Saturday morning feel good stories

| February 6, 2016

In Canada, Peter Khill, a reservist veteran, shot and killed Jonathon Dwight Styres when he was caught stealing Khill’s truck at 3 AM the other morning. Khill is facing jail time for second degree murder. At the link, Canadians discuss it on a call-in radio show, which is fairly interesting.

In Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, police took Vernon Wyatt to the hospital after a homeowner ventilated him when he tried to burglarize a home and got into an altercation. The homeowner’s shotgun discharged during the fight, striking Wyatt in the back. The homeowner suffered minor injuries.

Paul sends us a link to a story that happened in Seattle, Washington, Chuck Curtis heard noises and went to check – he encountered a burglar holding garden shears, so Chuck disarmed and began pummeling the thief with the tool. The thief escaped from his dose of instant justice on a stolen girl’s bike but he was found by the police a few blocks from the scene. Chuck suffered injuries to his hands that the thief beat with his face.

In Dallas, Texas, an armed burglar broke into a home where he was met by the armed resident who left the thief DRT (dead right there).

In Houston, Texas, a criminal pulled a gun on a business owner to rob the storefront office. The owner disarmed the crook and fired parting shots at him as he jumped in his getaway vehicle. Video of the confrontation at the link.

Fred sends us an update on Kevin Mitchell Gonzales from yesterday out in Longview, Texas.. I guess he had a gun and fired it, but the homeowner took it away from him and continued to beat his sorry ass. Police also found drugs on him, so he’s looking at that charge in addition to criminal trespass and possession of an illegal weapon. And, oh, yeah, an epic ass-beating, too.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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B Woodman

Mr Gonzales’ story just keeps getting better and better. He’ll be a welcome addition to Bubba, Thor, Tiny, and Dr Julio’s harem.
I know all four of them will make Gonzales welcome with a hearty meal of a cockmeat sammich with extra man mayo.

Hack Stone

He stands a good chance of making the cover of next month’s Prison Bride Magazine. The question is will Mr. Gonzales give his brown rose to Bubba, Thor, Tiny or Dr. Julio? If he is lucky, maybe they observe a sister wives philosophy.

B Woodman

The Canadian story is why I’m a big advocate of the Four Esses: Suppress, Shoot, shovel, silence. No evidence to get you in trouble. And you end up with a wonderfully fertilized garden.


The Canadian story is why I’m a big advocate of living in Texas.


Not only can you shoot back here in Texas, it’s warm too…
I wanted to die with pink toes, so I am now a Damn Yankee !!!


There’s room here. Come on before you freeze to death! Lol.


So, Gonzales attempted an armed robbery, fired at least one shot – and still let the homeowner disarm him and beat the crap out of him? Yeah, that’s gonna get him some “cred” with his new roommates at the Gregg Co Jail.

Of course, there’s a good chance they’ll know each other already. Per the update Jonn linked, he’s apparently been there 4 times previously.

And Jonn’s not kidding about the guy getting an epic butt-kicking. Here’s the “after” photo:×920.jpg

B Woodman

That ain’t a can o’ whoop’ass. That’s a six pack. All served up in a cast iron skillet

A Proud Infidel®™

That boy looks like he’s gonna be eating through a straw for some time!! 😀


Would that be a man straw with extra mayo?

A Proud Infidel®™

He’ll get plenty of that regardless. I was referring to his having to eat pureed food through a straw from having a broken jaw!


I was also thinking he’ll get his lunch meat both orally and anally.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Looks like the bones around the eye (orbit) took a lot of abuse – wouldn’t be suprised of they were broken.

Some ENT doc is gonna have fun putting the right side of his face back together…

Roger in Republic

Whoa! His own mother would not be able to tell if he was buried face up or face down. Another ten minutes and they would have been burying him.

2/17 Air Cav

Holy Hannah. I guess the homeowner was a southpaw. Gonzalez must have been praying for the police to arrive. The story says the homeowner wasn’t hurt. Yeah, I want to see his knuckles.


Oof. No shit that’s a serious beat down. That ones going to leave a mark…


I still haven’t heard a story about a 911 caller claiming he’s watching a fella scattering, screws, turning over trash cans around his house and suspicious looking coconut planted near his mailbox.

The first responder showed up early, mistook the caller as a bad guy after seeing what he thought was a weapon and shot him dead.

When detectives arrived it was a box of screws in the dead guys hand, leading then to believe the victim was setting up a phony crime scene….?

L. Taylor

The Khill case may turn out to be interesting.

I am a gun owner and I lived in Texas for a while. In Texas you can, generally, use deadly force to protect personal property.

In Canada you really can’t. You can try to detain or stop them, and you can use reasonable force to accomplish that, but you cannot strike them or intentionally harm them.

So in Canada, if you are trying to confront a thief the reason you would be using a firearm is to protect yourself from the thief if he were to choose to attack you. You are confronting the thief to stop him but the firearm is not being used to stop the thief, it is being used to protect yourself. It may make the thief stop his attempt to steal you property, but that is not the legal purpose for drawing the weapon. If he were to ignore your commands to stop and continue in his theft and not attack you then I do not think the Canadian justice system would consider shooting him a reasonable or legal act.

It is only reasonable to use deadly force in Canada if you a protecting life and limb. I am not sure what happened, or what he said to the police when they police responded, but apparently his actions are currently not being regarded as having met the standard of “reasonableness”.

In the US, even in Texas, if you are in a deadly force incident it is best not to say anything at all until you talk to a lawyer. Nothing. You may be the only surviving witness and your lawyer will help to make sure any statement you make is in your best interest.