Cowards Without Borders

| December 23, 2008

25 Iraq Veterans Against the War wrote an open letter of support to Israeli draft resisters. Some of the luminaries we’ve paid tribute to here are included in their number. Here’s the letter;

About 100 Israeli high school students have declared their refusal to serve in the Israeli army and participate in the occupation of Palestine. We are US military service members and veterans who have refused or are currently refusing to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan.

We stand in solidarity with the Israeli Shministim (Hebrew for 12th graders) who are also resisting military service. About 100 Israeli high school students have signed an open letter declaring their refusal to serve in the Israeli army and their opposition to “Israeli occupation and oppression policy in the occupied territories and the territories of Israel.” In Israel, military service is mandatory for all graduating high school seniors, and resisters face the possibility of years in prison.

We have also refused to participate in unjust acts of military aggression, and many of us have gone to prison or currently live with that possibility as a result. We believe that resistance to unjust war is a bold assertion of humanity in the face of overwhelming violence.

The “Global War on Terror,” like the Israeli occupation, is propped up by racism and dehumanization and sets the stage for never-ending war and occupation.

We are inspired by the brave refusal of our brothers and sisters in Israel to take part in these destructive policies, and we want to let them know today, December 18th – the day of international solidarity with the Shministim – that they have our deepest respect and support.

See, I can almost understand how it’s possible for Americans to avoid military service, but seein’s how Israelis wake up every morning surrounded, it makes no sense. I wonder how they’ll avoid military service when Hezbollah’s rockets pour down on them this Spring. How do you avoid the draft when Syrian tanks roll down from the Golan Heights. Do they think that by denying the danger exists, it goes away?

IVAW’s support for them is just as naive. People refusing to serve doesn’t erase the impending violence. Only a six-year-old would think that’s true – it shows that these freaks have an infantile view of the world.

TSO’s favorite coward Carlos Mejia signed it. Also you’ll find Geoff Millard and Matthis Chiroux’ name at the link. But these Israeli kids will learn the hard way, IVAW will never learn.

American Jews snuggled safely in their beds also support the draft resisters in the style of 52 to 48. Ed Asner snuggled safely in Hollywood also supports the resisters.

Category: Politics

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SSGT Booyah

I served 22 years in the Corps and I can’t believe what I am reading. I fought and bled for freedom so part of me thinks they should be able to do as they wish but on the other hand I don’t think they should be such cowards. Do they or don’t they have the right to choose what to do with their own lives, that is the question. Thanks for your service Jonn, semper fi, do or die!


Not everyone can hack it in military service, even for a short time. IVAW is the perfect example. They should at least be required to serve in a governmental capacity for a term of service

SSGT Booyah

I couldn’t agree more. Why do people have such a hard time with mandatory service? If I did it, you should to in my opinion. If they can’t hack the corps then where should those rubbernecks serve?


In the State Department. The place is full of non-hackers. Or in Agriculture, or Interior, etc.

SSGT Booyah

If there is one thing I hate in this world it’s non-hacker leeches, don’t they realize what we have fought for?


They don’t care, case in point IVAW, they only care for themselves and their future in politics

SSGT Booyah

There is a small part of me that think they should be able to choose but damn it, I didn’t serve for someone to crap on my service. Don’t they realize the government knows better than they do?


I don’t know about the Government knowing better, but the ASVAB or an equivalent exam to determine their aptitude and find out their government job

SSGT Booyah

Well those tests leave it up to the gov’t to decide so indirectly you are saying they know better.

SSGT Booyah

Are you a veteran?


Yes SSG! USAR NCO type, six years in so far, at minimum six more to go. Father was a United States Marine. I am not Combat Arms, but I ain’t a fobbit or a sissy either


Deployment in 2004-2005 as part of OEF Rotation 5, with another coming up

Dave Thul

From today’s paper-

Pretty courageous to refuse to fight while your neighbors are dodging mortar and rocket attacks.


We have also refused to participate in unjust acts of military aggression

Walking into the middle of a busy shopping area full of innocent civilians and exploding yourself in order to take out as many Jews as possible is a “heroic” act? Until the Palestinians reject Hamas and terrorism, there’s no reason for the Israeli’s to let their guards down and relax militarily, it’s a matter of survival, don’t those 100 Shministim understand that?

