Wednesday morning feel good stories

| February 3, 2016

Bobo sends us our first story this morning from Mirage, Arizona, where a woman who was in a domestic abuse situation and ended it with a little well-placed gunfire. Police say that they’ve been to the residence several times, but they can cross that off their list. The armed boyfriend was DRT (dead right there).

In San Jacinto, California, 92-year-old World War II veteran Joe Milspa heard noises that sounded like trouble so he approached the sound with his firearm and discovered someone crawling through a broken window, so Joe fired a warning shot that lit a fire under the criminal and he withdrew faster than the Germans from the Ardennes in 1945 – he left so fast that he left his axe behind. Joe says that he still goes to the range often, so he purposely missed the guy.

In Muncie, Indiana, a convenience store clerk fought off an armed gunman with a steaming hot cup of coffee when he tossed the brew into the thief’s face.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Old Trooper

Good for Joe and I’m glad no one got hurt, except the bad guys.


A domestic abuser dead, a WWII Vet proving he’s still a badass, and a real life Fast Times at Ridgemont High reference…not a bad morning.

Old Trooper

Alright Hamilton!!

B Woodman

I call Coffee Abuse on the third story. An Art One Five for the store clerk.
Really though, quick thinking. Good for the clerk.
“Any chair in a bar fight.”


Another lawsuit in the works due to hot coffee…


Yeah, but this time it wont be up there with the case that forced the “do not wear while ironing” tags being put into cloths.