Australians intercept Iranian arms shipment

CNN reports that the Australian Navy’s HMAS Darwin intercepted a shipment of more than 2,000 weapons, AK 47s and RPG rocket launchers that appears to have originated in Iran and it was headed to Somalia, you know, like they don’t have enough guns in that ravaged country, or it was bound for Yemen by way of Somalia.
On board they found more than 2,000 pieces of weaponry — including 1,989 AK-47 assault rifles and 100 rocket-propelled grenades.
According to a U.S. assessment, the weapons were believed to be initially sent from Iran and were likely intended for Houthi rebels in Yemen, Lt. Ian McConnaughey with the U.S. Navy told CNN.
U.S. Central Command is still gathering more information to determine the arms’ final destination, McConnaughey said.
An Australian Defense Ministry spokesman told CNN there were 18 people of various nationalities on board the ship, but officials could not initially confirm that their identification documents were valid.
This makes me trust John Kerry’s nuclear deal with Iran even more, or not.
Category: Terror War
It was an Iranian hand grenade that was thrown at me in Iraq. We think it did not detonate because it had been in a buried cache and the point striker was dirty and corroded so did not trigger with enough speed/force to set off the primer.
I was lucky. I did not even notice it until it would have been too late. I just through it was another piece of brick since bricks were constantly being thrown at us.
Lars, anything thrown at you in a war zone is a weapons, whether it explodes or not.
Had a snake thrown at me in Somalia. That was original
Had a shake thrown at me once. It was chocolate. Another time I had grenadine splashed on me. Both times it was my wife so I didn’t kill her.
Send that shipment over here, we can use it against the invaders and the mooslime azzholes running around!
BLIMEY! You mean the Iranians aren’t gonna live up to their side of the deal they made with John “Lurch” Kerry? What the bloody FOOK have B. Hussein 0bama &Company ever touched that DIDN’T turn to shit?
Let’s not forget about the EFP’s used against us in Iraq that were proven to be made in Iran.
Have the Aussies flood the captured ship’s cargo holds with sea water. Hold in place for one, maybe two days. Then let the arms ship go on its way. Let the Iranians decide if they want to pump the decks, and how they want to handle a cargo hold full of salt corroded arms.
two days in salt water isn’t gonna faze an AK.
Yes it will. AKs are a machine like any other. Their reliability is a myth born out of Soviet propaganda. I lost track of the amount of them we captured in Iraq that were rusted shut or too dirty to fire.
Nah. Release the ship and crew and then use them for target practice. Should last a half hour or so. The blokes can always use the live fire practice and a moving target adds to the fun. Also solves the problem of what to do with the terrorist helpers transporting the arms. Sharks gotta eat too.
Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!
Oi! Oi! Oi!
I do love working with the Aussies, they do good work and tend to be a pleasure to know and work with. More good work by the lads down under.
I always heard that the Aussies like to party and they drink like Russians.
Oh yeah! And, darts.
You know it 😉
Good work RAN. Keep it up gents.
And ladies.
Looks like a fun afternoon at the range.
When asked about the Iranians smuggling arms, Jawn Fraud sKerry said, “They shouldn’t do that”.
well this is what happens when we lift sanctions and promote peace with Iran
keep up the good work Hope and Change