AW1 Tim

Well, let’s see,

The Israelis are surrounded by Muslims, and one of the Sunnas in Islam says “In the last days, even the rocks and trees will cry out: Oh Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me. Come and hill him!”

Now, I don’t know about you, but that seems to me to be a pretty good indicator that a large portion of Islamic thought is dedicated to killing Jews. Were I an Israeli, I’d be pretty convinced of the need to acquire the skills needed to protect myself and my family.

Of course, with the IVAW and these Israeli kids, it’s never about “war” or “disparity” or whatever the cause du jour. All of the reasons they cite, all of the countless words, the bloviating, the posing, are simply tools to support their need for attention, their need to assuage their teenage angst. Fer Jeebus’ sake, even the Goth kids have more stones than these pukes, and Goths know a fair amount about angst.

The IVAW are kids who are mentally still living in their parent’s basement apartment. They haven’t been able to mature, to grow up, to accept responsibilty for anything. They have fallen for the leftist’s greatest drug: Victimhood, and they want everyone to play along.

Screw that. At the least, every winter soldier needs a warm coat of tar and feathers, and a long ride on a short rail to the outskirts of town.


Wow, I am usually the one advocating for Tar and Feathers. Glad to see the Navy beat me to it 😉 I completely agree. I have posted before on the mindset of IVAW members, although AS seems to be the exception to that mindset. The rest of them, well, if you confront them they exclaim that because you don’t recall any of the things they are claiming having happened during your tour, you are obviously a “Phony Soldier”. These Section 8’s enjoy projecting their problems and reality onto other people. Tar and Feathers might be too good for them.


Yeah, these are just children whose minds are fogged up with the mistaken notion that Hamas, al aqsa, al Qaeda, Islamic Jihad, etc., will lay down arms and walk away if only the “Palestinian” problem is solved. Most Leftists think this way about people who want to kill them.

It isn’t within them to understand or grasp the level of hatred and evil directed at them. Naturally, they’ll say: “It’s not directed at ME. It’s directed at illegal and immoral wars waged through racist……bla…bla….bla”

Soon to be dead fools, all of them.


Exactly. Personally, I would rather go out like a Soldier, facing the enemy, fighting, instead of with my head buried in the sand.

AW1 Tim

Folks tend to forget that most of the terrorists from 9/11 had college degrees. Britain just convicted the airport car-bomb terrorist who also happened to be a medical doctor. The terrorists are NOT recruiting from the refugee camps, they are NOT using the poor and downtrodden, except for a few scattered idiots who get drugged up and sent to drive car bombs. The overwhelming majority of the rank and file in AQ are college graduates and professional types. They take up arms NOT to avenge American Imperialism, or whatever they want to blame that day, but to help try and bring about a Global Caliphate. Islamic terrorists have one goal, and one goal only: Rule the world under Sharia Law. Plain, simple, and straightforward. Everything else you read is simply a red herring, a puff of political grievance smoke to cloud your eyes while they press on. These folks allow you one of three choices: Convert to Islam, Pay the Jezya and live as a second class citizen under Sharia, or die. That’s it, no other options. The Islamists will only negotiate when they need to buy time or to gain some sort of advantage. They will not stop, they will not barter in good faith, and they have no concept of what we consider the laws of warfare. Islam, more especially the strain known as Wahabism, as practiced by these terrorists, is a cancer upon civilization. It seeks to devour and destroy all that is NOT Islam and replace it with a nightmare from the 7th century. We need to actively treat this cancer, for if it is left alone, it will act as any other disease and eventually destroy the host. Humanity has struggled hard to reach the level we have today. Only an imbecile would consider returning to the Dark Ages, where religion rules in place of law, and men live in fear of the slightest transgression. Anyway, that’s my feelings on the subject. Those idiots on the left, especially the winter soldiers, are in this up to their eyeballs whether they care to admit it or… Read more »


THey use true believers in an effort to bring about the return of the Califed, a GLOBAL Islamic state under their own brand of Wahabism. Personally, I am nobody’s slave, so I would rather fight than talk about my feelings being hurt by the attacks.

Richard Romano

Let’s see, 100 IVAW vs. 150,000 Iraq War soldiers who clearly support it.

Funny how the minority tends to make the news…na, no bias here, move along.


I think its high time that things were reversed in this Country. Instead of the protesters attempting to make the troops unwelcome, lets give these rejects and assholes the post-Vietnam treatment. Make them truly feel like the scum they are and feel unwanted. Lets see if we can get a majority of the country behind this.


AW1 Tim posted:

They take up arms NOT to avenge American Imperialism, or whatever they want to blame that day, but to help try and bring about a Global Caliphate.

Islamic terrorists have one goal, and one goal only: Rule the world under Sharia Law. Plain, simple, and straightforward.

Yeah, that’s the way I see this too. WTF, it’s been like this since the 6th century, don’t these morons study history?

Merry Christmas to all of my friends at “This Ain’t Hell”!


I couldn’t agree more, gentlemen. We either stand and fight with the other infidels, or we will lose.

On that note, Merry Christmas kids!


I like the idea of standing and fighting. It is not the cowards way out.

AW1 Tim


This coming year, you can throw yourself into the effort to stop the spread of Wahabism. Look it up on the web. Read about it. Then act. It doesn’t need to be violence. Write letters to your newspapers. Speak out whenever CAIR tries to portray themselves as moderates, or Islam as the religion of peace. Islam does NOT translate as “Peace” Islam literally means “submission”. Make certain that your pastors and layworkers understand this.

Send pamphlets and letters to your local schools, whether elementary, middle school, or higher up. Demand to be given equal time to rebut those who come to speak of Islam. If you aren’t given equal time, make certain that the school board hears about it, that other parents, and the media get word of the one-sided presentation. Nothing makes a principle sweat bullets like you telling them that if you don’t get to speak, that you’ll be holding a press conference about the situation just off of school property. 🙂

Make up a name and email account and join VVAW, IVAW, and any other similar group near you. Get on their mailing list(s). Attend their meetings. Take notes and record everything. Pass the word along so that others can know what’s going on and be prepared to counter-protect, to fight them as they fight.

Above all, never give up. You don’t have to fight them all, or keep struggling every day. Each man should do what he can, when and where he can. Every little bit helps. Every single word of truth is another brick in the wall to seal out their lies, another nail in the coffin that their movement will be buried in.

respects to all,

SSGT Booyah

I’ve fought for 22 years and if they have any sense they will fight too. Turning a blind eye to terrorists won’t help the cause at all. I will always fight for freedom, to see that flag fly smartly, and defend this land of liberty until the day I die and no infidel will take that from me, semper fi!


I just feel the need to point out that IVAW doesn’t support this on the whole, 25 members on their own individualism happen to support it.

Personally, I don’t care. It’s not my fight. I don’t think Israel always does the right thing, but it’s not my place to tell Israel to back down if they’re doing the wrong thing, it’s the Israeli’s place to do so. What they’re doing isn’t wrong enough that I think Americans really need to get involved. But then again, we’ve already established I’m a bit of an isolationist.


It is your fight. You haven’t been reading, have you?


Isolationist tendencies do not help this planet. Look at what happened with both World Wars. Evil triumphs when good men do nothing. And personally I don’t like doing nothing. It ain’t in my nature to sit back and watch people die and not do anything about it. That is why I chose Civil Affairs as a job, I get to help people. Thats why I joined, that keeps me going. I have no political aspirations like Kokesh, I only care about making the world a safer place. That can’t always happen by talking out a countries problems. Diplomacy doesn’t always work and doesn’t solve every issue. Especially when the other side has a serious lead deficiency and we have the cure 😉


You know, I realize this was ten years ago, but I seem to recall taking some class on world religions that said muslims consider Jews and Christians as “people of the Book” and were supposed to respect them.

I think that crazy religious fanatics are crazy religious fanatics the world over. We’re not warring against Islam. Just because some crazy fanatics happen to be Muslim doesn’t make the whole religion insane.

Dave Thul

‘We’re not warring against Islam.’

But a large number of them are warring against us. And a much larger number sit around and let it happen.

Put another way-I think that crazy religious fanatics are crazy religious fanatics the world over. We’re not warring against Germany and Japan. Just because some crazy fanatics happen to be Nazis or militant samurai doesn’t make everyone in Germany and Japan insane.


Weirdly, though, when we took over both countries, we left a lot of the psychos and their belief systems in place. Hell, there are still a lot of Aryan supremacists over here.


I actually agree with AS, we are not at war with the entire religion, just a small segment who has hijacked it for their own agenda.