGs.